True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1065 Mai Xiaoqi’s Crisis

Jiansen held up the gleaming silver scimitar in his right hand. He turned his left hand over and pulled out a purple octopus the size of a goose egg.

The purple eight-clawed octopus twists its eight tentacles and exudes a strange monster aura.

But when Jiansen opened his mouth, he stuffed the purple octopus into his mouth. His throat bulged and he swallowed it directly.

Jiansen's face showed a look of pain, his pupils turned purple, circles of purple spirit patterns flashed on the surface of his skin, his body rumbled, and his seven orifices spewed out purple demonic energy.

"This purple poisonous octopus can turn my body into a monster in a short period of time, but the side effects are too great and tastes like dog shit. If I kill the seventh princess of the Caolu Tribe opposite me with one blow, who has the power of the ancient deer bloodline, I am the great hero of the Balu tribe." Jiansen encouraged himself in his heart.

"Endure, practice, kill!"

Jiansen shouted three words, which was his way of cultivation.

Since the age of seven, Jiansen has been secretly trained by the Balu tribe.

The octopus beast transformation technique he practiced was originally a forbidden technique. Every day he grew up, he had to endure the pain of the forbidden technique's backlash, which resulted in deformed bones and unusually long limbs.

Only patience!

In order to practice the whirlwind sword technique, he practiced day and night. In order to increase the speed of drawing the knife, it is necessary to dive into the water to practice the knife. Many times, I almost drowned because I held my breath for too long.

Only practice!

More than ten years later, Jiansen's octopus beast transformation technique and whirlwind sword technique have achieved success. As a secret warrior secretly trained by the Balu tribe, his mission is to eliminate all those who are dangerous to the Balu tribe.

Only kill!


At this moment.

Jiansen's body surface erupted with a terrifying purple monster aura that was visible to the naked eye. His back was bulging, his clothes were torn, and four long, purple octopus tentacles emerged from his back.

Transformed into a half-monster!

Suddenly, the appearance of an eight-clawed purple octopus appeared behind Jiansen.

Warehouse, warehouse, warehouse.

The scimitar in his hand is divided into five parts. Except for the one in his right hand, each of the four octopus tentacles holds one.

"Swordsmanship - Octopus Five Sword Style!"

This is also the limit of Jiansen's current killing skills.

The five blades swirled out of the dark vortex of sea water, and a powerful formation of water attribute blades came down.

At this moment, Mai Xiaoqi had just escaped the snake-like attack from Jia Shi of the Buck Tribe. Facing Jiansen's blade formation, his eyes were full of fearlessness.

"You can't fail, you must win this round. Little brother Xu Yang is still waiting for news of my victory in the tribe."

Mai Xiaoqi used all her strength to activate the power of the ancient deer bloodline in her body, and a short antler grew on each side of her forehead.

She formed a wild mark on her hands!

The green mark of the wilderness is as dazzling as the green flag flying by the Caolu tribe.


A world-shaking ancient deer crow, a wild sound, made the world marvel.

Mai Xiaoqi pressed his palms against the wild mark and took the picture with all his strength.

"Secret skill - ancient deer giant antlers!"

The wild mark flickers continuously, and an ancient deer-headed Dharma Prime Minister lowers his head and touches his horns.

A pair of huge antlers, like ancient divine forks, exudes an endless aura of wildness.

The next moment, Jian Sen's Blade Formation collided with Mai Xiaoqi's Ancient Deer Giant Horn Technique.

Boom boom boom!

In mid-air, the sound of explosions was like rolling thunder exploding one after another, shocking the entire prairie.

For a moment, the ancient deer cried, the octopus howled, the green electricity surged, and the Black Sea rolled back.


Jiansen screamed and flew backwards.

Three of the four octopus tentacles behind him were broken, the scimitar fell out of his hand, and his body fell to the ground fifty feet away like a dead fish.

Jiansen's half-animal body quickly returned to its original appearance, and a mouthful of blood eggs spurted out. The blood egg fell on the ground, and it turned out to be the eight-clawed purple octopus that he had swallowed into his stomach before. The purple octopus at this moment is already a dead thing.

He was covered in blood, his breath was as thin as a thread, and his whole body was in excruciating pain. He didn't even have the strength to get up.

At this moment, Jian Sen, training and killing are gone, only Nin is left.

The crowd of people watching suddenly burst into exclamations of exclamation.

"Princess Duo of our Caolu Tribe is really majestic."

"Look at the mark of the huge horn raised, it's like the deer god is possessing him."

"Jiansen of the Balu Tribe can't get up."

"Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe and Jian Lin from the Ba Lu Tribe across the way seem to still have some fighting power left."

"Now it's one-two."


On the playing field.

Mai Xiaoqi turned around and looked at Jia Shi and Jian Lin opposite.

At this moment, Jia Shi's body changed from half-snake to beast back to its original human form. The black robe he wore was torn, half of the brim of his hat was missing, and his exposed face was full of fear.

Jia Shi glanced at his snake beast not far away.

"Heisan, get up and fight." Jia Shi shouted while firing the spell.

The snake beast he called Hei San turned its gray-white belly, its nostrils turned outwards and panted, its two eyeballs swaying in its sockets, as if it couldn't hear his call at all.

"Useless things." Jia Shi said angrily.

On the side, the witchcraft cast by Jian Lin from the Ba Lu tribe - the Curse of the Dryad - also lost its effectiveness. The barrier suddenly collapsed, scattering blood-colored light spots for a day.

Jian Lin's originally green body turned into a dark yellow color like a dead vine. The curse technique just now obviously consumed a lot of his energy and put a heavy burden on his body.

No matter how you look at it, the combat power of Jia Shi and Jian Lin has been greatly reduced. He was no match for Mai Xiaoqi, who was gaining momentum on the opposite side.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

Mai Xiaoqi's body suddenly started shaking, and her face showed an overwhelmed look.

A bloody ray of light swirled out from Mai Xiaoqi's body surface and then converged.

The ancient deer war god's appearance outside Mai Xiaoqi's body disappeared as if submerged in water. Her martial body and aura suddenly returned to the original half-step soul state.

Mai Xiaoqi gasped for air, his chest rising and falling like a mountain.

"Hehe." A look of pride appeared on Jia Shi's face, "Jian Lin, our chance has come. The crazy girl from the Caolu tribe is at the end of her strength, and her body cannot support the burden brought by the powerful ancient deer bloodline. "

"What are you waiting for?" Jianlin's eyes flashed with a murderous look, "Let's go over and kill her."

Jia Shi and Jian Lin walked side by side and moved forward cautiously.

They clearly noticed that the aura of Mai Xiaoqi's body on the opposite side was getting more and more disordered.

Next to the stadium, under the green flag.

Ram, the leader of the Caolu Tribe, had already stood up from her seat. Her hand holding the deer-headed staff was shaking, and she said anxiously: "No, Xiaoqi has reached her limit. Her body has not fully recovered. But now that she is overdrawing the power of Gu Lu's bloodline, her strength will be even more severe. However, Jia Shi and Jian Lin on the opposite side are exuding murderous auras! Should I go down and stop this fight in person? In the Warriors Competition, there has never been a situation where the tribe leader personally stopped the game. If I were to go down, not only would I be ridiculed by the Balu Tribe and the Buck Tribe, but I would also make the Caolu Tribe, the host, lose face..."

Lam, the patriarch, hesitated in her heart. She stared closely at Mai Xiaoqi on the field.

"Xiao Qi, you can also give up the game voluntarily."

On the playing field.

Jia Shi and Jian Lin were already only five or six feet away from Mai Xiaoqi.

They saw Mai Xiaoqi's fearless eyes and unflinching momentum, but they didn't dare to move forward.

"This crazy girl from the Caolu Tribe is not simple. Is she deliberately showing weakness and waiting for us to get closer?" Jian Lin said.

"It's very possible. She's good at close combat. We can't get too close. We'll attack from this distance," Jia Shi said.

"My current situation is very bad. With the current distance, do we still have any means to take action?" Jianlin said unconfidently.

"I have my own way."

After finishing speaking, Jia Shi patted the other spiritual pet bag on his waist.


A white light rolled out.

The white light converged and hovered in mid-air in front of him.

It turned out to be a three-foot white snake with a pair of wings.

"Bai Er, come on!" Jia Shi pointed to the opposite side with his hand.

The white snake flapped its wings and pounced on Mai Xiaoqi opposite like a bird.

Seeing this, Mai Xiaoqi punched the attacking white snake.

However, because his body was too condensed, the speed and power of his punches were greatly reduced, and he could not hit the white snake with wings at all.

Mai Xiaoqi took a step forward, but his punch missed, before he could stand still.


white snake

He poked his head out and took the opportunity to bite Mai Xiaoqi's right shoulder.

Mai Xiaoqi felt a numbness on his shoulders, and could no longer lift one of his right arms, with an angry look in his eyes: "This white snake is poisonous!"

Jia Shi on the opposite side made a move with his hand, and the two-winged white snake returned to his palm.

Jia Shi nodded, "Bai Er, you did a good job."

With a flip of his hand, the white snake turned into a white light and returned to the spiritual pet bag on his waist.

"Now the crazy girl opposite has been poisoned by my snake venom, and her meridians are blocked. Not to mention she has the blood of ancient deer, it is difficult for her to use ordinary power." Jia Shi glanced at Jian Lin beside him, "Go over and kill her. she."

"Why me?" Jianlin said.

"I am a beast exorcist. Without spiritual beasts, I have almost no ability to kill. And you are a wizard. You can kill people better than me. Besides, your eldest brother Jiansen was almost beaten to death by that crazy girl just now. Don't you want revenge?" Jia Shi's tone was unquestionable.

Jianlin nodded and thought to himself: "Very good. This is the time for me, Jianlin, to become famous. I will be the biggest winner in this grassland warrior competition."

Jian Lin's eyes showed murderous intent and he continued to get closer to Mai Xiaoqi step by step.

With a distance of three feet, the two of them could see each other more clearly.

"Crazy girl, I, Jianlin, will pay back tenfold for the harm you just inflicted on my eldest brother Jiansen." Jianlin said fiercely.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jianlin grabbed it with both hands, his arms lengthened like vines, and his fingers were like sword blades.

"Witchcraft - the method of killing trees!"

As a wizard who practices forbidden arts and transforms his body into alien shapes, Jianlin is very familiar with the road.

At this moment, Mai Xiaoqi could not raise his right arm and had almost no attack power.

"I can't admit defeat! Find a way to force the snake venom out. I still have a chance to defeat these two guys."

Mai Xiaoqi tapped the ground with her toes, used the Grass Deer Movement Technique, and jumped backwards deftly, narrowly dodging Jian Lin's attack.

Seeing that Mai Xiaoqi had no ability to resist, Jian Lin pounced on him even more unscrupulously.

He waved his arms like a pair of strange cane spears, stabbing Mai Xiaoqi continuously.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

Large craters were opened on the ground, and the exploded scorched earth and green grass juice gave off a pungent smell.

Mai Xiaoqi was unable to dodge, and her arms and legs were bruised, making it increasingly difficult.

While Jian Lin kept attacking Mai Xiao Qi, Jia Shi, who was waiting for an opportunity behind him, walked up to his snake beast "Hei San".

"You useless guy, now is the time for you to show your value."

Jia Shi grabbed the snake beast's neck, bit it, and sucked the blood.

With the intake of the snake beast's blood, the energy consumed by Jia Shi was immediately replenished, and there were more and more black scales on his forehead. Even on the neck, exposed arms and backs of hands, there were black scales visible to the naked eye.

Afterwards, the black dragon snake beast became about the size of a foot in a cloud of black mist, and was carried into the storage bag by Jia Shi.

Jia Shi looked at his hands.

"My power is back."

Jia Shi stared at the battle situation in front of him and quietly approached Mai Xiaoqi. His pupils turned into snake-like vertical lines, which was the cunning look of a nocturnal snake.

"Mai Xiaoqi, I, Jia Shi, will determine your Gulu bloodline."

Jia Shi, who was close to Mai Xiaoqi, made a secret with his hands, and the black snake totem mark appeared on his fingertips.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Shi slapped the black snake totem mark on his heart on his left chest.

His body was shaken, and through the clothes on his chest, a black-red heartbeat could be seen with the naked eye beating wildly.

Strangely, his body began to twist and change, his legs came together, and a huge black snake tail grew out.

Human face, human hands, snake body, half snake and beast!

Jia Shi, who transformed into a snake and beast, stuck to the ground and swam quickly towards Mai Xiaoqi.

Suddenly, Jia Shi snake straightened up, jumped up, and opened its mouth to reveal hook teeth.

Ram, the leader of the Caolu tribe in the stands, turned ugly, "No, this Jia Shi is probably the ancient deer bloodline who covets Xiao Qi. I'm going to stop him."

The deer-headed staff in Ram's hand twirled, and his body turned into a shadow and disappeared.

But at this moment, Ram was thirty feet away from Mai Xiaoqi on the court, and water from far away could not quench his thirst for the near.

Jia Shi's disgusting face was already behind Mai Xiaoqi.

Crisis, crisis, crisis.

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