But now, Godzilla is gone.

So this important task was handed over to humans.

The structure of Destoroyia can be said to be against humans, but fortunately, humans don't need to go to the front line in person, just use the robot army that has already been prepared on the edge of Europe.

Unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats are going to every corner of this brand-new mountain range in millions.At this time, Godzilla has already swam back to the Arctic Ocean.

Time passed quickly, and when Godzilla returned to his home again, the human defense lines in the mountains were all set up.

Next, just wait.

Waiting for the arrival of the sky.


1 day later, in Earth-Moon orbit.

Ten huge figures blocked the sun. They were like mountains, like mountains floating in space.

The metal shell, the technologically-filled hull, and the nozzle that is still slowing itself down all prove that the identity of the visitor is not a natural meteorite, but a creation of intelligent life.

They are individual spaceships.

Among this group of spaceships, the largest one is 10 kilometers long, 1 kilometer thick, and the bottom is more than 3 kilometers wide, which is not inferior to a mountain range on the surface.

It is hard to imagine what kind of intelligent life can build such a huge spaceship like a mountain, let alone here, at this time, there is not only one spaceship, but a total of ten!

Although the other ships are much inferior to the first ten-kilometer ship, each of them maintains a body length of more than a thousand meters and a body width and thickness of more than a hundred meters.

They may not be comparable to real mountains, but they are also mountains in space.

At this moment, these mountain peaks are passing by the moon at an incredible speed, hitting the earth below.

At their current speed of more than [-] kilometers per second, once they hit the earth, all life on the earth except Godzilla will be destroyed.Fortunately, the purpose of these spacecraft is obviously not to destroy life on Earth, but to "save" them.

So now, their speed is decreasing, and when it drops to only a few thousand meters per second, most of them will choose to stop in low-earth orbit, and use their own long-range firepower to wipe out the man named Goss for mankind. pull the monster.

However, it was promised to humans that they would arrive within 20 days, but looking at it now, 20 days is still not enough, although not all of these 20 days are used for traveling.

At this point, 20 days have passed, but they still need about ten hours to adjust themselves to hover in low earth orbit.

The time must be exceeded, but there is no way. Acceleration and deceleration have always been an important part of long-distance travel in space. After spending a lot of time to complete that matter, the time left for Birusaludo people It was already less than 20 days, and if we want to achieve the originally planned five days, we must not slow down for most of the entire voyage.

But that is impossible.

It is impossible to wait until after the Earth-Moon system to slow down to the Earth. In that case, there is not enough time. You must know that the top speed of these spaceships has reached [-]% of the speed of light.

At a distance of 30 kilometers, it is still too difficult for Birusaru to reduce the speed of this one percent of the speed of light, so they have to slow down earlier, which takes some time.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, they have come to the sky above this planet.

The next thing to do is to wipe out the monster phenomenon that happened on this planet.

"It's such a beautiful planet. It would be even better if there were fewer other creatures on the ground."

In the chief captain's office of Birusaludo's advance fleet, a newly awakened Birusaludo said through the projector that he felt a little lost about the planet in the picture.

Such a beautiful planet should not be occupied by those low-intelligence species and monsters, although those monsters will be eliminated.But the group of low-intelligence species above will not become extinct in the foreseeable future.

This is really the only shortcoming of this planet.

"Mute, don't complain anymore. It's great to find such a new planet. We Birusarudo have been wandering for too long, so we shouldn't complain. The owner of this planet can accept that we have It's a good thing, and we need to learn to be grateful."

Some other Birusaru people heard his implication and refuted his statement.


In this regard, Bilu Saludo, who was called Mute, did not refute again, but just stood there, continuing to admire the blue planet in front of him.

Until... a call request jumped out from the projection screen, which was sent by Miao Ge who was far away on the earth.

Accepting it, Miao Ge's face appeared on the projection screen. He is now serious, looking at Mute on the other side, and said.

"Mute, the human government sent us a message asking how long it will take us to arrive? They are already in a hurry."

The words are short, and there is only one meaning to be expressed.The human government is already in a hurry, and Birusarudo did not come on time.

"Hmph, are low-intelligence species always so impatient? Don't they know how to do the math? Forget it, tell them that it will take 17 hours to count in their time."

In this regard, the Birusaludo people named Mute were very dismissive, but he still told Miao Ge on the other side of the screen the arrival time—seventeen hours later.

Contemptuous expressions also appeared on the faces of the other Birusarudo people in the captain's room.

From the perspective of Birusarudo, whose bodies are mostly turned into machines, since the spaceships have already entered the planetary system, wouldn't it be good to know when the spaceships will arrive?impatient?Being impatient will not have any positive impact on the status quo, it will only exacerbate and worsen the current situation.

Human beings can't even control their own minds...


"By the way, Muge, Muir has a new request for human beings, and I need you to convey it to the people on Earth."

After answering the human's question, Mute, who was still standing in front of the projection screen, suddenly thought of something, and spoke directly to Miao Ge who was opposite.

And this opening made Miao Ge feel a little uncomfortable.

What's going on?What did Muir actually want to convey to the people on Earth through Mutt?

Is it true or not...it must still be true, Mutt wouldn't lie to him like that...but why?Why didn't Muir send him a message directly, but asked Muir to be the messenger in the middle?

What information is needed to do this?

He felt a little bad, but he didn't interrupt, just quietly waiting for Mutt to finish.

Mutt's expression also became serious, and he spoke another voice, which said:

"Miao Ge, I need you to inform the Earth government. Before we fight Venus Ghidorah, we will send 1 million Birusarudo to Earth. As a reward, we will destroy Godzilla and Creatures that threaten human ecology, such as Destoroyah."

Speaking of this, Miao Ge's expression on the other side of the screen has changed.But he still didn't interrupt Mutt, and continued to wait for him to speak:

"Ghidorah on Venus, we will solve it as soon as possible. But before that, human beings must first settle down our people and provide them to us according to the materials on this list."

"If it is not completed, the consequences of this matter can only be borne by humans themselves."

Mute sent a large amount of data to Miao Ge. These are the requests of Birusaru people, more precisely, they are the "new requirements" of the previous agreement between Independence and the previous agreement.

After receiving these conditions, Miao Ge didn't ask why, but just opened the communication channel with the high-level human beings, briefly said a few words of his own request, and then sent the information over.

Then wait quietly, waiting for the answer from the human side.

During this period, humans made many phone calls to Miao Ge, and each time Miao Ge opened the phone, he only gave humans a sentence.If that sentence is not what he wants to hear, then he will just hang up.

After repeating this a few times, a slightly tired human voice came from the phone, he said.

"Your Excellency Miao Ge, we have a deal."

At this time, Miao Ge replied to the other party and exchanged a few words.



Why did Muir do this?The situation they discussed before is not like this at all!Then why!Why is this happening!Why would Muir say such a thing now that the agreement between humans and Birusarudo is about to be completed!

He was angry that his countryman had acted so suddenly without first consulting him.But the rationality of Birusaru told him that there must be a reason behind this.

Muir would do this, there must be a reason behind it that he didn't know.

And the reason for this is...

"We could fail."

Mutt was serious, he continued.

"Before Muir activated his mother, he had already sent probes to the so-called Venus of the earth people. Their speed is much faster than the fleet, and they can detect the situation of that planet and the situation of our enemies in advance."

"After arriving there, we found it, the guy called Ghidorah by humans. It was falling into a deep sleep. We guessed that it should be obtained from the phenomenon of monsters after it wiped out the local civilization. Strengthening, it has been sealed for a long time, until now it has time to re-strengthen itself."

"Taking advantage of its strengthening time, we scanned its whole body. Miao Ge, the results of the scan are not optimistic. The data shows that our mother may fail to match it at this time."

"We may not be its opponent."

"This is why Muir wants to change the agreement suddenly. For possible future failures, he needs a guarantee...The [-] million Birusaludos, they are all the remaining Birusarudos who still have the desire to survive Many people, we need to send them to Earth first, win or lose, we need to do this..."

"For the sake of victory, for the future. Muir has already decided to let the mother go to that planet at full speed, and kill it before it completely evolves. We want to start a decisive battle with it before it completes evolution. Before it completes evolution, we have the possibility of victory."

"Miao Ge, this is the truth, we are not invincible in this galaxy."

"That monster may be stronger than us."

Chapter 150 Nanometals

"That monster may be stronger than us..."

Miao Ge on Earth was shocked by these words and lost his mind for a short while.After tens of seconds of calming down, he calmed down his mood and came to understand this sentence well.

Stronger than us, stronger than "mother"... monsters.

This is the first time in Bilu Saludo's history.

In the past, Birusarudo has seen many civilizations destroyed by monster phenomena during the tens of thousands of years of wandering.But those civilizations, and the monsters that destroy them, are no stronger than their "mothers."

The reason why they gave up settling in those places was purely because the environment was not suitable, there were monster stars in the very close range, or it was too late to contact them. Destroying the monsters would definitely destroy the entire surface of the planet.

The monsters encountered before the destruction of civilization were no stronger than the "mother".

But after those civilizations were destroyed, the monsters who got the ultimate evolution from the monster phenomenon...

Birusaludo didn't know how powerful they were.

Because no one is stupid enough to put himself in danger without any benefit.

Even the monsters that haven't fully evolved already have the destructive power to turn the entire planet's surface into a sea of ​​lava and flames with one blow. Once this kind of attack hits the "mother", it will definitely be a disaster for Birusarudo. unacceptable.

Every time, after discovering that the monster has the ability to completely destroy the surface of the planet, Bilu Saludo will choose to retreat.Because staying any longer would be purely sending "mother" into dangerous idiocy.

Therefore, Birusarudo has never faced the monster at the end of the phenomenon of monsters, the monster that shattered the entire civilization.

But this time, they have to face it.

And they have to face it.

The wandering of tens of thousands of years is too long, and even the spirit of Bilu Salud, who is famous for his rationality, cannot support such a long wandering.

The earth has been the best planet they have encountered for tens of thousands of years. Even if it is their home planet, the natural environment at the end of life may not be comparable to the current earth.

Bilu Saludo can't give up here, and they don't want to give up here.

Ever since, the next thing... is only war!

Fight Ghidorah in an all-or-nothing battle!

"This is the data of the monster on Venus. According to my mother's calculations, with its current structure, we still have more than half of the winning rate."

"If we can defeat it, then my long-cherished wish of Bilu Saludo will be fulfilled."

"And if the mother loses."

"Miao Ge, the passages leading to other places on this planet will also help us continue Bilu Saludo."

The data came from the panel, and Miao Ge understood the horror of this giant beast just by glancing at it.

Needless to say about metamaterials, the total output of Bilu Saludo's metamaterials is not of this order of magnitude.

The fusion of all elements below silicon at low temperature... that is, cold fusion, this alone is no longer a technology that Birusaludo can touch.

It is no exaggeration to say that under the current Pilusaludo system, the implementation difficulty of this level of cold fusion technology can be compared with the production of negative mass matter—anyway, it is far beyond the scope of Bilusaludo’s theory Technology, compared with them, the anti-matter engine being produced has become extremely realistic.

At least for the current Bilu Saludo, the latter is still possible to develop.But the former is absolutely impossible.

And on the body of that monster resides such an impossibility.

The body length is 12085 meters, the wingspan is 21329 meters, and the mass is estimated to be 1.756 trillion tons.

The dormant power is 20 petawatts, which is equivalent to a tens of millions of tons of nuclear warheads exploding in its body every second even when it is dormant.

It is speculated that the limit of its activity power can exceed the terrifying number of 100 Zewa. Just being active on a planet is enough to cause the surface of the planet to collapse.

The output power is even more difficult to calculate.

It is suspected that it has anti-gravity capabilities. Through the measurement of the internal temperature, it is determined that it has mastered cold fusion technology.

There are also a large number of so-called Ghidorah's wings around, and the number is nearly double the number that humans first observed.

The strength of the material has been calculated to exceed any known conventional material. "Mother" believes that the energy required to crush Ghidorah is equivalent to the energy required to completely turn the surface of the planet into a sea of ​​lava.

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