True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1066 Xu Yang Maiduo

Jia Shi spit out the forked snake core from his mouth, and a snake body covered with black scales twisted at a strange angle, and then swung behind Mai Xiaoqi with a sting.

His snake body straightened up, bounced upward quickly, opened his mouth, exposed his hook teeth, and bit Mai Xiaoqi on the back of his neck.

This attack was from almost the same angle as his last sneak attack, but it was more powerful and faster.

He wanted to attack the important blood vessels at Mai Xiaoqi's neck. If successful, it only takes ten breaths to drain Mai Xiaoqi's blood.

At this moment, Mai Xiaoqi was being attacked crazily by Jianlin from the Balu tribe and was forced to retreat continuously.

When Mai Xiaoqi realized that Jia Shi was secretly attacking behind him, he had no chance to dodge.

"Oops, not good." Mai Xiaoqi exclaimed in her heart.

At the critical moment.

With a boom, a golden arc of lightning fell out of the air, blocking Mai Xiaoqi's back.

The golden thunder arc converged, and a young man in green appeared.

Without him, it was Xu Yang who came here in time.

Xu Yang had just come out of seclusion. In order to suppress the action of the three-color vortex devouring and fusing the four spiritual veins in his body, he deliberately semi-sealed his body.

At this time, Xu Yang's physical performance was only at the Peiyuan realm.

Facing the beast-shaped Jia Shi's snake-like biting skills, Xu Yang was not afraid at all.

"Xiao Qi, I'm here."

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang turned over with one hand, and a fist-sized sphere appeared in his palm.

The sphere is neither cold nor icy, with a touch of warmth inherent in it. It is obviously not an ordinary fine iron object. There are two seal characters "Ten Machines" engraved on the surface.

The Ten Machines were the Confucian treasures that Xu Yang obtained from the Confucian Heavenly Altar during his previous trial in the Green Fire Demon Realm. They were Xuantian's spiritual treasures that combined the Confucian machine skills. Xu Yang had already recognized them with blood at that time. host.

The Ten Machines are a very special Xuantian Spiritual Treasure that does not require a lot of mana to activate, but only requires awe-inspiring power to activate it.

There was no need for Xu Yang to use extra mana, he just slightly activated the Haoran Heavenly Veins in his body, which could only use 30% of the power.

A ball of colorful light floated in his palm, and the naked eye could see traces of colorful light threads drilling into the ten-machine ball.

With a squeaking sound, the ten-machine ball immediately started moving.

Click, click, click.

The ten-machine ball twisted and changed rapidly, turning into a round shield in an instant. There are criss-crossing runes on the surface of the shield, and the two seal characters "Shiji" are clearly engraved in the center.


Jia Shi bit into the surface of Shiji's shield with a snake-like face.


So hard!

It's really hard!

Jia Shi's teeth were all broken, his nose was crooked, his mouth was slanted, his brow bones were sunken, and his eyes were cracked. His body flipped over and flew out. He fell to the ground ten feet away with a thud. He rolled his eyes and fell unconscious. passed.

Without pausing, Xu Yang turned forward and stood in front of Mai Xiaoqi.

"Brother Xu Yang, it's you." Mai Xiaoqi blinked her big eyes and looked at Xu Yang's back.

Her mind couldn't help but flash back to the first time she saw Xu Yang, the handsome young man in green clothes, as if the god of the tribe had specially sent him to help her.

At this moment, Jian Lin, who was attacking Mai Xiaoqi, was stunned for a moment when he saw Xu Yang standing in front of Mai Xiaoqi.

"Enemy, not friend!"

Then, Jianlin launched a direct attack on Xu Yang.

"Witchcraft - Tree Killing Formation!"

He activated his witchcraft, transformed his body into a different shape, threw his arms like withered vines, and his ten fingers branched into dozens of wooden spears, and blasted towards Xu Yang's location.

Xu Yang glared and cursed secretly: "Bullying my Xiaoqi, you look good."

He quickly activated the Haoran Heavenly Veins in his body, and in the palm of his hand, colorful light bands swirled.

Originally turned into a shield

The ten machines rotated rapidly.

It instantly transformed into a six-foot-long dragon-swallowing battle axe.

"The art of ten machines - battle axe!"

Shockingly, the shadow of the ax whirled like a big windmill.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

Sawdust flew everywhere, and Jianlin's attack met his nemesis.

"Ah - ah -"

Jian Lin screamed repeatedly, and his body flew seven or eight feet away.

The form of the tree demon converged and turned into its original appearance, kneeling on one knee, with a pair of arms covered in blood.

"You? You are not a warrior of the Caolu Tribe." Jian Lin looked at Xu Yang who suddenly appeared across from him and said in panic.

"You two want to bully my Xiaoqi, but you don't even ask me whether Xu Yang agrees." Xu Yang's face turned cold. "Do you want to resolve the personal grudge?"

After saying this, Xu Yang pointed his battle ax at the opposite side.

At this moment, a green spiritual light swirled in the venue.

The green aura converged, revealing the true form of Ram, the leader of the Caolu Tribe.

As soon as Ram appeared, he first looked at Mai Xiaoqi, nodded and said: "Xiaoqi, are you okay? You performed very well in this Warrior Competition. As the leader of the Caolu Tribe, I am very satisfied. Everyone present in the Caolu Tribe The tribe members will also recognize you.”

When Mai Xiaoqi saw this, her eyes were moist and she called softly: "Grandma."

Next, Ram held the deer-headed staff in his hand, blocked it between Xu Yang and Jianlin, and said loudly: "In this round, the Caolu Tribe will admit defeat. You two should stop taking action."

"This?" Jianlin looked at Xu Yang opposite, "Chief Lamu, the Warrior Competition in Luming Grassland is an internal competition among the Yuanlu clan. This person is not on the list of the competition. He suddenly broke into the arena, how can he What’s going on?”

Ram did not directly answer Jianlin's question, but glanced at Jiansen and Jiashi lying on the ground, and then said: "Our Caolu Tribe has surrendered. If the game is not suspended, Jiansen and Jiashi will probably bleed too much and die. died."

"This grassland warrior competition has come to a successful conclusion." Ram shouted, raising the deer head scepter in his hand.

when. when.

The gong sounded to end the game.

Someone immediately jumped into the venue and carried the unconscious Jia Shi and Jian Sen down.

Jian Lin's hands were seriously injured. He looked at Xu Yang and backed away with a look of resentment.

Under the blue flag of the Balu tribe, someone immediately came up to bandage Jianlin's arm.

Xu Yang came to Mai Xiaoqi and took Mai Xiaoqi's injured arm.

"You are hurt?"

"Bitten by a poisonous snake."

"let me see."

After saying that, Xu Yang tore open the clothes on Mai Xiaoqi's shoulders, revealing the scars left by snake fangs inside. They were purple and black and were obviously highly poisonous.

"Let me help you suck out the poisonous blood." Xu Yang said with concern.

Xiao Qi nodded shyly.

Xu Yang sucked out the poisonous blood from Xiao Qi's shoulder with his mouth.

Then he put one hand on Mai Xiaoqi's shoulder and used his invulnerable martial arts body to inject mana into Mai Xiaoqi's body.

After a while, Mai Xiaoqi opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His face turned rosy and his arms moved freely.

Mai Xiaoqi quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corner of Xu Yang's mouth, and said with concern: "This snake's venom is difficult to handle, be careful of poisoning you."

Xu Yang nodded and said confidently: "Don't worry, I am immune to all poisons."

The crowd watching had already exploded.

"Who is this young man in green who suddenly appears?"

"Looking at how he's dressed, he doesn't look like a warrior from the Caolu Tribe."

"He just kissed Princess Maduo's shoulder."

"That's detoxing."

"According to the tradition of Luming Grassland, wouldn't such a situation ruin Princess Mai Duo's innocence."

"This man's name is Xu Yang, and he is Princess Mai Duo's best friend." Kuolube, who had the knowledge

Luoyong said.


Ram looked at Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi and thought in his mind: "Xu Yang's cultivation base is much better than Xiao Qi's. Since the two of them are happy with each other, it's better for me, an old woman, to push things along. Judging from today's situation, Look, the Bucks and the Balu tribe obviously want to take action against Xiao Qi. It would be great if Xu Yang can protect Xiao Qi. This may be the secret arrangement of the god of the tribe. "

Ram once again raised the deer head staff in his hand and announced loudly: "The young man who came on stage is named Xu Yang. He and Mai Duo are in love. In order to celebrate the perfect conclusion of this prairie warrior competition. Three Queen of Heaven, our Caolu Tribe will hold an engagement ceremony for Xu Yang and Mai Duo. Everyone present will be invited to attend as distinguished guests."

Under the green flag.

The members of the Caolu tribe cheered.

"Congratulations to Xu Yang and Princess Xiaoqi."

"Three days later, it will be another lively day."

"The handsome man and the beautiful woman are a perfect match."


Under yellow and blue flags.

The members of the Buck and Balu tribes were dissatisfied.

"Since the leader of the Caolu Tribe surrendered on the spot, the winner of this grassland warrior competition should belong to the Bucks and the Balu Tribe."

"Yeah, look at the way the Caolu Tribe is cheering, it seems like they are the victor."

"In three days, the Caolu Tribe will have to hold a pro-conference meeting."

"I think all this has been arranged in advance. Xu Yang was originally a foreign aid secretly arranged by the Caolu Tribe."

"You are right. This young man named Xu Yang stopped Jian Lin and Jia Shi as soon as he made a move. This is a deliberate display of the Caolu Tribe's foreign aid strength."


This Luming Prairie Warrior Competition ended in a hurry.

In the tent of the Caolu Tribe.

The patriarch Ram was sitting on the seat, and Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi were standing opposite.

"Today on the field, I had no choice but to announce your engagement. You won't blame me," Ram said.

"Grandma." Mai Xiaoqi blushed.

"Thank you, the patriarch, and thank you, grandma, for helping me." Xu Yang bowed and said respectfully.

"Very good. Judging from this grassland warrior competition, the Bucks and the Ba Deer tribe are approaching fiercely, and their target is probably Xiao Qi. Because Xiao Qi is the only one with ancient deer blood in the entire Luming Prairie. People." Ram said with a serious face.

Xu Yang immediately expressed his position: "As long as I am here, I will not let anyone bully Xiao Qi."

Ram nodded, "Since you two agree, the engagement meeting will be held as scheduled in three days."

Early morning three days later.

The grass deer tribe on the Luming Grassland.

Green grass and blue sky, a glimmer of promise, slow sunshine, the roar of deer, full of affection.

Mai Xiaoqi put on a red dress, as beautiful as her name.

Mai Duo, the flower on the grassland.

According to the rules of betrothal in Luming Grassland, Mai Xiaoqi held the fine wine in the jade bowl with both hands and handed it to Xu Yang personally.

After drinking this bowl of engagement wine, Xu Yang became a warrior of the Caolu tribe and became Mai Xiaoqi's fiancé.

Xu Yang stretched out his hands to hold Mai Xiaoqi's hands.

He looked at Mai Xiaoqi who was right in front of him. He was no longer the little kid in his past memories. But the most beautiful girl on the grassland, the beautiful girl that he yearns for.

I smelled the fragrance of the wine held in the hands of the beautiful girl, and the ripples of wine in the jade bowl were like a warm sun that warmed people's hearts.

Xu Yang didn't even have time to drink. He just looked at the beautiful girl opposite and was already immersed in happiness.

All this is not a dream.

"Like a Dream. Xu Yang Mai Duo"

The green grass and blue sky are promising, and the grass and deer are Xu Yang. The jade bowl shines with wine, and the warm sun outlines the hands. Mai Duo, Mai Duo, the fragrance of red sleeves intoxicates me.

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