At the end of the disparate battle, the few remaining giants were almost wiped out, and the evil god, his dependents, and the only remaining super ancient city, Luluye, were sealed into the ocean together.

The remaining four giants left their bodies behind, waiting for the bond called 'light' to be passed on to the next generation.

As for You Lian, there are less than ten remaining ultra-ancient people who have created a time machine in order to warn the next generation of human beings.

This is, the destruction of super ancient civilization.

Zijla immerses people in a dream of perfection, and desire drives people to master the power of giants, and finally destroys the remaining hope with his own hands.

The death battle did not usher in a happy ending. People who voluntarily destroyed were still praying to Qijiela in the face of darkness, and those who tried their best to resist were finally destroyed together.

"Nangong, Dagu, if human beings cannot rely on their own strength to overcome the beautiful dream brought by Qijiela, then the ending will not change in any way."

There was a heavy tone in You Lian's tone. If after the destruction of Qijiela, the super ancient people could stand up again and fight for the future, would the ending be different?

However, people who have been completely swallowed by their dreams refuse to accept the reality in front of them, and just want to escape into the carefree world again.

Should they be blamed?

Should they be blamed for not even seeing the truth?

It's not that simple, that simple thing.

"No matter whether anyone has regrets, has experienced regrets, and sometimes knows that he is weak, but Zijla allows people to see the future they most desire and the things they most want to achieve."

Luke is also a super ancient person, of course he also knows how "beautiful" it is

"A man's greatest desire is often his greatest weakness."

With that said, the room fell into silence once again.

After a few seconds, Nangong opened his mouth to say the final conclusion:

"If we don't let humans get rid of Zijra, we can't talk about the future."

In order to overcome the final darkness, human beings must first recognize reality and wake up from meaningless dreams.

It is such a truth.

"In that case, burn Zijra."

Dagu's expression also became firm, and he said this without even the slightest hesitation.

"It's obviously light, but you intend to interfere with the choices of human beings?"

Luke was the first super-ancient person to leave, and that's why he didn't see the final destruction, and he didn't know the battles that followed.

Already no longer pure light, today's Ultraman is both light and human.

"I have someone I love deeply, how can I let the world be destroyed."

Nangong took out the black spark prism and watched the power delivered to him.

Even though he was abandoned, he still has love and expectations for human beings, so Empat left behind his light and body.

Stand up in that dark age, fight to the end, and continue to be the first heir of hope.

Now he finally understands what this light, this bond, and this power represent.

"The past cannot be changed, but we can change the future. I don't believe in a doomed future, so I have been fighting until now."

Dagu also stared at the spark prism that belonged to him, that is the golden gorgeous sword, the 'sword' used to protect others

The black shadow, the golden light, chose the path of fighting without even the slightest hesitation, just like when he first got this power.

In other words, it was because of this that he was recognized by this force.


Staring at the two people, and looking at You Lian projected by the time machine, Lu Ke closed his eyes and slowly opened them again.

'Is it the shattered darkness, or is it hope? '

Just let me witness to the end.

You Lian was in a trance for a while, 3000 million years ago, Tiga fell into darkness, Empat was light, and 3000 million years later, Empat fell into darkness, Tiga was light.

But no matter how they change, it is still their hearts that make the decision.

'My mission is done. '

Warning, hope, bond, truth.

The final darkness facing this generation is drawing near.

-------------------------------------------Dividing line

As the dark night falls, just as its flowers hang down to sleep, the pollen also loses its effect and goes back to sleep.

The 'reality' that was happier than ever collapsed in an instant.

In the end what happened?

The whole world revolves according to one's own mind, and there is no longer any regret and regret. Why is that 'dream' over?

"Zigera...Zigera, where are you, Zijra!"

The ultra-ancient genes dormant in the human body have deeply recorded that name.

A gift from the earth - Zijela.

They searched and wanted to enter the beautiful dream again.

"why why?"

There are crazy people who press the flowers everywhere on their faces, but there is no sweetness at all.

The world is in chaos and in an uproar. What happened?

This is reality?Or a dream?

Which side is reality?Where is the dream?


Kumamoto City, Nishinomiya House, Ryo walked out of the room covering his head. Excessive sleep made his body dull. What's more serious, was that...dream?

Dreams can't fill your stomach. When the scent rushes into your nose, your brain sends a signal of hunger.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The four people sitting in front of the dining table, the old man, and the three brothers and sisters, they closed their eyes and rubbed their eyes from time to time, quietly brows, and when they opened their eyes, it was still the same world.

Which side is true?

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, I have to eat first, and my stomach is going to stick to my back!"

As usual, she was always the first to mess around, Wu hurriedly picked up the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, it wasn't a particularly exaggerated dish, it was just an ordinary vegetable soup.

"good to eat."

Probably because I was too hungry. In fact, I didn't eat for a whole day.

"But in the dream, I didn't feel it at all..."

Ye on the other side said in a low voice, with doubts in his tone.

After someone did it, everyone did it because they were really hungry.

Nangong in the kitchen tilted the pot, poured the fried pork with shredded ginger into the plate, took out the last dish, and put it on the dining table.

Stir-fried carrots, fried pork with shredded ginger, lettuce soup, two dishes and one soup, both vegetarian and meat.

"What kind of dream did you have?"

He asked while undoing the apron that didn't fit.

"It really was a dream."

With Ultraman's own confirmation, Mai also completely separated the dream from reality, although that dream is the same as another reality, if you want to compare it, she thinks it is very similar to the virtual reality advocated by the game industry.

"my words......"

She took a sip of the soup and thought about it.

"Probably because I moved into a duo next to me who was living happily this year, and various special stories happened after that."

Very young development, the girl has elder brother and younger sister, grandpa and parents take care of life, happy every day, and then met the alien duo of Nangong and Ada, so a long series of stories began.

The thing to say is everyday hilarious comics where no one gets hurt.

"Me too, it's just that nothing happened."

For Ye, he doesn't pursue any special stories, as long as he is ordinary and lives with his family and friends.

The master shrugged his shoulders and agreed with this statement, and Liang nodded. Their happiness is actually very simple, just a family reunion. Ada and Nangong are not cosmic beings with other things on their backs, but ordinary new neighbors.

That's it.

In the living room, Little King Aire had a long meal today, and it was constantly extracting electricity, as if it wanted to drive away the groggy feeling.

It was also caught in the attack without any defense, after all, it was also a creature.

Nangong already understood why the girl named Dina, including the extinct super ancient people, would call Qijiela a gift.

Not only because it is a plant that grows on the earth, but also because its hallucinations have essentially no side effects at all. The human brain is a very special thing, whether it is emotion, memory or anything else, it responds through it.

And Zijla pollen is the catalyst that can control it, and dreams come true. As long as there are these active pollen, the brain can follow the thoughts to make various reactions and send out different signals.

If you are full in a dream, your brain will naturally ignore the reactions of your body organs and send the same signal.

It's scarier than any hallucinogen in modern times, it doesn't even have side effects, and people crave it because they can't accept the feeling of falling from heaven.

Zijla's pollen reveals another perfect 'reality'

In the face of reality, especially those who have suffered setbacks and are dissatisfied with it, are more addicted to that 'reality'

Some people can still get rid of that effect now, but if they inhale it a few more times later, it may not be so.

There is no news on the TV, and there is still no signal, and the world has become a mess.

"Are you willing to end this dream?"

Nangong tried to ask Liang and the others, but this sentence made the four of them look at each other.

"Of course I would...I really want to say that."

The old man spoke, and he shook his head.

"But to be honest, I really want to enter that dream again."

There, her son and daughter-in-law were still alive, and the children grew up carefree, and the one who died young was always by her side.

Up to now, I still remember what happened, every word, every detail, even the mood and feeling at that time are still echoing in my brain.

Whether it is regret or regret, there is no such thing. If life can be so perfect, then even death will no longer be scary.

"If I have to make a choice, I have no way to give an answer."

The old man gave an evasive answer.

"However, Nangong, our current situation is like the so-called inhalation of those hateful poisons. Even if we want to break free with our own strength, we can't do it. That's why there is a compulsory anti-drug center."

Can we count on you?

"When we have no way to make a decision, you can do what you think is right, just like you did when you saved Ryo."

Facing the monster, he did not choose to kill him, but saved him.

At the same moment, a new picture appeared on the television that was originally blurred.

In times of chaos, government agencies need to play their part.

In the Japanese region that the Far East Headquarters is in charge of, the spokesperson is naturally Director Sawai.

After nightfall, the various branches that had returned to normal fell into chaos, but quickly returned to normal under the professional quality.

The Far East Headquarters suddenly contacted other branches urgently, telling everyone that they 'cracked' the time machine left by the super ancient times.

So what appeared in the eyes of all TPC executives was the story You Lian described, but with some concealment.

In this era, there should be no second giant war due to coveting Ultraman's power.

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