Naruto Danzo

Page 1833

This is something that Liuwei has not experienced in the past 1000 years.

Like every Konoha person, it works at sunrise and rests at sunset.

Go to and from get off work every day.

Receive salary.

Fully realize its own value and shine for the community of human tailed beasts.

Perhaps for a short time, Liuwei still has doubts about humans.

But more than ten years have passed.

Konoha didn't want to use it at all, which made Liuwei completely let go of the barriers in his heart and accepted everyone in Konoha.

In order to reward Liuwei for his outstanding contributions to Konoha for so many years.

Danzo granted Liuwei Konoha a resident certificate.

Danzo said:

Liuwei has been an inseparable part of my Konoha since ancient times, and is one of my Konoha citizens, who should enjoy Konoha's benefits and obligations.

Whoever dares to harm Liuwei, we will clean it up.

It is the unshirkable responsibility of every Konoha ninja to ensure the safety of Liuwei's personal life and property!

"Liuwei, this child is Kushina Uzumaki."

Danzo patted Kushina on the shoulder and said to Liuwei.

"You, hello..."

Kushina greeted Liuwei a little jerky.

A giant slug of 18 meters!

Is this the legendary tailed beast~~~~?

Danzo-sama and Liuwei chatted happily, oh my god, it's really amazing~.

Looking at Liuwei, who was as tall and short as a hill, Kushina sighed.

"Oh, it's the Uzumaki family..."

Six-tailed tentacles moved.

The gentle young lady's voice soothed Kushina's uneasiness.

In the 1000-year life of Liuwei, he has seen the ups and downs of countless ethnic groups.


Naturally, it also includes the whirlpool family.

As one of the descendants of the boy Asura who flourished back then...

The Uzumaki family also occupied a very important part in history.

"Hello... Kushina, I'm Six-tailed Rhino."

Liuwei nodded towards Kushina, that huge body showed a naive attitude.

Although Kushina had already thought about many possibilities before coming to Konoha.

But I didn't expect it.

Six tails can live in harmony with humans.

She actually had a good talk with Liuwei today! ! !

If the clansmen knew about this, they would definitely not believe it! ! !

"Look... Kushina."

Danzo pointed to Liuwei and said to Kushina.

"Tailed beasts are actually not scary. They have feelings and thoughts just like us. They will be sad and happy... they will also eat, talk, say hello... and enjoy 996 blessings ..."

Danzo fooled Kushina.


Kushina is also lame.

"As long as we can understand each other, humans and tailed beasts can coexist peacefully..."

Danzang took out Prince Ming's tricks.

Kushina listened very kindly.

"In the past...human beings were afraid of tailed beasts, thinking that tailed beasts were the enemy of human was just a kind of jealousy, because jealousy of tailed beasts' almost infinite charisma Carat and mighty strength... just like humans are afraid of tigers, lions and other beasts... only..."

Danzo shook his head.

"Tailed beasts are not tigers and lions after all. They are not different from us except for their bodies..."

After a pause, Danzo said.

"The tailed beast's life... is also its life."

Damn it, absolutely!

Even Danzo felt that his mouth escape was very good on the spot.


Kushina was fooled into a fool!

When Kushina was digesting these things...

Danzo turned around and said to Liuwei: "Liuwei...Actually, I'm here this time, I want to tell you something..."

"What's the matter? Danzo-sama, please tell me."

Maybe all slugs are cute little sisters.

Like Tsunade's slug, Six Tails... is also very polite when spoken.


Danzo took a deep breath, his expression gradually serious.

"Nine-Tails is reborn..."


"Rebirth" in various senses.

Including the kind of "rebirth" after being persecuted by Danzo.


Six tails was silent for a moment.

The atmosphere became unusually...somewhat serious.

Kushina blinked, and the smile gradually disappeared...

"Nine-Tails...very grumpy..."

After a while, Liuwei said so.

Even the originally cheerful tone became... a little calm.

It can be seen that this matter is indeed serious.

It was so serious that Liuwei said so.

"Hmm... There has always been some misunderstanding between Nine-Tails and humans... This has something to do with its experience."

Danzo said.

"In the past, Yunyin Village and other ninja villages tried to capture Kyuubi, and Yunyin Village even sent brothers Jinjiao Yinjiao... Although they were swallowed by Kyuubi, the two still relied on their lives Swallowed the flesh and blood of the Nine-Tails and survived..."

Kushina looked at Danzo, and the secrets of the ninja world slowly unfolded in front of her.

"Later...Uchiha Madara also tried to do this, using sharing eyes to control Kyuubi...I don't know what Kyuubi's attitude was towards Indra back then, but he must be because of Uchiha Madara's stimulation, I hate human beings."

"Kyuubi actually hates Asura too..."

Six tails suddenly broke a big news.

That is......

Kyuubi not only hates Indra, but also hates Asura.

"The reason why I helped him defeat Indra was because..."

Danzo: "The reason for the Sage of the Six Paths?"


Liuwei nodded slowly at the huge head.

Kyuubi has always respected the Sage of the Six Paths.

Both Asura and Indra are the sons of the Sages of the Six Paths.

Among these two bastards, helping Asura was purely because of the entrustment of the Sage of the Six Paths.

That is...

than bad.

Indra and Asura, the two bird people, are not good things.

Chapter 1778. Danzo's acting skills and the awakening of Kyuubi

"About three days ago, Nine Tails was reborn in the Land of Wind..."

Danzo said.

"The people in Hidden Sand Village will definitely capture Kyuubi by hand. With the strength of the third Kazekage Dantatsuko, combined with the desert terrain... there is a high probability that Kyuubi can be caught...and.. .... Sand Hidden Village also has a renjuriki who guards the crane. If possible...they will even put renchuriki into the capture operation..."

Magic against magic.

Use Tailed Beasts against Tailed Beasts.

This kind of thing... sounds very cruel.

"The ninjas in Yanyin Village will definitely not sit still, Wuyin Village...Yunyin Village...although it is far away, they may also take action..."

In general......

Danger Nine Tails Danger.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

Danzo doesn't believe that Kyuubi, who has been persecuted by him for so long, will not become smarter.

With so much experience, even a pig...wisdom will definitely go to heaven.

The evil, cruel and cunning Nine Tails will never let the humans in the fishing village get what they want.

Danzo even began to look forward to...

Looking forward to the performance of the Nine Tails that I have trained, Huo Huo and others.

Kyuubi who hates humans so much...

What will happen again?

That must be... very interesting...

not to mention......

Before releasing Nine-Tails, he also gave Nine-Tails a little cheat.

It would be disappointing if Kyuubi couldn't do that.

"How about you, Danzo-sama?"

Liuwei shook his body and asked.

Now that other ninja villages have taken action, Konoha will definitely not remain indifferent.

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