That being the case, of course I have seen other recruits.

Like her, there are many people who decided to participate in TPC because they lost their loved ones ten years ago.

People who have lost their parents brood over it.

But the parents who survived did not care about their children.

Sure enough, people are different. Some people regard things as treasures, but some people regard them as discarded.

"How about I take you home today?"

The previous calm disappeared, and Yui showed a bright smile.

"......I see."

While she was deleting the photo, Chancheng also saw the time displayed on the screen.

At 7:34 in the evening, it is indeed time to go back.

Although she doesn't want to go back at all.

After that, the two walked on the street in silence, and finally arrived at a residential area with a rather exaggerated area.

All the way up the floor, just looking at it like this is even taller than Altman's height of more than 50 meters.

Chancheng took out the access control card, passed the confirmation, and walked into the gate.



After saying goodbye is parting.

Ten minutes later, Chancheng took back the key and looked at the entrance first.

Only my own shoes, no one ever came back.

"That's why I don't want to come back."

She whispered something and closed the door.

Although I don't want to come back every time, I still come back, why?

Afterwards, loud voices echoed in the living room, and the programs on the TV would keep playing until Chancheng fell asleep, until there were no more programs.

During this time, another person had also boarded the tram.

She took out her phone to manipulate, and then the previous photos were taken out again.

"Didn't you delete it?"

Nangong asked suspiciously, and Unicorn raised the corner of his mouth.

"After the photos are deleted, they will be moved to the recently deleted, giving users a chance to repent."

So this photo is still there as long as it is restored.

"Just save it as a last resort. Speaking of which, why do you think Chancheng reacted that way before?"

I don't want my parents to know about the bad things I do. Isn't this the reaction of every ordinary child who grows up?

It was no different from her back then.

The problem is that the family in Chancheng is not normal.

Uniqlo's question actually has a very simple answer, that is...

"Because it's a one-sided relationship."

Nangong's statement is a bit ruthless. Will there be children who have unilateral feelings for their parents?

As it turns out, there are.

"I hate this kind of thing."

Yui's expression was a bit uncomfortable.

"Me too."

Nangong nodded. No matter how powerful he is, it is difficult to change other people's minds. He can only force them to do something.

The tram went along the track, nothing special happened.

Today, life still dies naturally, and life is born naturally. Regarding the situation of monster disasters, TPC has not made any progress at present, and the data in the observatory is the same as before.

The monsters are still asleep, and without the influence of external forces, I don't know how long they will sleep.

However, this is just a fragile balance and appearance. The person who is extremely dissatisfied with the current situation is one of the representatives of TPC's hawks today, Staff Adviser Gondo.

The contact with the Daisians, the things he learned from him, and the abnormalities on the earth, the monsters that broke through the defense line of the Mars base and directly arrived on the earth, all these made him feel very anxious.

If it weren't for the fact that dealing with the sleeping monsters on the earth would only hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage two thousand, he would have called for some bombs to be sent down to send all these monsters that could threaten human survival at any time to the west.

The question is, after this bombing, is there any room left for human beings to survive?

"Terranoid's 38th start-up experiment, started."

With these words, Staff Officer Gondo refocused his attention on the laboratory ahead.

The stone statue is just a stone statue. In the center of the rotating ring, the energy released by the Magus power system passes through the newly manufactured device, transforms into light and then increases again, and finally hits the protrusion on the stone statue's chest.

It was one of the surviving fragments, the timer on Ultraman's chest.

However, the values ​​still remain the same, these light particles are entangled around Terra Noyd, but they are always entangled.

Finally, after the Magus power system reached its limit, the experiment ended, and the result was still a failure.

When the leader of that plan came, Staff Gondo said:

"What exactly went wrong?"

His tone was not friendly. He invested money, technology, manpower, mined special ores, reshaped the stone statue, and spent a lot of time with no results. Coupled with the recent incidents, his anxiety is natural.

"We are now intervening in completely unknown territory, and I believe the staff must understand this."

As the leader, Zheng Mu's tone was full of tit-for-tat.

"If there is a living Ultraman willing to cooperate obediently, if the staff can capture a wild giant from somewhere, our progress will definitely be greatly advanced."



The two looked at each other, and finally looked away from each other, sighing at the same time.

It's not just Gondo's staff, Masaki is the same.

Normally, he would not use such a tone to talk to the other party, but the other party's anxiety and anxiety caused him trouble instead.

In the recent period of time, Staff Gondo has been trying to make Terra Noyd move, so he will naturally lead the experiment here.

This made it impossible for him to use the clues he had to go back to Earth to find Dyna or Empat.

Masaki naturally wouldn't open his mouth and say 'I have a clue'

Because he is actually wary of Staff Gondo, for example, Daiko, his physical fitness has improved dramatically since he became Tiga, even so, he is still in the human range.

How can flesh and blood defeat weapons?

Don't worry about Nangong, the question is how is Dyna?

Masaki didn't know anything about the new Ultraman. He was really worried that the radical actions of Staff Gonto would make the other party make different choices, such as abandoning humans.

'Let's play with him here for the time being. '

Who is Dyna?

Masaki didn't have any evidence, just a speculation.

See who on the super victorious team traded 'crash' for 'Dyna appeared'

Then that guy is likely to be Dyna, at least according to Dagu's data, it is indeed the case.

'What exactly are you missing? '

Masaki looked at the stone statue of Terra Noyd again, is it because the Spethium Ore cannot replace the giant's body?

'or is there something I'm missing? '

Is it because I don't have the right heart?

This kind of heart that can't be figured out from beginning to end is actually the so-called standard of measurement?

It's so inexplicable.

At this moment, a red warning sounded.


Without exchanging a word, Staff Officer Gondo immediately rushed out of the laboratory, as the commander, he wanted to command.

"Everyone go to the emergency shelter!"

Masaki immediately gave instructions, the so-called refuge, the lower part of the laboratory.

In the command room, the soldiers who made the mobilization were quickly manipulating the system. This unique wavelength only belonged to one enemy.

Unknown life form, Sfia.

The defense system started to operate, and in an instant, light beams of different hues streaked across the Martian red sky, and a large number of small Sfia invaded.

Fighting with it is a functioning automatic turret.

The two sides engaged in a fierce exchange of fire, and the combat airspace was still some distance away from the base, and the falling beam caused an explosion.

It doesn't even need a runway, and the Phantom, which has completely entered the invisible state, is lifted from the hangar and advances at an extremely fast speed.

Information instantly appeared inside the system, and the Phantom's signal was registered in the radar to avoid misfiring.

After about half a minute, the flying team made contact with the enemy.

Where there was nothing, the beam shot out, instantly knocking down several small Sfia spheres.

Light, explosion, light, explosion, the two scenes appear alternately.

Is this battle considered intense?

"What the hell is this..."

Staff Gondo, who arrived at the command room, noticed the difference. Sfia, an unknown creature, had already shown its special ability when it first appeared.

Combined with the soil and rocks of Mars, that is the Sfia Synthetic Beast Darambir and the further evolved Neodarambir.

Combined with the lava of the volcano on the earth, that is the Sfia Synthetic Beast Granlane.

But this time...

"All wiped out!"

When the subordinate gave the answer, Staff Gondo frowned even more.

"Send investigation troops to conduct a thorough search!"

It's not right, it's not right, and it even makes people suspect that it's a slap in the face.

"Contact the earth and moon bases immediately, tell them about our situation, and let them prepare for a surprise attack."

He gave orders in an orderly manner, and the entire base moved.

Mars, Sfia, what is the connection between the two?

For an hour or two hours, batch after batch of teams were sent out and returned to the interior of the base.

They found nothing, and left from the vehicle to take turns with their comrades.

Under the car, among the tread pattern of the tires, the white with net pattern elongated into a thin thread, clinging to the ground, and finally disappeared into the invisible gap.

Chapter 45 The Beginning

April, the month that symbolizes the arrival of spring, is coming to an end.

The 25th has reached the end of the month, and it is also at this time, as if to say goodbye to this month, the morning began to be cloudy and the sky finally began to rain. Although it is not too big, it must be rained with an umbrella.

The streets were almost deserted except for those who had to go out on the wet roads.

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