After Dagu finished these words, the two people who met in this quiet city fell silent and fell into thinking.

'No it doesn't matter if I die. '

Asuka thought silently in his heart.

It was a mistake to start fighting with the idea that 'sacrifice doesn't matter'.

It should be 'No matter what, I will fight to the end with all my strength'

Fighting non-stop with the idea of ​​'surviving'.

"Is that why you turned me down, Dyna?"

Asuka stared at the flashing sword, the growing impatience in his heart that had become uncontrollable had gradually calmed down.

After a few seconds, he raised his head, and immediately noticed something unusual.

"Mr. Dagu, your body——"

It's not such an exaggerated picture, it's just like a mirage, slowly disappearing.

The original color became blurred, and Dagu also noticed this, with a wry smile on his face.

"While I still want to do some more things, it seems like the time has come."

This is not the first time. After being sucked into the chaotic time and space, he first arrived on another earth, where the Ultraman named 'X' was also active, and the second time was in a very distant ancient era.

It's a mess, and I don't know how many times it will take to return to my own world.

"Come on, Ultraman Dyna."

With only time to leave this last sentence, Dagu's figure completely disappeared.

At the same time, the mist vortex and golden lightning that were thought to be accompanied by the appearance of Kiakta also completely disappeared, leaving only the bird holding the flashing sword.

Just then, the sound of footsteps came.

"Who...were you talking to just now?"

Zheng Mu frowned, he could vaguely hear the voice, but it was only to the extent that he recognized 'someone was chatting'.

Tokyo's power system has completely collapsed again. Without light, we can't see anything. Humans are not nocturnal creatures.

Faced with this question, Asuka put away the flashing sword.

"Meet...a very gentle person."

The young man in the red and white uniform flashed in his mind, Dijia, Dagu, and Asuka didn't intend to say anything about it.

That person is Di Jia from the Victory Team, and he must not want others to know his identity.

Masaki, who couldn't get an answer, frowned, and he decided to talk about it after the matter was over, and what is more important now is another matter.

"Can't you transform?"

What's going on this time?

Is there a problem with the mentality like Empat at the beginning?

"I think it should be fine now."


Asuka's ambiguous answer did not satisfy Masaki, but he took a step forward without waiting for Masaki to say anything.

"Compared with this kind of thing, why don't you tell me what I should do first? That monster is so strong that I think it's much stronger than the white machine before. How can I defeat him?"

How to defeat EX Tyrant is indeed the top priority at the moment.

Masaki nodded and began to tell his plan.

In the past ten years, what he has done is not only the study of giant stone statues, but the light particle conversion device has been thoroughly understood, so he can create some "interesting things" that only Ultraman can maximize

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The flow of time is constant, yet subjectively it is not.

If you concentrate too much, the speed will feel faster in one breath.

The TPC's earth combat power has completed the assembly. Since the incident in Gatanjae, the TPC, which has successfully taken over the hawks, has vigorously developed its military force. The cutting-edge fighters equipped with the Victory Condor around the world are now gathered together, and they do not intend to get close to the battle. .

α, β, γ, after the combination of the three machines is the complete body, after the power furnace is linked, the new Mags system is fully operational, fully mobilizing the energy to a weapon.

Relying on the driver's vision, the enemy cannot be seen.

The computer relies on the coordinates given by the monitoring satellite to complete the calculation and make shooting corrections.

Nothing to see, but the drivers had pulled the trigger and were just waiting for an order.

"All troops, fire!"

The trigger was pulled, and at that moment, invisible hot air floated out. In the southernmost part of the world, the exaggerated low temperature contrasted with the ultra-high temperature generated by the beam.

The blue light gathered at the forefront of the Condor shows the origin of its name "Condor", and the bird pecks made of light make people feel a little trance.

When the New Mags power system reaches its limit, the tornado thunder is released.

One after another, dozens of light blue rays of light blasted out. This ray of light quickly changed color, like a passage, and the golden light flowed from the blue, attacking forward together.

It was at this moment that EX Tyrant, who had been silent all this time, opened its perfect eyes.

Chapter 56 The Convergence of the Three

One attack is enough to dazzle, and dozens of salvos almost make people unable to open their eyes.

The tornado and thunder that can kill even monsters can turn half of the city into ruins with just one blow in terms of pure lethality. What if dozens of attacks overlap?

However, TPC did not appreciate this scene that may never be seen in a lifetime. Standing on the remaining island, EX Tyrant opened his 'mouth'

The Bemonstein mouth inherited from its abdomen displayed the ability to eat most of the world's objects, and the straight shots became curved, and finally converged at one location.

The tornado and thunder crashed into the pitch-black hole precisely, turning into the purest power and being absorbed.

The sun hangs high in the sky. For EX Tyrant, the energy he is absorbing at this time doesn't have much meaning.

With the support of the sun, the terrifying life force inherited from Han Zakiran became extremely terrifying. Even if he insisted on taking the attack, it would not cause any damage to it.

But it likes the feeling of 'making the other person's efforts futile'.

The mental trauma has been alleviated, and the body is in the best condition. EX Tyrant's Bemonstein mouth has been closed again, and the tornado thunder has stopped.

'How to cook human beings? '

Are you going to destroy them yourself?

Or crush them with natural disasters?

Or more simply...

In order to vent resentment, letting monsters destroy humans is the best way.

There is no need to hide anything anymore, the order is mixed in the brainwaves, EX Tyrant wants to wake up all the monsters that still exist on this earth, let them regain the status of overlord, and take back the earth.

At the same time, the Shenying returned without success, what to do next?

The wreckage in Antarctica can't withstand much attack. Floating in the cosmic orbit directly above, the Kulakhu is ready to launch the new Magus cannon that has already been aimed at any time.

But before that, there are still people who intend to fight hard.

Falling from the sky, the shaking earth attracted everyone's attention.

The giant who was completely overwhelmed in size stood up straight, and above his golden breastplate was a colored timer that flashed red, and the ringing sound continued.

'It worked. '

Asuka felt a heavy body, which was the impact of the unhealed injury.

Even so, he still completed the transformation.

"Geronimon, do you have to destroy humans?"

The memory of the super ancient times is vivid. Asuka saw the slaughter of monsters by giants. Because of this, the original planet full of monsters became what it is today, and it will allow today's human beings to develop.

"Back then, you didn't give us a choice."

Geronimon sneered, when he had the upper hand, he killed them all, and when he was inferior, he came to seek peace?

There is nothing so simple in this world.


"Humanity must be destroyed, and I will kill them all, including their descendants!"

It has been missed once, and it will not be missed a second time.

It is precisely because of their contempt for humans that they have time to develop tools and even gain the power of giants, so that they have a strong desire.

That being the case, then kill all human beings before then, and let this planet return to its original owner.

"Do you still want to do this even if today's human beings are no longer super ancient?"

"It's all the same to me."

The dialogue between the two sides is suspended here, which is a karma from the past.

Mixed with bloody hatred, but more importantly, war between races.

Geronimon wants to regain the earth and become the overlord of the planet.

Human beings will not accept destruction willingly, so they resist with all their strength.

Right and wrong no longer matter, now only the 'battle' is left.

Even though there are no more glaciers floating in the sea, the cold wind is still blowing here.

The surging sea water hit the side of the island, soaking the pitch-black ground.

Dyna's body disappeared from the spot, and the heaviness did not disappear, but the speed did not drop much.

He swung his clenched fist along with his swaying body, and hit it precisely with all his strength.

The loud noise echoed in the empty land, and the folds on EX Tyrant's skin made Dyna feel a pain in his fist.

He clenches his fists tightly, bursts out with chain punches, chain punches, uppercuts, swing punches, straight punches, punches, all different punches are combined together, and he hits the enemy in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of breaking wind came.

Dyna immediately backed away, and the scythe was connected to the EX Tyrant with his arm and was only a short shot away.

The pain that came from clearly missing the hit was in sharp contrast to the attack that hit but had no effect.

With a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other, EX Tyrant's powerful four legs began to swing, and it didn't have any rejection of the current body.

The whole ground seemed to be shaking because of its heavy body. Facing this assault, Dyna swung his hands forward at the same time, and two blue half-moon-shaped chopping waves hit precisely.

In other words, the enemy didn't intend to evade at all.

EX Tyrant, who took the attack forcefully, swung the scythe down, and Dyna, who evaded sideways, seized the opportunity. He aimed at the enemy's thick front legs, and kicked there fiercely.

One hit, no response, so that he had to dodge.

Still the same as before, Dyna, who had not caused any damage at all, kept swinging his body to dodge the fast-swinging scythe.

One stroke, two strokes, three strokes, and the suction is felt.


Dyna couldn't stand still for a while, even the surrounding air was missing for a short time, and the swallowing Bemenstein quickly sucked the target in.

The meteor hammer held high by EX Tyrant directly smashed out like a fist, colliding with the enemy's crossed arms for defense.

Not just blunt weapons, the sharp ones above further increase the damage.

Dyna, whose defensive posture had completely collapsed, was hit flying and landed on his back, turned over and squatted on the ground after a while of scraping.

Golden light particles floated out from the previously defended position, and the arm pierced by the spikes was so painful.

The fighting seems to have no meaning at all, and the two sides are not in the same order of magnitude.

Dyna's hands intersected in front of the timer, the extracted energy converged on the right hand that was pulled back, and the light blue light turned into a rotating circular saw.

The eight-point light wheel was thrown out horizontally, and the rapidly rotating serrated knife made an extremely ear-piercing noise, rubbing against the enemy's throat.

The EX Tyrant's hard skin didn't even get hurt at all, it ignored the eight-point light wheel cut in front of its throat, and took a step forward.

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