True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1080 The Illusion of the Holy Tree (2)

The Holy Tree is in another world.

"What kind of place is this?" Cangmu from the Buck Tribe held a flying eagle bow, "That's it? It smells so fragrant."

A white holy tree fruit hung on a branch not far from him.

It looks like white beads and has a refreshing fragrance.

A confident smile appeared on Kuraki's lips.

Just when Kuraki was about to walk over and pick the fruit of the holy tree.

Suddenly, the light and shadow in the space changed.

Like Kaishi before him, Cangmu also fell into the illusion of the holy tree.

When Cangmu saw the scenery in front of him clearly, he found that he was at the top of the cliff. Opposite him was a gray-feathered flying eagle with wings spread three feet.

There is a bunch of erected, green and long feathers on the head of the Cangyu Flying Eagle. That is its feather crown, which shows its incomparable pride and is the laurel crown of the sky.

Cang Yu Fei Ying's pair of amber pupils were staring at Cang Mu, with a fierce and cold soul-stirring power in his eyes.

Cangmu immediately felt as if he had fallen into an ice prison, his soul was imprisoned, and his hand holding the bow and arrow trembled and he could not lift it up.

"This is this?" Cangmu asked in horror.

The scene in front of me seemed to be back twenty years ago.

twenty years ago.

Jiaye, the leader of the Stag Tribe, discovered that Oguragi, who was only eight years old, had outstanding archery talent, and wanted to train him to become the best archer on the Luming Grassland.

Under the training of Clan Chief Jiaye, Oguragi's bow shooting ability improved by leaps and bounds, but he could not find the right arrows for him.

"Okuragi, you were born with the eyes of a goshawk. You can see further and more clearly than anyone else. You are the most suitable to be an archer. Right now, you need to find your own bow and arrows. Ordinary bows and arrows are not good enough for you. Talent." Chief Jiaye explained.

"Master Patriarch, where should I find a bow and arrow that suits me?" Oguragi, who was only eight years old, said with his big eyes blinking.

"Flying Eagle Rock."

Clan leader Jiaye patted Oguragi's head and continued: "On Eagle Rock lives the most powerful hunter in the sky, the Cangyu Flying Eagle. The Cangyu Flying Eagle has a special crest on its head, which is called Feiling Feather. As long as you can get Feiling Feather, you can use it to make the tail of the bow and arrow, which is the most perfect feather arrow. You can control it as you like, and you will grow into the most outstanding god in the entire Luming Grassland. Sagittarius, the sky is your world.”

Hearing what Chief Jiaye said, Oguragi was full of longing and said with a firm expression: "I'm going to Flying Eagle Rock to look for the Feather of the Flying Spirit on the head of the Cangyu Flying Eagle."

"This time, I can't help you. Only what you get through your own efforts will truly belong to you." Clan leader Jia Ye said seriously.

Three days later, with enough energy and plenty of dry food, Oguragi set off toward Feiyingyan alone.

Feiyingyan is a side peak on Xionglu Mountain. The mountain is as steep as a knife and is extremely difficult to climb manually.

On Eagle Rock lives the most powerful hunter in the sky, the Cangyu Flying Eagle. The gray-feathered eagle is ferocious in nature and will kill anything that threatens it, including humans. For the safety of tribal members, Eagle Rock is listed as a forbidden area by the Buck Tribe.

After three full days of climbing, Oguragi could only climb halfway up the Eagle Rock. The higher he went up, the steeper and more difficult it became to climb.

He had to step back.

"How do I get to Eagle Rock?"

The clever Oguragi thought of a unique way.

He made a kite as tall as a person, tied his waist to the kite, and then jumped off the main peak of Buck Mountain. Fly to the lower Eagle Rock with the help of a kite.

Courage, courage, wisdom.

Oguragi succeeded.

He arrived at the top of Eagle Rock.

"That's a gray-feathered flying eagle! Look at the green feathers on its head, the feathers of flying spirits!" Oguragi huddled behind a boulder and peeked at the opposite side.

Oguragi's heart was beating like a drum.

The Cang Yu Feiying opposite was so big that Oguragi was not as big as one of the big guy's talons. The big guy's claw hook is sharper than a sword, and it can easily kill Oguragi with just one flick.

It is almost impossible to capture the feather crown on the head of the Cangyu Flying Eagle.

"Calm down, calm down, I can do it." Oguragi encouraged himself in his heart.

"My best skill is archery. But with my current ability, even if I shoot ten arrows, I can't kill an adult gray-feathered eagle. By the way, I can shoot its eyes, as long as it is blind. , I first put a rope around its neck to restrain it, and then cut off the crest on its head."

With detailed countermeasures in mind, Oguragi stepped out from behind the boulder.

He leaned out half of his body and stared at the Cang Yu Feiying not far away, "I must get the Feather of the Flying Spirit."

At this moment, Cang Yu Fei Ying was facing away from Oguragi.

You only get one chance.

Oguragi decisively walked out from behind the boulder where he was hiding. He drew the large wooden bow he carried with him and placed an arrow on it.

The arms are strong, the bow is full of the moon, and the string is stretched like a blade.

"Hey! Guys, I'm here." Oguragi shouted.

The gray-feathered eagle opposite realized that someone was behind it, and immediately flapped its wings and turned around.

The wings flap, creating a storm.

It's now.

Oguragi's fingers holding the bowstring clicked decisively.


A silver feather arrow shot out of the wind!

Before Cang Yu Feiying could react.


The shot arrow pierced one of the eagle's eyes, spraying bright red.

"It also has one eye, on the left."

Without stopping for a moment, Oguragi placed a new arrow on the bowstring at a faster speed than usual during practice.

"Its left eye!" Oguragi exerted his strength with both arms, and auras of light swirled on the surface of the big wooden bow, and the bowstring was fully drawn.

At this moment, the shadow of Oguragi was reflected in the remaining left pupil of the Cang Yu Feiying.

Cang Yu Feiying's eyes showed a circle of soul power fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

The next moment, the strange power of eye magic fell in Oguragi's eyes.

Oguragi suddenly felt like he was falling into an ice cave, his whole body felt cold, and his soul seemed to be frozen. The hand holding the bow string was trembling and shaking back and forth, unable to aim at Cang Yu Feiying's left eye.

"No, it's the Soul-Captivating Eye Technique!" Oguragi said in panic.

If an archer cannot aim and shoot arrows, his attack power will be greatly reduced.

At this moment, Oguragi is like this.

In just a moment, the angry gray-feathered eagle flapped its wings and soared into the sky, and the vengeful storm rushed towards Oguragi.

Although Oguragi is young, he is very smart. He knew he had no chance.


Oguragi turned around and ran, but his soul was controlled by the power of the Flying Eagle Eye Technique. His feet were mixed, and he fell to the ground as soon as he ran a few steps.

His arms were broken, his knees were broken, and his chin was bruised with blood, but a bow was tightly held in his hand.

The gray-feathered eagle descended from the sky, and a huge shadow fell like a dark cloud. The world was dark, stormy, and bitterly cold.

Oguragi knew that the Cangyu Flying Eagle was above his head, and maybe the next moment, the flying eagle's claws would tear his body apart.

Regardless of the severe pain all over his body, Oguragi suddenly turned over his lying body and drew the bow and arrow in his hand.



Oguragi yelled crazily, he risked his life with this blow.


The bowstring was pulled and the arrow was shot.


An arrow hit the wing of the gray-feathered eagle.

But this cannot kill Cang Yu Feiying at all, nor can it make Cang Yu Feiying lose its fighting power.

Cang Yu Feiying's left wing was injured and his body was unstable.


The Cang Yu Feiying's sharp claws were slightly out of the way and caught the ground beside Oguragi.

The rocks shattered, the soil flew up, and Oguragi's body was lifted out by the airflow and rolled aside.

Cang Yu Feiying was shot blind in his right eye and wounded in his left wing. The ferocious beast was furious.

The ferocious beast flapped its wings, screamed strangely, and pounced towards Oguragi.

At this moment, Oguragi no longer had the strength to draw the bow and arrow. Even if he still had the bow and arrow in his quiver, it would be useless.

"I can't die here, but do I still have the ability to resist?"

Unwilling to admit defeat, Oguragi's mind raced and he scratched at his body randomly.

His right hand touched a soft bag.

"This is a gift given to me by Jia Shi."

Oguragi's mind quickly flashed to the gift that his young man, Xiaojiaishi, had given him before he came to Fei Yingyan.

"This is a small gift for you." Xiao Jiashi handed it to Xiao Cangmu with a storage bag.

"What is this?" Oguragi was about to open it.

"Don't open it!" Xiao Jiashi shouted angrily, "Unless you want to die."

Oguragi was so frightened that he almost threw the storage bag out when Ogashi shouted.

On weekdays, this little Jia Shi is his eldest brother.

Xiaojia Shi specializes in playing with snakes and has developed a strange snake-beast technique.

Other friends cannot object to Xiao Jia Shi's opinions at all.

of. Oguragi once objected, but was beaten black and blue by Ogashi. But after that, they were still friends.

"What's in this bag?" Xiao Jiashi asked.

"You don't need to know what's inside? I know you are going to Eagle Rock. If you are in danger, just throw this bag out and shout my name."

After saying that, Xiao Jia Shi turned around and left without explaining anything.

Oguragi looked at the black robe rolling behind Xiaojiaishi and the retreating figure. It looked like a terrifying black snake. He obediently tied the bag around his waist.


On Eagle Rock.

The gray-feathered eagle kills Oguragi.

At the critical moment.

"Boss Jia Shi——"

Oguragi yelled with all his strength, pulled the storage bag off his waist, and threw it out.


The storage bag exploded in mid-air, turning out a cloud of black mist.

In the black mist, a black python jumped out.

The flying Cang Yu Feiying and the black python collided with each other, and the two immediately struggled.

The black python bit the Cang Yu Feiying's calf, and the Cang Yu Feiying pecked the black python's neck.

The black python wrapped around Cang Yu Feiying's neck, and Cang Yu Feiying tore open the black python's belly.

The two ferocious beasts were rolling together, with feathers flying, snake scales splashing, and strange screams. They were fighting to the death.

After a while, both the Cang Yu Feiying and the black python became silent.

"They're not moving." Oguragi held his bow and arrow and cautiously walked over to take a look.

The Cang Feather Eagle blinked its remaining right eye and looked at the approaching Oguragi, but could not move. Its talons changed from gold to black.

It's poisoned.

The black python on the side had its belly disemboweled, blood was flowing all over the floor, it tilted its head and vomited blood, and died.

The air is full of the smell of blood.

Oguragi panted heavily and plucked up the courage to walk up to Cang Yu Feiying.

"Big Bird, I just want to borrow the crest on your head. I didn't want to kill you."

Oguragi used a knife to cut off the crest of the gray-feathered eagle and put it away carefully.

From this day on, Oguragi became more and more trusting and grateful to Kaishi, and Kaishi became the only big brother in his heart throughout his life.

"I want to become the greatest archer warrior in Luming Prairie!"

Oguragi's voice echoed on Eagle Rock.


In the illusion of the holy tree.

Cang Mu confronts Cang Yu Fei Ying.

Cangmu is no longer the Ogangmu he was twenty years ago, his martial arts has reached the Yuanhun realm. As a shooter, his soul power level is even higher than that of cultivators of the same level.

Cangmu forcibly mobilized his soul power and successfully got rid of the control of Cang Yu's Flying Eagle Eye Technique.

Then, Cang Mu and Cang Yu Feiying started fighting directly.

This time, Cangmu didn't have the poisonous snake secret move given by Jia Shi, and the Cang Yu Feiying had complete eyes, and he was even more majestic and fierce than twenty years ago.

The two are inseparable.


Within the barrier of the holy tree.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi searched for the fruits of the sacred tree side by side.

"Brother Xu Yang, we have been wandering around this sacred tree world for a long time, why can't we see the shadows of the Bucks and Balu tribe?" Mai Xiaoqi asked.

"Perhaps they are in trouble. I always feel that this holy tree alien world is not as simple as finding fruits." Xu Yang said seriously.

"Yes, where are the fruits of the Holy Tree?" Mai Xiaoqi was a little disappointed. She blinked her big eyes and searched back and forth. All she could see were green leaves.

"There are only two of us, while there are three people from the Buck Tribe and three people from the Balu Tribe. I guess they must be looking for the fruits of the Holy Tree separately now." Xu Yang thought for a while and then said.

"Brother Xu Yang, do you mean that the two of us have to act separately?" Mai Xiaoqi immediately understood what Xu Yang meant.

"If it's one-on-one, I believe that with the power of your ancient deer bloodline, you won't suffer." Xu Yang said.

"Yes," Mai Xiaoqi nodded, "I listen to you, little brother Xu Yang."

"Within three days, if the fruit of the holy tree is found or not found, we will all return to meet under the holy tree." Xu Yang said.

"Okay, three days." Mai Xiaoqi blinked her big eyes, "I'll go over there and look for it."

With that said, Mai Xiaoqi jumped down like a deer.

With a flash of white light, Mai Xiaoqi's figure disappeared into the cover of green leaves.

"Xiao Qi, be careful all the way." Xu Yang shouted loudly.

After that, Xu Yang looked around and flew away in one direction.

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