True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1061 Grassland Competition (Part 2)

On the field of prairie warriors.

Longli, who appeared on behalf of the Caolu Tribe, used a secret technique to transform his body into a half-tiger beast.

Visible with the naked eye, powerful aura spurted out from his body surface, and the turf under his feet was lifted by the pressure. The whole person looked like a tiger ready to attack.

"My tiger-shaped half-animal transformation technique is a kind of all-out fighting technique. I can't hold on for too long, so I have to strike first." Long Li from the Caolu Tribe looked at Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe opposite, and his heart was racing. Calculate.

"Physical Technique—Tiger Form Fist!"

Long Li suddenly made a move. He waved his fists and rushed towards Jia Shi on the opposite side. The shadow of tiger claws appeared under the wind of fists.

Just when Longli launched his attack, Jia Shi, who was representing the Buck tribe on the opposite side, had a stern look in his eyes and patted his waist with one hand.

A black shadow jumped out and landed on the ground in front of him.


A large cloud of black mist rolled away.

There were shadowy figures in the black mist, exuding the dark aura of monsters.

The black mist subsided slightly, and a huge black triangular snake head emerged from it.

What is striking is that there is an emerald green horn in the middle of the black snake head.

Serpent beast!

The next moment, the huge snake beast twisted its body, as fast as a black lightning, and pounced on it.

Before Long Li could react, his body was wrapped around and around by the snake beast's long body.


Long Li roared and tried to struggle, but found that as he breathed, the dragon snake beast got tighter and tighter, and he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

He only felt as if his body was imprisoned by cold iron chains. After just a dozen breaths, the technique of half-animal transformation was completely decadent.

Without the blessing of the half-animal transformation technique, Longli's eyes turned outward, foamed at the mouth, and lost consciousness.

On the opposite side, Jia Shi didn't even move an inch, as if he was watching a good show of a snake catching a mouse.

The auditorium suddenly became lively.

"It's a snake beast."

"This Jia Shi is actually a beast exorcist."

"It's really terrifying that such a powerful monster can be driven by him at will."

"Encircled by the giant snake, Longli completely lost his resistance."

"The Longli Warriors won't be entangled to death by that big black snake."


Under the green flag, Mai Xiaoqi looked anxious, "Grandma, if this continues, Brother Longli will be entangled to death by that black snake."

Ram, the tribe's matriarch, slightly turned the deer-headed scepter in her hand and whispered: "This is the rule of the competition. Longli's skills are not as good as others."

On the field, Jia Shi smiled contemptuously and made a move with one hand, "Heisan, come back."

As if it understood Jia Shi's words, the huge black snake let go of its body and swam to Jia Shi's feet.

The gong sounded belatedly at the end of the game.

"In the second battle, the attacker, Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe, wins. The defender, Long Li from the Cao Deer Tribe, loses."

The black-robed Jiashi patted the spiritual pet bag on his waist with one hand. The huge black snake became about the size of a foot in a cloud of smoke and flew back into his spiritual pet bag with a swish.

After that, Jia Shi put on his big hat.

The sharp eyes hidden under the brim of the hat peered at Mai Xiaoqi under the green flag opposite, thinking to himself: "Mai Xiaoqi, you are the only warrior with the ancient deer bloodline in the entire Luming Grassland. The ancient deer bloodline is really enviable. ”

Jia Shi couldn't help but lick the corner of his mouth greedily. His tongue was forked, like a snake core.

The Bucks tribe erupted in cheers from beneath the yellow flag.

"Jia Shi, Jiashi."

"Warrior, warrior."

"Stag, stag."


"Next, the contestants from both sides of the third warrior match are Hongyang from the Caolu Tribe on the defending side, and Jiansen from the Balu Tribe on the attacking side."


Deer tribe, warrior Hongyang appears.

"Third brother, it's up to you." Mai Xiaoqi encouraged Hongyang who appeared on the stage.

On the arena, the two contestants stood face to face.

On the left side of the arena, Hongyang from the Caolu Tribe stood.

When he was born, the red sun happened to rise in the east of the tribe, so he was given an auspicious name, Hongyang. Hongyang has red hair and carries a five-foot-long broad-backed sword in his hand.

On the right side of the arena is Jiansen of the Balu Tribe.

Jiansen is about ten feet tall, with a slender build and long arms and legs, like dry branches. And on his waist hung a scimitar hidden in a scabbard. At this moment, Jiansen's hand was clenched on the handle of the knife, ready to unsheath the scimitar at any time.


When the two appeared, the surrounding crowd became lively.

"The Caolu Tribe has lost two games in a row. This time, I feel that the Caolu Tribe can come back."

"The Hongyang Warrior is a famous swordsman among the Caolu Tribe. The sword in his hand weighs more than two hundred kilograms and is called the Giant Horn."

"Jiansen from the Balu tribe opposite is also a powerful swordsman. The scimitar in the scabbard on his waist is what he is good at."

"I heard that Jiansen is a fast knife player. I wonder how fast he is?"

"A heavy knife meets a sharp knife. I've watched this scene for a long time."

"The duel between sword cultivators is going to be bloody."

In the arena.

Hongyang tied the belt around his waist with his hands, stared at the opposite side, and thought in his mind: "Jiansen from the Balu tribe opposite is famous for his sharp swords, and my big sword and giant horn are not slow either. What I practice is Shen Dao. As long as Jiansen's sword touches my sword, the weight of my sword will be suppressed on his scimitar. By then, his scimitar will become extremely heavy, let's see how fast he can do this. I will definitely win."

Opposite him, Jiansen had a weird figure, with slender hands and feet, like a demon with withered vines.

His eyes were as calm as mirror water, and he thought to himself: "The Hongyang opposite is practicing the art of heavy swords. Rumor has it that as long as he comes into contact with the giant sword in his hand, he will be suppressed by the force of a thousand catties. As long as he and I maintain a certain distance. At such a distance, no matter how powerful the heavy knife in his hand is, it can't hurt me."


The competition gong sounds.

Hongyang pointed the tip of his big sword at the opposite side, "Jiansen from the Buck Tribe all said that your sword is fast. I, Hongyang, will give you half a sword today, so you can make the first move."

As he pressed his magic power, a mysterious force erupted from the surface of his right arm holding the broadsword. The huge antler shadow suddenly appeared on the surface of the big knife in his hand, and clusters of airflow could be seen rolling on the surface of the blade, making a very scary sound.

Hongyang has his own plan in mind. He practices heavy swords, which is a kind of late strike sword technique. He is good at using his own sword to suppress the opponent's weapons during counterattacks. And if he was allowed to strike first, it would be difficult to suppress his opponent if others could see the way he used the sword.

Jiansen, who was on the opposite side, was not angry either. He chuckled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Hongyang, you said it. Watch out, I, Jiansen, am about to use my sword."

Jiansen suddenly activated his body, and blue soul realm emitted from his body. In the soul realm, blue tentacles can be seen with the naked eye, but they are a kind of mutated soul realm.

"Soul Domain - Octopus Tentacles!"

Immediately afterwards, Jiansen rushed forward.

When his feet hit the ground, the grass flew across the ground, and his slender body was like a strange chariot.

Hong Yang pointed at the opposite side with the tip of the big knife in his hand, using the knife as a ruler, constantly calculating the distance of Jiansen rushing over, thinking quickly in his mind: "With the length of Jiansen's arm and the length of the scimitar in his sheath, he will be able to When he is two feet away from me, I just need to time the moment when he draws the sword and use the big sword to suppress him instantly. Otherwise, I may not be able to get an advantage if he is swung by his sharp sword."

Six feet, five feet, four feet.

As Jiansen charged forward, the distance between the two became closer and closer.


The clanging sound of the blade being unsheathed sounded.

At this moment, the distance between Jiansen and Hongyang is still

It's four feet away.

From this distance, if the two of them used their swords, they would not pose a huge threat.

But something surprising happened.

"Knife technique - spinning knife!"

The scimitar in Jiansen's scabbard was unsheathed and swung by his long arm, the blade flew out of his hand.

The whirling blade, blessed by the soul domain of the octopus tentacles, followed an erratic trajectory, jumping like a teleporter, and arrived in front of Hongyang in the blink of an eye.

"Oops -" Hongyang yelled. He couldn't see the trajectory of the opponent's whirling blade at all, and he couldn't suppress it with the big knife in his hand.

In desperation, Hongyang simply grasped the handle of the broadsword with both hands and swung it randomly, but it also improved 50% of the sword skills.

After all, Hongyang has been practicing swordsmanship for twenty years and is considered a famous swordsman. There is a 50% chance of using the sword in a desperate situation.

"Sword Technique - Giant Horn Slash!"

The knife comes out! The shadow of the huge knife fell, and a deer-headed statue with its head lowered and its antlers appeared on the blade.

There was a crisp sound and sparks popped out.

Hongyang was immediately ecstatic, and Jiansen's flying knife was stopped by me.

His wrist flicked smoothly, and the Shen Dao technique skillfully applied it.

Blah blah blah, blah blah.

The huge horn of the big sword swayed, and the spinning scimitar thrown by Jiansen hung on the blade.

Swordsmanship without the sword is no swordsmanship.

In the fight between sword cultivators, the most taboo thing is for the blade to leave the hand. If the sword leaves the hand, half the battle will be lost.

An incredible scene happened.

There is another scimitar hidden under the original scimitar. With a shout, the rotating blade descends.

Hongyang, who raised the big sword in his hand, had no time to react.

Pfft, pfft, pfft.

The blade of Hongyang's right arm holding the broadsword whirled and blood splattered.


Hongyang screamed and knelt on one knee. One of his right arms was bright red and could no longer be raised.

The big knife and the huge horn in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, like a big fish leaving the water. It beat a few times unwillingly, and the domineering aura on it disappeared and became motionless.

Jiansen on the opposite side moved his hands, and a pair of scimitars returned to his hands. The two scimitars were combined into one, and then sheathed.

The surrounding crowd of spectators suddenly burst into exclamations of exclamation.

"It turns out to be the art of double swords."

"The spinning scimitar, with the help of the mutated soul domain, who can defend it?"

"It's a pity that one of Hongyang's right arms from the Caolu Tribe was crippled."

"This is too cruel for a swordsman."


Hongyang was carried off the field, and his injured right arm was bandaged tightly. Even if his right hand can be restored, it will not be able to return to its original state, and his sword repair skills will be greatly reduced.

There were tears swirling in Hongyang's eyes, and she had to hold them back for a long time before they came out. Not being able to hold a sword is life-threatening for a sword cultivator.

Dang Dang!

The gong sounded to end the game.

"The challenger, Jiansen of the Balu Tribe, won. The defender, Hongyang of the Caolu Tribe, failed."

Under the blue flag, the crowd of Balu tribe cheered.

"Dominating deer, dominating deer, tiger of the prairie."

"Jiansen, Jiansen, the master of swords."


Under the green flag of the Grass Deer tribe.

The matriarch Ram frowned, "We have lost three games in a row. Judging from the three players from the Buck Tribe and Ba Deer Tribe, they came prepared. This does not look like a friendly match, but a deliberate attempt to humiliate me. From the Caolu Tribe.”

In a tent of the Caolu Tribe.

Xu Yang opened his eyes and stood up.

"I just used the art of sealing pulses to temporarily seal most of the meridians in my body. In this way, the meridians can repair themselves better and faster during rest. As it stands, my body can only perform at the level of the Peiyuan Realm. "Xu Yang looked at his hands and whispered to himself.

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