In the sky at this time, Empat raised his left arm to block the heavy punch of the Sphinx. Compared with the power of Hirbagon and Goldlas, the strength of this super beast is rather gentle. .

His blow directly hit the opponent's abdomen, and quickly seized the opportunity to step forward, locking his head directly with both hands.

Turning around and throwing skills, the Sphinx was thrown towards the blasting light and took the blow as a shield.

"But can you do it?"

There was still pride in the Yapo's tone. When the Sphinx fell, it pointed at Empat with both hands, and the golden scales attached to it shot out.

Pieces flew, coming as a tracking missile attack.

"When a creature is thrown into a strange place, it will naturally be vigilant, and it will also demonstrate against threatening creatures. Hirbagon and Goldlas, who have been living in a different dimension, just follow their instincts and construct time and space. The world is an environment suitable for their survival."

The noisy words echoed in the ears, and Empat, who was flying and dodging quickly, walked through the gap.

The sand and dust set off huge waves, and the Sphinx landed safely. It cooperated with Brocken from the left and right corners of its head, releasing destructive rays.

In addition to the scaled missiles, rays of light also attacked.

Left, right, spinning in the air, Empat moved away from time to time, and the farther golden scale reached the position in front of it first, and then the light used by Sphinx and Brocken detonated it.

He plunged headlong into the scorching heat, followed by the light and the remaining scales.

"Hilpagon and Goldras are just my pawns. They were thrown into this world because I used the space-time realm to smash the barrier and establish a channel. Look at that poor Hirpagon, It's almost cut in two, it's so pitiful."

Pretentious, pretentious, arrogant in tone, despicable in words, Yabo people try to influence the giants who are fighting at this time.

In the sky, black is smoke, orange and red are explosions, and blue is light.

Wrapped in hot air, the rising Empat releases Emelim light with crystals, and the sweeping streamer burns the scales piece by piece.

He raised his head suddenly, and the light he pulled was like a sword blade, cutting directly into the space of another dimension.

Compared with the dazzling red, this blue is really insignificant.

A little fluctuation spread in the contact between the two, but it was like a small stone thrown into the water, nothing more.


The next moment, the soaring giant fell from the sky like a bird with broken wings.

"It would be a big mistake to treat me as a weak person without combat power."

No less than Empat, and even higher than Empat's mind power was exerted by the Yabo people.

However, being attacked by the sudden thought power, Empat fell from a height of a thousand meters in embarrassment, and his whole body fell on the ground.

"By the way, I remember that you often appear in the city called Kumamoto in Japan, right?"

It is composed of different-dimensional energy and combined with flames.

The red and blue flesh is gradually forming, with spikes on the arms, and a red armor-like thing hanging on the chest.

The phantom in the different dimension threw the blade directly.

"Go, Faimons! Use this flame sword to burn everything in that city to ashes!"

Is there any better way to break the enemy's will to fight than to destroy the enemy's important things?

The half-kneeling giant straightened up, and with his will, the purple double-ended blade spun and charged.

Shanghai, China.

Tijia knocked Snow's super beast Snowkilan back with one blow, and immediately stepped forward, exerting force from his waist to drive his body to rotate, and the chain kicks connected with hook kicks and backspin kicks also erupted with intense electric sparks.

In the final analysis, it is just the use of energy, and it does not matter where it is released from.

"Dijia, even if you are an enemy, I have to praise your strength, you have a hand!"

With his left hand tightly wrapped around Snowkilan's neck, Di Jia's clenched fist ruthlessly hit the top of the enemy's head.

He jumped up a short distance, and the black cloud super beast Redjack who came to rescue his companion was kicked by the attack and was pushed back. At the same time, the fighter formation of the Chinese branch, including Feiyan EX-J, fired together. , hit simultaneously.

Dijia raised his right fist. This time, before he could hit it, the abnormality happened first.

From Snowkiland's mouth, the frozen air instantly connected Dijia's legs to the ground under his feet. The ultra-low temperature of minus 200 degrees Celsius played a role, and his entire leg seemed to lose consciousness.

The target was the immobile giant, and Redjack released lightning-like rays from both hands, hitting the opponent's chest directly with a fierce blow.

There is no need to conserve power, and an immobile enemy is the best target.

Dijia was distracted by the pain, and the strength in his hand also weakened.

Snowkilan seized this opportunity to break free from the shackles, and pointed his mouth and arms at the enemy who had beaten it to pieces.

The freezing air was released again, ready to use this move to seal the whole body of the red giant in ice.

"Not good! Hurry up and stop the enemy!"

Realizing the dire situation, the formation of the Chinese branch immediately turned to attack.

The cold white mist, the sparks of the light beam, when Snow Kilan was repelled, the fog that was enough to freeze Tiga's legs in just a moment before had wrapped Tiga inside.

Is there no hope?

"Ding dong."

what is this sound?

"Ding dong."

The mist covered the white glow, and the colorful timer was ringing, which was the brilliance of life.

The ice turned into water, and then into steam, and the streamer shot out, and Redjack, who couldn't react in time, was instantly penetrated.

Standing there was Di Jia who killed a monster with the instant Peleo beam. His body was still shrouded in a faint brilliance, and the principle of the skill of burning and collision was used.

Raising your own heat overcomes the freezing kill, and that's it.

He switched back to the compound type, and Snowkiland was the only enemy left.

"Beautiful, so what?"

The Yabo people clapped their hands, and before Tiga could attack, the energy of another dimension poured down.

In the past of this earth, there used to be creatures called 'ghosts', among which there were many kinds, but they all gradually disappeared in the dust of history in the development of the times.

They also lamented, resisted, suffered, and finally returned to nothingness.

However, the resentment they left behind has not completely disappeared.

The energy gradually took shape, and in just a few seconds, in front of TPC and Dijia, a ferocious super beast took shape.

"Ghost Super Beast Onidwu, give it to me!"

The black clouds that gradually dissipated due to Redjack's death gathered again, not only that, but there was also a fierce current surging inside.

The battle resumed, and the Abo people smiled as they watched Tiga, who was one against two.

"The earth has been stripped from the universe. This is the different dimension that we Yabo people have mastered. It is full of energy. As long as you think about it, you can create as many super beasts as you want."

What he said was a desperate reality.

"Give up, human beings, despair! Be with the light and return to eternal darkness!"

In every corner of the earth, people can see the same sights, hear the same words, and twisted shadows reveal evil.

Want to give up?

Japan, Kumamoto.

Appeared from nowhere, a sword-wielding super beast.

Sent by the Yapo people, Faymons, the flaming super beast who is about to burn everything to ashes, walks in the city.

It stares at this bustling city with its eyes, what is the so-called everything in its master's order?

Very simple.

Human beings, animals, buildings, plants, and even the soil will be burned, and nothing can escape from the flames of destruction.

The roar of the beast was deafening, and the people who hadn't completely evacuated ran out of fear.

The soaring flames were raised high, and what Faimons held in his hand was a pillar of flame that reached straight into the sky.

With one swipe, there must be nothing left.

In an instant, the flames swung down.

In an instant, the sparks were chaotic.



"I, am I okay?"

The man opened his eyes, which had been closed in fear.

He had given up hope and would definitely die, that's what he thought.


"Hey, what is that!"

Its body structure is similar to that of a human being, with black armor covering its body.

He is not Ultraman, because Ultraman does not hold a sword in his hand.


He chuckled, then became serious again.

As I said before, I don't have the awareness to protect everything, but only the heart to do what I can.

The cosmic sword master Zamsha holds a sharp thin blade in his right hand, and what is wrapped around the blade is the raging fire released by the previous flame sword.

"Cut the flames's not as difficult as I imagined."

Throwing it forward, the fierce flames hit Faimons' body instead. Half a second later, the undamaged flame super beast roared, angry that the killing was stopped.

"Listen, you monster, I want everything, including the sword and the head!"

The blade of the sword shone with silver light, and the swordsman charged forward.

Same country, Tokyo.

The moth super beast Doragri locked the α fighter, and the nimble and annoying little fly was really an eyesore.

Missiles were fired from the fingertips, and rays of light were released from the eyes. The combined attacks put great pressure on Xincheng.

There was a fierce warning in the cockpit, and the anxious voices of teammates in the communication.

"Xincheng, skydive!"

Horei could clearly see the process of the α-fighter being driven to a desperate situation.

"Leave me alone, you take advantage of this opportunity to attack!"

Isn't this just right!I will contain this monster!

"Oh oh oh oh!"

He roared to concentrate, and shuttled among the incoming light and missiles.

At the same moment, Lina pressed the trigger, and the freezing light precisely hit Doragoli's head.

The damage caused was not fatal, and the irritated super beast was even more annoyed, and the concentration of light finally played a role.

Up, down, left, and right are all blocked, and there is no way to avoid them.

'It's over...'

Xincheng realizes this, and it seems that before death, he will indeed turn around.

'After all, it is impossible for Ultraman to save me every time. '

Goodbye, everyone.

The new city was ready, and was wrapped in brilliance in an instant.


Light, is it light?

Without a doubt, it is light.

After the brightness dissipated, Lina's pupils tightened.

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