Nangong's words made Lu Ke shake his head again.

"That's not the case. Ultraman didn't abandon us even after leaving the earth. As I said before, we abandoned them. Ultraman is light, and light will not interfere with people's choices, but at least they can stay. Lower your hopes."

" mean—"

"That's right, it's the stone statues. Ultraman left their fighting bodies and lights behind, and returned to their hometown by themselves. Even if they can't interfere with human choices, they still leave the possibility of hope. I hope that human beings can stand up again. Hold the light."

If you are really disappointed with the ultra-ancient people, Ultraman, how could the giants leave the body that hides the light?

At this moment, Nangong recalled the day when he got the light. The red giant was like a flame, but it was not scorching, but warm.

"Haven't you been able to get back that hope?"

He continued to ask, but Luke fell silent.

The man's expression was still sad and sad. After a few seconds, he finally spoke:

"It's worse than that. We turned hope into despair, Empat. Human desire runs deeper than Nazijra."

At this moment, Lu Ke, who noticed something, suddenly looked to the other side, which was the wall of the store.

"My daughter has some problems. If you don't mind, how about talking in another place?"

"it is good."

Nangong nodded and followed Lu Ke away.

Before walking towards the gate, he took another look at Kyoko in the shop.


How can the human beings of this era be destroyed together.

Inside the Far East base, Dagu worriedly looked at the girl who fell into his arms without warning.

"Dina, Dina, what's wrong with you! Dina!"

He is not a medical professional, and the people in the base have all fallen into the illusion of a dream, where can they help her?

"Don't worry, Tiga, she's just a little over excited about coming to Earth for the first time."


Turning around suddenly, there was another familiar person besides the man in the blue robe.

"Nangong, are you alright!"

"Well, it seems that Qijiela's pollen can't confuse us who have inherited the light."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Lu Ke's eyes flashed, and what he took out from his pocket was a small test tube.


He peeled off Dina's hair with both hands, and then opened the 'back of the head'.


Inside is not a brain, but sophisticated machinery.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cyborgs, this is Luke and Dina.

The two used ultra-ancient science and technology to completely transform the body, leaving only the brain.

"Zijra has two main functions, one of which, as you can see, is to allow people to see happy dreams, and the other is to keep human brain cells alive."

In other words, as long as Qijiela is still there, the super ancient people who left the earth like them will live forever, and only one part of the body needs to be replaced for aging.

"Dad, they are so strange."

Different from Shen Mian before, Dina got up again and looked at Nangong and Dagu with curious eyes.

"Didn't you say that humans on Earth will be destroyed again, and this time the darkness will completely swallow up the universe?"

"Don't assume that we humans will be destroyed!"

There was a little anger in Dagu's tone. So far, everyone has fought with their lives and survived the sea of ​​swords and blood.

And the other side makes it sound like nothing they do makes sense.

Luke shook his head, not intending to argue, he turned around.

"You Lian's time machine should be here, go over there."

Nangong and Dagu looked at each other and followed each other.

"Could it be that you sent it too?"

Dagu couldn't help asking.

"No, some super-ancient people left the earth to escape, and some super-ancient people greeted destruction, and You Lian is the latter. She seems to have stayed with the last giants until the end."

"The last giant?"

Empat in Kumamoto, Tiga in the Pyramid of Light, and two others.

"Since they left their bodies behind, what happened to the super ancient giants? Did they sacrifice themselves to resist the so-called darkness?"

Without answering Nangong's question immediately, Lu Ke directly opened the important area of ​​the Far East base as if he was in his own home.

Soon, the time machine lit up with blue and white light as if it sensed something.

The silver-haired old man, with such an image, You Lian, the captain of the Earth Guard, appeared in front of the four of them.

"You Lian, Qijiela is blooming."


It was clearly an interrogative sentence, but with an affirmative tone.

Zijla's re-opening was expected.

"You Lian, tell us everything. What kind of enemy are we going to fight and who are we going to defeat? What happened 3000 million years ago?"

Dagu asked eagerly, because he didn't know whether there were normal people in this world except Nangong and him.

"It's not who you want to fight or defeat, but whether human beings can overcome their own desires."

You Lian said while controlling the time machine.

The next moment, the eyes of Nangong and Dagu were shocked by the suddenly projected scenery.

It's not Tiga and Empat, but giants with different shapes and a height of about 50 meters are fighting each other.

The colorful, gorgeous colors are enough to kill the light, and the background is the flame that symbolizes destruction.

They don't seem to think about the consequences at all. They have power and use it, but they are controlled by desire.

Next, You Lian talked about the last period of time before the destruction of the super ancient civilization.

Zigera opened up, and the super ancient people abandoned the light, so Ultraman left the light and body and returned to his hometown.

Afterwards, Zijra's dream continued, but Zijra was not an intruder, but a product of the earth.

Same with plants on Earth, sunrise is the beginning of activity and sunset is the end of activity.

When the sun goes down, people's brains start thinking in the real world again.

Then, some people knew that it was impossible to go on like this. The existence of Zijla was too dangerous and had to be eliminated.

Now that some people realize its danger, then naturally some people are completely addicted to it.

Longing to live in the illusion of being omnipotent, without any regrets, and that no matter what kind of dream can come true.

Is this world with countless flaws a reality?

Or is it that everyone finally woke up from the 'dream' and returned to the perfect 'reality'?

Finally, what stands in front of the Earth Defense Forces is the 'Giant of Light'

Relying on ultra-ancient advanced science and technology, use the light and hope left by Ultraman for your own desires, and protect Qijiela.

At this moment, everyone knows that human beings are not unable to obtain the power of giants.

Obtaining that amazing, unrepeatable, mouth-watering power has become the greatest desire.

With their own ideas, some people want power, some want to protect Qijiela, some want to wake up human beings, and the giants are occupied one by one.

What drives that 'light' is a heart full of desires.

"Even if they use the power of light, even if they haven't completely fallen into darkness, can they still be called giants of light? Are they warriors of light or warriors of darkness?"

You Lian seems to be asking others, but also seems to be asking herself.

Light and darkness, the nature of power has never been the key to determine a person's good or evil, what he has done and what kind of heart he has is the most important.

The giants transformed by the super-ancient people let their desires drive the power of light and set off a protracted war.

"That is to say..."

Nangong understood and understood why Lu Ke called him the 'successor' before

Because there was already a person who inherited light 3000 million years ago.

"Among these giants, there are four who control power more thoroughly. They are existences that have completely fallen into darkness. The handsome warrior Hitler, the rigid warrior Durham, the love-hate warrior Camilla, And the strongest warrior of darkness, Tiga."



At this moment, both Dagu and Nangong were stunned.

Tiga is the strongest dark warrior?

"At that time, in that dark age, giants with different ideas fought on the earth as a battlefield."

How about imagining that scene a little bit?

Zijara's pollen spreads all over the world, and people are hungry for it like crazy.

The monsters are rampant, and the giants do not protect anyone, but only fight for their own purposes.

As long as a ray technique misses and hits the earth, what kind of scene will it cause?

I said before that the super ancient earth was bigger and wider than the earth at this time, and the current size may be the result of that war.

You Lian continued to talk about what happened next, which was the finale of the ultra-ancient civilization.

After Zijra's madness, someone finally understood one thing... no, it should be said that people deliberately refused to understand before.

That is the world waits for no one, wake up from a dream, and the reality is worse.

Someone died beside him, maybe someone he didn't know, or someone he loved deeply.

He wants to get rid of Zigera, and get rid of the demon flower that is rooted in the earth.

But their strength is too weak, they just keep repeating failures.

At this time, part of them chose to leave the earth and look for a new world, that is, Luke.

The other part chooses to continue to escape into dreams in the face of deteriorating reality, and then goes to destruction.

However, in this part, led by You Lian, they chose to fight.

Among them, the strongest warrior of light is the red giant Empat.

On the other side, what did Tiga see from the humans who stayed on the earth at this time?

He betrayed Camilla, Hitler, and Durham, took their power, and went back to the light.

The ultra-ancient war has come to an end. After cleaning up the mess and solving Qijiela, the ultra-ancient people won the victory by never giving up their resistance...

At least that's what people thought at first.

However, before the work of revival began, Zoga, the demon bird who summoned destruction, appeared.

I don't know where it came from, or why it was born, but the ruler of darkness, the evil god Gatanjar, appeared from the sea.

Camilla, Hitler, and Durham, who were supposed to be in prison, regained the power of darkness and became more immersed in it.

Is there no more hope?

At this time, the surviving giants of light launched resistance to Gatanjah.

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