Amidst the roar, a violent explosion enveloped it, and mixed particles spread in all directions.

140 Chapter Four Returns in Victory

The colorful particles were disturbed by something, and it was not King Obmonos that rushed out of the explosion.

It has four bony wings similar to King Obermos, and its hands are sharp scythes. This surprise attack failed to hit. Eddie turned his body away, but noticed something bad.

He immediately jumped up, using his anti-gravity ability, and directly chased the new monster over there.

People screamed as the monster charged in the direction of the crowd.

The sickle was pointing down, and it was about to pull out a long string of fuzzy flesh and blood. At this moment, an invisible force suddenly lifted it.

The strong wind knocked the citizens to the ground, and they just fell down.

Eddie's right hand was facing upwards, and the full-scale release of the Otto power caused the monster to forcibly change direction, and the colored timer quickly released lightning, forcing the enemy to stay away from the ground.

This is only the first monster to be released. Tai Luo crossed his hands in front of him. The monster that rushed from the explosion looked like a mutated fish. The heavy assault hit his defensive arm, and the two headed towards the city. Falling out of the bay.

When the explosion dissipated completely, the wounded King Obmonos roared with anger.

After realizing that only one monster can't win, it splits the Bonewing Beast Baggiris from the back, and the Huge Urn Beast Shyura from the abdomen, in order to spread the power of the three Ultramen.

Turning around, the flicking tail was avoided by the opponent leaning over.

Empat, who was the only one left here, picked up his right hand and slashed at the body of King Obmons once again.

At this time, the enemy is no longer as strong as before, and after being continuously injured, its strength has also decreased.

He jumped back quickly, and the front teeth stabbed like spears.

Hands folded, pulled up and down, the vertical guillotine passed through the center of the fangs, and was burned by the spewed beam before hitting.

Missing a hit, he stepped forward again, Empat pushed with both hands, and the power in his body formed a spiral energy storm in front of him.

His target was not the enemy itself, but the protruding belly fangs.

At this time, the spiral was spinning like a meat grinder, cracks appeared in those hard teeth, and finally shattered and collapsed.

When King Obmonos retrieved it, only the broken front end remained.

It opened its mouth again, and Empat immediately threw out the palm light arrow and sent it directly into its mouth. A string of bright sparks exploded from the mouth, preventing the beam from shooting.

Jumping up, kicking, the green-eyed giant knocked back the monster with a full blow.

He quickly stepped forward to give chase, and this time he no longer thrust out his sharp teeth to block it.

The sweeping fist hits the enemy's face, followed by a straight punch to the chest, and the two heavy blows make the opponent's body shake.

Immediately afterwards, King Obrmose's counterattacking claws only missed a hit, and a slender spark streaked across Empat's ribs.

After jumping back to the ground, Empat's body tilted and a side kick exploded.

The force that feeds back then causes an imbalance.

He rolled over and landed in mid-air, resisting the forceful attack of King Obmons and swiping his claws continuously, making the opponent keep moving away from his body to dodge.

It seems that it is difficult to cause damage to this enemy just by fighting.

From the lower left corner, the sword in the right palm drew a string of brilliance. This time, King Obmons retreated.

Empat moved forward and slashed, jumped up and slashed down, but was firmly caught by the opponent's arm.

His chest was suffocated, it was the palm slap from King Obmons with all his strength, and it continued to swing its claws.

The giant and the giant beast, two arms and two arms, the two collided, and the advantage in strength made this powerful monster clasp its hands firmly on the opponent's shoulders.

The sharp claws pierced Empat's shoulder with a clenched grip.

He fell backwards, and the strength of his whole body exploded in one breath. He supported the heavy body of the enemy with his legs, and then threw him out fiercely.

Amidst the shaking of the earth, Empat and King Obermos stood up at the same time, and the two sides faced each other again, and the battle was tied.

At the same moment, Baglis, soaring in the sky, was changing direction rapidly, followed by Eddie.

Unlike the battle on the ground, the two at this time are more like two fighter jets chasing each other, trying to shoot each other down.

The sea of ​​clouds in the setting sun was broken and kept surging.

Suddenly, reddish light bullets shot out from different positions, one shot, two shots, three shots, the cloud and mist exploded, Eddie got away and kept sideways dodging the attack.

Judging the opponent's position by the direction of the attack, and then swooping down, crashing into the sea of ​​clouds.

Half a second later, Eddie's right arm supported the sharp blade, pushing Baglis down.

His left arm quickly raised to block another scythe.

The stalemate between the two was interrupted in less than half a second. The ball of light was about to be shot out of Baglis's mouth, and its waist was surrounded by its feet.

Another half a second later, the light ball flew to nowhere, and Eddie, who bound his opponent with his legs, used his anti-gravity ability to control his body to rotate, and then slammed his opponent hard, directly throwing him away.

The four pairs of bone wings kept swinging, as if they wanted to control their own balance.

But it was too late. Compared with the experienced members of the Ott Brothers, Baglis was far from lacking in both strength and experience.

The left arm is pointed at the sky obliquely, and the right arm is pulled horizontally to gather energy in the body.

Eddie connects his arms, the part from the right palm to the wrist is used as the output port, the light energy forms a blue radiance, and the complete Shakusium light shoots out, accurately hitting the unbalanced enemy.

The skin can't provide sufficient defense, and the energy penetrating into the body directly burns and destroys everything inside.

At this moment, the cloud layer was pushed upwards and spread to the surroundings. The strong wind generated by the explosion made the burning cloud even more spectacular.

After confirming the death of the monster, Eddie swooped down to the ground.

In the sea, Taylor, who was knocked into the water, felt the water pressure, buoyancy, and resistance, and stood firmly on the bottom of the sea.

The water flow was transmitted by the swimming of Schula, and this is its home field. It quickly changed its position, looking for the enemy's dead end.

Even in such a dark underwater, you can still clearly see the opponent's figure.

Finally, the sea beast used both hands and feet, its tail fins swung, and rushed towards the red giant at full speed. It opened its mouth wide and turned its body sideways, intending to bite the enemy's waist directly.

It's a good idea to drag the opponent into his home court to fight again, but it's a pity that he misestimated the opponent's strength.

Just this level of water pressure has no effect on Taylor's tough body.

On the contrary, because he could feel the rhythm of the water flow all over his body, he accurately captured the position of Schula.

What is waiting is such a best opportunity.

Turning around abruptly, what appeared in his eyes was an exaggerated mouth.

Shyura's mouth was opened to the maximum, and the slit even extended to the middle of the body.

That bunch of sharp teeth is the source of its confidence, it can directly bite off any prey.

It's a pity that as long as you don't get bitten, it's fine. Tai Luo's arms are crossed in front of him, without any action of accumulating power, nor absorbing energy from the outside. In the big mouth.

Half a second later, ripples suddenly spread on the calm sea surface, and the temperature also rose sharply.

In another half a second, the sea surface exploded, and Tai Luo, who leaped out from the inside, lightly rolled over and landed on the ground, and water droplets dripped down, wetting the ground.

Baglis, Sshura, and the monsters split from King Obmons' body all died.

In the center of the city, the battle between Empat and the enemy continued.

Dozens of consecutive punches hit the opponent's abdomen, and then, all-out shoulder strikes erupted together.

The blue-eyed giant repelled the giant beast, and when the opponent retreated, the sharp claws swung out along the way also slapped him on the back.

One staggered forward, the other staggered backward.


There was a roar, and the prey who could be abused at will before could now be evenly divided with him. This contrast made King Obermos very angry.

Empat stepped forward and swiped with the knife, and the slash that was pulled out caused damage.

Without waiting for him to pursue, he forcibly swiped his arm against the attacking enemy, and slammed him away.

In terms of strength alone, Empat is naturally inferior, but he has never fought with strength alone.

With both feet on the ground and arms forward, the purple light whip that was flung out crazily circled around, and the binding light whip formed tightened, locking King Obmons' hands firmly.

Pulling and jumping, Empat launched himself like a slingshot, hitting the enemy directly in the face with a knee bump.

The wind and the sound spread at the same time. He stepped on his left foot and jumped up directly using his opponent as a pedal.

The body turned forward, and King Obmons' heavy body was forcibly pulled up. Following this movement, he rotated for a circle and was smashed to the ground.

The soil and dust rose up at the same time, and were burned into a huge circle in an instant.

Empat, who was in mid-air, immediately evaded to the side, and he could feel the scorching heat without touching the beams that came from the sweep.

The next moment, an exception occurred.

The wings on the back of King Obermos exploded, and a large cloud of blue light particles spewed out, as if hit by some attack.

The beam of light in its mouth also stopped because of this, and before the pain could be relieved, the same phenomenon occurred in its abdomen, iridescent light particles scattered from its body.

The deaths of Baglis and Sshula are fed back to the main body, causing pain and damage at the same time.

King Obmonos endured the pain for a while, because it sensed the gathering power.

Raising his head, the green-eyed giant did not miss this opportunity.

In front of him is a black straight line that is gradually disappearing. His fisted hands are crossed in front of him, and the black shadow is reflected on his body.

King Obmons took a deep breath, and the Gremet beam burst out.

Empat's arms were connected, and Zapelio burst into light.

Red and black, the fierce energy storm burst, stalemate together, regardless of the outcome.

King Obermos mobilized all the power of his body, even if it was a collection of desires... or precisely because it was a combination of desires, such a will to survive erupted.

Eagerness brought about a growth in power, and slowly, the red beam began to push the black streamer back.

The eyes focused on this place, and people stopped talking, just waiting for the final result.

Probably because the light energy input by Eddie and Tyro is sufficient, Empat still has a lot of energy remaining after using the Zapelio light.

And then, the dark energy of limit is further erupted.

His upper body leaned back slightly, as if taking a deep breath.

His upper body suddenly moved forward, and the pitch-black light even exceeded the range of the entire upper arm, and the black line in front of the arm expanded up and down to double its original size.

In an instant, even the stalemate ceased to exist. Zapelio's light directly overwhelmed Gremet's beam. From the head to the bottom, King Obmons' whole body was covered by the streamer, and the fierce voice continued to echo.

Finally, Empat's arm stopped emitting energy, and the enemy's movements stopped completely.

He was slowly falling downwards, and King Obmons suddenly moved.

A wound was opened on the back, and jet-black spots of light gushed out from the inside, like the wings of a demon. This final burst pushed the giant beast forward.

It took a step, and the collection of desires was completely smashed into pieces, blasted into pieces of negative energy, and finally sucked back into the red ball.

Coming from the bay and falling from the sky, Eddie and Tyro also returned to the center of the city, where three giants stood.

People stared at the scene and sat down weakly. Even if the battle is over, it is still...

At least life survived.

With the eyesight of Eddie and Taylor, of course they can easily see the blood flowing from people's ears.

The two looked at each other, their palms met, and the other waved out, and the light energy in their bodies was mobilized.

Ultraman is the living body of light, their light is not only power, but also contains the corresponding vitality.

This force floats in the air, forming a gorgeous aurora.

The light particles slowly sprinkled down, making people stunned.

"What a nice view......"

Who couldn't help but sighed aloud, and was surprised to find that he could hear his own voice.

"Listen, can you hear me?"

The pain disappeared as well, and Eddie and Tyro used the healing light to heal people's injured eardrums.

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