"Don't remember? I'm—"

'do not come! '

I shouted in my heart, but my body couldn't move, it was exactly the same as before.

Just like when I was ten years old, I even felt pain.

The violently beating heart seemed to be beating a drum, and the rapid breathing was uncontrollable. At the same time, even the stomach seemed to be stirred together.

There were enough omens, the mental shock made Kyoko's body go limp, and just as she was about to fall to the ground, the man felt the wind looting beside her.

In a blink of an eye, for some unknown reason, a young man he didn't know appeared there, and he helped the girl who was about to fall to the ground.

"Young man, thank you, but you don't need to do the next thing..."

"I don't know you, and Kyoko never told me that she knew any other men."

Nangong shook his head, language is a very magical thing, as long as it is spoken, it will make people guess.



Just as he thought, the man speculated in his heart, before he could continue to defend, Nangong spoke again:

"But I saw that she was very afraid of you. If you really have something to do with her, come with me to the Metropolitan Police Department."

Metropolitan Police Department?How can I go to that kind of place.

The dilemma is the best portrayal of a man at this time. If he retreats, he is a suspicious person. If he enters him, he will not get any good results. The worst thing is that he will bring the other two back.

A few seconds later, in Nangong's eyes, the man turned and left.


Who is the opponent?

Why is Kyoko so scared?

The sayings I heard in school flashed in my memory.

Putting the girl on his back, Nangong walked towards the coffee shop.

No matter what, take her back first.

'Fortunately, we caught up. '

He felt lucky in his heart, what would happen if he came a step late?

As he walked forward, while thinking, Nangong knew that Kyoko had a bad past, but he didn't expect it to be worse than vomiting in school.

'The man...'

Who is it?

What's the relationship with Bai Chuan's family?

Thinking about this matter, and wanting to solve this matter, unconsciously, I walked into a familiar street.

Soon, after turning around and turning around, what I saw was a girl standing at the door of the coffee shop.


Realizing that there seems to be no way to avoid the current situation, he can only go up.

At the same moment, Uniq, who came to the coffee shop to play in the New Year, was staring at the closed door and the rolled shutter door suspiciously.

Of course, there is nothing strange about this, but the strange thing is the dull voice that keeps coming from inside.

"Am I so popular with Geddy?"

Why did it keep barking in it not long after it arrived?

Oops, I didn't expect my charm to be so great that even animals like it... Just kidding.

'Call Kyoko to have a look. '

At the same time that Uniq took out the phone, Nangong also arrived.


Calling out the other party's surname, when hearing the voice, Uniform's expression was very surprised, and when he looked over there, he was even more surprised.

The young man who disappeared for a long time after that appeared there.

Not only that, but the person behind him looks very familiar.

"Nangong, you!"

Halfway through, I suddenly got stuck.

'Suddenly burst out that you are still alive, no matter how you think about it, it's not good, right? '

Although seemingly unrestrained and carefree, Yui is actually a very considerate girl.

"You're handsome again!"

Forcibly changing the rhetoric, even if the other party didn't mean that, she still felt that someone's eyes became dazzling.

Nangong didn't know how to respond to this miraculous greeting.

In the end, he decided to forcefully ignore it.

"Asakawa, can you help me find the key from Kyoko's body?"

"Apricot? Ah."

After walking around to one side, he realized that the girl lying on the opponent's back, who seemed to be asleep, was his best friend.

"Eh? Wait, doesn't she have male phobia?"

Thinking about it carefully, it's actually not right to be able to fall asleep and be carried back by someone at this time.

"A lot of things happened, so let's take her into the coffee shop first."

"No problem, let me look for it."

How many pockets does that dress have?

God knows.

Uniq, who walked behind Nangong, kept groping for Kyoko, first of all, to find out where the pocket was.

After she didn't know how many times she met Nangong, she finally took out a key.

"Will it be open?"

"you teach me."

He also taught Uniq how to open the shutter door, in short, the door to enter was opened first.

Walking into the interior, the first thing that catches the eye is the Shiba Inu sitting there sticking out its tongue and wagging its tail.

It has long been aware of the owner's return, and is happy about it.

At that moment, Nangong suddenly felt that his entanglements were really stupid.

Gedi doesn't care what power his master uses at all, it only cares whether the master is the master or not.

At this moment, probably because of Uniform's actions before, Kyoko's consciousness gradually became clear from the chaos.

The interrupted memory became clear, and in an instant, her eyes widened. Before she had time to do anything, the first thing that rushed to her stomach was a strong physical reaction.



Before he had time to put her down, Nangong silently endured what the girl spit out from her mouth. Letting go in this situation would only make the situation worse.

On the other hand, Uniq had a pained expression on her face, she couldn't stand it anymore, absolutely couldn't stand it anymore, she hurried to the toilet to find cleaning tools, buckets, mops, and brooms.

Should you be thankful that the other person didn't eat much?

Nangong thought silently, who was "baptized" on the first day of the new year, wonder if there is another person in this world.

Half a minute later, Kyoko finally had nothing to vomit, and Kyoko, who had exhausted her strength long ago, wanted to attack the man who was carrying her on his back.

The eyes blurred by tears made it impossible for her to distinguish where this place was and who the other party was, but she could barely make out that the other party was neither the eldest sister nor the second sister.

A fluttering fist landed on Nangong's shoulder, but he just walked to the sofa used by the guests and gently put Xingzi down.

"Bai Chuan, it's me, this is a coffee shop."


The voice was very familiar, and Kyoko, who was sitting down, opened her eyes vigorously, but the eye sockets were covered with bloodshot eyes, and her expression was also very ugly.

After a few seconds, she finally made her vision clear.


The young man who thought he was no longer there just appeared in front of his eyes.

"Sorry, Kyoko, can you tell us where the bathroom is?"

At this moment, Uniq also returned to the store.


Her words made Kyoko stunned for a few seconds, the girl now is completely in a state of brain knot.

It took another few seconds before she realized what she had just done.

"The innermost right side of the corridor on the second floor."

Kyoko pointed out where the toilet-cum-bathroom was located.

"That's the thing, you go and clean it up first."

Uniqlo's suggestion made Nangong nod.

"Feel sorry."

He made his way to the stairs, brushing against his pet.


Gedi also yelled, with a broom and shovel in its mouth, and in the short period of time just now, it quickly went to a nearby park to steal a handful of sand and came back.

"Oh, so clever!"

Uniq praised Gedi, every time he thinks he is smart, he will refresh the upper limit again, is this really a dog?

Even the mimic dog who said it was an alien believed it.

In this way, it is divided into upper and lower. Below, Kyoko's eyes were a little dull, and she subconsciously hugged herself tightly.

And while Uniform was cleaning up, she quietly observed her friend, her expression was not at all like her usual one.

'what is the problem? '

She didn't understand what happened at all, and the only thing she could confirm now was that the expressionless young man was very gentle.

Otherwise, he wouldn't wait until the girl finished vomiting before putting her down.

Above, Nangong could only be thankful that at least his pants were not affected. While the warm water from the shower was splashing on his body, he also had to be thankful for another thing, that is, there were no unwashed clothes in the bathroom, otherwise it would be embarrassing To what extent.

Time passed minute by minute, sand, broom, mop, finally cleaned up the matter, Uniq wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the activated ventilation fan was making the air in the inner space fresh.

At this moment, Geddy turned his head, and his sharp ears could hear a familiar voice.

So, it quickly ran out of the coffee shop.

On the street, it was Kyoko who protected Ryoko and kept a distance from the man in front of her.

"What do you want to do? No, it should be said that it's a shame that you can still appear in front of us with the cheek."

There was no expression on her face, just indifference.

"I know you still hate me."

The man's expression became sad, his eyes were red, and it seemed that he would cry in the next second.

"No matter what, we are all blood-related father and daughter. I know that the past was all my fault. Please, let me do something to make it up!"

The tears left in the eyes are moving, perhaps, the mother also believed the tears.

"What's the matter, stop using your tricks to deceive other women?"

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