Naruto Danzo

Page 1832

in the original.

Even Jiraiya didn't know that Kushina Uzumaki was Jinchuriki.


Jiraiya's conversation with Scroll Toad confirmed this.

Jirai also said that Kyuubi may have been attracted by Konoha, which caused the Kyuubi Rebellion.

Scroll Toad sneered, how is this possible, Nine Tails has been a natural disaster caused by negative human emotions since ancient times.

Whole leaves.

There are only a few people who know that Uzumaki Kushina is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Sleeping Koharu, Mitomon En, Sarutobi Hiruza...

Later, Lake Biwa, who delivered Kushina's baby, counted as one.

A disciple of Lake Biwa is one of the dragons and snakes.

Then there is... Danzo.

And Kushina Uzumaki's husband, Minakame Minato.


In the Naruto plot, Uzumaki Mito should also know this.

After all, Uzumaki Mito was the previous Jinchuriki, and she enlightened Kushina, persuading her to accept her fate as Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

But now...

Uzumaki Mito has been to the space-time rift for nine years.

Who will enlighten Kushina?

this matter......

Or this pot.

In the end, Danzo was allowed to carry it.

Secretly transfer Uzumaki Kushina to this side.

Just to let Danzo convince her, and then... leave urgently, taking Uzumaki Kushina to the Land of Winds.

Seal the Nine Tails inside Kushina Uzumaki.


Maybe it was Danzo's kind tone that made Kushina's wariness drop a little bit... So, she tried to muster up her courage, and replied timidly.

The difference is that the three men are different from the fierce menopause Koharu, the serious-faced Mitomonyan, and the Sarutobi Hiruzaru who has a majestic appearance but is actually a monkey on the inside.

Danzo is so handsome that he breaks through the sky.

of course.

Danzo will be woken up by himself every day.

For such a handsome young man, talking with a little girl, Uzumaki Kushina's inner pressure is naturally much less.

Yan value...

Always be king.

Naruto TV anime.

Tsunade and Shizune looked at the photos of Danzo soaking in hot springs when he was young, and they both blushed.

Fascinating a little girl is not the same as playing.

"Is it......"

After getting an affirmative answer, Danzo nodded.

"In a few days, I'll send someone to Ushio Hidden Village to promote it. If you stay in Konoha, you'll get a big house for free. I'll find you a few more clan members as companions. What do you think?"


After Uzumaki Kushina heard this, she immediately agreed happily.

But immediately, she shut her mouth.

Because it seems so rude.

The personality of the Uzumaki clan is so forthright...and rude.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Shimura Danzo, in Konoha, except Hokage...I am the biggest."

Danzo lightly stated his identity as a person under one person and above ten thousand people.

Uzumaki Kushina directly opened her mouth.

Looking at her bright eyes, Danzo knew that...the next conversation would be much easier.

"You, you, are you the "Ninokoku" who tore Nina with his hands, punched Raikage, and kicked Chiyo? "

Shimura Danzo's notoriety, from the country of wind to the west of Ninja World, to the country of Uzumaki and Waves to the east of Ninja World... the country of water...

No one knows no one knows.

"It's under..."

Danzo nodded very "modestly".


Yoko Uchiha glanced at Danzo, and she found that Danzo was so proud that he was about to fly into the sky.


Uzumaki Kushina's eyes turned into little stars.

Can't tell, he is still Danzo's fan girl.

"Hey, Danzo-sama, can you tell me about your deeds in detail?"

The old Two-dimensional Uzumaki Kushina, who was somewhat restrained, immediately started her star chasing journey...

Danzo understands very well.

Just like when he watched cartoons when he was a child, he always felt that the villains in them were tyrannical and cool.

Especially secondary.

Well, after all, who hasn't been young...


Uzumaki Kushina is also at this rebellious age.

You ground turtles worship Hokage, but I, Kushina Uzumaki, don't!

After some communication, Kushina successfully got along with Danzo.

Danzo has always been very experienced in deceiving little girls.

This is true of Uchiha Yoko and others.


Danzo pointed to his cheek.

"This face... is sincerity..."

At the age of 40, he still maintains a posture of less than 20 years old.

Although this kind of thing happened to Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian before.

But overall it's still pretty incredible.

As an exchanged secret, Danzo gained the trust of Uzumaki Kushina, and Uzumaki Kushina also knew the secret of Danzo's immortality.


Uzumaki Kushina, who half understood, nodded, and promised not to talk nonsense to others.

"A secret that even the Third Hokage-sama doesn't know..."

Being so trusted by the idol, most of the uneasiness in Kushina's heart disappeared.



"This time, bringing you from the country of vortex to Konoha actually has an urgent task to entrust to you..."


Kushina swallowed.

Before, no one told her exactly why she was brought here.

"Nine tails... Nine tails, you know."


Uzumaki Kushina nodded.

There are nine big-tailed beasts in the world. This is something that every little friend in Uzuoshio Hidden Village knows.

"Your to become its shit-shoveling officer for the next...16 years."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Huh?"

Chapter 1777. Discuss with Liuwei about Kyuubi

Kushina was stunned on the spot.

Danzo: "Have you ever raised a cat or a dog before?"

"Raised, raised..."

"'s similar to that...but the tailed beast is a bit fierce..."

Tuanzang's tone is slow, deceiving the little friends.

Kushina thought about it.

If you want to be the shit shovel officer for Jiuwei, then the shit that Jiuwei pulls must not be as high as the hill?

She was going to die of exhaustion just shoveling shit for Nine Tails.

"Actually...tailed beasts don't need to shit..."

Danzo told Kushina about this with pure little eyes.


ten minutes later.

Danzo set off with Kushina and Uchiha Yoko.

Location, the suburbs of Konoha.

Next to the huge garbage dump, a silly tailed beast is working hard with its breath.

It is the six tails that are completely socialized.

After many years of talk and brainwashing by Danzo, Liuwei has vowed to dedicate his life to the cause of environmental protection in the ninja world~!

Every month, Danzo will pay Liuwei a salary.

Liuwei can use his wages to buy delicious food.

Lying there every day, as long as I spit out acid or acid mist, I can get 996 blessings. I am so happy!

"Master Danzo."

Seeing Danzo coming, Liuwei, who was fully socialized, greeted Danzo respectfully.

In Konoha.

For the first time, the peaceful coexistence of humans and tailed beasts has been realized.

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