How can the independent consciousness of intelligent creatures be changed so easily? If it were so simple, the dispute would have ended long ago.

Whether it is the universe or the earth.

This answer made Unii nodded, and she stuck the key into the lock.

"That's right, if you really have this kind of trick, wouldn't you become a big villain?"

Um?and many more?

"Or radical revolutionaries?"

Don't there often be characters like this in the works?

Decided to use radical means to achieve the goal of world harmony, so, is this approach right or wrong?

Anyway, Uniq thinks that those who were sacrificed inexplicably must not feel right.

She turned the key, only to find that something seemed wrong and the lock was open.

Opening the door, the first thing that catches the eye is a pair of familiar shoes.

"Mom, are you there?"

"Uiyi? Why did you come back so early today? There should be some distance before school ends, right?"

"Actually, something happened at school today."

Uniq scratched his cheek, Otto Earthquake, right?

'Don't do that next time, and don't have Hurricane Otter or anything like that. '

She kept communicating with Nangong in her heart and silenced him.

The battle to turn up the whirlwind by relying on the power of thought failed, so what will happen, how can they find a chance to leave during the class time?

Like... Ott is haunted?

'no no. '

Nangong imagined for a while, and felt that the matter of someone being caught in the air by Nianli was a bit too rough.

Isn't it still supernatural?

Accidentally, the Super Victory Team investigates, and the mysterious incidents on campus have increased.

"In short, regardless of other words, I have three days of vacation starting tomorrow."

Putting the briefcase on the sofa casually, Yui rolled up his sleeves after turning on the TV, ready to join the kitchen.

"Three days... If it's three days, do you want to go somewhere? We haven't gone out together for a long time."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Asakawa also showed a wry smile on her face.

Of course she knew why the other party kept running out of time.

Withdrew from the TPC establishment, took the exam again to enter the university, and shortened the time to study in order to graduate early, and this is how I completed my graduation this year.

The hard work involved is unimaginable, in the final analysis, it is because of her mother's willfulness.

"Oh! Isn't this my favorite snail!"

One sentence interrupted Mrs. Asakawa's thinking in an instant. Of course, she knew exactly what her child liked.

Just seeing that happy expression, the negative emotions in my heart completely dissipated.

"I went to the market to buy it on purpose. Speaking of which, what's going on in your refrigerator? Last time I bought vegetables and meat, I just ate it up today when I came here?"

I'm afraid you're not right.

"Because you don't come here every week?"

Uniform smirked, she was really good.

Frankly speaking, she is indeed not as good as her mother in terms of life skills, which is also a matter of course, after all, her experience is different.

I don't know whether it is dependent or lazy, so Mrs. Asakawa began to think about whether she was too spoiled.

But...we must meet every week.

Feeling uneasy if you don't meet.

Since we want to meet, of course we have to buy all kinds of things, so it has evolved into the current situation.


'It's your own fault. '

She sighed in her heart, if Uniq still lived with her, there would be no need for this. The problem is that she can't do this.

After all, children have to grow up and leave their parents.

Just saying that, actually...

'A conflict of ideas and practices? '

Nangong didn't share his thoughts, he just watched the two people in the kitchen not far away.

Unii gave up her job at TPC because of her mother's thoughts. In other words, Mrs. Asakawa was very worried about her.

Coupled with the impact of the incident ten years ago, this mother must wish that her daughter would stay by her side 24 hours a day.

But she didn't bind Uniq in this way, but agreed with Unii to move to the apartment and live alone.

'I don't want her to leave, but I know she will leave one day in the future'——in this contradictory thought, I still made a choice.

Nangong felt that it was out of love, and letting go was also love.

If there is one thing that is eternal in biological society, it is probably the love of parents for their children.

Although there are some special cases in it.

At least Nangong himself is an orphan who doesn't know what his parents are.

'I didn't have parents in the first place. '

Is it because of things in Chancheng?

Or is it because of witnessing the interaction between mother and daughter?

Nangong thought about the difference between the three.

Uniq once had a father, but lost it later.

He has nothing from the very beginning.

Zen City has it, but it is the same as not having it.


I don't want to think about it anymore. Anyway, after much deliberation, it is impossible to change the past. The important thing is the future.

"Today I will teach you how to make a snail."

At this moment, the conversation between mother and daughter came to my ears again.


Noticing that it might turn into a troublesome matter later, Uniform acted a little discouraged.

"One day I will get old and can't do it anymore, and then I will be in charge of the cooking, right?"

"Don't say that kind of thing..."

Mrs. Asakawa's words made Unii uncomfortable. Of course she knew about birth, old age, sickness and death. Even so, she didn't want to hear her mother say that she was old, and she didn't want to hear her mother say that she would die one day.

I feel uncomfortable.

The two were busy in the kitchen, one teaching the other.

Nangong watched the two people in the kitchen and thought of other things for a while.

For example, if a normal mother and daughter get along like this, what about an abnormal mother and daughter?

At the same time, also in Kumamoto City, the High-tech Zone, compared with ordinary streets, this side is not so clean.

In other words, there are vehicles passing by on the nearby road.

The key sticks in and twists, and the lock is there.

In other words——

"Haven't come back yet."

Chancheng murmured, and then walked into this deserted home.

Four bedrooms and two living rooms, really is a bit extravagant, isn't it?

The trash can was empty, she looked at the kitchen, of course there was no trace at all.

"What am I thinking, how can she cook?"

With a wry smile, Chancheng stretched his arms.

Frankly, it actually feels weird.

"What the hell happened last night?"

No matter how you think about it, it's just a dream.

However, when I woke up in the hospital, the tattered clothes looked scary, so it was not a dream.

Since it is not a dream, what is going on with this body?

Chancheng walked into his room, took out a change of clothes from the closet, and went straight to the bathroom.

The clothes on her body were taken off one by one, and the naked woman in the bathroom mirror had no wounds.

The left shoulder was forward, and the part where it was bitten off was very white, even whiter than other parts.

It's not that there is no injury, it should be caused by healing after the injury.

If you look closely, there are similar marks all over the body.

"It's so supernatural."

Turn on the shower, the cold water drips.

Chancheng recalled carefully, and finally locked on the man who didn't know who he was.

Now that I think about it, that guy doesn't seem very normal, for example, there is a strange fog slowly floating out beside him?Or particles?

"forget about it."

Sure enough, what I should think about now is Mr. Asakawa.

Her personality is too troublesome, she is completely different from Teacher Lihua.

Originally, Chancheng planned to say 'Anyway, my parents definitely won't come' to dispel the other party's concern.

The problem is that the other party can push her aside to avoid a car accident even if they don't know her. Once this sentence is said, the matter will definitely become unresolved.

"teacher in training."

The cold water has turned into hot water, and Chancheng walked into it, his body became wet.

"That's the kind of person... who doesn't know the cruelty of society?"

'I can really say that. '

Chancheng complained about herself in her heart. In fact, she herself did not know the cruelty of society at all. Although there was no one in the family, Kari was full of money, just like her mother.

Looking at the steam-clouded mirror, she wiped it clean with wet palms.

Before the mist was shrouded again, Chancheng opened his mouth and closed his teeth tightly.

Neat, but not clean.

"It's time to take a shower."

She was talking to herself in the mirror, this is not the first time.

Cigarettes, if you smoke, your teeth will turn yellow, and a bad taste will spread in your mouth.

It wasn't a good thing, but it just couldn't stop.

While taking a bath, he carefully checked his body, gradually, time flowed.

Half an hour later, the girl who came out of the bathroom wiped off the water, picked up the hair dryer, and walked towards the living room.

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