True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1060 Grassland Competition (Part 1)

Lam, the matriarch of the Grass Deer Tribe, said loudly: "Now, I will read out the specific rules of this grassland warrior competition."

The scene suddenly became quiet.

"The Caolu Tribe as the defender will send out seven defending warriors, Daying, Longli, Hongyang, Lanyu, Mufeng, Muqiang and Maiduo. The Buck Tribe and Balu as the attackers will There are only four people in the tribe. Therefore, as long as the defending team fails once, they will be eliminated until the last person is left. Everyone on the attacking team will have two chances. No matter whether they win or lose, there will be no replacement players. The ultimate goal of winning or losing is just to show the strength of the warriors on the Luming Prairie and the communication between the three grassland tribes. In addition, I would like to solemnly remind all contestants that injuries on the ring are inevitable, but they must not threaten the lives of their opponents. , This is the bottom line of this Warriors game.”

With that said, the matriarch Ram raised the deer-headed scepter in her hand and said, "The Warriors Tournament has officially begun."

The first defender is Daying from the Caolu Tribe.

The order of challengers is based on drawing lots. The first challenger is Cangmu from the Buck Tribe.

On the left side of the ring, Caolu Tribe Daying.

Daying has a square face and strong hands and feet. He is a famous strongman among the Caolu tribe and is good at the art of horn fighting.

On the right side of the ring, the Bucks tribe Cangmu.

Cangmu has dark skin, wears earth-colored clothes, and holds a large wooden bow in his hand.

Daying's fists clenched loudly.

But he was muttering in his heart: "The art of cornering that I am good at is the physical art of close combat. But the person opposite Cangmu is an archer. In this huge arena, before I even get close to him, I'm afraid he will The arrow flew out of my hand, wouldn’t I suffer a loss?”

Before the battle even started, Daying's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat as big as soybeans.

Wrestlers who are good at wrestling compete with archers who are good at archery. This is like a goat meeting an eagle, its natural nemesis.

Cang Mu, who was opposite, was holding a big wooden bow in his hand, with an evil smile on his face, and thought to himself: "I heard that Daying is a wrestler who is good at wrestling. If he gets close to me, I will inevitably suffer. At the moment, he and I are at a loss. The distance between us is ten feet. It takes at least five breaths for him to rush over, but my bow and arrow can be shot in one breath. You will be unlucky if you meet me, Cangmu. ”


The competition gong sounded, and the loud sound echoed throughout the venue.

Daying opened her big hands, took long steps, and rushed towards Cangmu on the opposite side.

His falling steps were as powerful as the hoofs of a war horse, and the grass beneath his feet was trampled into pieces.

"I'm going to throw you down." Daying shouted, waving his big hands like iron pincers, trying to intimidate the opponent with his powerful voice.

On the other hand, Cangmu, who was opposite him, seemed to be calmly placing the wooden bow in front of him. He held the bow in his left hand, and the silver light flashed between the fingers of his right hand, and he unstringed three feather arrows at the same time.

"Idiot!" Cangmu looked sharply.

The hand holding the bowstring loosened.

Whoosh whoosh——

Three feather arrows flew out.

"Shooting - Bucks three-shot combo!"

On the surface of the feather arrow, the appearance of the antlers of a stag appears, with three arrows whizzing through the air.

The two arrows at the top were like flying eagles flying together, making a sizzling sound as they rubbed against the void, emitting powerful wind-attribute spiritual power.

An arrow from the lower position was like a buck running wildly. The powerful impact lifted up the turf on the ground, but the speed was three points faster.

The first arrow arrived in front of Daying in the blink of an eye.

Daying has a strong body, but he is extremely flexible because he is good at cornering.

"Taijutsu - Grass Deer Drinking Water!"

Daying's body surface radiated light green aura, and her body aura revealed the level expected of the first level of Yuanhun Realm.

Blessed by the power of the soul realm, he can use physical skills to make his body three points faster.

Daying spotted the arrow that was shot close to the ground, jumped forward, and stepped over it in one go.

Immediately afterwards, he put his hands on the ground, bent his body into an arch shape, performed three somersaults forward on the ground, and then jumped up high.

His body was suddenly thrown into the air.

At this moment, the second and third arrows had already struck.

Daying, who was high in the air, had no room to dodge, or in other words, he was already prepared that he would not be able to dodge.


The second feather arrow pierced through Daying's left shoulder, and bright red spurted out from the blood hole, staining his clothes.

Daying grinned, but did not cry out in pain.

He raised his right hand high and prepared to smash it down.

"I'm going to hit you." Daying grinned and shouted loudly.


The third feather arrow pierced Daying's right shoulder, and his right arm that he had just raised suddenly dropped weakly.


Daying stepped on the ground with her feet.

At this moment, the distance between him and Cangmu opposite him was only a few feet.

Ignoring the injuries to both arms, Daying continued to rush forward.

"Cangmu shot three feather arrows in total. I dodged one arrow and two shot through my shoulders. Fortunately, he only shot three arrows. If it had been four or five arrows, I would have lost all my limbs by now." Fei is lying on the ground. Now, as long as I take this step and get closer to him, my scissor kick will be enough to overthrow him." Daying made a quick judgment in her mind.

Cang Mu saw that Daying, whose arms had been disabled by him, was still rushing towards him without any scruples, and his eyes sternly said, "Madman."

Cangmu didn't dodge or retreat, he simply picked up the long bow in his hand.

This move was just brute force, but for Daying it was an inevitable move.


A bow shot across Da Ying's legs.

Like a tripping rope, Daying flew out.

Cangmu moved his body to one side.


Daying fell to the ground and rolled around a few times.

When Daying struggled to stand up, there was an arrow on the bowstring in Cangmu's hand opposite his eyebrows.

"I..." Daying looked unwilling.

when! when!

The match steward promptly sounded the gong.

"In the first game, Daying of the Grass Deer Tribe lost, and Cangmu of the Buck Tribe succeeded in the challenge."

Daying was helped out of the ring.

"Daying almost kicked Cangmu."

"He is so ruthless, even if he puts his own strength on both shoulders, he still has to rush over."

"If it were me, I would have given up long ago."

"A wrestler has no chance of winning against an archer."

In the stands, the tribal matriarch Ram nodded: "Although Daying was defeated, he is still honored. He is a qualified warrior in the Caolu tribe."

Behind her, under the green grass deer totem flag, everyone expressed regret.

Mai Xiaoqi clenched his hands into fists and his eyes flickered, "Brother Daying's shoulders, ugh!"

"The opponent has already kept his hand. If the feather arrow is increased by 30% more force, Daying's arms will be removed directly from his shoulders." said the tribe's matriarch Ram.

Cangmu glanced at the grass deer team on the opposite side, turned around and walked off the field.

Under the yellow flag, cheers came from the Bucks tribe.

"Kuragi, the sharp archer."

"Warrior of the Stag Tribe."

"Kuragi, good job."


At this time, Longli from the Caolu Tribe team had jumped off the field, shouting: "Warrior of the Caolu Tribe, Longli is here."

according to

In order of drawing lots, the next challenger is Jia Shi, who is also from the Bucks tribe.

"The last game ended too quickly. Cangmu of the Buck Tribe was completely dominant."

"I wonder what will happen in this case?"

"Longli, the second son of our Caolu tribe, will definitely save face."

"Yes, Young Master Longli's physical skills are not inferior to those of Da Ying. His tiger-shaped fist is the most domineering."

"It's just that Jia Shi across from me has never heard of his name. Judging from his mysterious appearance, I wonder what kind of magic he is good at?"

"In short, since he doesn't have a bow in his hand, he should be easier to deal with than Kuraki just now."

"Yes. In this kind of one-on-one large-scale battle, the side using bows and arrows is taking too much advantage."


On the ring, the two contestants stood face to face.

On the left side of the arena is Longli from the Caolu Tribe.

Long Li is also a warrior who is good at physical skills. He has a strong body and a tiger skin waistband around his waist, which makes him look majestic.

On the right side of the ring is Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe.

Jia Shi was wearing a black robe. The wide brim of the robe covered half of his face, making it difficult to see clearly. The exposed arm was engraved with a black snake pattern.

"Challenger, Jia Shi, the warrior of the Buck Tribe." Jia Shi said, taking off the wide brim of his hat, revealing his face. On his forehead, there were actually pieces of tiny black scales, emitting a strange aura.

"Challenger, Caolu tribe warrior Longli, accept your challenge." Longli responded loudly.

Long Li looked at Jia Shi opposite him and thought quickly in his mind: "In the first game, Brother Daying was defeated miserably. In the next game, I, Long Li, must save face. I just don't know what spells Jia Shi opposite me is good at. No matter what, as long as I use my full strength to attack, no one can withstand this battle, Longli will definitely win."

Jia Shi, who was opposite him, smiled contemptuously, as if he could see Long Li's thoughts, and said, "Long Li, aren't you going to miss me and work hard next, right?"

When Long Li heard this, he couldn't help but trembled in his heart, "This guy is definitely difficult to deal with and has a deep mind. When two people fight, they are most afraid of being seen by the other party."


The competition gong sounds.

Longli's ears twitched, and his hands quickly drew out the magic formula. The sound of the gong was still echoing, and there was a tiger head seal in his hand.


Long Li did not hesitate to slap the tiger head seal on the position of his heart.

A tiger's head shape suddenly appeared on one of his heart veins, and it started to beat crazily.

The bones all over his body creaked and his body twisted, turning into half man and half tiger.

Tiger head and human body!

Half-animal transformation!

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying aura erupted from Long Li's body, as if his cultivation level was at the second level of the Soul Realm.

The surrounding crowd suddenly erupted in horror.

"It's a tiger-like beast transformation technique."

"Existence like a tiger king."

"This Longli hasn't eaten the opponent's Jia Shi yet."

"It seems that the Caolu Tribe has a chance in this round."


Jia Shi on the opposite side was not at all shocked when he saw Long Li's transformation.

"It's just a technique of animal transformation with the help of the power of the seal. This Longli is not born with the body of a tiger. This technique puts a heavy burden on his body and cannot last long. The Grass Deer Clan all eat it. Why are you pretending to be a tiger in front of me? My target is Mai Xiaoqi from the Caolu Tribe, and everyone else is useless in my eyes." Jia Shi is confident.


At this moment, in a tent of the Caolu Tribe.

Xu Yang was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, occasionally changing the techniques in his hands, and spitting out streams of turbid air from his mouth from time to time to repair the wounds on the meridians in the body.

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