Sunset, magma, red light, this is the scene of destruction, the prelude to destruction.

There was a dull loud noise, and Empat, who was knocked out, rolled on the ground, and after supporting his body, he was sent flying by the attacking King Obmons.

Falling down again and again, standing up again and again.

Is there anyone who would be inspired by this?

Risa only felt hopeless, because no matter what, she couldn't find any hope of winning. Standing up was just to fall down, fighting was just struggling, and everything would disappear in the end.

But why stand up again?

"Why are you still fighting?"

Under such a situation, wouldn't you despair and give up?

"Ultraman will never lose!"

Suddenly, someone's voice came from the ear.


Filled with negative energy, the red ball that released King Obmonos was bounced and landed in a corner of the city.

And those who noticed it were the citizens who hadn't been able to evacuate completely.

The one who knows its function is Xiao Mian who has used it before.

His eyes were red, tears were falling, and he could not hear anything in his ears.

Is fighting so painful?

Is it more painful than this?

On the battlefield, three flying light wheels collided with the pale gold barrier, the ear-piercing sound of friction echoed, and countless sparks scattered.

Whether the battle is painful or not, in fact, Nangong didn't have much time to think during the battle, nor did he have the kind of mind to think.

It's just that you must not lose.

At this moment, the shadow came out through the body, Empat's fists collided, and the splashed black sparks exploded and ignited.

The nameless skill has the power beyond Zapelio's light. This power is so strong that it will bite itself back. It is a veritable final skill.

If you can't defeat the enemy in front of you anyway, use it as a last-ditch effort.

The red sun, the black flame, the giant beast, three o'clock and one line, the dark ice flame continued to expand, and finally even covered the sinking sun.

"Ultraman won't lose! Because if you make an appointment like this, you will definitely win!"

Xiao Mian shouted hard, but couldn't hear his own voice.

This is just a child's nonsense, and there is no sure victory in reality.

It's like people on TV can always escape, but in reality they even lose their hearing completely.

As if aware of the danger, King Obmons mobilized all the strength in his body, and the Gremet beam blasted from his mouth hit the pitch-black fire directly.

Seen from a distance, this piece of black flame is extremely incomparable, but the burning has not affected the surrounding environment, and there is no visual distortion caused by high temperature.

But when the light beam hits, it spreads out and is completely dispersed.

With the final blow, Bingyan swayed as he took a step.

Empat's timer blinked, but no one could see it.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, someone's voice was heard.

It is the red ball that makes wishes come true that even children's lies can come true.

How can Ultraman win?

They follow the sound, and all they need is someone's call.

On one side, it is blue.

On one side is a rainbow.

His back was severely injured, and King Obmons suffered a direct blow from two forces, roaring in pain, and the protective shield released in time bounced off the two intense rays of light.

Turning around, wanting to fight back, the next moment, the kick that fell was shining with golden light.

King Obmons' head was injured, and before it could stand still, another blow kicked. The red giant swooped down like a swallow. on the ground.


The people who stayed in the city opened their eyes wide. Ultraman is something only children watch, and adults should not be addicted to it.

However, adults were also children until then, and their memories were awakened.

Coming across time and space, the silver giant and the red giant covered their palms in front of the timer at the same time, and the extracted power passed through the black flame and injected into Empat, who had been fighting all along.

The berserk dark energy also became quiet again, and the black ice flame gradually extinguished and returned to the body.

"Catch up."

With a little reassurance in his tone, the red giant said this. His unique appearance must be unforgettable, and the 'horns' on both sides of his head are proudly upward.

It's called...


The adults don't know Empat, but they know the young warrior of the Kingdom of Light, the sixth brother of Otto, whom he has seen before.

"Is that the guy?"

Taylor turned around, with anger in his tone, the half-destroyed city, and the several completely destroyed planets he saw before made him keep accumulating anger.

"You can't be wrong, this powerful negative energy is consistent with the remnants found before."

The silver giant also looked at King Obmons who got up from the ground. He also had a very different appearance from other Ultramans.

Dark yellow eyes, red crown.


Charika stomped on the floor vigorously, not understanding why the other party was in this world.

"It turned out to be the Otto Brothers!"

Why, why are they in this world!

"Leave it to us here, you step back first."

Eddie turned his head and left such a sentence to Empat who was half kneeling on the ground.

If he hadn't come in time, then he didn't know what would happen to the young warrior. He didn't know if the opponent had an Ultra heart, and whether he could gather his body again after releasing a move similar to the Ultra bomb.


Taro rushed out, his left hand raised, and the bracelet with the crown ornament was grasped by the right.

The mind power is used in conjunction with the props. While sprinting, the hemispherical shield formed by the bracelet collides with the laser beam and blocks it.

Progress was blocked, but that was enough because he was more than one.

Spinning in the sky is Eddie jumping up.

Gravity, weight, skill, and flying ability, the four superimposed, and the falling kick kicked King Obermos' shoulder hard.

It was knocked back for a distance, and before it had time to fight back, Eddie jumped up for the second time, spinning and kicking the enemy's face, although it failed to cause damage, it missed the head successfully.

This opportunity was seized, Tai Luo pulled his right hand, and the original crown bracelet was removed, turning into a double-headed javelin.

Legs, waist, and hands formed a line and exploded at the same time. The thrown javelin stirred the air and hit the enemy's throat in an instant, but after half a second of stalemate, he slid away and aimed at the hit position. Eddie quickly swung hand knife hit.

The next moment, King Obmons slapped Eddie who was closest to him to the ground.

'What a strong guy! '

Taro became more serious. The enemy deserved to have destroyed several civilizations, so no one was injured.

He stepped forward and hugged his hands, stopping King Obmons who wanted to step on the chase.

Eddie immediately rolled to the right, and the light beam spit out from the opponent's mouth cut the ground again, and hot magma gushed out of the bottomless pit, eroding the ground.

He maintained a half-kneeling posture, with his hands crossed in front and separated above his head, the lavender radiance accompanied by his thrown hands formed a boomerang-shaped light blade.

Ott's double light arrows slashed at the enemy's body, and the next moment, the beam swept across.

At the same moment, Taylor's full uppercut hit directly.

The blow that was about to hit Eddie disappeared due to the forced closed mouth.

At this moment, the two stepped forward at the same time.

The energy condensed, jumped up suddenly, and Eddie's bomb kick was cast.

Gathering strength, rushing forward and punching, Tai Luo's atomic fist bombarded with all his strength.

Kicking and punching, blooming in an instant, only seeing the explosion, only hearing the roar, and the pale gold barrier bears everything down.

A muffled groan sounded, and the claws protruding from the barrier grabbed Taro and Eddie's necks respectively, locking them tightly.


The roar resounded through the sky, which was the realization of desire, and absorbed a lot of negative energy in this world. The power of King Obmons increased greatly, and even the two Ultra brothers were no match for him.

The jet-black streamer came out of nowhere, knocking it back while hitting it.

The claws released instinctively, and the liberated Taylor and Eddie immediately pulled back.

King Obmons spit out a beam of light, and the supporting blue-eyed giant immediately jumped sideways to avoid the attack, and there were scorched marks on the monster's abdomen.

The timer on Empat's chest turned blue here because of the energy, but...

"Can you still fight?"

Eddie asked aloud, for Ultraman, light is energy, life, body, and the basis for maintenance.

However, light is not the soul, nor is it the spirit. Even if the energy is full, the mental exhaustion caused by the battle will not disappear.


Empat's answer was very simple, with only one word. Since he can still fight, there is no reason to sit aside, not to mention that this enemy is too strong.

"Then, here we go!"

Following Taylor's signal, the three giants rushed out at the same time.

Left, right, there was a loud collision sound, and the mud under their feet splashed.

Eddie and Taro restrained the hands of King Obmons respectively, and Empat, whose arms turned into sharp blades, cut wildly from the center.

He jumped up quickly and jumped over the enemy, the beam of light just cut the ground.

When turning upside down, the vertical guillotine cuts out and hits the enemy directly from above, hitting the red crystal.

King Obmonos roared, and obvious marks were carved on its head.

At this moment, Taylor and Eddie, who suddenly let go, kicked sideways with all their strength at the same time, kicking the enemy off the ground with huge force.

Empat jumped up, and his raised right leg made an arc and then smashed down. The tomahawk kicked King Obmons back to the ground.

Before it could fight back, Tyro's uppercut exploded in its jaw for the second time, and the sprinting Eddie aimed for the head and followed up with another heavy punch.

Behind, is the palm knife that is slashing at the same time, and the two purple traces cause damage.

In front of them, there were continuous combo punches and combo kicks, perfect coordination to make up for the flaws in each other's attacks.

"Okay, that's amazing..."

Xiao Mian was dumbfounded, the two Ultramans he didn't know had turned the tide of the battle.

It wasn't just him who was dumbfounded.

The childhood hero came here to save the world.

"Come on! Taro! Come on!"

"Teacher Aidi! We must win!"

The sound of encouragement continued one after another, and the pale golden barrier was formed again.

Palm knife, boxing, and kicking skills were all bounced off.

Then, the pitch-black Zapelio, the blue Shakusium, and the rainbow Slim shot out together, and the three beams directly penetrated the barrier and hit King Obmons at the same time.

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