From the very beginning, Zamsha didn't feel that he could convince these people 100%, so he decided to make some other preparations, that is Guregel.

When defeating a Galatron, the opponent returned to the Star Alliance in a mimicry.

Since they are both warriors, there are naturally many topics to discuss.

While chatting, I turned to the topic of 'who is the most powerful individual in this universe'.

So they found out there was actually a connection between them and the name of the line was 'Empat'

After that, things are simple.

'Something happened to the earth. '

When Guregel heard this, his first reaction was that Zamsha was joking, what in this universe dared to threaten the earth.

Even if you get the earth, there will probably be a monster that can transfer space alone and live freely in the universe staring at your head.

But if it was a visitor from another universe, it would make sense.

It's just that the comer is not good, and the situation is very bad now.

"That's how it is."

The Baxter Stars summarized and shared the information they obtained from several Galatrons, but Guregel knew about these things a long time ago, and he came late because he had been to the scientific research department once.

"Why hesitate? Regardless of whether the Interstellar Alliance can be re-established because of Ultraman, isn't the basic rule for the establishment of the Interstellar Alliance to protect civilizations that have not been independent from all threats in the universe?"

The universe is vast and full of unknown threats. To explore the origin of the universe, a single civilization cannot do it.

This is the idea set at the beginning of the establishment of the Star Alliance.

Facing Guregel's questioning, one of them frowned.

"This time is different. The enemy is a completely unknown existence, and may even use technologies that are completely different from the laws of our universe. You have also seen that he destroyed an unknown number of civilizations and spanned an unknown number of universes."

This is where it gets hesitant.

"In other universes, there are also civilizations that can travel between stars like us and start to explore the truth of the universe. Those civilizations may not be better than us—"

"I don't care how many civilizations it has destroyed, nor how many universes it has waged wars in."

The words were interrupted, Guregel's body was filled with a certain kind of aura, not the vindictiveness that arose from encountering a powerful enemy, but the murderous aura after surviving and taking lives from the battlefield.

"At least it hasn't fought us, let alone us who are united."

Let's not forget what the nature of the Star League is.

"We are the carrier of a large number of civilizations. We cooperate with each other and have different technologies. We once fought together and overthrew the rule of the empire. I can say with certainty that what gathers here is the cutting-edge civilization in the universe."

Hundreds of civilizations united against the darkness of the universe.

"Gilbaris has destroyed countless civilizations, so what? If you want to destroy us, you must come here with the determination to destroy a universe."

Should it be said that he is a man admired by everyone and who has done many plays?

Guregel's words eliminated the controversy among the crowd, and there was even a feeling of excitement.

"Then, start voting now."

Noticing the silence, Baxter stood up and brought his attention back with words.

"Proposal: Send troops to Earth in the solar system to defeat Gilbaris."

With this sentence, there are more options ahead of all representatives.

Agree, or disagree.

The entire meeting room was silent, and at the end of the time, the voting showed the results.

'very good. '

Three-quarters in favor and one-quarter against.

Baxter is very satisfied with this result.

The threat of Gilbaris will not be eliminated just because they don't know it. Instead of guarding against it, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

For a long time, Ultraman has really done a lot of things for this universe.


The representative of the Baxter Stars didn't know if Empat still remembered the people he saved. At least on the battlefield that attacked the remnants of the empire, he seemed to see a god descending from the sky.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The news of a new war immediately swept through the streets and alleys, and swept across planets in different galaxies.

The battlefield is the solar system, the planet where the 'Ultimate Man' was born.

This time, it wasn't the giant who defeated the Imperial Stars and brought dawn to the universe.

Instead, they go to support, to help each other.

Surprisingly, people don't have too many objections to this matter.

Because, someone knows.

"When the remnants of the empire planned to counterattack, didn't Empat appear and help us?"

That's what the military say.

"I saw it at the time. The giant against the light knocked down the vicious monster and guarded the fragile spaceship. Where do you say I am? I am in that spaceship."

This is what the crew of the spacecraft said.

"If Empat wasn't there, we should have been torn apart by monsters on that slave planet."

This is a survivor under the rule of the remnants of the empire.

"Are you?"

"you too?"

"What a coincidence."

"Me too."

When the words are spoken, when all the events are linked together, it will be found that it is a series of chains.

It is impossible to protect everyone by relying on the strength of one person. No matter how hard you try, there are things that cannot be done, and lives that cannot be saved.

You must first understand that you cannot save everyone, otherwise you will not be able to save even one person.

In the process of wanting to protect and trying to protect, there are people and things that cannot be protected.

Even so, the giant was still moving.

He can always be seen in different galaxies, he is like a machine that will not get tired, doing the same things mechanically.

It wasn't until this day that he realized that he was not a machine.

It's just an existence that is constantly working hard and needs help from others when encountering things that cannot be done.

"It went much smoother than I expected."

In the capital of the Star Alliance, everything is running against time.

Watching the non-stop transportation of supplies and the emptying of the air line, Zamxia realized just how big the face of 'Empat' really is at this time.

"I hear from you every now and then, do you want to know how many people have been rescued because of your actions?"

Regarding the existence of Ultraman, Yuka, or the attitude of the Star Alliance is ambiguous.

For the existence of the unknown, people will be suspicious, fearful, and guarded.

The existence of the monster that can defeat the imperial star is an even more terrifying monster.

However, he is different. Yesterday, he was guarding human beings, which can only be said to be weak at present. Today, he shot down monsters in the atmosphere of a certain planet. Tomorrow, he is on a certain frozen planet. Rescue researchers or travelers whose spacecraft has fallen.

The so-called hearing news every now and then is not an exaggeration.

The composition of the Interstellar Alliance is complex. There are young civilizations that have just come into contact with inter-galaxy voyages, and there are vigorous civilizations that have already established new homes in different galaxies.

For young civilizations, there are some invincible monsters in the universe. If they appear on the planet, how much damage will they cause?

It was Empat who became the barrier.

"How many?"

Zamxia never thought about this, because he was different from Nangong. Part of the reason for running with Nangong was that he could see powerful existences.

"250 six planets, 48 ​​civilizations, do you want to calculate the specific numbers?"

"Uh... no.

Hearing Yuka's words, Zamxia realized how much he could run around in ten years with almost no rest.

"What you have done in the past will constitute your present, and the present is the past for the future, and everything in the past is intertwined into the future. If Empat is not such a person, we will applaud instead, because he is stronger than the Imperial Stars existence disappeared."

At least there is nothing on the surface that can overthrow the Star Alliance.

"But it's different now."

Yuka raised his head, the huge hatch of the battleship opened, and the transport ship in the air rose to send various supplies in.

"We don't want to lose Empat."


After a moment of silence, Zamsha spoke:

"Why do I get the feeling that you guys just want a bad guy who works for you for free?"

The great atmosphere was directly destroyed by one sentence.

Yuka shook her head helplessly. If this was the training ground, she would probably hit the student with her scabbard.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

Zamsha smiled, then his expression became serious again.

'No matter how fast it is, it will take time to gather troops, Nangong, don't die before we arrive. '

This is what he has always worried about. In a normal way of thinking, people who put other people's lives above their own are dangerous.

Because he didn't know that he might really disappear someday, Zamxia didn't want to go to the stone statue to mourn his friend one day.

The assembly of troops is proceeding in an orderly manner, and what is to be discussed now is a 'surprise attack'

The so-called surprise attack is to keep the enemy from knowing, attack suddenly, and catch the enemy by surprise.

However, in the face of a civilization that travels across the universe, the Star Alliance does not think that the other party will be unaware of long-distance space transmission.

It may have been discovered first before it arrived.

"How about the transformation of Terranoid?"

The Baxter star connected to the communication and asked about the situation of the research department.

"It's progressing steadily, it's unbelievable, we are now injecting an electronic virus into a living body, I think Ultraman's life form has greatly surpassed our imagination, if—"

"Okay, wait, we can talk about these things later, I contacted you to ask you to add a specific virus."

The Baxters are going to make Tyranoid a real bomb, an ace.

If Galatron was transformed from data into an entity, then after being contaminated, the strength of Gilbaris would be greatly reduced.

The two were communicating, and Masaki inside the equipment was also experiencing a unique feeling.

The virus mixed in his body did not cause discomfort. Since the Star Alliance decided to send troops, he is the key.

Information, sabotage, all rely on him.

170 Chapter Six of the Beasts of War

Almost integrated with the surrounding data flow, Terranoyd hides his posture, and goes to the enemy's interior along with the data returned by Galatron.

It was different from what he expected. After digitizing, he put on a "skin" on his body again.

This layer of skin is the data flow of Galatron.

Combining the information obtained by the Baltan civilization and the Mephilas civilization, one can easily draw a conclusion.

The earth is missing, presumably eaten by Gilbaris.

If you want the opponent to spit out the earth, you must go inside to find a way.

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