"Flash bomb, how many years ago was this said? Uncle."

In order to fight back, Watanabe also complained about the opponent's rhetoric.

"You boy."


The glasses collided and the two drank together.

Just then, the music started.

Leaving Saito behind, Yanshan, who was walking up and down alone, blinked.

This song is very familiar to her, but this song is actually a product of ten years ago.

"Memories of the Blue Night"

It was sung by the singer Maya who was so popular at the time.

"It feels more and more like a gathering of uncles..."

Yan Shan said in a low voice, she didn't know why such an old tune was played here.

However, most of the people present knew it.

"I really miss it. Back then she was standing there singing."

Someone pointed to the empty stage over there, only speakers left.

"Well, but if you choose to leave during such a period, you must have important things to do."

About 7 years ago, Maya held a farewell concert, and then she never appeared in the public eye again, and I don’t know where she went.

At the beginning, she was a frequent visitor here, because she was also a fan of Ultraman.

Rather, the party itself is——

"Speaking of which, the party itself can be held because of her existence."

Sitting in her seat, Kyoko explained to Nangong who was looking around curiously.

"One day, she suddenly contacted Shili and asked if she wanted to hold a similar party. Later, people who came found that Maya was here, so the enthusiasm came up. When she left, this tradition also stayed. "

She recalled the past and asked the question:

"Do you have anything to do with her?"

You are so charming, you, even such a big man is fascinated by the fascination.

"Actually, it was just a one-sided relationship."

Of course, Nangong still remembered the young female singer, and it was because of her existence that the vampire monster was tracked down.

Probably because of... saving my life?

The reason why Maya disappeared is probably because she left the earth.

"But...the party..."

Nangong could hear the voices around him, and he could also distinguish what they were saying.

"Sorry, it's not about you."

Kyoko shrugged her shoulders. Although this party was called an 'Ultraman fan party', it had already become a gathering of friends to share recent developments.

After all, you can't repeat one thing dozens or hundreds of times. Ultraman has disappeared from the earth for ten years.

Of course, Nangong didn't have any complaints in his heart.

"That's good."

If there are all shouts of 'Ultraman is the best in the world', that is what makes him feel uncomfortable.

Watching it like this, people laughing together, sharing the joy is already very gratifying.

For example, truth.

Nangong looked at the founder of the forum, he laughed with his children and his wife.

The protected life creates new life, and it is passed down from generation to generation.

"Isn't this the deity?"

At this moment, I heard the words with ridicule.

"Is there a feeling of sneaking into the scene?"

This is another person talking.

Nangong looked in the direction of the sound, he opened his hand, and directly caught the rushing one, today it was Geddy, a small corgi.

"I didn't expect that after such a long time, you were the first one to jump over. It's really sad."

Kyoko wanted to cry, but didn't get any response.

Geddy stuck out his tongue and licked his nose.

"Well, if you're too smart, it's not fun to tease."

Immediately, she changed back to her original expression, and Kyoko perfectly demonstrated what it means to change her face.

"So let's play with him."

Ryoko turned his gaze to Nangong.

"You scold again?"

This response from Nangong made Kyoko snap her fingers quickly. It would be interesting for someone to quickly understand.

'Geddy is too smart to be funny, but Nangong can'

That is to say, Nangong is not very smart, this point is understood, as before, the reaction is very fast.

"I know the king now."

Liangzi sighed, Nangong shrugged and chatted with the people present.

Just here, listening, talking, time passing by every minute.

Saito, who originally came for 'Ultraman', feels that such trivial matters are no longer relevant.

"17 years old?"

Before her eyes, Watanabe scratched his hair.

Unlike any press conference, this time the fans are actually in front of them.

"Anyway...study hard, shall we?"

"What kind of old man are you speaking!"

Friends complained on that side.

"Then... please support the film starring me, which will be released on August [-]——"

"Go, go, stop talking about you."

"Yes, can I have an autograph?"

Saito said excitedly, and then Watanabe wanted to cover his eyes speechlessly to the man at the table.

'So the fan filter...'

I'm afraid Watanabe would think it cute if he didn't fall.

"Well, of course it's fine."

Watanabe actually has no experience with fans, after all, if he is not careful, there will be strange news.

At this point, he was still very careful. He didn't know how many reporters were hiding and staring at him, like that kind of secret agent.

On the other side of the venue, Yanshan took a free drink and drank it, since she had nothing to do anyway.

' Sounds a little different. '

What she evaluated was the singing voice from the speaker. As one of Maya's most important fans, she felt that although the voice was her own, it was different from the one on the record.

Much closer to a live recording.

'Where did it come from? '

Forget it, it was worth coming tonight to hear this.

Yanshan was immersed in the music.

There is no plan or any arrangement, everyone just does their own things.

I don't know how long time passed, people suddenly heard a voice.

"Everyone, it's time."

At this time, Shili had a bit of demeanor as a host. Everyone looked at each other and gathered to that side.

"Actually, there should be quite a few newcomers to this party today. As expected, Ultraman's return to Earth will attract many people."

Saito and Yanshan, who reunited because of the summoning, looked at each other.

Instead of letting newcomers come on stage in a boring and meaningless manner, Shili continued:

"There must be a lot of people wondering if this is Ultraman's party, why everyone is talking about their own things instead."

Many people nodded in their hearts. They came to listen to see if there was any top-secret content, not to chat here.

There is no need for them to ask questions and wait, Shili immediately gives the answer:

"Because we believe this is what Altman wants to see, we don't worship him, we appreciate him, and our hard work is the best response to him, and then... what do you want for Altman What did Man say?"

Before the newcomers could react, someone spoke first:

"Enpat, when that robot monster was raging in the city, I was pushed away by you in the car. Thanks to you, I didn't get hurt at all, thank you."

"Enpat, thanks to you taking the monster out of the city, we didn't suffer any casualties, thank you."

"Dijia, Empat, it's because you worked so hard to protect us ten years ago that we survived, and I was able to meet my wife and have my own child."

Sentence after sentence, without doing anything, just saying thank you like a fake Daikong.

But if you want to do something, how can you do it?

Ultraman, who never sees the end of the dragon, does not ask for anything in return, but only acts as a "hero" when people need it.

The time for speaking is very short, unconsciously, after a circle, only the newcomers are left who don't know what to say.

"We believe that heartfelt words and sincere gratitude will reach Ultraman's heart."

When Shili's voice fell, Nangong in the crowd turned to look at Xingzi on the right.

The other party didn't respond positively, but just shrugged.

Ten years ago, Nangong once said to Kyoko that heartfelt words and sincere feelings can be conveyed to everyone.

Now, he does.

"Then, we also have the top-secret information you want to know, that is..."

Shi Li's expression became serious.

"Ultramans are not gods. They will suffer, get hurt, and fail. Don't think that they are absolutely invincible existences. The idea that Ultramans will be fine if they exist is a big mistake!"

Those who have experienced that era must not forget that scene.

It seems that the dead Empat was sealed in the cross coffin without moving. How did he finally come back to life?

Perhaps it was the miracle of solidarity.

That's why they believe that human feelings must be transmitted to Ultraman.

As he said, living hard, caring for family and friends, and lending a helping hand to those in need, this is the best response.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sapporo, which is the administrative center of Hokkaido, is also one of Japan's tourist attractions. The winter snow festival is a very famous event.

If it is still winter, you can see all kinds of special snow scenes.

Unfortunately, when Asuka set foot on this city, it was already the end of May.

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