"So didn't I give a very reasonable guess? At that time, you said something unscientific to me."

It was time for school to end, and Unii and Kyoko chatted while walking towards the school gate.

What they are discussing, of course, is something that they think is unacceptable after careful consideration, but they still have to accept it.


Kyoko sighed, then looked serious.

"First of all, what is science? It is an orderly knowledge system based on testable explanations and predictions on the form and organization of objective things. It is systematized and formulaic knowledge."

The 180-degree turn of the topic made Uniform a little stunned.

What's happening here?

She thought that Kyoko would honestly admit her slip of the tongue, but now it seems that this is not the case?

"So the existence of Ultraman can be explained? Is it systematic and formulaic knowledge?"


"They are full of countless unknowns that have not yet been clarified, so how can they be attributed to science?"


"That's why I say there's nothing wrong with being unscientific."

Kyoko gave her conclusion categorically, and asked Uniform to call her an expert.

"As expected of you."

I can only give a thumbs up to admit defeat, this person, Bai Chuan Kyoko.

From the day we became friends to now, Uniform has experienced one thing many times.

Even if she realizes her mistake, she will never admit it honestly, but inexplicably breaks up a set of plausible arguments from other places.

The point is that you don't know how to refute her.

"Heh, go train for another 2 years."

Kyoko chuckled and raised her head proudly.

"If it's 2 years old, even if you're a hundred years old, you'll have died two hundred times."

The history of human civilization is less than 2 years.

Just complaining about each other like this, the relationship between friends does not have any very significant meaning in itself.

When they arrived at the school gate, the two turned around and noticed the young man over there.



"Handsome, do you want to play together?"

"Uh...I'm waiting for someone."

Nangong stood there awkwardly, trying to keep a distance from the young girls after school.

"What? Are you shy? Come on, don't be a pussy."

An amazing experience, what can only be described as an amazing experience.

When a girl tells you 'don't be a pussy'

It's too weird.

"Cough cough."

Coughing twice, and noticing the arrival of the two, the bold girl also smacked her lips.

"I was caught first by someone."

He whispered a word and waved his hand.

"That's okay, see you next time."

Hmm...see you again?

"Sorry, I'm saved."

Nangong thanked Uniyi and Kyoko, and suddenly noticed the smirk on Uniyi's face.

"Thank you, do you have to give some practical expression?"

A feeling of just getting out of the tiger's mouth and entering the wolf's den reverberated in my heart.

"Cough cough."

Kyoko coughed for the second time, reminding her friend to pay attention to her image.

"It's nothing, I just want to try to see what it's like to fly in the sky."

What Uniform said gave Nangong a strange sense of déjà vu, as if Wu had said the same thing back then.

Sure enough, everyone has a dream of flying?

But he's not a dragon, this is... Ultra Knight?

"By the way, hasn't Ryo come out yet?"


Kyoko blinked at this question, and then tried to scan her surroundings.

"It seems that you are late."

she said so.

"Nishimiya walked very fast, as if he was rushing to leave, you probably just missed it."

That person ran out excitedly after class, and he probably had a premonition here, and he was right.

"Doesn't he know?"

Yui asked curiously.

"I want to try something like a surprise... It doesn't seem to be suitable for me."

Nangong shook his head helplessly, probably on a whim, he wanted to try to give people a pleasant surprise, so it's better to give up now.

He took out his phone, and just as he was about to send a message, someone grabbed his hand.

"Isn't it nice to be surprised?"

Yui asked back.

"If you suddenly appeared alive and kicking in front of him, what should I say... It's like my dad came home from a holiday one day. It's probably that kind of surprise. I don't know what to say describe."

Her language was quite confusing, but Nangong could still understand some meanings.

"I see, surprise."

It's too early to give up now.

Half a minute later, the running figure disappeared into the distance.

"I did another good thing today."

Uniform, with his hands folded over his shoulders, nodded leisurely, with a satisfied smile on his face.

And Kyoko silently watched her like this, and finally looked away.

'Unless you are rich and well-fed, otherwise...'

She will understand in the future, most of the time helping others cannot be exchanged for material peace.

People are better off taking care of themselves.

On the other side, Nangong, who was running on the street, recalled Wu and Ye's original intention.

Ryo always picks them up, and the three siblings go home together.

That way, we just need to get there first.

Sprint, accelerate, and brake suddenly.

Looked up at that storefront, entered, came out 1 minute later with a chocolate cake in hand.

Speed ​​up and sprint, if the straight line between two points is the shortest, taking advantage of the situation where no one noticed, Nangong stepped on the wall and turned over the roof.

However, after arriving at the scene, there was still no sign of the three of them.

'Are you late? '

Suddenly, there was a tickling sensation on the back of the neck.

Little King Aire in the hood is protesting the bumpy journey.

"Feel sorry."

Nangong scratched the little head with two fingers.

'Look for it again. '

Is it possible to find three people who don't know where they are in a big city?

Because I just saw the cake I bought and couldn't turn it into light particles.

Under the setting sun, looking for someone's figure.

Even when I entered the supermarket where I had been buying ingredients, it was nowhere to be seen.

Walking to the street on the way home, I glanced left and right, but saw no familiar figure.

Unknowingly, the setting sun that could be seen before was blocked by buildings, and the construction sound that could be heard before completely disappeared.

It's time for dinner. Workers are human too, so of course they have to eat.

Nangong took out her mobile phone, received and sent messages.

The master asked him where he was and why he hadn't come back yet.

He asked the old man about the other three, but they didn't come back either.


Surprise, or let others wait for him alone.

'give up. '

Shaking his head, he shook off a little disappointment.

Nangong walked on the way home and turned into the streets of the residential area. In spring, the flowers raised by someone's family began to bloom, and a wonderful fragrance came into his nose.

Behind the clouds is a sad bright red, and the layer after layer of burning clouds is fascinating.

With seven turns and eight turns, the other party came into view.


Notice each other, and notice what each other is holding in their hands.

"Ah! Could it be a surprise gift?"

Kanwu's eyes almost narrowed into slits. If there is a tail, it must be shaking non-stop.

"Well, it just seems a little late."

Nangong nodded, he noticed that Liang was also holding a handbag in his hand.

"It looks like everyone has gifts."

Ye showed a wry smile, and the idea of ​​wanting to surprise the other party seemed to be the same.

"What are you waiting for?"

Pulling Nangong's wrist, Wu led him into the room.

Soon, the four returned home.

No more worrying about being seen by anyone, little King Aire jumped out of the hood.

I haven't eaten for a day, and it's time to replenish my lightning today.

Taking the box from Nangong, Wu put it on the table and quickly opened it.

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