The pungent words came out of Kyoko's mouth, and the man's expression became even more miserable.

"I already---"

Change the past, he probably wanted to say that.

"You are old, you can no longer rely on sweet words to deceive people like before, not to mention that you have a criminal record in your information, most serious jobs will not want you, not only that, but you really depended on women to live Can you do other work?"

Kyoko didn't expect that the other party would have the cheek to come to her after she got out of prison.

If you have mistrusted the other party once, how could there be a second time.

Understanding this, the man's previous confession disappeared as if it never existed.

"I see, let's be blunt, I want 300 million."

He said so, 300 million yen is not a small amount.

"This is the IOU that your mother signed with me at the beginning."

Signatures, handprints, that's what a lie brings.


Silently staring at the piece of paper, not only that, Kyoko quickly scanned the surroundings, and found that people had already surrounded her before she knew it.

'It seems that this man has not changed at all from before. '

It's still the same, and it can be used for anything.


At this moment, the barking of the dog attracted attention.

It was Geddy, and the moment he saw it, the man showed disgust.

He didn't like this Shiba Inu, because when he was noticed, it was like being stared at by someone, which made him feel disgusted.

Growling, warning, Geddy glanced quickly, and let out another growl.

This time, it's not for warning.

In the coffee shop, the young man in the bathroom walked out quickly, throwing his shirt and coat on the ground.

A few seconds later, Uniform's eyes widened. In this less than 10°C weather, Nangong walked out the door so quickly.

"and many more!"

Why are pets like this, even their owners?

"Stay away from them."

Nangong, who was summoned by Gedi, said this, and before Kyoko and Ryoko could even recover from the fact that he was alive and walked out of the coffee shop, they found that the other party was not even wearing a shirt.

Arms, abdomen, have some traces of exercise, but they are not the kind of strong eight-pack abs.

Pale complexion gives a feeling of being strong on the outside and dry on the inside.

"Heh, heh heh!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

They laughed at their overreaching, and they were exhausted in the prison. The people who had just been released from prison squeezed their fists and walked towards Nangong.

'Ten people? '

Not many, if you really want to fight... 100 more people.

"Boy, I think you are...ah————————"

The screams came out instantly, and the uncontrollable pain caused the tall man to fall to the ground with a bang, and Gedi, who was biting his leg, was merciless.

The next moment, someone flew out, and in the uppercut, the man's teeth flew in the air.

Nangong greeted the remaining eight people alone.

Chapter 82

Frankly speaking, it's not so good-looking, gorgeous, or comparable to fighting.

It only takes one blow, and the person who gets hit will fall down screaming, and when the fourth person falls, the man who is paying attention to the situation here has already started to turn his head and run away.

Nangong held the straight fist with his left hand, twisted it lightly, and heard the sound of bone dislocation.

It was another kick, and before the man could howl, he felt comparable pain in his right leg.

If you want to evaluate it, it is ruthless. Whenever that young man comes into contact with someone, someone will fall down.

Because the winter clothes in winter are not very visible.

But each was missing a hand and a foot, and the bones were staggered and formed into strange shapes.

The person who fell on the ground didn't even have the strength to look at that person, and someone immediately wanted to run away.

He didn't even intend to let go of the target who had lost his fighting spirit, and the sideways kick hit the target's arm. When the bone broke, the screaming enemy hit the wall again, breaking the other hand as well. .

From being besieged at the beginning to arresting and beating people now, how surreal is this picture?

Originally it looked like ten people surrounded one person, but now it looks like one person surrounded ten people. What kind of movie is this?Hit ten?

Ten seconds later, the men lying on the ground didn't want to come out of the hospital for a month or two.

Did it go too far?

Nangong doesn't think that there are some people who won't give in until you show stronger strength than him.

Looking at the sister over there, he quickly walked around to the alley on the other side.

Like a chivalrous man who appeared out of nowhere, coming without a trace and going without a trace, Kyoko immediately understood what he meant.

Five minutes later, the back door of the coffee shop was knocked open, and Nangong didn't want to let the other party know that he was actually connected with this coffee shop.

Generally speaking, the other party will not dare to come to the door because of suffering, but who knows if this is really the case.

The human heart is the most unpredictable thing in the world.


At the back door, Kyoko looked at the young man who was still naked from the upper body with strange eyes.

"Are you really that Nangong Lan? No, what am I talking about?"

Looking at this unique, unmistakable complexion, there's no doubt that he can't go wrong.

What's more, his dog is barking happily in the store.

"come in."

"Thank you."

Nangong thanked him politely, and at least let him take back his jacket and down jacket. If you walk on the street topless in this weather, you will be photographed within 5 minutes, or it will be circulated on the Internet within a day. .

He doesn't want to be famous at all.

"I understand a little bit about the previous things, thank you for bringing Xingzi back."

According to Uniform, he seemed to be vomited all over by the child, no wonder he was naked.

"Oh! Back!"

Seeing the two people returning to the cafe, Yui suddenly jumped up from his seat.

"What was that just now! One punch! One hits ten!"

It's so ridiculous!Is there really such a thing in the world!


If you think about it carefully, it seems that you have indeed done a very bad job in this regard.

"Actually... kung fu?"

Talking uncertainly, even Nangong himself didn't believe it.

But at the next moment, not only Uniform, but even Kyoko and Ryoko on the side showed the look of 'so that's the case'.

'No, why did you just accept it? '

Because they are Chinese?

Is it because of the mysterious power of the ancient eastern country?

Nangong recalled the image of the Chinese in the eyes of people from other countries, that is, everyone is very good at fighting.

'At least there is no need to explain. '


Compared with these small things of oneself, the situation of the other party is more important.

"Shop manager, who was that man just now?"

This is something I want to figure out no matter what, why does Kyoko act so strange when seeing him, even like PTSD, and why does he target the Baichuan family?


After being silent for a while, Kyoko looked towards the stairs, there was the second floor, and the youngest sister had already gone to rest.

She sighed, there are some things that can be said, and some things that cannot be said.

"Although I don't want to admit it, he is indeed our biological father. I didn't expect him to have been released from prison."

That group of people is probably the cronies drawn out of the prison.


Nangong frowned. How could her daughter show such an expression when she saw her father? How could the family members be so incompatible?

Kyoko took out a lighter from her pocket, and quickly threw the lighter aside, remembering that she hadn't smoked a cigarette for a long time.

"I can't disclose the specific situation. You just need to know that he is a scumbag who cheats money and sex and lives on women."

Having said that, she scratched her hair again.

Anxious and disgusted, you can easily see a very emotional expression on the face of the usually carefree store manager.

Nangong fell silent, just when he was thinking about what to do, Liangzi spoke:

"These things are actually left to us to solve, and you don't have to worry too much."

On her face, of course, there was no usual gentle smile.

No one would be happy to see such a vampire father.

"You said solve..."

Uniq is obviously not very reassured, rather, how can I believe that two women can fight against those local hooligans?

"I see."

On the other side, Nangong nodded instead, there is something like that over there, and there is also something like this side here.

If they can't solve it, let's do it here.

I don't know if the other party will like falling in the air.

"Okay, this is my good employee, here, I will reward you with a candy."

What he took out of his pocket was an apple-flavored lollipop.

Nangong shook it while taking it.

"Aren't you afraid that your blood sugar will exceed the standard after eating so many candies all day long? You will get fat."

Realizing that the other party didn't actually want to continue on the topic of 'father', he changed the subject.

"Whispering! How can there be someone like you who tells girls face to face that they are fat? You must not have a girlfriend!"

Of course Kyoko was also happy to accept this kindness.

Only Uniq with question marks left, why did it suddenly turn into candy?

"Then I'll come again next time."

Unpacking the candy, Nangong put it in his mouth and stood up.

"Mind if I borrow some clothes?"

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