"Well...you really dare to do it."

Floating above the sky, Tregear evaluated Empat's actions.

Do you harm the ocean for the sake of human beings?

But this time, his strength should have fallen to the bottom, this is...

This is the opportunity.

Japan, it's night.

Here, too, is night.

What Empat landed on was the coastal city of Qingdao in China, which is the country that the guhuo bird attacked.

Now that the crocodile has been absorbed into pure energy, the next one is...  


Empat turned around, unable to fight back with his tired body and spirit.

The night sky was completely blocked, and only the huge red mouth full of fangs could be seen, and the golden eyes were full of undisguised desire.

Left, right, the mouths were airtightly united, and Bogaru let out a creepy cry.

"Let me taste what you really taste like!"

Digestive juice began to secrete from the red mouth and stomach pouch, and Bogaru jumped into the scorching sea, it didn't want its big meal to be disturbed.

His figure disappeared from the night-shrouded sea.

Chapter 52

An hour has passed since the tsunami that was supposed to destroy the world stopped.

It has been an hour and a half since the awakening of monsters all over the world and the loss of TPC function.

The monsters that appeared all over the world are now gone, defeated by Dyna, and defeated by Empat, but they still have not been defeated.

Antarctica no longer has floating ice. There is only a small continent there, which is the ground blocked by the original ice.

In this land, the huge monster does not move, it just closes its eyes.

The TPC bases on Earth are out of action, this phenomenon is captured.

The moon, Mars, and the two major space bases conducted investigations of the situation immediately, took over from the outside, and monitored the operation of the satellites.

Although blurry, a certain amount of image data was still captured.

Dyna disappeared completely as if crushed.

Empat, who was swallowed by monsters and is now missing.

One is a monster that is [-]% similar to the monster that controlled natural disasters ten years ago, and the other is an existence that can be eaten by both monsters and Ultraman. Now this is the difficulty in everyone's eyes.

How to do it?

"NF-3000 Kulakhu, besides this, do we have other means to use?"

"But if you want to use that fortress..."

The cosmic mobile fortress code-named NF-3000, also known as the Kulakhu.

It is driven by a new power furnace called 'New Mags Power System', compared with the Mags Power System ten years ago, it has undergone various verifications and has been adjusted so that even weapons can driven new energy system.

In order to deal with possible cosmic invaders, the Kulakhu was created.

As the existing new mags power system machine, this mobile fortress has the strongest firepower.

The new Magus power cannon it carries is just like the nuclear warheads of the past, possessing the power to destroy human beings.

The weapons that were supposed to be used against foreign enemies are now aimed at the monsters on the earth.

What will happen after one attack?

"It was hard to avoid the worst outcome. Do you want to set off a new tsunami?"

What would happen if an artillery bombardment capable of sinking the entire continent hit the place where the South Pole used to be?

They don't know whether the monster will die or not. At least a new tsunami will be raised. Only professional workers can know how large the area will be affected and how many countries and regions will be affected.

But definitely not a small amount.

The participants in this meeting are the top executives of the TPC, the moon, Mars, no matter where they are, the communication has been contacted, Fergas is dead, and there will be no more interference.

Thus, one person spoke:

"Even if we didn't do it, the result would be the same."

TPC's hawk, Gondo's staff, spoke about the current situation.

The existence of that monster caused natural disasters. Even if the new Magus cannon does not attack now, won't it be a super tsunami after the opponent starts to act?

"Or what? Are we just sitting here, praying for Dyna, praying for Empat, praying for Tiga to come down from the sky to save mankind again?"

His words are correct. If human beings don’t protect themselves, don’t they pray for help from others?

"Everyone, now we are standing at the juncture of life and death. Losses, casualties, these things will always be just a mystery if there are no living people to calculate them. The earth is our human home, and it is the pure land that human beings must not lose at present."

If the earth is lost, human beings without living space will perish.

"That monster has shown the greatest malice to us humans, and we must fight against it for the survival of mankind."

Staff Gondo's tone was serious and serious, even the doves had to admit that what the other party said was correct.

To live is to have a future.

Doves are moderates who take the line of peace, not non-resistance who choose to surrender.

They looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally the current director of TPC, Shen Jian, made a decision.

He stood up and said:

"We will use all means to resist, and the Kulakhu is the last resort."

His words made everyone nod in agreement.

"Evacuate the residents first, share the situation with people around the world, they must be quite disturbed right now."

Knowing what to do, the projections in the teleconference quickly disappeared one after another.

On Mars, Staff Officer Gondo headed towards the command room, he wanted to contact the Kurakhu floating in the nearby space as a line of defense.


At his age and status, he should have been able to hide his emotions and anger.

But this time, he still smacked his lips irritably.

The Kulakhu, a fortress used to defend against foreign enemies and defeat the invaders, is now aiming at the earth...

This situation made Staff Gondo feel annoyed and distressed. The Hawks pursue power to protect human beings. In order to protect human beings, they must protect the earth. Now they want to bombard the earth.

'If we can master the power of Ultraman...'

The desire in his heart is even stronger than before. Ten years ago, when Tiga and Empat were active, TPC had already obtained enough detailed information.

According to common sense, based on human physics, the aftermath of the energy attack launched by Ultraman is enough to cause horrific damage to the city.

The heat of hundreds of thousands or even millions of degrees Celsius is contained to a level that does not cause any environmental damage. If humans have mastered this power, why should they be afraid of harming the earth?

Staff Officer Gondo advanced in the aisle, turned the corner, and before entering the command room, someone was already waiting for him here.

"I'm calling the device to go to Earth."

Masaki said so.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

It was pitch black and there was nothing.

But gradually, I saw the light.

'have what......'

This 'light' is not warm, but rather hot.

If anything, it's flames.

When he realized this, the darkness in front of him completely disappeared.

It was a fierce sea of ​​flames, and the ancient trees reaching to the sky made crackling sounds, and the burned trunks could no longer support the weight, and fell down with a crisp sound.

As it burns, it spreads the flames to surrounding plants.

For the size of a human being, this is a forest that is too huge, and the huge trees tens of meters were burned by the flames.

The entire sky has only two colors, one is black and the other is orange, which is in line with the scene of this forest fire.

At this moment, the earth seemed to shake.

'That is......'

What appeared in sight was a huge animal... no, not an animal.

The huge body, and the pair of sharp horns, are somewhat similar to the dinosaurs in the book, but even bigger, with a fin-like structure on its back.

Even this monster seems to have been killed by the relentless fire, trying to escape from here.

'Can you escape? '

Questions arose in the hearts of the bystanders, of course they could escape, and for the monsters, they could quickly escape from the range of the forest.

It's a pity, who doesn't want it to escape.

In the next moment, the stream of blue light from the side pierced fiercely into the monster's body like a needle.


It only had time to let out a short scream, and the destructive energy completely destroyed the internal structure.

The fallen monster disappeared in the explosion, and the bystander turned his head suddenly, and what he saw was the brilliance.

Milky white eyes, blue crystals, silver body with patterns.


Before he could react, he saw the giant combine his arms into a cross again.

The brilliance flew across the distance.

Looking back suddenly, what he saw in his eyes was another monster that was fleeing for his life was completely smashed.

The giant turned his head and nodded, and what appeared there was another giant.

One, two, three, four, five.

As the number increases, so does the efficiency, even if the flames haven't spread to that location, it doesn't matter, the lasing light kills monsters and spreads destruction.

They don't seem to care what kind of damage they will cause to this planet at all, and they don't care whether those monsters will cause harm.

Those monsters disappeared in the explosion as if they had never existed.

"stop it now!"

The cries of bystanders were not heard, and suddenly the ground shook.

The monster rushing out from the ground unexpectedly pierced the body of one of the giants with its sharp horns. The super vibration wave was released, and Gomora instantly shattered the giant.

The next moment, the supersonic light blasted another giant into the air, and the red light kept ringing.

What appeared there was Gorzan.

The rest of the giants quickly put out fighting moves, and then monsters appeared one after another, and one giant after another fell from the sky.

It was as if a war was going on, with countless lights flying.

The monsters that were blown up turned into giants that faded away, and there was no mercy in this battle.

Feathers are falling, and the monster chief is here to command.

Suddenly, I saw something different.

It wasn't light made of energy, but an object with mass smashed down, and a violent explosion raged in this long-destroyed area.

The affected monsters failed to respond immediately, and the light emitted by the giants began to straf crazily.

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