No matter how much you are in the northern region, there will be no snow falling from the sky at this point in time.

"It's a pity we didn't come last year... I don't know if we can apply for holidays this Christmas."

Beside Asuka is Ryo who came to this city with him.

The other party's exclamation made him feel a little puzzled. It's okay to say Christmas, why come to Sapporo for Christmas?

"Is there anything special here?"

Asuka asked curiously, and Ryo's eyes widened when he heard this question.

"You don't know?"

"Uh... what should I know?"

"I really don't know anything..."

Liang was silent for a while, and felt that it would be better to start from the beginning.

She didn't tease the other party's ignorance, because Asuka once said that he grew up in an orphanage.

So it's normal not to know, and it's impossible for an orphanage with limited funds to do any travel, and it's unnecessary if there is no spare money.

"It's well known...not true."

Ryo scratched his hair.

"In short, ten years ago, such an incident happened in Sapporo."


Asuka nodded with her arms around her shoulders, looking like a good boy listening to a story.

"On the night of December 12th, which is the Christmas Eve of a certain year, the children in the city seemed to be possessed. They walked out of their homes in the middle of the night, ignoring the cold and snow. They were summoned by something. "

That happened in 2007. It was not a strange story, but a real event that happened in this city.

"The heavy snow is flying, the body is frostbitten, and the body temperature is gradually passing away. What caused this situation is the monster that appeared in this city. It seems to want to do hateful things to the children, and things are just as it expected. That goes smoothly...the premise is that there is no such giant."

Liang changed the topic and attracted Asuka's full attention.

"Under the fierce appearance hides a gentle heart. Everyone knows that Santa Claus does not exist. Adults play the role of Santa Claus for the children. That night, the person who served as Santa Claus was the existence named Empat."

She raised the corner of her mouth.

"Flying snow became no longer cold, and the warm light particles falling like snow formed a dazzling scene. The monster that was about to attack the children was defeated, and the injuries suffered by the children were miraculously healed. That night was so strange."

This is what happened in Sapporo on Christmas Eve, December 2007, 12.

Think about it, how many parents would have lost their children if Empat hadn't shown up?

He may not be a god, but he must be an existence worthy of gratitude and respect.

"This is why Christmas Eve and Christmas events in Sapporo are so special. Although they are under the banner of Christmas, in winter, there are always activities related to Empat all over the streets and alleys."

Ryo's words made Asuka scratch her cheek.

"But it's been ten years."

This is ten years!

"It's because ten years have passed that it's so popular. This city has special feelings for Empat. Guess why?"

Liang stretched out his hand, pointing to the scene that the other party hadn't noticed before.

Floating high there is a five-short figure with a Q version of Empat's big balloon, and the slightly raised corner of his mouth makes him look very happy.

"The children who almost had an accident at the time have grown up after ten years. They still remember the scene at that time. For the parents of the children, this is a matter of great significance. Speaking of it, you Didn’t you watch TV news before?”

I remember that during that period, Sapporo often received a lot of attention.

In addition, Kumamoto is also, because Empat always appears in that city.

Then there are different cities in different countries around the world. Basically, as long as Ultraman appears, there will always be some special activities.

"So it would be great if I could apply for a vacation this year. When I came here to participate in the Ice and Snow Festival three years ago, I saw a 25-meter-high Empat snow sculpture. Took a lot of time to carve a 53m Empat ice sculpture...flying bird?"

As he talked, Liang raised his eyebrows without getting any response at all.

"Asuka, are you listening to me?"

There was still no response to the inquiry, and Asuka's gaze was fixed on the direction Mae Ryo pointed.

The original him was indeed looking at that cute looking balloon.

However, soon, he noticed an unusual scene.

On the right side of the balloon, that is, the roof of the building and the inside of the guardrail, someone is leaning against it.

There seems to be something wrong with the other party's actions... No!It is indeed wrong!

"Not good!"

"Wait?! Asuka! Where are you going!"

In the first second, the bird rushed out quickly.

In the second second, Liang immediately followed.

But when the fifth second passed, Liang was shocked to find that she couldn't keep up with the exaggeratedly fast figure in front of her.

'what happened? '

When did this kid run so fast?

In front, flying birds dodged the crowd and walked through the gap.

Sometimes he looks forward, and sometimes he looks obliquely upward.

'damn it! '

Turning, rushing in, Asuka turned into the alley between the buildings.

Where he was originally looking, the guardrail had already been stepped over.

The woman's eyes are looking down, the crowd is not paying attention to her, and will not pay attention to her.

No one would be idle and walking with their heads up, so naturally they couldn't notice her.

She didn't come here to attract anyone's attention, so naturally she couldn't attract attention.

The thing to do is very simple, as long as one action is enough.

Women take a step forward, step out, and step into the air.

One step into the air means falling from a height of tens of meters.

There was a whistling wind in the ears, making it impossible to hear other sounds.

She didn't actually hear any other voices, she just felt a unique touch.

Before the woman could react, someone picked her upside down.

The original sense of weightlessness and the feeling of wind blowing during the fall all disappeared, and she suddenly opened her eyes, standing there... no, it should be said to be floating.

No one noticed what happened here, except the two people present.

A pair of strange white eyes were reflected in the female's eyes.

Unbelievably, the touch from the skin that had not suffered much damage from the monster's heavy blow was neither hard nor cold.

There is a warm feeling to be so close.


The woman who subconsciously said the name got a slight nod, and before she could react, the two left from this position.

Rising, moving, falling, Dyna brought the opponent back to the uninhabited rooftop.

After he put her down, he didn't leave immediately like defeating a monster.

Because, if you can save it once, you can't save it the second time.

If you have the courage to jump off the roof the first time, you will have the courage to jump off the second time.

As he is looking at women, women are looking at him.

A few seconds later, the woman heard a young voice, which seemed to be in her ears, in her head, and in her heart.

"Why do you do this? You only have one life, and you shouldn't waste it casually."

Dyna made up his mind and asked the woman.


In an instant, the woman's eyes widened.

She felt that she might be the first person who could hear Ultraman speak.


Another few seconds passed, and Dyna, who had not disappeared in front of him, proved that all this was not a dream, but happened in reality.


While saying this, the woman subconsciously stroked her abdomen, as if she was feeling something.

"I was abandoned by a man even my child, isn't it stupid?"

Is this reason stupid?

Because of love and love, will do such a thing.

Dyna... No, Asuka is not a wild man isolated from the world, he is also a person living on the earth.

So these times, I saw it more than once on the Internet and on the news.

The so-called 'love' is a beautiful feeling, but there is always an opposite side to everything.

Suicide because of emotion, murder because of emotion, when such an incident occurs in front of your eyes, can you still laugh as a bystander?

After being silent for a while, Asuka, who doesn't understand love, can only speak like this:

"In that case, shouldn't it be better to live for the children?"

His words once again made the woman shake her head.

"Children, there are no more."

As she spoke, she pulled up her sleeves.

There are scars, residues that cannot be erased even after healing.

"A month ago, because I was too injured."

The injury on the arm, the information revealed in the words, the combination of the two made Asuka instinctively clenched his fists.

"What are we going to do in the future?"

The woman looked up at the sky, but lowered herself because the sun was too harsh.

"I can't think of an answer no matter how hard I try."

Give yourself to a person, and then, that person is not the person you imagined.

What sounds simple is actually not that easy.

It's like being betrayed, no matter what, I can't let it go.

"I like him so much, love him, give him my heart, and try to be the type he likes. Why is this the result?"

Facing Dyna, the woman spoke psychologically.

She didn't know why she was so straightforward, maybe it was because she gave up on herself, or maybe it was because she grew up listening to Ultraman's stories, and she had a natural liking for Ultraman.

More importantly...probably because of the difference in attitude.

That's all my mother would say—I've said it, I've objected to it.

Seek comfort, not criticism.

What I want is a safe haven, not a complaint.

Asuka remained silent. What he was facing was not a monster or something too big.

It's just an ordinary, trivial thing that happens every day in this world.

But it's such a small matter that he can't solve it, and he can't help others to solve it.

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