Chocolate cake, just looking at it already feels sweet on the tongue.

"It's great! It's great!"

Just when I wanted to pick up the attached plastic knife and fork, the box was closed again with a swipe.


"It's time to eat."

Ye pointed to the wall clock hanging on the wall with his left hand.

Liang's slender fingers moved quickly and resealed the box.

"That's it, let's cook."

He said after putting the cake in the empty space of the refrigerator.


Although Wu said so, she still walked towards the kitchen.

"Brother, you go."

Ye looked at Liang and Nangong.

"Nangong, come here for a while, I have something for you."

Two minutes later, Nangong in the room on the second floor took out the box in the handbag and opened it again.

Inside appears to be a suit of clothing.

Ordinary blue jeans, white short sleeves, and a dark blue, lighter shirt.

"Why, how is it? I don't have much vision, so I don't know if it suits you."

Liang felt a little apprehensive, while Nangong, who had changed into clothes, thought for a while.

A somewhat strange smile appeared on his face.

"How is it? Handsome?"

Although it didn't quite match his usual image, the contrast immediately made Liang laugh.

"Summer is coming soon, thank you for the gifts."

Nangong took out the silver harmonica from the coat before, and put it into the pocket of his shirt.

"What about the autumn promise?"

He tried to ask the other party, and then showed a slightly distressed expression.

"I haven't figured it out yet. The leaf viewing seems to be the same as the cherry blossom viewing. In that case, how about going on a trip together?"

"I feel great."

Nangong nodded in agreement, he was actually a very boring man, not interested in travel, nor romantic, but think about it carefully.

'Maybe it's just a simple lack of company. '

When there are people who care about it, everything becomes more interesting.

I also want to do more for them.

It's an amazing feeling for someone who has no family.

"In that case, we need to plan the time and place well. Wu and Ye are already in their third year of junior high school this year. For next year's exam, we should set a standard."

Hearing this sentence, Nangong added:

"I think you should want to set standards for dancing?"

Ye definitely doesn't need to worry, but Wu belongs to the type of things that are not of interest to someone who pushes them away.

Unfortunately, learning is within the scope of not being interested.


He laughed coldly, and the bangs on his forehead slipped down.

Before you know it, time passes.

After the fierce battle, he returned to the place where he should go.

The next day is Saturday's rest, because you don't need to get up early, so you can play a little later.

"Luck is still the same as before, making it difficult to evaluate."


Ten props and nine mushrooms, people don't know how to describe whether it is good luck or bad luck.

Nangong could only watch helplessly as he, who had accelerated halfway, was beaten dizzy by a tortoise shell.

"Despicable, so despicable..."

You have the ability to compete with me in the arena without props!

"Unfortunately, this is Mario Kart, just win!"

Wu laughed out loud, turned into a missile and knocked Nangong into the air.

"The process, the means, it doesn't matter at all!"


With a light reply, Wu who had just transformed from a missile was split into a villain by a flash of lightning.

Leaves brush sideways.


"Fortunately, you can imitate that cry."

Liang complained, and in a blink of an eye, Wu became the second to last.

In a few more seconds, the mushroom-accelerated Nangong overtook her and successfully took the second-to-last position.

In the night, the handle was rattling non-stop, and there was still cream and chocolate left on the side plate, with cake crumbs mixed into it.

With the passage of time, the stars and the moon in the sky have not changed their positions, only the clouds are slowly flowing, blocking things that should be able to be seen from time to time.

The clock on the first floor moves without affecting people who are already asleep.

Those falling seeds took root and germinated in the soil, but no one knew it.

Nangong had a long-lost dream, an incomparably real dream.

Is it a coincidence?

This is not the case, but the light in the body has detected an abnormality.

Crazy people, giants who left, and a city in flames.

'That is......'

He looked up and noticed the top of the building.

He had seen the top structure before, but what he saw was a dilapidated wreck that had been eroded by time.

The desert city buried in the wind and sand is like this, exactly the same.

Suddenly, the top was smashed directly.


One after another, vines gushed out from inside, like countless tentacles.

From here, they continued to spread outwards, covering every corner of the city.

This is undoubtedly abnormal, but what Nangong saw was people wearing strange costumes running towards him as if they were attracted.

They greeted those vines happily, and hugged them as if seeing something they loved, and the vines didn't hurt anyone.

'What the hell is...'

The road split open, and yellow flowers bloomed one after another, all over the land.

People lie in the sea of ​​flowers and fall asleep carefree.


Waking up from the dream, Nangong suddenly opened his eyes, and the sun had not fully risen yet.

At this time, someone has already woken up like him.

In the early morning, no one is jogging on the street to strengthen the muscles.

The air with a little humidity is so comfortable, and the coolness is also lost by the heat of exercise.


The man raised his head, a little puzzled. He ran along this route every morning, so he felt strange.

"When did this family plant such a flower?"

After approaching, he subconsciously sniffed.

"It really is......"

This smell...

"Scent... ah."

With a tilt of his body, the man fell to the ground defenselessly, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Something is out of the ordinary, there is definitely something wrong.

It was 7:30 in the morning when I realized this.

Human beings, the older they get, the less sleep time they get and the earlier they get up in the morning.

What Nangong saw in the living room was the old man smiling all over his face. If it was just like this, he didn't think there was anything wrong. The question was, who was the old man smiling at?

The other party was sitting on the sofa, stroking the stubble that hadn't been groomed for a few days.

Not only that, the happiness that does not seem to be fake is released through the eyes of God.

Caressing with the right hand, it seems that there is really something there.

What the hell did he see?


Nangong asked aloud, when he walked into the living room, he noticed a certain sweet smell.

"This is......"

Sweet, comforting, and refreshing just by smelling it.

Following the smell, the grass in the courtyard is full of flowers.


There are five pale yellow flowers with red stamens in the center, and the scenes of dream and reality are superimposed in an instant.


Nangong stepped forward quickly, pressing his hands on the opponent's shoulders, shaking slightly.

But even so, the other party's expression did not change at all.

Trying to infuse the strength in the body, the vitality mixed with light into the old man's body.

One second, two seconds, that happy expression didn't change at all.

"Without any particular energy..."

Light, darkness, or something else, which does not contain such special powers.

In other words, it wasn't any special power that bewitched the old man.

Nangong immediately opened the glass door and walked into the courtyard. Weeds grew from time to time on the land where a small tree stood.

But yesterday, the sparse intervals were suddenly filled with new plants, and one after another light yellow flowers formed a small flower field.

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