'Illusion? '

Just now it seemed that someone was staring at him.

'It's an illusion. '

Even if you are being stared at, we are all teammates, so being stared at will not be a big deal.

The door of the command room was closed, and the intermediary secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect to be discovered.

She shook her head helplessly, it was all because of her weakness.

In fact, not long ago, she was not doubting in her heart, but was 'complaining'

Yes, she complained that Di Jia didn't show up immediately to stop the monster.

At that time, she suddenly realized how dangerous her thoughts were.

If everything is handed over to Ultraman, then mankind will not be far from extinction.

What's more, Dagu is not just Ultraman. Isn't it too cruel to put the burden of protecting the earth and human beings on one person, or on two people?

'I am far from mature enough. '

The captain in the middle pinched her eyebrows, maybe the current situation has indeed made her brain not calm enough.

At this time, Dagu also returned to his room.

Before going to bed, turning on the mobile phone is something that almost everyone in this era will do.

At this moment, his pupils contracted rapidly, and then he glanced left and right, making sure that he was the only one here.

It's not TPC's communication device. In the information on the private mobile phone, there is such a new message:

'Ultraman Diga, I have something very important to see you, the time is up to you to set, please reply me if you receive it. '

What exactly is this?


Or was it true that someone had discovered his identity?

who is it?

Could it be Empat?

Dagu was in a state of confusion, and then turned off the phone.


Now is not the time to think about these things. First, I want to settle the matter in front of me. I can reply to this message later.

And at this time, the person on the other end of the line was waiting for a reply—Kirino thought for a while, and wrote a new message:

'It's about the Kirielod people, Yuan Dagu, I really hope you can find time to meet me. '

The winning team is very busy, and he hasn't been ignorant enough to ask the opponent to come over immediately.

But the sooner the better, after all Kirino himself doesn't know when the things he dreamed about will happen.

This was the first time such an inaccurate prediction made people feel even more uneasy.

Turning off the phone, he leaned back on the seat, just as he told Nangong before, he also wanted to act as a human being.

In other words, it was probably infected.

They risk their lives, so what can I do?

With such thoughts in mind, Kirino will start to act.

'The key now is the transformation of the identities of Kirielod and Ultraman, in addition to what happened to Empat. '

I saw in my dream that when Tiga was defeated by the Kiriarods, not only did people not support him, but they also chose to add insult to injury, calling the Kiriarods "angels"

Before the change, it was Empat's rampage. Why did he become like that?

It is more difficult for the former to change, but for the latter, it is enough to prevent him from transforming.

In the dream, the strength left by Tiga after fighting Empat is enough to compete with the Kiriarods who appeared this time for a period of time. If Tiga is in a normal state, it is uncertain who will win.

What lies behind the prophetic dream...indistinct.

The only thing that is certain is that if Tiga and Empat lose, not only the earth and human beings, but even the universe will lose its future and light.

"First of all, we must suppress this so-called original sin theory of Altman."

Tong Ye was sitting at the desk, and on the laptop were the debates in the various forums. Everyone refused to give in to each other. In the end, it turned into a personal attack after all, and there were not a few people who fanned the flames in the middle.

Seeing those remarks, he wanted to laugh for a moment.

Because neither Dijia nor Empat is narrow-minded enough to be angry about such things and not be affected, so these arguments seem meaningless.

However, some people will be affected by these remarks.

In short, first form cliques and unite to fight better.

Thinking of this, Kirino shook his head helplessly.

'Why do I do this kind of thing at my age? '

Or is it for humanity, for those who have attacked themselves with 'superpowers'?

Probably because he saw different possibilities, the Ultraman who was also attacked was still fighting.

"You guys have to thank me well later."

Kirino whispered something, and then began to immerse himself in the world of the Internet.

The color of the night sky was still dark as usual, and in the courtyard of Naxigong's house, two beams of light swirled.

"Haha! Beam saber! Buzz buzz!"

In order not to disturb the people nearby, what I bought was just this, cold fireworks that sprinkled sparks.

"Even if you're buzzing, the sound of the fireworks won't be buzzing."

The two sisters, as always, one was stupid and the other complained.

The two spinning colors stopped suddenly, just when Ye wanted to ask what was going on, Wu shook his head vigorously.

"It's not good, it made me dizzy."

Even when the eyes are closed, there are two light red halos.



Since it is the New Year, it is of course the traditional fireworks. At this time, Nangong also holds such a long strip in his hand.

He picked up the lighter and ignited it. Immediately afterwards, the colors sprayed from the front end slowly switched between green and red.

'It's so beautiful. '

Subconsciously have such thoughts, people will create such a beautiful existence.

'Kiri Aylord. '

How can they succeed in their boring ambitions? Even if they can't transform, there must be something they can do.

Maybe Nangong himself didn't notice it, but he didn't think about overcoming the darkness, or he didn't think about it on purpose.

'Empat, swallowed by darkness, has even led to the end of everything this time'—he was terrified by such a prophecy.

Suddenly, thoughts were disrupted.

"what happened?"

A palm flashed in front of her eyes, and at some point, Wu sat beside Nangong.

In fact, I bought the fireworks in the hope that he could show a little smile on this matter, but his expression seemed to be more gloomy than yesterday.

"Huh? No, nothing."

Shaking his head and standing up, Nangong had a smile on his face.

"Let's have some fireworks."


It wasn't a real smile, it was just a smile for reassurance, anyone could see that.

Chapter 86 The plan that started

Sneaking in the ground, looking for a familiar smell, but can't smell it at all.

The times have changed, it is no longer the super ancient times where monsters are rampant, and the prey of the past have completely disappeared.

On today's earth, the Red King, or almost all sleeping monsters have broken away from the existing biological chain, and they are existences that will only bring great damage to nature.

That's the reality, willingly or not, it's just a creature completely rejected by today's world.

Maybe ten years later, 50 years later, or a hundred years later, human beings who have developed to a certain point will be able to find a way to raise them, but they can't do it now.

It should have continued to sleep, and has been sleeping forever, but it woke up early under the forcible interference.

In addition to this, there is another reality that awaits Red King, and that is the problem of survival.

He couldn't bear it any longer, needed food, and could smell the cluster in his nose, but it was different from what he remembered in his brain.

Anyway, let's eat first.

It was early morning, and the ground began to shake violently. The shaking made people wake up from their dreams, realizing that there might be an earthquake, and people began to want to escape.

In the next instant, from bottom to top, the whole building collapsed.

Most people didn't even realize what happened, and entered the bloody mouth together with the falling gravel.

The loud sound of a whole building collapsing made people living in the neighborhood want to see what happened.

So in this undawning world, people's legs began to shake, and fear made the brain clear.

In sight, the monster rushing out of the ground didn't know what it was doing.

What is Red King doing?

It is tasting the taste of blood in its mouth.

Not enough, not enough, not enough at all, and more!

Located on the American continent, Vancouver, Canada fell into chaos, the alarm was sounded, and monsters took steps in the city, and those eyes were not hindered by the darkness.

It has memorized the new taste, the taste of modern humans, whether it is smell or taste, it is firmly in mind.

The smell of blood is in that unpalatable stone, so there is no need to worry about it. Aren't there many small things that can serve as food?


The roar was deafening from King Red's mouth. When people saw the monster, their first reaction was to run for their lives. Some people remembered to drive, and some were so flustered that they could only use their legs.

Aiming at things that are about the size of bugs, it only takes one step to crush them.

But this step is not for crushing it, but for bending over.

Using movements that do not match the size of the huge body, like a bulldozer, but that is a hundred times, a thousand times more terrifying than a bulldozer, the hard concrete road is directly smashed, screaming in horror, I don’t know How many people were swallowed into the stomach along with those gravels.

A lot, really a lot, King Red can smell the alluring smell around here, although he doesn't like these bugs with pitifully low energy, but it must be eaten in order to survive.

People fled in groups, vehicles were blocked, and more people ran on the streets in order to escape.

In addition to the lights of the building at night, there are also huge monsters and blue fighter jets rushing fast.

"Screw you!"

The driver pressed the trigger, and the light shot out, and the Blue Hurricane passed through the buildings at high speed.

If it is a war between countries, the enemy's air force, the enemy's missiles will come from the sky, but the monster...

It went all the way from the ground, even dug through the earth's crust, and reached the ground again at a speed before everyone had time to react, reaching the human city.

This is a bad situation. The high-rise buildings of the modern city make it more difficult for the fighters of the TPC America branch to maneuver.

But we have to fight no matter what, because the mission of TPC is to protect human beings.

A total of 22 blue hurricanes flew rapidly in the city. Under the pilot's precise control, they aimed at the monsters and attacked them. suffer any damage.

"Try this!"

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