"Didn't our TPC's electronic network suffer a great deal of damage because of what happened to Forgas? It's perfectly normal to use the inspection as an excuse to accidentally enter the police database."


It turns out that it can still be like this!

Asuka nodded, the connection between the city system and the TPC system is something that every TPC member knows.

"Mai, you need to conduct an inspection now."

Captain Xibi gave instructions.


Mai immediately began to operate.

The people in the Super Victory Team actually don't follow the rules very much.

For example, in the case of Daigalen, in order to evacuate the staff of the underground city development plan, they used certain words to scare them into leaving voluntarily.

It is precisely because I have been in close contact with monsters that I can appreciate the preciousness of life.

Things like suicide... It's really hard for them who want to protect their lives.

This is especially true for Asuka who fights as Dyna.

"found it!"

In less than 2 minutes, Mai retrieved the case report from the police database.

"Asuka, watch the night here for me."

"Huh? I want to read the information——"

"Do you understand?"


Captain Xibi's words directly blocked Asuka back. It would be more practical to leave the analysis of the case report to the captain.

As a result, Asuka, who had been outside for a day, could only keep vigil in the command room at night.

Fortunately, he, who has already begun to integrate with Dyna, is also very physically strong, and will not be tired because of it.

Outside the base, the high moon was covered by clouds and mist.

The blowing wind took the tulle away again, revealing the bright moon that half covered the face.

This process is repeated continuously until the moonlight gradually fades and the sun rises.

The start of the day is not the rest day, and of course students have to go to school.

The alarm clock rang, and in a high-end hotel in Kumamoto City, Chancheng scratched his messy hair and picked up the phone that was still vibrating and making a fuss.

Swipe with your fingertips, and then stare at the display above.

Information, information, information, which is a browser newsfeed, an alert from a cell phone carrier, and nothing else.


'What am I thinking? '

With a self-deprecating smile, Chancheng left the bed and started a new day.

As for a student's day, of course it is class.

The first class is world history, and the teacher on the podium is watching the students.

'Always felt......'

Uniq complained about a difference in his heart. Yanshan, who usually doesn't show much expression, is really brilliant recently, and he doesn't know what happy things happened to him.

And another person...

'It shouldn't be an illusion, right? '

I always feel that Chancheng's expression today is really terrible, he looks like he hasn't slept enough, and his spirit is listless.

'no. '

Through the comparison with Yanshan, Nangong agrees with Uniform.

Did the child encounter any uncomfortable things yesterday?

'Go and ask later. '

Uniform had a decision in her heart, she didn't care much about the other party this week because of overeating, and she had to make up for it.

There is no problem now, after all, Nangong has sorted out the situation.

At the beginning, she also thought about why she couldn't use this method to directly possess the monster dog and bite the dog, but within a week, she completely understood the situation.

What if the monster possessed next time is an aquatic monster?

She was afraid that she would have to soak in the bathtub for not a week, it was too scary.

Chapter 62 There is such a person

"What's the matter? You don't seem to be energetic today."

"I'm not you, I can't run around smiling every day."

The above is the dialogue between the two, the teacher and the student.

'what. '

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Chancheng began to feel regret. She didn't want to speak so harshly, but the other party's question made her instantly recall what she saw yesterday, and she felt a sense of irritability spontaneously.

This self-proclaimed thorny remark has no effect on Uniyi, after all, she knows someone who speaks more thorny.

"That's wrong. I'm not happy every day. The last week was terrible."

What's wrong?

Terrible scale that is scary after a week of overeating.

Chancheng realized that Uniform was not provoked, she was relieved, and immediately planned to change the topic.

'A week, a week's time...'

"Did you quarrel with your lover?"

No matter what, Chancheng is just a 17-year-old girl, and her first reaction is that this is not nutritious, but a very real speculation.

However, wrong.


'Lover? '

Uniform blinked, and finally remembered that she did have such a setting.

"Although I'm not a lover, there is indeed a man who helps me from time to time and causes me some trouble from time to time."

Just when she said these words, a certain 'ghost' accompanying her turned her head and looked over.

'are you talking about me? '

'Otherwise who else could it be? '

Uniq understands, understands very well, but...

'You're the one who got me scared of scales! '

' No, isn't that what women all over the world are afraid of? '

Nangong still has a lot of understanding of this very common sense.

The conversation between the two of them was just a brief moment, and Chancheng on the other side felt a little puzzled.

Help a bunch from time to time, and cause trouble from time to time, is there really such a man in reality?

In this relationship...

"younger brother?"


"Is it wrong?"

That reaction made Chancheng feel a little embarrassed because he guessed wrong.

"Of course it's wrong, brother or something... I just can't describe him very well."

'By the way, how old are you? '

As she responded, she asked in her heart, which she was indeed quite curious about.

one thousand?Ten thousand?One hundred thousand?

Anyway, it's an alien, wouldn't it be better to make a bigger guess?

Age, when asked about this concept, Nangong had to think hard before he could recall it.

Because he basically wouldn't think of such a thing.

'30 and up, right? '

He said a number conservatively, and Unii felt a little surprised when he got the answer.

Because it is hundreds of years younger than expected.

'When is the midlife crisis? '

'Hey. '

Although it seems a bit silly to say that, Nangong didn't feel that he was getting old at all.

The mind is clear and the body is normal. Rather, does light age?

It should be, doesn't it mean that even the universe has no eternity?

Before he could think of an answer, Uniform started talking about him.

"If I really want to say it, I am actually quite irresponsible. I will leave my family and friends for a long time because of some strange persistence, but I am doing this to help someone."

Can you say that what this person did was wrong?

Those being helped will not agree.

Can you say that what this person is doing is right?

Those left behind will not agree.

"Is it the police?"

This description immediately reminded Chancheng of similar occupations, such as police, firefighters, doctors, and rescue teams. These occupations that can help others will inevitably alienate the relationship with family and friends.

Because they don't have time in every sense of the word.

"Maybe that's how it feels."

Uniyi nodded, and she said that Nangong had a strange sense of sight but couldn't express it, and now she completely understands it.

The same is true of the deceased father, who spent very little time at home as a policeman.

But every time he is at home, he will make good compensation to her and her mother.

'......Feel sorry. '

Thinking of this, Uniform apologized to Nangong for making him confused.

'for what? '

'It's not because if I die, it won't be like this. '

Nangong who returned to the earth can go to see whoever he wants to see, instead of being tied here.

'You can't say that, if you don't do that, it will become the people around you who are possessed by me. '

'Oh... that's it. '

By the way, it is indeed so.

Uniq maintained the communication with Nangong, and did not relax the chat with Chancheng.

If you want to say what is her biggest gain during this period, it must be two purposes.

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