True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1081 The Illusion of the Holy Tree (3)

Another place in the Holy Tree's other world.

After the two weirdos of the Stag tribe, Black Snake, Cangmu, and Kaishi, separated, they went out to explore alone.

Black Snake is just the code name of the weirdo, and now his body looks like he has permanently transformed into a snake-animal.

The strange black snake has a human body and a snake tail. The long snake tail trailing behind him is covered with black scales.

There was no one else around, so he simply took off the hood covering his face and breathed freely.

A head shaped like a snake's head, with forked black snake cores spitting out of its mouth, it looked like a snake demon.

The strange black snake twisted its long tail and swam among the intricate branches at a very fast speed without even making a sound.

The magic of turning into monsters is very common in the southern cultivation world of Zhongyuan Continent, but most of them are temporary half-beast transformations. It is rare to see someone as permanent as the Monster Black Snake, with almost all of his body transformed into a monster.

The permanent transformation of the body into a monster will make it extremely powerful, possessing the brute strength and talent of a monster, but it will also bring serious side effects.

For example, the weirdo Black Snake's blood has become cold-blooded like a snake beast, and he needs to swallow strong medicines such as Fire Pills to warm his blood every once in a while. Fiery Pill, a powerful fire-attribute medicine, would cause burning pain to the five internal organs every time it was taken.

At this time, the figure of the weird black snake suddenly stopped. He turned his head and looked in one direction, and spit out black forked snake cores from the tip of his mouth.


The weird black snake spit out a large ball of black evil spirit from its mouth.

The demonic energy rolled, hiding his figure, and he swam in that direction.


A white holy tree fruit hangs on a branch not far from the weird black snake.

It looks like white beads, has a lingering aroma, and is refreshing.

"It's...the fruit of the Holy Tree." The pupils of the strange black snake turned into vertical lines like a night snake, and a hoarse and low voice came out of its mouth.

Normally, he would not speak as long as others were around, but he was not mute.

Just when the weird black snake was going to pick the fruit of the holy tree.

Suddenly, the light and shadow in the space changed.

Like Kaishi and Cangmu before him, the weirdo Black Snake also fell into the illusion of the holy tree.

The space fragments were reassembled, and a picture appeared in front of the weird Black Snake.

There is a huge underground secret room deep inside him.

In the middle of the secret room is a square blood pool, and the water in the pool exudes a pungent smell of blood.

In the four corners above the blood pool, there are four huge black snakes. The snakes have a single black horn on their heads, which distinguishes them from ordinary snakes.

The snake-shaped pupils of the weird black snake suddenly shrank, as if he had returned to a scene twenty years ago.

twenty years ago.

He is still an eight-year-old child from the Buck Tribe, and his name is Wu Yan.

Jiaye, the leader of the Stag Tribe, is good at the art of snakes and beasts. He selected many children for a secret experiment. He wants to train people into snake beasts, extremely powerful, as a secret weapon to protect the Stag tribe.

In the end, only two children passed the preliminary test. Coincidentally, these two children are twin brothers, and Wu Yan is the elder brother of the twins.

In the dark underground corridor, the clan leader Jia Ye was walking in front.

Eight-year-old Wu Yan followed closely behind Jia Ye. The long black robe behind Jia Ye rested on the ground, like a cold-blooded black snake crawling in the dark.

In front of a closed fine iron gate, clan leader Jia Ye stopped.

"Yan, do you decide to let me push open the iron door in front of you? You know, after pushing open this iron door, your life will completely change. You will become an extremely powerful snake man, but you will also lose your Everything you have now." Jia Ye said coldly.

Xiao Wuyan looked at the closed iron door opposite. The blood on the iron door

The rust on the iron door twisted and moved, like a flowing river of blood. He vaguely heard the roar of a terrifying snake beast behind the iron door.

gate of hell!

Xiao Wuyan was trembling all over, his teeth were chattering, and he was speechless for a long time.

"Humph." Jiaye snorted, "Yan, are you scared? In this regard, you are still not as good as your brother. Your brother told me that he will become the most powerful warrior in the tribe."

Xiao Wuyan clenched his fists tightly, sweating like rain all over his body, and his eyes burst out with fire of determination.

Not knowing where the strength came from, Xiao Wuyan took two steps forward.

He stretched out his hands and pushed hard on the closed iron door.

Xiao Wuyan shouted in his heart: "I can do it. I don't need my younger brother to come here. My younger brother is smarter than me and should have a brighter future. I am the older brother and I have to take care of my younger brother."

He bravely raised his hands and pushed hard on the closed iron door.

"Brother." He shouted two words in his heart.

He didn't even say a single unnecessary word.

The moment his small hands were pressed against the iron door, his soul power actually resonated with the iron door in a special way.

On the iron gate, blood-colored runes flowed, and a bloody snake with an angry mouth appeared in the center of the iron gate, with black evil energy rolling continuously.

Squeaking, the iron door weighing ten thousand kilograms was pushed open by Xiao Wuyan, or it could be said that the iron door opened on its own.

When Jia Ye, who was standing aside, saw this, his eyes showed great excitement, and he couldn't help shaking his arms, "This eight-year-old child can actually make the Xuanmen with the power of ten thousand snakes open by itself. It is really the blessing of the snake god. Sure enough, Yan is the most suitable. He will become the secret weapon of my Buck tribe in the future."

After entering the iron gate and entering the secret room, Xiao Wuyan stood beside a square blood pool. The disgusting smell of blood emanated from the blood pool.

Xiao Wuyan looked at the blood pool at his feet, his pupils that were originally as pure as water turned blood red.

Blah blah blah, blah blah.

The blood is rolling, the blood fountain is bulging, and the blood pool is shaking.

Four giant black pythons emerged from the blood pool, causing a rain of blood in the space.

Four giant pythons and eight snake pupils stared at Xiao Wuyan.

The tips of their triangular mouths spit out the bifurcated snake cores, feeling the smell from Xiao Wuyan's body. For them, Little Wuyan is just an appetizer.

Jiaye on the side was already prepared. He made a hand seal with his hands, and the powerful power of eye magic emitted from the snake-shaped pupil of his left eye. Green light waves were visible to the naked eye gushing out from his pupils.

The four black blood pythons were immediately struck by Jia Ye's pupil technique, and their huge bodies froze there.

Without stopping for a moment, Jiaye threw out witchcraft talismans one after another, which landed on the bodies of the four black pythons on the opposite side.

"I've raised you four guys for decades, it's time to put them to use."

Immediately afterwards, Jia Ye landed on the snake-shaped mechanism in the corner of the secret room.

Blah blah blah, blah blah.

The whole secret room shook.

Huge fine iron chains came out, binding four black pythons and hanging them in mid-air.

After a while, the whole secret room became quiet again.

Jiaye turned to look at Xiao Wuyan beside him: "Don't be afraid, these four black pythons will evolve into snake beasts as you grow. They can't hurt you, they are just tools for your cultivation.".

Xiao Wuyan was trembling all over, with clear fear in his heart, but he just nodded and said nothing.

"Your child's stubbornness is really endearing." Jiaye gently stroked Xiao Wuyan's head with his hand.

Then, Jia Ye sacrificed four soul-eating sharp knives and inserted them between the eyebrows of the four black pythons.

Tick, tick, tick.

Soul blood fell from the wounds between the eyebrows of the four black pythons, falling on the surface of the blood pool, causing circles of bloody ripples.

"Yan, just keep practicing in this blood pool with the blood refining technique I taught you. In twenty years, you will become the most powerful tribal warrior." Jiaye said gently.

Xiao Wuyan nodded, still speechless.

Poof, he jumped into the blood pool on his own.

"Hahaha, hahaha." Jiaye laughed wildly at the edge of the blood pool, and the secret room trembled. "This is the fearless warrior of my Buck Tribe."


In the illusion of the holy tree.

Four one-horned dragon snakes appeared opposite the weird black snake.

He looked at them, and as snake beasts, their instinct was to suppress each other.

The body of the weird black snake was completely transformed into a snake and beast under the stimulation of the secret method.

Immediately afterwards, both sides moved at the same time and began to attack each other.

In the blood pool, a huge black snake was fighting with four black one-horned snake beasts.

The blood was pouring into the sky, the black scales and bloody shadows were roaring again and again.


In the otherworld of the Holy Tree, there are three people standing side by side on a huge, green, bowl-shaped leaf.

There is a person in the middle, about ten feet tall, with strong limbs, like an iron tower.

The person on the left has a slender figure, with long arms and legs, like a dry branch. And on his waist hung a scimitar hidden in a scabbard.

The person on the right has grass-green skin all over his body and wears a green loose shirt. The whole person looks like a tree.

It was Ye Yan, Jian Sen and Jian Lin from the Ba Lu tribe.

The big man Ye Yan said: "This holy tree alien world is so huge, but only ten holy tree fruits exist in it. If we go around like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find even one holy tree fruit after the trial is over."

Jiansen pinched his fingers with one hand, and then said: "There is only daylight in this sacred tree alien world. Calculate carefully, we should have spent a day and a night."

Jian Lin on the side made a hand seal, and green light waves emitted from his body.

After a while, Jian Lin stopped the technique, looked embarrassed, shook his head and said: "This holy tree is full of restrictions in the alien world, even if I practice the tree power, I can't sense the existence of the fruit of the holy tree. "

Jiansen and Jianlin looked at the big man Ye Yan.

"Brother Ye Yan, please make up your mind." The two said in unison.

The big man Ye Yan scratched his head, and then said: "If this continues, the guys from the Buck Tribe and Caolu Tribe may be the first to find the Holy Tree Fruit. If we don't grab a Holy Tree Fruit from them, I'm afraid The three people from the Bucks tribe will not choose to cooperate with us. I think it is better for us to work in two groups. This way we can search a larger area. Ensure you have the ability to protect yourself when encountering opponents.”

Jiansen nodded and said, "I listen to Brother Ye Yan."

Jianlin echoed: "Brother Ye Yan is thoughtful."

The three people high-fived each other, agreed to meet on the east side under the sacred tree in three days, and then went their separate ways.

Jian Sen and Jian Lin are two brothers, working in pairs and continuing to move forward side by side.

The big man Ye Yan glanced at the direction where the two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin disappeared, nodded slightly, then turned around and fled quickly in the other direction.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiansen and Jianlin actually saw a sacred tree fruit.

A white holy tree fruit hangs on the branch not far opposite.

It looks like white beads, has a lingering aroma, and is refreshing.

The two brothers Jiansen and Jianlin looked at each other.

"It's the fruit of the holy tree." They both said in unison.

Just as the two of them stepped forward to pick the tempting fruits of the holy tree.

Suddenly, the light and shadow in the space changed.

The fragments of time and space were put back together, and the scenery in front of him changed drastically.

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