This step ushers in the attack.

Dyna's hands formed a cross in front of him, a light blue needle-like light was released, and Spesium crossed the distance and hit the enemy's head directly.

Particles of the same color as the attack were continuously sputtering, and EX Tyrant raised the meteor hammer.

It flicked forward, and the chain placed on the front of the hammer immediately popped out, and the weapon with the tip like a ship's anchor brushed past Dyna who had given up attacking.

This spike is like a poisonous snake, quickly turning to pursue it.

Dyna swung his left arm horizontally, deflecting the attack.

Immediately afterwards, he dodged the sweeping scythe with a side roll.

With his eyes fixed on Dyna, EX Tyrant slowly pursued.

Just like an angry giant elephant, it raised its front legs high, and then pressed them down with all its weight.

The ground, which could not bear the force, cracked in an instant, and Dai Na, who had completed the dodge, had no time to pursue. EX Tyrant quickly stepped forward, aiming at the enemies on the ground and stepping on them continuously.

Dyna, who kept rolling, did not know how many times he formed a cross with his hands again, using his flying ability close to the ground.

The bright light, the receding giant, like the light's recoil bounced off the releaser.

This attack hit EX Tyrant's face again, but even so, it still had no effect.

While the water splash continued, the red feathers began to fall.


Dyna jumped back immediately, widening enough to react.

The fluttering feathers shot out in the air in his movements, and his swinging body kept brushing against the attacks.

Seizing this opportunity, EX Tyrant opened his mouth, and what he expelled was scorching flames.

It is no longer the gentle heat of melting glaciers. When the flame touches the ground, let alone bear it, the exaggerated temperature directly vaporizes the earth.

Taking the position where EX Tyrant stood as the dividing line, a large area of ​​the Antarctic Continent, which was not much left, disappeared directly.

Thousands of square kilometers no longer exist, only the rising flames are expanding. Compared with this attack range, even the monsters and giants present are just a small black spot.

Staring ahead, the EX Tyrant thought it must have hit its prey, since it no longer felt presence.

The moment my heart relaxed slightly, that existence appeared again.

In the rear, at an oblique upper corner, in the fluctuation of space, Dyna with the timer flashing was floating in mid-air.

His hands were symmetrically opened to form an S shape, and the white light gathered into the timer from the surroundings.

The charged Solgered Ray, which once crushed Fergas with a single blow, was ready to attack. Dyna and EX Tyrant faced each other, and there was a thing separating them in the middle.

It was a cylinder floating in the air and spinning.

The next moment, a deep blue light shot out and crashed into the center of the cylinder.

"it is good."

Completely different from normal researchers, Masaki, who was driving a multi-purpose airship, stared at the data fed back.

The light particle converter, based on this, investigates the characteristics of light particles, and then develops equipment that can be used by 'Ultraman'.

That is the Light Particle Amplifier. Although the plan to use it and the new Magus power system to awaken Terra Noyd failed, it succeeded this time.

In other words, this is its own usage.

The gorgeous Solget light turned into rivers from the flowing water, and pieces of starlight fell down.

Dyna stepped up again. The previous fight was to find an opportunity, and the attack of Spatium's light was only to create an illusion.

Just as he thought, EX Tyrant didn't dodge, it opened the mouth of Belmonstein in its abdomen.

'For an attack of this level, just absorb it. '

It acted with such thoughts, and the light particle amplification device in the air overflowed with brilliance, and its surface could not bear this force and began to crack and disintegrate.

The suction force of EX Tyrant's abdomen pulls the Solgate light, and when the luminous light begins to shrink and is about to pour into its mouth, the attack has already hit.

The absorption speed was faster than that of Bemonstein's mouth, and the dark blue light hit it first.

After a few seconds, the brilliance disappeared.

EX Tyrant's body was broken into two pieces, piercing through his body, and even a huge hole appeared in the continent below.

'Did you make it? '

Dyna fell from the air, and the moment his feet touched the ground, the sound of the explosion of compressed gas and the sound of pulling the chain came to his ears at the same time.


He lowered his body, turned his head away, and there was a golden line on his face.

The fast-rotating chain was wound several times and then tightened suddenly, tightly locking Dyna's neck.

At the end of the chain, there is EX Tyrant with his hand outstretched.

'This guy actually--'

Instead of red blood gushing out of the two-parted body, gray juice gushed out.

The sap is in contact with each other and gradually changes from liquid to solid.

The exaggerated vitality is fully displayed at this moment.

"Did you feel like you won just now?"

EX Tyrant laughed at the opponent's useless effort, which was indeed a powerful blow, but so what?

The two parts of the body were reconnected, the mouth of its abdomen opened, and a biting cold air gushed out from inside.

Ice crystals condensed on the ground, pointing to Dyna who kept trying to break free.

"Fire! Can't wait any longer!"

Above the sky, inside the Kulakhu, Staff Gondo issued an order, and the situation on the field was completely clear. Dyna had no way to defeat this monster.

And the vitality of this monster is so strong that it is incomprehensible. Does it really have the necessary body tissues to maintain survival?

Only the Kulakhu can completely vaporize the opponent.

"But Dyna's still there—"

The words of the soldiers are resistance. For the members of the TPC, or in other words, for the human beings, Ultraman has a special meaning.

Can't you see that red light that was blinking in the first place?

Ultraman is fighting desperately, is it possible that they will use Ultraman as a sacrifice in order to defeat the monster?

Before Staff Gondo could persuade the other party or give an order, he heard another soldier say information that could not be ignored:

"The high-energy response is approaching extremely quickly! It will arrive at the Antarctic continent in three seconds!"


Three seconds is just a time to process this information in the brain.

The earth was lifted, and the monster that suddenly appeared immediately attracted the attention of Dyna and EX Tyrant.

There are red stripes on its huge body, and the two sides are reflected in the red-gold eyes.

The moment he saw this existence, Dyna understood.

No matter how the body shape changes, those eyes remain the same.

Bogaru, or the Bogarumons that evolved after devouring enough energy.

Compared with other monsters, it was closer to human form, and even its slender body became bloated, its claws were even bigger, and its mouth-like wings became thick fleshy wings symmetrically divided on its back.

The monster that devoured Empat and the monster that defeated Dyna, two terrifying existences gathered on this cold and windy continent, and the only Dyna timer that fought against them here was beating violently.

The terrible situation has almost declared a dead end. The next moment, Bogarummons swung his claws at the same time, and the purple light bullet released hit the chain, releasing the bound Dyna, and smashed the EX Tai There was an explosion on Rand's body.

Bogarummons released a golden electric current from the sharp horn above his head, ignored Dyna, and rushed towards EX Tyrant while chasing him.

This blow was bounced off by the huge sickle, and in an instant, two terrifying monsters of almost the same size collided together, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

Chapter 57: Big Monster Fighting

How much time has passed in the dark deep sea?

In a world where the sun can't shine, the tightly closed mouth still doesn't move.

Suddenly, the Bogaru moved because its patience had finally paid off.

The pure prey in the mouth began to gradually dissolve, turning into the purest energy.

Just at the beginning, the difference in level has already been noticed.

This taste is so unique, if the 'Cosmic Guard' you have seen before is an ordinary stream, this one is a river, even mixed with easy-to-drink sweetness.

Whether it's taste or the body itself has a unique feeling, Bogaru's body is slightly bent, and it is ready.

As the pure and strong energy was digested, a crack appeared on its back.

The skin split from the center, and two huge flesh wings emerged from the shell.

Surrounding the seawater are bubbles produced by the high temperature. In this blur, something is carried away by the current.

The old skin that had completely lost its vitality was shattered and scattered with a single touch, and the huge and bloated body was slightly reddish, which was a symbol of abundant energy.


The cries of joy echoed across the ocean floor, but there was no audience to listen.

Creatures that sensed the danger had already fled far away, unwilling to get close to this monster exuding a predatory aura.

Evolved from Bogaru to Bogarummons, it just realized something was wrong when it had just taken a step.

Slow, sluggish, as if the body had become someone else's property.

Before it could react, the brain felt as if it had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

There seemed to be a fierce roar in the ears, and the next moment, consciousness mixed with consciousness and was completely torn apart.


Bogarummons lowered his head, and it stared at the self at this time, which was a huge difference from the past self, the body of a monster.

'It worked. '

It is no longer Bogaru who controls the body, thinks and controls it.

After digesting, absorbing and gaining energy to satisfy appetite and strengthen oneself at the same time, this is Bogaru's approach.

'Strengthen oneself' - this performance is very similar.

Giants of light are essentially energy, even energy that is beneficial to living things. When they possess living things, they will also have a certain impact on the living things themselves.

In other words, Empat was absorbed on purpose.

He had thought about how to get through the current crisis when he was supporting.

I don't have much remaining energy, and I will only get bad results if I force myself to fight.

Then, Empat remembered one thing, and that was the relationship between him and Uniq.

If he wanted to, he could seize control of the body at any time, and even directly crush and absorb the opponent's consciousness and soul.

Therefore, he took a gamble and possessed Bogaru in the way of a giant of light possessing a creature.

Forcibly taking the body and destroying the opponent's soul... To be honest, even Empat himself felt that this approach was really the evil way of evil.

But, so what?

A pair of fleshy wings adjusted in the rear, and Empat controlled the advance of the newly acquired body.

Now he is not Ultraman, but Bogarums.

There is also a huge change in the way of perception, except for the basic energy wavelength, there is also a wonderful "taste"

In terms of analogy, Dyna feels like a small dessert, delicious but not satisfying hunger.

The other monster is an exciting feast, which may not be finished to be honest.

A strange feeling was brewing in his brain, a desire called 'hunger' that he had hardly felt since he became an Ultraman.

'Isn't it enough to eat? '

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