Earth has a rainy season, but Mars does not.

Under the red soil and the red sky, the interior of the frontline base was the same as before, and there was no difference from usual.

It's just that compared with the environment, Staff Gondo in the base can't maintain the same mentality as usual.

'what is the problem? '

Three days have passed since the previous Sfia attack, and nothing happened during these three days.

Neither Mars nor the Earth encountered any follow-up attacks. What exactly is Sfia here for?

To test the current military power of mankind?

Or is there some deeper conspiracy?

The base was inspected in detail, inside and out, but nothing was found.

It is precisely because of this incident, as well as the previous dispute with Masaki, that the activation experiment of Terra Noyd was stopped, and it would be a waste of time to continue the activation without any new progress.

Everyone in the underground laboratory is checking the same data as usual. The mirror isolates the inside and outside, and the stone statue inside does not respond. Even if it is touched by a white line that is almost invisible, there is nothing special reaction.

Clinging, shrinking, and finally reducing to a pool of white liquid with black **-like lines.

It spreads around the outside of the statue, and then...


Masaki, who was monitoring the stone statue of Terra Noyd as usual, suddenly noticed a different part of it.

He suddenly looked up, only to see that the giant outside the mirror changed color.

On the surface of the rock, there are red lines spreading, as if the original covering rock is slowly peeling off.

"what happened!"

The stone statue moved by itself? !

He was not the only one who noticed this situation. After hearing his uncontrollable exclamation, the researchers who failed to notice the abnormality also looked in the direction he was looking.

Tyranoid, move.

Before everyone could react from this unexpected abnormal situation, everything just disappeared like a hallucination.

The red lines faded quickly, neither the eyes nor the timer lighted up, and Terra Noyd turned into the original stone statue again.


Silence spread in the laboratory, and without anyone noticing, from under the stone statue, Sfia, who was only a little left, escaped from the side of the stone statue.

It turned into an invisible line again, but its length was greatly reduced.

Sfia, who tried to erode the stone statue, received a terrible counterattack. If she left a little later, the incredible light energy inside the stone statue would completely tear it into pieces.

Sfia sneaked into the gap again, and it, which can corrode almost any existence, failed, why?

In order to find the answer, it wandered in the gaps of this base.

Knowing nothing about this, everyone in the laboratory is confirming the previous data.

Just now, what appeared in Tyranoid's body was almost the same wavelength as the other three Ultraman, but why?

There are too many unknown parts, and new unknown parts appear again. Masaki opened his sour eyes and kept thinking about the answer.

Ten years have passed, he is over [-] years old, and he is no longer young. Even so, he still has not given up on this matter.

This is a kind of obsession, he fell in love with the existence of 'Ultraman'.

Today's observations are also continuing, rewinding the viewpoint to one side of the Earth.

The pattering rain stops from time to time, now, after school time, do you want to leave?

certainly!Anyway, I can take a shower right away when I get home.

As a result, many boys ran out into the rain, their bodies dripping wet.

Unlike them, girls are more reserved, or in other words, they don't like to let the wet clothes reveal the inner scenery.

"Let's see... this one!"

In the classroom of the class, a girl took out a small puppet from her bag. That shape, that color, was a giant named Dyna.

As a puppet, the corners of its mouth are slightly raised, as if it is smiling.

"I actually have a ten-year-old version at home."

I heard someone say that again.

"It was still the era of Dijia and Empat, and now there are more Dynas. It is true that the popularity is reversed."

By the way, these merchants are really mean, Tiga is divided into three versions, and there are three-in-one packages.

Empat has now become two versions, Dyna heard that there are actually different color versions.

After such a long time, someone started making puppets to make money again.

As for copyright fees...

Could it be that Altman can come to your house and ask you to pay?

'So do you want to go to those people's homes in a fair manner and ask them for copyright fees? '

'No more. '

Faced with Uniqre's ridicule, Nangong actually thought more about that he also wanted to buy a whole set to see what it looks like and how it feels to the touch.

"Are you interested in that too?"

At this time, the communication between the two was interrupted, and Chancheng, who was sitting in his seat, asked.

The relationship between the two has been... not different for these three days.

Anyway, we can talk to each other.

"That's not true, because my family already has a set meal from ten years ago."

What Uniyi thinks of is the puppet that was thrown in the closet at home, it feels soft and the workmanship is really good.

'real or fake? '

Nangong was a little surprised.

'Although yours is buy three get one free. '


Has it been reduced to the point of being a gift?

Is it great to have many forms?

Nangong fell into deep thought.

"Speaking of Ultraman, I can't find it on the Internet recently."

What Chancheng said was because she was interested so she checked it out.

"Many people on the Internet say that Empat looks like a human being, but they can't find any information about it."

As for herself, how old was she then?

How could it be possible to remember.

"If it's more than 50 meters, I don't know how many tons of giants can be condensed into a small human body, isn't the density terrifyingly high?"

I'm afraid it's not that I can't even stand up, and go straight through the stars.

"It's better to say, what is the principle of this?"

Chancheng's question made Uniyi look at Nangong, and she raised her eyebrows.

'Look, that's what everybody thinks'

There was no communication, but Nangong understood what the other party wanted to express.

It can only be said that there is no reason, anyway, it is possible.

You don't need to be so clear about Ultraman's affairs!

"I think back then, I was the one saved by Ultraman."

Suddenly, a sentence from Uniform attracted Chancheng's attention.

"I was 15 years old, and there was an event at school, and then, all kinds of things happened, and finally Empat and his pet dog beat the universe."


Chancheng thought about it, and there was indeed that blond monster near the it a monster?

Anyway, it's a video recording of the battle with that thing, but ah...

"How did you know that the monster was a dog?"

No matter how you look at it from any angle, Chancheng doesn't think that monster with a timer on its chest is a pet dog. First of all, it doesn't look like a dog, so what else is there to say?

"No matter how you look at it, it's a dog, right?"

"No, no matter how you look at it, it's not a dog."

The two hold completely opposite opinions. People who already know the main body will certainly think it is a dog from any angle, and those who don't know can't think of it at all.

At this time, only the occasional ticking sound could be heard outside the window, perhaps it was the drops of water falling down the eaves.

"The rain has stopped, and I should go back."

Chancheng picked up his bag and prepared to go home.

"On the way."

Unicorn blinked, now she just forcefully says that wherever she goes, she just goes along the way.

Nangong remained silent. After thinking about it, he still didn't say what to do if it rained again.

Under the gloomy sky, everyone wanted to take advantage of this brief pause to leave.

Even though school had been over for half an hour, it was as if school had just finished. The students rushed out, and of course Chancheng and Uniq were among them.

The clouds moved under the blowing of the wind, but no matter how they moved, they were still gray.

Half an hour later, in the building of the community unit, there were two people standing here who had become wet.

"It's almost the end of this month..."

'By the way, why don't you help block it? '

Uniq looked angrily that it wasn't wet at all, it was just a projected Nangong in essence.

'Do you want a lot of people to see the rain and avoid you? '

Although it was stupid, Nangong who looked in other directions answered the question.

'Oh, yes. '

No matter what, just say it when you think of it, and she will become like this after getting acquainted.

"Then, I'll send you there too."

Uniform brushed back the hair sticking to the skin, which was soaked through, and prepared to wait here for a while before talking.

'No one asked you to deliver...'

Chancheng complained in her heart, and then she said:

"Let's sit at home before the rain stops."

This sentence made Uniform a little surprised for a while.

"It's not good for you to be here."

Chancheng pointed to the clothes on Uniform's body, the wet parts revealed the inner scenery.

"Then trouble you."


One front, one back, the front cannot see the rear, Uniyi narrowed his eyes and watched Nangong who was looking aside.

No wonder the man looked elsewhere.

'Since you know it, remind me! '

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