The lower end, the upper end, the sharper and hotter energy weapon than the energy palm knife caused more severe damage.

Hilbargon stepped forward to fight back due to anger, and the next moment, Empat pulled with his right hand, slashed and bloomed, and the monster retreated.

The advantage of the attack distance is more real than anything else. It keeps trying to get closer, but it can't get closer. The physical and tyrannical monster of another dimension is always suppressed like this.

Sometimes it spins, sometimes slashes, sometimes dances, and sometimes stabs.

Empat controlled the double-edged sword and fought with dexterous movements. The bottom-up upward slash pulled the sand and dust into a scorched black burn mark, adding a new wound to the enemy.

Completely suppressing the enemy, just as he stepped forward, the smell of the air being scorched was so obvious.

With his right hand forward, the purple double-edged sword rotates freely, forming a shield that completely blocks incoming lightning strikes, and the splashed lightning attaches to the weapon.

Empat's right hand suddenly pushed forward, and released almost the same trick as the barrier bounce. The thunder bounced back intact, just like light reflected on a mirror. This blow directly blasted On Xierbagong's body.

He held the double-ended blade again, and in an instant, the existence that came in front of him raised his arm.

Leaving from the center of the space-time world, Goldlas stood in front of Shirbagon and took the slash for it.

Unlike its siblings, its defense is slightly weaker.

The purple sharp blade is being embedded into its arm.

Empat immediately closed his eyes, and the vision-robbing flash bloomed in front of him, but it failed to achieve any effect.

Before the double-headed blade completely cut off the enemy's arm, Shirbachorn attacked from the other side across his kind.

It lowers its head, as if it intends to use its horns to attack, so the vital point of the head is equivalent to actively exposing.

The right hand holding the sword was released directly, and Empat retracted his right hand, slightly turning away from his body, while his left hand directly hit the double-ended blade with the palm of his hand.

The exertion of power caused the energy weapon to start spinning, sparks flew, and Goldlas' abdomen and arm were chopped off.

The windmill-like double-ended blade was held and pulled horizontally with the left hand, and Shirpagon stood still with his left foot.

The legs fixed the body, the waist drove the whole body, and the huge long tail with spikes swept fiercely.

There are no exaggerated pictures, and there is no storm.

After a roundabout, there was an extra bone-deep scar on Hirpagon's tail, and Empat's double-edged sword bounced away due to the huge force.

Goldlas immediately stepped forward, and the lightning from the corner of his head hit the enemy's raised arm.

This force poured into his body, Empat let out a muffled grunt, his right hand was defending, and his left hand was barely raised again, the sharp claws shot by Xierbagong were blocked.

However, the enemy has two hands.

Then another sharp claw slammed into his abdomen, knocking him back a few steps.

The almost collapsed posture cannot cope with the battle very well. After the electric current, there is a sharp angle.

Goldlas's sharp horns directly pierced Empat's abdomen, and the electric current released at zero distance also continuously caused him damage.

Shirpagon approached again, and his sweeping claws slapped the enemy's face directly.

Since the two are of the same race, the cooperation is naturally seamless. The huge force directly sent Empat flying, and the red light of the timer began to flicker.

Hirpagon rushed forward towards the fallen giant.


Dazzling battles are not easy to keep up with, and the TPC who finally seized an opportunity tried to stop the enemy.

What they aimed at was the place where Empat left the scar with the double-edged sword before.

The tough skin has been cut open, and the light takes its toll.

However, Hirpagon ignored these attacks, knowing that the greatest threat to them was the giant lying on the ground, trying to stand up.

One gold and one silver, as the two most powerful original monsters in different dimensions, even super beasts may not be their opponents.

"Okay, good, wipe Empat from this world!"

In the different-dimensional space in the sky, there seems to be some strange figure, and it seems to be just an illusion.

The only thing that is not an illusion, is the purple 'disk'

With a flash of sword light, the assaulting Hirpagon stopped, with huge wounds appearing on his body from the right shoulder down, accompanied by the falling weapon.

It failed to react from the sudden situation, if it wasn't for its inherently strong body, this blow would have been enough to kill it.

The entity of the light is a rotating double-ended blade, and the thought power attached to it controls it like hands and feet.

The purple light blade raised sand and dust. At this moment, Empat, who seemed powerless to resist before, suddenly raised his body, joined hands, and the light burst out. The black light penetrated the yellow sand and hit the golden barrier.


Hirbagon was seriously injured, while Goldras was almost intact. In front of it was a protective shield that looked like an entrance. Zapelio's light entered it, but it disappeared into nowhere.

At which point in time did it arrive, and what kind of thing did it hit?

"You can do it, Empat."

Just when Empat gave up and continued to attack with light, someone appeared in the red sky.

As he laughed, something appeared.

The sphinx that emerged from the chaotic time in the space-time world was hit, with wings on its back, a poisonous snake with two tails, and a strange face.

What came out there was the combination of the Sphinx and the energy of another dimension, and the ancient super beast Sphinx appeared here.

The sky is no longer shattered, the monster that exists there leaps forward, it seems to be far away, but it is extremely close, what jumps out there is the combination of the crocodile and the cosmic monster, the super beast Brocken.

Empat defeated Xierbagong with a trick, and after that, two new super beasts appeared.

Earth and another dimension are now connected, and the soldiers that can be dispatched are no longer limited.

"Don't you find it strange? Why haven't Tiga and TPC come to help you until now? Because they can't take care of themselves. My loyal super beasts have gone to all over the world. The end of Ultraman and human beings is here!"

China, Shanghai, in this city is crazy heavy snow, in this sky is oppressive dark clouds.

Why does it snow heavily in the clouds?

Snowkilan, the super beast of snow, seems to be covered with fur to keep warm. The six luminous bodies on its head release strong light that steals the vision. The exaggerated blizzard gushes out of its nozzles and hands.

Stopping it in front of it is a red giant.

Tiga's powerful punch, which exploded with a fierce electric arc, gave Snowkilan a heavy blow with an electric punch that had the same principle as Empat's cutting hand knife.

However, before it had time to pursue, the fierce flames melted together with the blizzard, and the black cloud super beast Redjack, the flames controlled by it scorched the enemy.

Fire, ice, fire, ice, two opposing forces upon their targets.

Dijia wanted to fight back, but he could only retreat steadily. At this moment, Feiyan EX-J came.

The passengers inside were not members of the victory team.

Since the achievement of this type of fighter jet, branches all over the world are working hard to upgrade it.

The EX-J of the Chinese branch quickly transforms, the α fighter, the β fighter, the super beast Snowkilan who controls ice with hot melt light, and the super beast Redjack who controls fire with freezing light.

The perfect support achieved results, Tijia leaped out, and kicked out a blow that severely knocked Snokila down.

His right elbow blasted out immediately, and Redjack was knocked back some distance.

Three behemoths are fighting fiercely in the bustling city of Shanghai, but the mirrors of skyscrapers can hardly reflect their movements, because the red color almost covers the world.

"This world will never end!"

Japan, Tokyo, α fighters and β fighters attack the super beasts raging in the city.

Combining the moth with the energy of another dimension, the moth super beast Doragri raged in the city, shooting missiles with both hands and spitting flames from its mouth. The attack of the winning team caused some damage to it, which was not very good in defense.

Xincheng pulled the joystick abruptly, and the flames passing from below scorched the fuselage of the α fighter.

This battle is like dancing on a tightrope.

United States, New York, the interior of Feiyan EX-J and Blue Hurricane, the pilots are not stingy with their swear words.

It is difficult for them to vent their emotions except for scolding. One woman after another is swallowed up. The enemy exists underground, and there is no way for fighter jets to sneak into the ground to fight.

Consciousness was interrupted for a moment, and after the fleeing woman woke up, she found that she was no longer in the city.

'Where is this place? '

Ten, hundreds, too many to count at once.

The women here include adults and children. In the next moment, in the dark space with only a little light source, a pair of eyes light up.

The combination of ants and different-dimensional energy, Ali Punta, the giant ant super beast, made a frightening rustling sound.

The screams of the women echoed here, but no one could save them, and the sound could not even reach the ground.

This super beast is happy, it has such delicious food just after it was born, and it will continue to catch more food in the future.

Europe, Paris, cactus and hedgehog, coupled with the energy of another dimension, the cactus super beast Sabotanda is rampant here.

The green body is covered in spikes, and its acidic mist melts everything.

The fighter jets of the European branch were fighting fiercely with this super beast, but they didn't dare to get too close to it. A few seconds ago, the entire community disappeared without a trace in the acid mist, leaving only the dirt under the road.

On this very day, the aggression and destruction officially began.

In the red different-dimensional space, the different-dimensional energy controlled by that existence.

Combine it with different things, and it becomes a super beast.

In the Sahara desert, on the left and right sides of Empat are the roaring Sphinx and Brocken, and in front is Goldras who is protecting Hirbagon.

"Who are you! Why are you staring at the earth!"

Nangong questioned the phantom that was constantly being pulled into strange shapes in the different-dimensional space.

"I am a Yabo, born in the darkness and destined to dye everything into darkness, Ultraman, your light is too intrusive, you must completely extinguish your light today!"

Not for any reason, just because of this.

For the Yabo people, he has no personal grievances with Empat and Tiga, and there is only one reason for doing these things.

He hates the light of Ultraman, and also hates the planet guarded by Ultraman, which shines brightly in people's hearts from time to time.

So turn it off completely.

"Give it to me! Brocken, Sphinx!"

The four-legged Super Beast Brocken's tail and hands shoot out destructive rays, and the Sphinx, which has a body similar to that of a human, attacks Empat while releasing flames from the snake-shaped decoration on its head.

The blue-eyed giant pulled out a purple double-ended blade from the sand, and inside the space-time world, the abnormal timeline continued to evolve.

Chapter 130 Six Powers of Resistance

Africa, Sahara desert.

How to deal with the destructive light, scorching flames, and pincer attacks from both sides?

Injecting the power in the body again, the double-ended blade thrown by Empat started to rotate again. Under the control of the mind, the windmill-like sharp blade formed a barrier, directly blocking the light from Brocken's attack.

This has already bought enough time, he jumped up, the original position was scorching flames, and his body was spinning at a height of several hundred meters.

"Hehehe, Empat, it seems that you are planning to attack Goldlas and Hirbagon and cut off the connection between this world and the other dimension. You are very smart."

Ahead is not a red sky, but a yellow body.

Arms collided with each other, and when the loud noise echoed, the Sphinx and Empat were deadlocked in the sky.

This super beast made of the Sphinx also has a certain level of flying ability. Using this power, it successfully stopped the opponent in the air.

Elbow, jab.

Defend, counterattack.

The two behemoths were floating in the air, and their fists were their weapons, making a sound when they collided.

Brocken took aim at them who were entangled.

Before the light continued to shoot out, the spinning double-edged sword was like a cutting machine, attacking at a high speed, only a little short of being able to hit.

Brocken's four legs are of course not a decoration, it is like the centaur in the myth, quickly leaping away to avoid it.

The two hands and the two tails are all under his control, the former goes up, the right one goes backwards, two different lights are released at the same time, one is directed towards the double-ended blade, and the other is directed towards the enemy itself.

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