That's enough to shatter most moons.

It takes a small planet to shatter Ghidorah.

Ghidorah itself can be described as a small living planet, and this small planet can also fight back against them.

This is the attitude that monsters can only reach after destroying a civilization.

After destroying the civilization of Venus in this planetary system, Ghidorah gained great power from the monster phenomenon.

This force has propelled it to its present heights, and will continue to propel it even further, because at this very moment, Ghidorah's evolution has not stopped.

It is still continuing its evolution on Venus.

Although he has absolute confidence in "Mother", Bilu Saludo's highest technological product, Miao Ge still has to admit that the possibility of "Mother" being able to defeat it is not 100%. an existence capable of destroying their "mother".

This is just the current Ghidorah, once it evolves to a higher level, Bilu Saludo will not have the slightest chance of winning at that time.

So it must be resolved in advance.

At the end of the monster phenomenon, even if you don't become a demon star, will you become such a monster...

Does this universe not want to give civilization a way out just like that?

Taking a deep breath, Miao Ge saved Ghidorah's data and sent it to others, and then started to do another thing that is extremely important to the Birusaludo civilization.

Using Bilu Saludo's special computer, Miao Ge began to send some texts to Mut on the ship, some texts that humans got from Exif.

That is the text about the most cutting-edge technology of Xif.

At this time, he is secretly learning the science and technology of Exif.

In the past, Birusarudo and Exif taught a part of human beings their various science and technology for various reasons.

Among them, Bilu Saludo only gave humans a relatively basic industrial manual, which is not high in gold content, and the number of words converted into human language is only a pitiful 1 million words.

In terms of the current Bilu Saludo's cutting-edge technology, the technology they have given, and the technology they have.There are at least three super-generation gaps of more than three technological revolutions, and it will take thousands of years for human beings to bridge the gap even if they develop at the fastest speed.

This is Birusarudo's reservation. While human beings will not be wiped out by Godzilla, its strength will not threaten Birusaludo itself.

This is the case of Bilu Saludo.

But Exif is quite different.

They seemed to have no reservations about human beings, and the number of words they sent as a whole exceeded a hundred billion.It can be said that the background of the entire civilization has been sent over.

Whether it is the most cutting-edge mathematics or physics, or the extremely dense industry and so on.

These Exifs didn't hold back the slightest bit, and generously gave them to humans.

Although most of the content is ignored by humans because it is too advanced, the amount of information contained in the comprehensible ones is far more than that of Birusaru.

If the technology given by Bilu Saludo can improve the technology of human beings for 1000 years.

The technology given by Exif is at least 3000 years old.

The gap between the technologies they gave is so huge, so huge that even the truly important and unsold technologies of the Bilu Saludo civilization are only in the middle of the materials given by Exif. level.

There is only one micro-robot technology in the entire Birusarudo that has not been surpassed by the document information given by Exif.

Even the proud Birusaludo people have to admit that when the Exif civilization was at its peak, they were far above Bilusaludo's peak.

And since the scientific level of the Exif civilization is so high, it is impossible for the Birusaludo people to just stand aside and watch anthropology.

They must also join in and learn the science and technology of Exif with humans.

However, due to various reasons, Bilu Saludo could not study publicly. He could only quietly steal Exif's information from humans in private, and then hand it over to the spacecraft computer for analysis.

It has to be said that because of the artificial intelligence on the spaceship that is more advanced and computationally intensive than all the current AIs of human beings, the speed at which Birusalud people learn Exif technology far exceeds the speed of human beings.

Just when human beings had just built their ships and were ready to enter the ocean of knowledge, Pirusarudo had already stepped into the depths of the ocean of knowledge.

Although Bilu Saludo scoffed at many of the theological contents, they also had to admit that the vastness of this ocean of knowledge was far beyond their imagination.

Even the people of Birusaru couldn't understand Mrs. Axie's cutting-edge research at the first time, so they had to go back and look for the technology that was most beneficial to them without stepping into the deepest part.

And just by searching like this, Birusaludo has already found some traces of the existence he dreamed of in the ocean of Exif.

Self-replicating micro-nano metal

— Its earthly name is the ten-nanometer von Neumann machine.

This technology has always been the technology that Birusaludo most wants to develop successfully since the people of Bilusaludo left their home planet and drifted in deep space.

Because as long as they have it, the people of Birusaru can ignore the original state of the planet, easily transform any planet into a livable planet, and no longer have to wander.

Whether it is lava or extremely cold, as long as it is a rocky planet.Then the Birusaru people can rely on nano-metals to transform them all.

They can also automatically become weapons, spaceships, and even the cells that build the Birusaludo people themselves.It can also spread the glory of Birusarudo to more worlds, and there is no need to worry about being chased and killed by demon stars.

No need to worry about the environment, no need to wander, no need to go hungry, no need to save supplies, no need to fear their enemies...

Ah, what a piece of technology this is.Flawless in almost every way.There is only one minor defect, a small to extreme defect.

As for what this little shortcoming is...

That is it has not been developed.

It is too difficult to develop.

The essence of micro-nano metals is a small von Neumann machine on the order of ten nanometers, that is, a machine.

And at the scale of ten nanometers, let the atoms build a machine that can replicate itself, understand commands, provide energy independently, and have decent speed.

This is really hard.

Not to mention anything else, just completing the most basic energy supply requirements is already a nearly impossible task.

The scale of ten nanometers is only dozens of times larger than the diameter of an atom.It is almost impossible to build a machine that can supply its own energy under these conditions.


It's also just almost.

After a thousand parent planet revolutions, the Birusarudo civilization, which was still vigorous at the beginning, finally overcome this difficulty.They finally succeeded in building a rechargeable ten-nanometer machine at the microscopic scale, not to mention permanent autonomy, at least long-term autonomy.

Then, over the remaining thousands of years, the problems of materials, speed, replication, etc. were either solved practically or theoretically.Difficulties in the technology of micro-nano metals have been removed layer by layer. It seems that Bilu Saludo is about to complete it completely? !

At that time, all the people in Bilu Salud who were still awake thought this way. The dawn of nano-metals was already in front of them. This technique can be completed.


It is ten thousand years, tens of thousands of years.

Until almost all Birusaludians fell into a deep sleep, the last hurdle of nanometals—calculation, still hadn’t made any progress.

No matter how clever a genius is, he can't figure out a way for a ten-nanometer-level machine to "listen" to various complex instructions. No one can do it. After all, this scale is still too small.

The Bilu Saru people have continued to explore the earth's calendar for tens of thousands of years on nano-metals, and finally ended without a problem. Although this brought them the only microscopic robot in technology that surpassed Exif, the micron-scale robot still cannot complete the Bilu Saru. Sarudo's long-cherished wish.

The dream of nanometals was least, until I met Exif.

The technology that Exif gave to humanity changed all that.

The new mathematics they brought, new computational structures, and entirely new algorithms changed all that.

Although it will take some time to fully understand them, Miao Ge already has a premonition that everything that Birusalud people have been longing for for countless years will be completely changed by Aixif's technology.

Their long-cherished wish will come true.

To this end, he not only used the computer in his spaceship for calculation and analysis.He also sent this information to Muir, and after getting his support, he sent all Exif papers on algorithms and computers on Earth to "Mother".

It is hoped that the incredible computing power of the "mother" will be used to verify the feasibility of nano-metals using Exif technology.

It turned out to be...?

In theory, it works!

Chapter 150 The Third Light

Nano-metals are theoretically feasible.

Although it will take a long time to turn it into reality, this conclusion is enough to make the entire Birusaludo group fall into ecstasy.

In the near future, the ultimate weapon they expected will be realized. At that time, Bilu Saludo will not be afraid of any enemies.

But before that, they still need to face the monster in front of them, the existence named Ghidorah.

Ghidorah's evolution is still going on, and Birusarudo needs to destroy it before it completely evolves, otherwise, it may turn into a demon star on Venus.

At that time, they may never be able to return to this universe.It may even be possible to escape again in another universe.

The demon stars are the singularities of the laws of physics. No one knows whether they have the ability to hunt down civilizations across the universe.

So Ghidorah must be defeated, it must be defeated!

Compared with Ghidorah, Godzilla seems unimportant.

Thinking of this, Miao Ge continued to transfer files, he hoped that his race could win this time.

Definitely defeat Ghidorah.

He sincerely expected it.


In the Eden headquarters at the same time, in the chairman's office, Ludwig looked at his assistant with a headache. Obviously, there was another problem with Bilu Saludo.

"Your Excellency, regarding Birusarudo... They have sent a new request. They request that 500 million Birusaludo people be sent to Eden in advance before the Godzilla crusade... This request, Do we need to promise..."

The words from the assistant really confirmed Ludwig's conjecture, and Bilu Saludo did put forward a new request.But this time, their request was at least acceptable.

"Can we not agree?"

Muttering in his mouth, Ludwig looked out the window, through the glass of the headquarters.He could clearly see the little dots of light in the sky, and he could clearly see the cheering crowd.

Human beings cannot but agree.

Human beings have no capital to refuse.


After defeating Godzilla and Ghidorah, will the future of mankind really be as good as everyone hopes?

Will Birusarudo really bring an equal future to mankind as they say?

Ludwig didn't speak, but he already had the answer in his heart.

Godzilla, Ghidorah, Birusarudo, Exif, Daima.

Where did we humans go wrong...

Or are we making mistakes every step of the way...

Unable to answer the question, he could only respond to his assistant.

"Tell him, tell Miao Ge."

"We agree to all their requests."

The protagonist of the war has been replaced.


Ten hours later, in geosynchronous orbit.

Ten giant ships the size of mountains hovered in space, and the planet ahead was blue and beautiful, hanging in the endless deep space like the most perfect jewel.

It's so beautiful.

The dormant Birusaludo people on the ship have all woken up. They traveled between the planet in front and the giant ship behind them in small spaceships, and sent millions of Bilusaludo on the ten giant ships in waves. People are transported to the ground in batches.

The fleet brought by Bilu Saludo this time is not actually all battleships, only five of their ten battleships are special battleships, and the remaining five are pure interstellar colonial ships.

Birusarudo wants to let the most elite group of people in the ethnic group first settle down on the earth before defeating Godzilla, to control the human government and prepare for the next big shift.

It can be said that the main purpose of Birusarudo's fleet dispatch this time is not to defeat Godzilla, but to prepare for colonization.

Of course, just because the main purpose wasn't to defeat Godzilla doesn't mean they underestimated Godzilla.

Birusarudo's colony ship is also full of weapons.In terms of combat effectiveness, it is not necessarily weaker than a pure battleship. After all, compared with a battleship, a colonial ship is much larger in size and has a stronger limit power. Even if its structure is not designed for combat, its size can already make up for many.

The largest colonial ship is ten kilometers long, 1000 meters thick at its thickest point, 3000 meters wide at the base, and has an overall mass of 10 billion tons, while other smaller colonial ships are also 4000 meters long, 500 meters thick and A base of 5000 meters and a mass of 2 million tons.

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