The first thing I saw was a sketch.

"This is......"

Different postures, different looks, but all of them are the same person.

Chapter 61

'She didn't come today either. '

Stepping into the gate of the community, Chancheng recalled the events of the past week in his heart.

The teacher who always pestered her disappeared after school for a whole week, did she give up?

This feeling is quite strange, obviously at the beginning I felt that the other party was meddling in other people's business and was extremely irritable.

Now after the other party disappeared, I began to feel unhappy again.

So what the hell is going on here?

When others come to you, you put on a nasty expression, and you are not happy when others stop coming.

'Are you cheap...'

too cheap.

Chancheng herself felt that her own actions were really problematic, but what's the point of saying this now?

She can't post it like this again, can she?

'So what the hell am I doing?What do you want to do? '

While thinking, while walking into the elevator, the number of floors kept beating.

Thoughts have not made any progress.

After much deliberation, there was only one thought in the end—wait for the other person to come over again, and this time be more kind.

Yes, it is like that.

Chancheng left the elevator and stuck the key into it before walking towards the door.

In the process of twisting, she found something different.

'I should have locked the door...'

The movement speeded up unconsciously, and the moment he opened the door, he heard a voice.

The TV show seemed to be a variety show, and there was a pair of high-heeled shoes in the hallway that I only saw once in a long time, and the girl couldn't take a closer look at the thoughts in her heart.

She hurried into the house, looking for the figure of that person.

Clothes were scattered on the ground, and soon, she heard a strange sound.

It's like a * * sound, it's not painful, but it should be said to be comfortable?

Therefore, she suddenly noticed something.

Apart from women's clothes, there were also men's clothes on the ground. The sound came from the bathroom.

Chancheng turned his head instinctively, and there were also men's shoes in the entrance.


One step, two steps, she rushed out of the house without looking back.

This sudden movement stunned the people in the outer aisle. Her age was not much different from Chancheng's, but she was wearing another school's uniform.

Without even waiting for the elevator, Chancheng ran directly down the emergency stairs.

She moved in such a hurry that she didn't even notice that the door was still open.

The girl in the aisle quickly pulled the doorknob with doubts, and walked into the house.

A few seconds later, she took out her phone with a bad expression, and the door slammed shut.

With the girl's departure, the entire corridor returned to calm.

The color of the sky darkened, which symbolized the end of the day.

The lights are turned on, and the windows of every house are bright.

In a cheap rental house, it is almost impossible to find a place to stay.

Asuka stood in the center of the stack of drawing boards, while the other, Yamazaki, held the brush in his right hand.

He obviously didn't have any reference, but he was about to finish a sketch.

The women in it smile softly and are lifelike, but this is just a metaphor.

The description of the painting is "like coming to life", in other words, the painting is dead after all.

"Is she Miss Qianhe?"

Asuka asked, thoughts themselves have no substance, and if you want to turn thoughts into entities, you need a carrier.

Letters, photos, or paintings.

In this room, there are piles of thoughts.

"Well, we are childhood sweethearts. We have known each other since we were very young. She is three years older than me."

Yamazaki's eyes sparkled with the color of memory.

"That day, when she agreed to date me, I was really happy, because from before, she took care of me like a sister."

Age difference. When Yamazaki was in junior high school, Chizuru was in high school. When Yamazaki entered high school, Chizuru had already been admitted to university. He worked hard to get to the same university, but the other party was about to graduate.

"I have always wanted to be a man worthy of her, so I kept working hard to paint, hoping to become famous one day and propose marriage in a fair manner, but now those thoughts are meaningless."

The face of the painter is depressed, but the woman in the painting is smiling because she fits the expression.

"It's almost time to give up... How can I, an ordinary person, fight against that senior executive of the Saitek Group? I know it very well, but I can't let it go. Why did Qianhe die? Didn't she? People who commit suicide, we've been dating for so many years, I know that."

Yamazaki's expression became ferocious again, and he put down the brush, fearing that it would destroy the painting.

After a moment of silence, Asuka got up from the seat.

"Leave it to me."

He said seriously, and before the other party could react, he took out something that was very unfamiliar to ordinary people.

WIT, a small portable supercomputer.

"My name is Asuka Shin, a member of the Super Victory Team."

'How could I believe such a thing! '

Yamazaki wanted to say this, but before that, WIT's communication was connected, and a female voice came from it:

"Asuka, how long are you going to hang around outside! If you don't come back, the captain will throw you to clean up the Shenying!"

"Got it, I'll be right back."

The dialogue is over, can this be used as a basis?

Maybe it was just a prank.

But what flashed through Yamazaki's mind was the scene not long ago. The security guards who helped the evildoers were knocked down without any way to get close, just like the scene in the movie.

This young man named 'Asuka Shin' is definitely not an ordinary person, if he is a member of the Super Victory Team, it would make sense.

"Can I really ask you?"

Perhaps because the police's answer stung Yamazaki, he asked cautiously.

Asuka nodded heavily.

"Leave it to me!"

How could he just sit back and do nothing about such a thing? It had nothing to do with Altman, just as a person, he was angry about it and couldn't let it go.

So he made a commitment, then turned and headed for the gate, leaving the rental to hurry back to TPC's Japanese base.

Asuka had his own plan on this matter, and another person who was also involved in this matter, Arisukawa, was sitting in the office and obediently listening to the reprimand.

'I know, I know, isn't it just a few words over and over again? '

She had already heard what Fujiwara was saying.

What is 'a thing will appear differently from different angles'?

What is 'don't just believe what other people say'?

'What you see in front of your eyes may not necessarily be real' and the like.

What can I do if everything is in front of my eyes and slapped on my face?Can't we just act?

'I can't listen. '

'I can't listen...'

Kirisaki, who was watching from the side, and Fujiwara, who was preaching, the two of them knew that she and Ben didn't listen just by seeing Arisukawa's reaction.

At this moment, someone came in with someone.

"Fujiwara, someone came to you and said that he wanted to tell you about Qianzuru."

For a moment, the three eyes focused on the person who was brought in.

The other party was wearing a formal attire for work and had a briefcase in his hand.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The TPC Far East base is built in the mountains, and it blends perfectly with the surrounding environment at night.

As a site that operates 24 hours a day, shift changes are nothing more than a matter of course.

Of course, there was someone staying behind in the command room of the Super Victory Team, but tonight, it seemed a little lively.



The former sentence is a refusal, and the latter sentence is a question.

Asuka told Captain Xibi what happened today, hoping that something can be done here, and then he got a firm rejection.

"The police are the police, and the Super Victory Team is the Super Victory Team. We can only do things within the scope of our responsibilities, not to interfere. And what era do you think it is now? I really think this kind of murder case will be closed hastily. , or even say that you can settle things with money?"

Captain Xibi's expression was very serious.

"And why do you believe other people's words so bluntly? You must know that there is a difference between truth and falsehood in such things as language."

"I've seen it with my own eyes—"

"Don't just believe what you see!"


Asuka wanted to say something, but swallowed it back, he believed in what he saw with his own eyes, and accumulated thoughts.

After a while of silence, he spoke again:

"Then what if there is really something strange about it? Don't we all know that there is such a thing but do nothing?"

"Are you stupid? Of course do something."

"So...huh? What did you just say?"

Asuka, who still wanted to continue trying to persuade the captain, was stunned. What did the captain say just now?

"I said of course I'll do something."

Captain Xibi's answer was very firm. How could he pretend that he didn't see it? Now that he knew it and noticed the doubts, of course he should do something.

"But we can't adjust any database like you said. We at TPC do this as if we don't trust the police. Organizations are a big thing, but they are actually small. It's the same as getting along with people, directly To question the other party will definitely be dissatisfied."


"You boy..."

Asuka answered so quickly, Captain Xibi instantly understood that the other party didn't even think about it, and just wanted an answer.

Fortunately, this stunned guy is not the captain, otherwise he might kill all the team members under him.

Captain Xibi shook his head, thinking it would be better not to play the piano with Niu, and directly stated his plan:

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