"Heavy hands, heavy hands, light feet. The base game is not very stable, the fire knife comes first, don't be greedy, play smarter."

"Squeeze him to get up... yo? You really dare to be stubborn!"

"From the delicate handling of details, the opposite should be a trumpet. It stands to reason that the 'Platinum' will never touch the 'Top 50'. Maybe some big brother is giving points to younger brothers, nephews, or even sisters and nieces. I think You want to get the painting reward of the diamond rank. Then I'm sorry, I will never let you pretend to be."

"From the confrontation between the first two characters, I have thoroughly figured out the opponent's tactics and habits. This is a master. Next, I will kill him perfectly without losing a drop of blood."

"Do you dare to promote the big dragon? Pure recklessness. You knocked me down, and you are still greedy for damage in the middle of the air. What's the use of a good reverse fight? If you catch a fall, hit it, keep it up, Don’t make mistakes. Don’t worry, he won’t drop me in seconds. I’ll still have blood left when I land, and I’ll have 5 more points of energy, and he will be brutally killed by me. The young man has indeed proved that he is a real diamond, but helpless, he faced Right, it’s me, the King of Clouds, the top 50, the strongest old man Yuan user in Tokyo, wrong, the strongest old man Yuan user in Japan... Hey! How could he happen to play this set of operations? 1 Take it easy! Brother, please don’t hurt BC! Give me a chance to make a friend!”

The shirtless judo guy threw the old man in the long gown into the sky, and then his whole body was shaken on the spot. The accumulated battle energy turned into lightning and flashed on his body surface, and all the damage was amplified at this moment.

The old man fell to the ground immediately, and inevitably suffered fall damage. Due to the temporary injury, the old man who should have left a trace of blood was directly thrown to death on the spot.


The big judo guy straightened out his majestic chest muscles and assumed a victory pose.

The opponent used the Platinum realm to cross the border and kill the high-ranking king Almighty. He gained a lot of points on the spot, and the value bar skyrocketed. He sat on the spot and directly rose to Diamond.The top king became a stepping stone, and the ranking plummeted from 49th to 55th.

"Wow! It's so uncomfortable!" The anchor wailed when he saw this scene.

"In order to get a reward for my niece, Daimon at this moment is as strong as a ghost"

"Is this a peerless master? I haven't seen you for a few days, so why?"

"You're the first top 50 I've seen who lost to Platinum in the third tiebreaker"

"Where did you rent the anchor account? Isn't it cheap? I also want to rent one for charity."

Ah Wei watched it for 10 minutes without knowing it. Now his whole body is out of the control of his brain, his buttocks have left the study seat, and he went to bed and took out his notebook to get a better viewing experience through the webpage.

By the way, the screen recording software was also turned on.


No itinerary, no make-up exam.

Looking at the sunny weather outside the window, Yin Ze thought it was an excellent day to play games at home.

The last time he bathed Pink Pretty, he was gentle and thoughtful, just like treating a lover.After cleaning, spread plastic sheets and lock them in the corridor.A few days later, the brand-new golden-haired big ocean horse will enter this divorced family, bringing a brand-new stimulating experience to the numb man. He can't help but want to step on the mechanical waist that conforms to the human body and gallop through the streets and alleys, harvesting The envious eyes of the student cubs and delinquents.

Open a can of beer, tear a bag of beans, and enjoy a comfortable afternoon with your feet up.

Master Yin browsed the N station, and since he had only experienced live broadcasting, he was also slightly interested in this function.It is found that the user live broadcast section has been launched, and now there are different types of live broadcasts.Of course, the game sector is also very popular, but most of them are just for leisure and entertainment, and there are no hardcore masters to dominate the market.

In this case, one cannot help but want to try one's hand.

Radio broadcast?It was nothing more than a hypocritical dance in handcuffs and a mask. The laughter and laughter of the audience, to the host's ears, contained the irony and sadness of being entertained to death.

Men want to show what they are most proud of, and reap the truly peerless wonder!

Master Yin moved with his heart, downloaded the plug-in, and arrogantly named the room "Old Man Yuan, the number one server, you will worry about your career when you see it! 1 presses in 24 second, violent and vicious stream, cute and new to watch as appropriate!"

Plug in the dedicated keyboard and start the journey.

Against the background of other harmonious themes and names such as "Let's have fun playing together", "We must clear the level today", "Let's embark on the journey to rescue the princess", "Migu sauce の rest daily" and other harmonious themes and names. Apparently, his entry was like a shark plunging into a park pond, setting off a bloodbath.

Such an arrogant room name with nostrils upturned is naturally very eye-catching, and it didn't take long for a group of viewers to squat.Adding a link to the Twitter account has already rushed to the forefront of the popularity.

"It's normal to lose points, just call it back." Yin Ze sorted out his mood and started queuing again.

"Pure passers-by, don't care about the record, just hope that the tweeter can open the '2012 Summer Swimsuit Resources' folder on the desktop"

"The sound condition of the anchor is not bad, it's a bit like the hero of a certain show I've watched recently. Please report the sound card brand and software parameters?"

"He's the voice actor, Elredo knows it, he deserves it"

"Really? I don't believe it. Unless the host says a spell"

"Has the tweeter seen the video of "Dangerous El Reido"? Highly recommend!"

"Fans have been asking for 10 years when the resurrection will be released?"

"My lord?! Isn't this a pitch-black board game? Take a dragon's breath sword and a phoenix feather and blow it all the way?"

"If this position can be ranked in the national team, there is still something to watch."

"Excuse me, is this the room for liberal arts students at Dongda University? I have a question about medieval history that I would like to ask."

"The 10-year-old meat chef begs the anchor to turn on the camera, I want to lick the screen"

Why is the barrage composition so chaotic? ? ?

"Today's main content is to rush to the top 30 of the leaderboard, not off topic." The man said, then fell silent for a few seconds, and repeated without emotion, "Thanks to 'my boyfriend in Austria' for giving me a samurai sword..."

After a long wait of a few minutes, a new opponent was finally matched, and this time it was a serious battle in the same realm.

Master Yin first used the mouse to play a two-barrel card, quickly switched back to the game, and selected a character in seconds. During the loading process, he touched three cards to open a kong, and played another card, so he did not rush Select the hang-up mode for listening cards.Both hands rested on the joystick keyboard in a leisurely manner.

"Oh, No. 36, this time we will meet a master." Yin Ze explained without nervousness, "But don't be afraid, think about my operation carefully, and learn how to use a weak character to beat a strong character. "

"Hort, wave, hunch, wave. Pull in and I'll jump back."

"He's about to die, it doesn't matter, use flying props and continue to consume him."

"You see, although my striker is dead and his health is still healthy, the useless 3 bars of the striker will be inherited by my second character. So no loss, now he has no resources , I will be killed instantly. This is Tian Ji's horse racing, this is the strategy, you know."

"Big jump, hit the target, make a stiff explosion, pay attention to my details, the next step is the excess damage combo engraved in the genes!"

The man's hand speed was so fast, the special keyboard was cracked and cracked, and the service life of the ear was audibly declining.Extremely complex and lengthy instructions are accurately and frame-perfectly input.

On the game screen, black and white light flashes randomly, punches hit the flesh, the sound of beatings can be heard endlessly, and the sense of blow is overwhelming.

However, at the moment when the opponent's health bar plummeted and the adrenaline was secreted, the game screen suddenly shrank and bounced to the desktop, and the mahjong game in the small window was also affected by some mysterious command, exiting from the on-hook mode, Play a key card, and the next player is immediately confused.

The man was so shocked that he trembled all over, he had no time to calculate how much he had lost in this hand, and quickly switched back to the game.However, the battle changed rapidly, and the current situation has completely reversed. It is the opponent who is trying his best to pin him in the corner and beat him.


"How could there be a hardware conflict!" the anchor wailed again.



There seems to be something wrong with the joystick keyboard, and it doesn't work from time to time.

The opponent started to twitch strangely when he saw his bottom defender come out, and then contacted the previous consecutive mistakes, guessed that an accident had happened, and waited patiently by the board.

The waiting time was almost running out, and seeing that it couldn't get better in the end, he left a pitiful sentence, "I'll keep you, add a friend and fight again next time." After that, I quit the game.

"Can it still be like this?"

"Violent and vicious style × tortoise begging style √"

"Using the lofty heart of a king-level master to win, this is a very classic off-the-board trick, it is recommended to include it in the official novice tutorial"

"You guys don't understand. Players in high-end games often compete with each other, and they all have impressions. He knows that I really have an accident, so he did it like this." The anchor explained carefully, "I will test the keyboard again, and I will get it back later. The field...thank you for the samurai sword sent by 'It's hard to know'."

"The anchor tactically ignored the friend request in the lower right corner"

"Shh, it's a mixed score, don't break it"

"I'm that kind of person?" Yin Ze laughed back, and immediately accepted those friend requests, and then he was stunned for a while when he saw the message prompt that popped up immediately after that, "—how can there be someone with the same ID as me Invite me to a game?"

The man clicked in bewildered.

Peerless Master: No, who are you?

Peerless master: After endless years of wandering, in the endless network world, I left 1000 million message marks... You finally found me.I am you ten years from now.

Peerless master: Your account is only level 4?Ten years later, I lost points and even lost my rank? !

Peerless Master: From the germination of the first underwater life, to the giant beasts of the Stone Age, to the first human walking upright, you have experienced a lot.In the past ten years, you got married, made money, and were despised by your rebellious daughter for your bald head and beer belly.I also lost everything, such as divorce and bankruptcy.These are not important... I became the subject of the United Nations super crossbow SSS level project "Back to the past", and paid a huge price for extraterrestrial life. In short, it took a lot of hard work to contact you through this channel .

Peerless master: I was so down and out for the rest of my life?

Peerless Master: Yes.

Peerless master: Who is my wife?

Peerless master: Don't talk nonsense, I can only say that fate is already in place.

Peerless Master: You said divorce?what is the reason?I cheated?

Peerless master: You experience this yourself.

Peerless master: Everything you say is only half, what's the use of you?

Peerless Master: I don't have much time, and the hunters on the timeline are chasing me all the time.And because of the existence of the management authority, I can't disclose too much future information to you, so don't count on the horse race rankings and lottery numbers.But listen up, your life is about to change dramatically.

Peerless Master: Continue.I'll see what you can come up with.

Peerless Master: The mysterious power is about to recover, the earth returns to the age of gods, and the power of those heroes in history begins to erupt. They are the last hope of mankind and the final decision of the planet on the doomsday.Remember, there is such a chosen one by your side, you must protect him well.Whether it is economic or spiritual, we need 100 million support, otherwise the future of mankind is unpredictable.

Peerless Master: Let me guess if it has something to do with a hero from the Warring States period.

Peerless master: As expected of me, I'm really smart.

Peerless master: Hehe.

The peerless master has left the room.

Sending is invalid, you have been blocked by the other party.

Chapter 150 Four

"Can the anchor analyze this year's game?" Master Yin took a sip of refreshing beer and said casually, "Oh, what's there to say about this? The circle is only that big for niche games, and there are only a few players who can play. One. This year’s World Championship is about to start, right? I’ve also watched the qualifiers, and to be honest, I’m very disappointed, there’s no strategy at all.”

"Everyone is in pretty good shape this year, anchor don't talk nonsense"

"It's over. Chuan Shengchun's energy is limited. This time, he will only apply for the last boxing 4 event with the highest prize money. He still has seven rounds to fight. Can he win seven rounds? Can he win all seven rounds? Can't win?" Right? It's not easy to qualify, it's very difficult." Master Yin shook his head.

"Chuansheng will focus on fighting dramas this time, right?"

"With all due respect, the current influence and gold content of Douju ​​are in decline. Tell me, the organizer has changed how many co-producers have been changed every session. Can it be changed? Change the soup but not the medicine. There are fat boys too. The reason is, what kind of sports do I fight? I fight boxing fighters. What are your batch of sports? They are all new, no one pays attention to them, and low popularity. I just ask if there are any viewers to watch? Japan FTG What level is it now? With only a few people, you Ban Qiaoyuan even played Super Mario with your cute blind date partner who is two years younger in your hometown, and even spread it in the group to show off. Can you still get a good ranking this year? No, no You know the perseverance of being single."

Master Yin is magnificent, pointing the country.

"If you go on, you will lose to Vietnam. After Thailand loses, you will lose to Myanmar. No one will lose next."

"On the other hand, we are the earliest team preparing for the 2014 Final Boxing 4 event."

"Oh, thank God, the last boxing 4 is a new one, and Dachang is willing to promote it, so it has such a high bonus. Now everyone is practicing temporarily, but a competition like this has not laid a solid foundation, and the start is poor. As a man, can you guarantee to me that he can win the key links such as the North American Championship and the winner's bracket?" Master Yin said in a heavy tone, "Be pragmatic, first understand your own tactics and the concept of FTG, Break away from the gentle village first. Ban Qiaoyuan's angry ghost is properly world-class, and he plays pretty well. You ban it yourself and turn your head to practice. The model wears less clothes, and the throwing technique is a chest killer. Tell me what Kazuko Shima is doing? Offline fans will be beaten 1 to 5 by water friends, but tell me, how can this be explained? Professional players don’t even want their beliefs!”




"Oh, are you going to follow the path of Japanese football?"

"It's kind of scary"

"Many friends don't know what odds mean. Let me explain here. For example, Japan's odds of winning the World Cup are 1 to 100000. If you buy 100 yen for the Japanese team to win the championship, then your 100 yen will be gone."

"How many coaches are there in one session? It's not a change of medicine."

"So the template has started to be put on?"


In this world line, Chinese football represents the top level in Asia, while Japan is struggling in the quagmire.

Damn, I really dare not think about it.


"Grocery Prince Moto Itabashi invites you to play a game"

Master Yin accidentally choked on beer.

"Banqiao Angry Ghost himself?!"

"Speak carefully, now people call Itabashi Kazuko"

"The anchor actually has his friends? So how much money does he really have?"

"Grass student える, followed the Internet to find the door"

"Laugh, there is no escape from abuse"

"Anchor quickly accept, if you win, I will give you a super samurai sword!"

"Ouch, wash your hands." The anchor dropped the earphones and fled.

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