She was sitting on the small sofa, and the hot air blowing off her hair also kicked up dust.


A helpless expression appeared on Chancheng's face. He knew that he should clean up before taking a bath.

If so, do I have to wash it again later?

The vacuum cleaner and the mop are there. Even though there is only one person living here most of the time, she still pays attention to hygiene.

Living room, bathroom, kitchen, and one room that is in use, and three rooms that are not in use.

"Let's do it."

Saying so, Chancheng stood up.

One person cleans the house where three people should live, the whistling of the vacuum cleaner, the clatter of the mop being splashed by the water, and the sound of the clock running are covered.

The sun in the sky turned yellow, then red, and finally disappeared into the sky completely.

Instead the moon and the stars, the evening news in the living room, the door snapping shut.

Taking the dinner delivered by the deliveryman, Chancheng sat alone on the sofa and opened the plastic foam lunch box.

On the coffee table, the remote controls lined up were all pressed.

The TV is turned on, the stereo is turned on, and the lights are dimmed to maximum brightness.

"much better."

Chancheng said in a low voice.

As night fell, it was indeed time for dinner.

In the other corner of the city, it is not so luxurious and spacious, and the size is only one room and one living room.

But there are two people here.

'By the way...why do I think you are pitiful? '

'Why do you say that? '

Uniform and Nangong kept communicating in their hearts, so the movements of her hands and mouth suddenly stopped.

It's true that I had a good time eating, but the problem is that the ghost that only she can see here is really...

'The shameless landlord who eats and drinks hot food in front of hungry slaves'

Can't help but have such an association.

'No problem, I can actually feel the smell. '

'So convenient? '

'It's that convenient. '

Nangong smacked his lips. Although alien food is good, the taste of earth food is still the most suitable.

"what happened?"

Noticing Unii's stopped movement, Mrs. Asakawa asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about where we are going tomorrow."

In other words, okay, mother and daughter go shopping together.

"In this case......"

The two began to discuss what happened next. At this moment, Nangong noticed a very important thing while smacking his lips.

'In other words, am I being forced to go with you? '

That's right, not even the right to refuse.

When it comes to shopping, Nangong certainly has experience in this area.

That was what happened in the capital of the Star Alliance, and there were all kinds of shuttles for people to buy.

I still remember that the shuttle called the Millennium Falcon was dismantled by a Baltan scientist in less than a month, and replaced by a Baltan X-wing fighter.

Here's what she said at the time:

"Let me see what the current technical level of the Star Alliance is."

Chapter 31 Three days of each

"Crack it."


"Crack, click, click."


"Crack, click, click, click."

"Okay, just stop for a moment."

Finally unable to hold back, Arisugawa, the female freelance journalist who took Tregchia in, turned around, and there were only two people inside the apartment.

One is her, and the other is Kirisaki who looks male.

The reason why he described it this way is because the other party didn't even intend to act, and it was fine if he had never seen him go to the toilet, and he was still eating there non-stop.

Where did the food this guy ate go?

Could it be that there is a black hole in the stomach?

In other words, it is too enviable.

No matter how much you eat, you will not be full or fat, let alone women, 90.00% of the human beings in this world must be very envious.

"Crack, click, click, click, click."

After chewing the soda crackers and swallowing them, Kirisaki was still enjoying the remaining taste while sitting on the sofa.

To tell the truth, it is delicious. There are countless delicacies on the earth, including staple foods, not to mention all kinds of snacks. Even the same snack will have different tastes due to the type and brand.

Thinking about it now, the photosynthesis in the Kingdom of Light is really shabby.

Kirisaki grabbed the Coca-Cola on the side with his right hand, downed it and looked at Arisugawa.

"what happened?"

'There is a subtle difference between the taste of canned and bottled. '

He evaluated the taste in his heart.


Arisukawa felt that this guy who ate high-calorie food all the time really deserved a beating, why would he be able to eat and drink casually!

"I want to say."

She started thinking about one thing about three days ago.

"There is another monster disaster on the earth today, why are you still so leisurely here?"

As an Ultraman, shouldn't he act immediately to find out the culprit and kill him on the spot?

Hearing this, Kirisaki raised his eyebrows.

"How do you know I didn't do anything?"

He asked back.

"Maybe I'm just getting back here to rest after a hard day's work?"

Before You Qichuan could ask further, he immediately continued:

"And it's very dangerous for you to think like this. Ultraman is not a nanny. Your own planet should be protected by yourself."

What he said seemed to make sense, but Tregear himself didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, no matter what it is, the result is the same. If you can't pass one test, you will perish, and after you pass one test, you will perish at the end.

So what's the difference?

Not knowing what was going on in Kirisaki's mind at all, Arisukawa pointed to the box on the coffee table over there.

There are only a few chocolate biscuits left in it.

"Then can you explain why there are only so few left? The amount in the garbage bag obviously doesn't match."

"You have to bring some lunch when you go out, right?"

"Then I dare to ask, what exactly did you investigate?"

Arisukawa asked the most practical question straightforwardly.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, have you become more and more rude to me recently?"

Kirisaki felt that the politeness of the other party was inversely proportional to what he ate, the more he ate, the less polite he was.

"It's not an illusion. Your image in my heart has completely collapsed. What I see is not a hero who protects the world, but a free eater who doesn't know why he can't get fat no matter how much he eats."

Without denying it at all, Arisukawa admitted her current opinion.

'Speak carefully, human! '

The first sentence that flashed in his mind was thrown away, and Kirisaki took another sip of Coke.

"Don't be so anxious. Now the earth is suffering from internal and external troubles. If you act rashly, you will only lose both ends."

Of course he knows the current situation of the earth, the TPC database, isn't it possible to enter and leave whenever you want?

The planet that allows so many monsters to sleep in the ground should be called a monster planet in the long past. No wonder Bogaru ran to this earth.

If it weren't for the catastrophe that happened in the past, this generation of human beings might not be able to establish civilization.

However, the human beings of the previous generation are now extinct, and the monsters of the previous generation are now lingering. I have to say, it is very interesting.

There is nothing permanent in this world.

Kirisaki's words instantly refreshed Arisugawa.

"Tell me in detail?"

"I can only say that you don't understand if I tell you, and if you don't understand, you don't understand anyway. There are too many things involved in it, which is not good for you, and you don't need to ask me. You definitely still don't understand .”


Is this the giant who stayed on the earth ten years ago?

He really knows how to make people cry.

"Compared with me, I care more about what you are doing. I am busy every day and keep talking with different people on the phone to record something."

Kirisaki's question made Arisukawa show a troubled expression.

"I'm investigating the suicide incident of a company employee of the Saitek Group a year ago."

"It's not going well, is it?"

"If it didn't go well, all her colleagues avoided talking about it, and the matter finally ended in 'suicide'."


Kirisaki thought for a while, then looked left and right.

"As a rich lady, why do you want to take care of this matter?"


"Don't look at me like that."

Kirisaki shrugged, not caring about other things for now, just talking about this apartment, this two-bedroom apartment, is it normal for a person to be so extravagant?

Other than that, it's what he eats and drinks these days.

The other party didn't show any signs of financial difficulties at all, and if he cheated like this now, he would get the result immediately.

"You are not short of money, so is it for the sake of fame? To overthrow a closed case, if it is correct, it will definitely cause waves on the Internet. This is the first step."

Kirisaki tried to speculate on the other party's thoughts, the intelligent life trapped in the body, enjoyment, reproduction, fame and fortune, there is always something to pursue.

His words made Arisukawa stroke his bangs on his forehead.

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