The eyes of EX Tailante are carefree, it can hear the voice.

It was the sound of hard things breaking, the sound of cracks spreading, and it couldn't wait to see the giant that had 'killed' it before turning into a light death under its attack.

Smiling triumphantly, he wants to turn the earth into his own again.

The next moment, Dyna, who was motionless like a dead body before, threw his right hand upwards.

Even the strong type who has almost completely abandoned the light skill still retains a light skill.

In addition to being able to use Galaite bombing in this form, the pinning skill of beam cutting is cast.

At this extremely close distance, at the moment when the enemy relaxed his vigilance, three blue crescents precisely hit the opponent's face, and the ear-piercing roar instantly resounded through the sky.


After the smoke and dust cleared, scorched black marks appeared on EX Tyrant's face. Its right eye was closed tightly, and the inner eyeball was completely smashed and burned. The stinging sensation made it extremely angry.

The hind limbs support the body, the forelimbs are raised high, and the restraint disappears, but Dyna no longer has any spare strength.

Asuka stared at the falling legs, feeling a little strange in his heart.

'It's so fast. '

I didn't expect to come to an end in less than two months after becoming an Ultraman. To be honest, I'm really a little...not reconciled.


With a short crisp sound, the timer on Dyna's chest was completely crushed.

The remaining power completely disappeared, its body became blurred, and finally disappeared completely.


All that remained on the frozen ground was a monster that was screaming upwards.

There is a unique wavelength in this voice, there is no need to hide it, and there is no need to be scruples. No matter what kind of enemy he faces, he will not lose. Geronimon in EX Tyrant has such confidence.

He has achieved the strongest strength.

The roar is the signal, and the brain wave is the command. The Antarctic continent is the fifth continent named by humans.

There are rich mineral resources hidden here. They are hidden at the bottom of the ice layer, and may be unearthed one day for human use.

Now, however, this has become impossible.

Orange-red flames overflowed from EX Tyrant's mouth. It took a deep breath and fully mobilized the power in its body.

There was no pity, nor any other intention.

Humans have occupied this planet for too long, and it is time to exchange the world back to its original owners.

There is no need for useless little creatures on this planet, bow your head, breathe out, and in an instant, the world has changed.

Gorzan's enhanced heat flow is not worth mentioning at all, the flames that exceed a hundred meters rise upwards, and the flames that have expanded to thousands of meters continue to spread.

The extremely cold continent has turned into a scorching hell, and there are no creatures that can live in this environment on the earth today.

This heat is not to the extent that it can cause damage to monsters, its level is only just enough to melt all the glaciers in Antarctica in a very short period of time.

That's it.

Ten seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, it was like a raging fire was ignited on this sea area, and the cold ice that had been dormant for tens of thousands of years turned into water, and the water flowed into the sea.

Ten years ago, Tyrant walked in the sea like a walking natural disaster, instinctively creating a natural disaster.

Today's EX Tyrant stands on land, but it creates natural disasters by itself.

The native species that originally lived in this ecological circle avoided the catastrophe. This is their home, but the breath of the monsters was enough to make them run away desperately. Because of this, they were not engulfed in the flames.

But they only escaped the first wave of disasters. 70% of the world's untapped freshwater resources are stored by the huge 'ice bank' in Antarctica.

However, now these resources are all poured into the undrinkable sea water, and what will the sudden huge water source make this ocean look like?

The ice layer thousands of meters high instantly turned into fresh water pouring down, and this force was poured into the ocean, and what followed was not just a stormy sea.

It is the largest super tsunami that has ever been seen by human beings, sweeping the whole world.

Starting from Antarctica, it expands to the whole world.

In the fading flames, the culprit who caused all this raised his head, and the horns on the top of his head were shining brightly.

Not enough, not enough, the ocean manipulation ability inherited from Seageras was used to add another force to the imminent tsunami.

The Antarctic native species that had just escaped from the raging flames were swept away by this terrifying force before they could do anything.

What is the power that even monsters can't match?

It's nature.

Borrowing this power, EX Tyrant started its massacre.

This situation was noticed, and the time passed was enough for TPC to rebuild the electronic network and establish a certain link.

The new field development plan is not only carried out on Mars, but also in the oceans of the earth.

Humans are multiplying fast, and it is necessary to develop new homes.

In the base that was put into the water, the equipment noticed the abnormality at the first time, and this strongest tsunami in history spread throughout all branches of TPC in a short period of time.

Escape, where can you escape?

Where are you going to escape?Is there any time to escape?

How to deal with it?

Is there any way to instantly eliminate this skyrocketing sea level?

Throw a few nuclear bombs into the sea and use ultra-high temperature to evaporate the seawater to normal levels?

What about pollution?What about ecology?

More importantly, where are the nuclear warheads?

It was already wiped out in the anti-aggression war ten years ago. The successful development of the Mags power system and the new Mags power system also made this weapon obsolete.

"Could it be that human beings can only be destroyed!"

Some people cried out in desperation, those who knew about the disaster, and ordinary people who didn't even know what happened because the TPC's electronic network was hacked.

The reaction time of each area is different. For example, the surrounding islands that are very close to the South Pole will be swallowed instantly in less than 5 minutes.

Humans, animals, plants, all terrestrial existence will be destroyed by the tsunami.

Most of the world's landmass will be devoid of living things, such a force cannot have just one tsunami, and even after the tsunami is over, the rising water level will erode the continents.

Those who can survive, only those who live in high terrain, such as plateau areas, will barely survive.

And people who happen to be traveling by plane can live for a while longer, and they will find in despair that there is no landing place below, only the surging sea water.

Either run out of fuel and crash, or give up and rush into the sea.

At this time, the passengers in the passenger plane did not know what happened, and the spores of Forgas did not spread to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

They are either sleeping or chatting, waiting for the moment when the journey arrives.


One of the passengers, who was sitting by the window, yawned.

After watching such a long movie, it's time to take a break.

The female passenger smoothed her blonde hair and looked into the camera with blue eyes, which were taken during a seven-day trip to China.

People are so welcoming, which she loves.

I heard that before she was born, when TPC was not established, people from all over the world seemed to have prejudice and hostility towards each other.

For her, who is only 23 years old, this is too far away.

'correct. '

Raising the camera, the female passenger pointed out the window, and she wanted to take a photo of [-] meters high to commemorate.

'it is good. '

Stabilize the lens and press the shutter.

Click, the red giant is reflected in it.


Putting down the camera abruptly, it stuck to the glass as if trying to knock it out of a window.

What I see in my eyes is the existence that is going away quickly.


real or fake......

People who don't know anything are puzzled by the current situation in their hearts, and the existence of knowing the situation begins to decline rapidly.

Empat felt that special energy.

If EX Tyrant did nothing but let the tsunami advance, then Empat would not even be able to perceive that this force of nature was about to destroy mankind.

But Seaglass' ability fluctuates when used, so Empat captures the current status quo.

After drawing an arc, he fell rapidly, without any time to think about the landing point.

Under his feet were the dead spores of Fergas, and in front of him was the calm sea. After ignoring these, Empat crossed his arms in front of his chest.

The power of thought in his mind began to be strengthened to the greatest extent, and the crystal on his forehead was therefore flowing with brilliance.

One hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters, and even more, until it covers the entire earth.


Ever since he became an Ultraman ten years ago, Nangong only felt pain and fatigue, but now, what he feels is nausea.

Obviously there is only light in the body, but it feels like something is about to be spit out.

Unlike the pain of general trauma, the pain of the brain continues.

What he is fighting against is the whole earth.

It was not a tsunami, but a tsunami that spread from the Antarctic to the entire earth. This force was blocked by a stronger force. Ultraman's mental power was exerted to the limit, and even exceeded the limit and began to overload.

What is entangled at this time is the power of nature, the power of Otto's mind, and... the ability of Sigaras, and the will of EX Tyrant.

Located at opposite ends of the earth, but aware of each other, EX Tyrant was angry at the existence that blocked it.

The power was exerted again, and on the Antarctic where there was no longer any ice cap, the sharp corners of Sigaras bloomed with a brilliance that cannot be seen by people.

Its will is combined with the natural tsunami to exert a power of one plus one greater than two.

A low voice mixed with pain came from Empat's mouth. He half-kneeled on the ground as if he had lost his strength, with his right hand supporting the ground.

In less than half a second, he immediately crossed his arms in front of his chest again.

Altec's mental power, which had already collapsed, was concentrated again.

What EX Tyrant occupies is the terrain, which is combined with the power of nature. If the same method is adopted, Empat will not be able to fight against the opponent.

It is easy to completely destroy something, but it is difficult to protect something intact.

Empat crossed his arms on his chest and suddenly met in front of him. Without charging, the light energy formed Spethium's rays and hit the sea water in front of him.

What will happen if the exaggerated temperature is not restrained?

seawater evaporates.

The guardian has become a destroyer, and the advancing light has been spreading, and has been spreading, evaporating the seawater, and continuously evaporating.

Ten years ago, TPC had conducted a simulated test of what would happen if Ultraman attacked the earth.

The results may not be precise, but the power they displayed could indeed turn Earth into a dead planet without any oceans.

This move was instantly noticed by EX Tyrant, and it failed to react to this rough approach immediately.

So, it also felt the pain.


The power of Otto, the ability of Siegeras, and the power of nature are mixed together, so Empat's power of Otto hit EX Tyrant's consciousness like a heavy hammer.

The roar spread from the Antarctic to the surroundings, and it was still heard even hundreds of kilometers away.

The power of Otto, the light of Spaceum, the former combs, the latter evaporates, and slowly, the tsunami that is enough to destroy the human world becomes calm.

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