Or for other reasons?

According to the location, the ancient sword that should be buried under the wreck fell on the outside ground.

In the mountains, whoever wiped the sweat from his forehead was scared out of it.

"It's too dangerous. Has there been an earthquake here before?"

He is an ordinary supernatural lover, and he came here for the legend of Su Nagui. Forget about the earthquake just now, and there was still laughter, Su Nagui must be true, right?

What a joke, although he was interested in these things, he never felt that it was true.

Carefully follow the local people's statement and walk towards the mountain, the speed is actually not much faster than a turtle crawling.

After dawdling for almost 10 minutes, what came into my eyes was the collapsed temple.

Let alone a monument, there are only wrecks left.

"Wait, it seems that Su Na ghost is sealed in the temple?"

Earthquakes, temples collapsed, and then that piercing laughter...

"real or fake?!"

My heart was beating a bit, but I still walked up, after all, I didn't actually see anything too scary.

At this moment, the young man who was walking around the wreckage kicked something.


The scabbard and knife, squatting down in doubt to pick it up.


His eyes changed, from a little scared to serious, the young man took out the sword and tried to slash it.

"...Sorry, young man, I'm going to borrow your body."

He said inexplicable words, and chased in the direction Su Nagui left.

The earth is huge, how many secrets does this once glorious planet hide?

In this vast land, evil plots are brewing.

In Kumamoto City, Nangong, who took to the street, thought about what he saw in the coffee shop before.

'Are they going to...'

He felt that he had guessed something, and soon his train of thought was interrupted.

What I saw in the square were people who advocated the original sin theory of Altman.

It turns out that they have grown to this scale without knowing it?

"Why don't they go and protest against the monster?"

"Because monsters really kill people."

Like telling a joke, the two who passed by Nangong were chatting.

"If this continues, mankind will be enslaved forever."

Suddenly, someone said that, he looked along the voice, and there was a man who had met once.

"The earth will also be destroyed in a huge darkness. Starting with it, the disaster will spread to the entire universe. The negative energy brought by the war will breed new monsters, and evil gods will rule everything."

The esper Kirino Makio made such a prophecy.

"who are you?"

Negative energy, when hearing this term, Nangong's eyes changed.

Chapter 85 Future Prophecy

Ultraman will become the enemy of human beings, good and evil will be reversed, and demons will become gods.

And the fuse that triggered everything was the spiritually destroyed giant of darkness, whose riots would make him a sinner to prevent his giant of light from triggering the second battle.

At that time, the bell of judgment rings, its existence is replaced, the Ultraman who loses his light and heart will die, and human beings leave the earth with the new gods, and then live forever and become slaves from generation to generation.

This is but the beginning of a new era, and the emergence of evil gods will extend their darkness to the entire universe.

Shaken hearts and tempting darkness, the fusion of the two creates a new chain, and finally civilization will be destroyed by the monsters it breeds.

This is what Kirino Makio saw in his dream.

"That is... I will die?"

Nangong asked this question, and then the man in front of him nodded.

"I can't see many clips. At the beginning, Empat was swallowed up, turned into a dark giant, and fought fiercely with Tiga. Then, the new Kyriairods appeared."

What Kirino saw was not just this short-term thing, but also a darker shadow.

Even in the end, he couldn't see clearly what the ruler hidden in the darkness was.

"It's better for you to take this matter to heart. I know who you are just because I saw your battle with the Imperial Stars."

It is also a predictive dream. Although it cannot be accurate to the time, it can see everything very clearly.

That's why it makes people feel scared. Why is the dream so vague this time?

"Why are you here to tell me this?"

Nangong sat on a bench in the square, and the two watched everything here.

"Probably because I saw you all fighting to the end no matter what."

Kirino looked into the distance, he had an attitude of giving up on human beings themselves.

However, people sometimes change.

"I found that people are still human even if they have power, so I want to work hard as a human being."

Ultraman also suffers, struggles, fights, and fights for what he struggles with.

"If the prediction is accurate, is the fact that you came to me also included in the prediction?"

Nangong tried to ask, but what he got was Tongye shaking his head.

"At least I didn't dream of that."

So I don't know what the future holds.

Is it a future that can't be changed no matter how hard you try?

Or should we change from now on?


It became silent again, Nangong closed his eyes for a few seconds and stood up again.

"I see, thank you for reminding me."

Leaving a word, he left towards the outside of the square, and Tong Ye also got up, and he was planning to go to the next place now.

It is also necessary to warn another person that Tiga must never fight Empat, and if necessary, even if Empat is abandoned, the Kyriairods will not be able to succeed.

The two headed in opposite directions, and in Nangong's heart, they were thinking about what the other said.

'Is it the next transformation? '

Or what?

The battle between Empat and Tiga who was mentally destroyed led to destruction, why is the spirit destroyed?

I can't find the slightest clue at all, but at least I know one thing.

That's the fact that he can't transform, at least not until he finds a way to get rid of the darkness.

'I was in a state where I couldn't transform casually, but now I really can't mess around. '

Laughing at myself, it's a situation where all kinds of things are piled up, what should I do now?

'Kiri Aylord. '

They are also hiding on the earth, planning conspiracies unknown to others.

What does the transformation of demons and gods mean?

Does it refer to the change in the positioning of Ultraman and Kirielod?

In that case, why would it cause this shift in positioning?

Is it because of 'Altman's theory of original sin'?

In this case, those people who are fueling the flames on the Internet, after all...

Thinking of this, Nangong denied it. Is the person who contributed to the flames on the Internet really from Kirielod?Or is it a human being possessed by the Kirielods?

This kind of thing, no one can tell, as a person living in this era, he is very clear about what the Internet is like.

There are some people who don't care if things are true or false or good or evil, they just want to create chaos and watch people argue.

There is no particular reason, and in fact the quarrel is never to persuade the other party, but to attack the other party.

No one can see anyone's face or touch each other, so they tear off their masks and do whatever they want.

"It's desperation... just kidding."

If you are desperate at this level, what qualifications do you have to become an Ultraman?

Although the current self is indeed not qualified to be Ultraman.

The color of the sky dimmed and the day ended.

TPC is trying to find the trace of King Red. The bottom of the ocean is a hole that has been dug out. inhale seawater.

Everyone had a certain premonition in their hearts, but when the scene really appeared in front of them, Seawater felt unbelievable.

The flowing magma was an astonishing crimson red, and the high temperature blurred the images captured by the camera.

"How deep does this guy dig!"

Xincheng cursed angrily, if he just moved forward in the ground, he wouldn't be continuously sucking in seawater as he saw before, and as a result, the monster went deep into the bottom of the earth's crust as expected.

"A monster is indeed a monster."

Just this one, I don't know how much impact it will have on the nearby marine environment, and this is not counting the Dodora Island it sank.

The screen in the frame doesn't move.

"What's the matter, why did you stop?"

He asked Horii.

"If it's too far away, the monitor can't control it."

So the submarine above needs to act together.

"In this case, how do we drive that monster out of the ground?"

Dagu quickly went through the equipment owned by TPC in his mind. Even the Pippa tank was not designed to such a deep position.

"Monsters are also creatures, and they must eat."

Lina recalled what she saw on Dodora Island.


The intermediary captain stood up, and her speech attracted everyone's attention.

"So what we have to do now is to find the real location of the monster, and wait for it before it appears. And everyone of the winning team, today's battle has worked hard for you, please go to rest first."

After a pause, she added first when Xincheng had just opened her mouth:

"Only by taking a good rest can you accurately accomplish your goals in the subsequent battles. The ancients also said to recharge your batteries."

A few words made Xincheng's mouth open, but he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, let's go to rest."

Horii poked his waist, turned around and left the combat command room first.

With the captain in the middle nodding, the rest of the people also left together.

Suddenly, Dagu turned his head when he noticed something, only to find that the captain was staring at the screen.

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