Master Yin had a warm feeling in his heart.

When people are in adversity, their ability to adapt to the environment is amazing.People can endure misfortune, and they can also overcome misfortune, because people have amazing potential, as long as they are determined to use it, they will be able to overcome difficulties.

It's time to evolve!Get the super power of the Protoss mind dialogue at this very second!

The man clenched his fists, and entered into the void, touching the psionic factor in the dark.

The temperature was a bit cold, but after getting used to it, it was warm again.

Some are soft, some are slender, and can be grasped with one hand.

Master Yin had a stress reaction and grabbed him vigorously.

The other party struggled in pain, another group of psionic factors... to be exact, the other hand slapped it quickly.

"Let go, let go..." Hidaka Mana's hissing voice came from behind.


It turned out to be the slender fingers of the junior senior, and I thought it was really flesh and blood.The host let go of his smooth little palm sadly.

"What are you doing?" Yin Ze asked in a very low voice.

"Write the answer." Hidaka Mana said like a mosquito, and then sneaked her hands over to grab his palm, using her index finger as a pen, and stroked it back and forth on the palm... To be honest, it was a bit itchy.

Even the Morse code has been cracked, how could such a low-level trick come in handy?Yin Ze couldn't help but look around, only to see the piercing eyes of Mori Muhong, but his face was calm, as if he didn't notice that there were spies talking about the secret signal at all.

The long table covered with thick surrounding mats, piled with candies, snacks and promotional figures is a natural and intact cover, which just covers the part below their chests. Can't see the furtiveness inside.In their world, the host and assistant are still facing each other completely.

——It turned out to be that simple.

When the language is controlled, it is still possible to communicate and transmit information.Words are indeed the cornerstone of human civilization!

Let me take a closer look at what the seniors wrote.

Yin Ze closed his eyes and calmed down.

The strokes are a bit sloppy, why are you still writing, and whether you are facing him or yourself... Why do you still paint in circles?What if you made a mistake and covered it with correction fluid? !

1 minute is both fast and slow. This time can cover all the multiple-choice questions at the speed of light, but it is obviously still stretched for the fill-in-the-blank questions.

Substitution Substitution.

Contestant Yin Ze, who was a little impatient, grabbed the girl's hand with his backhand, and stretched out his hand to start writing.

Hidaka Mana was interrupted when she was handing in the paper, she was a bit petty, but she didn't bother to care about it, and concentrated on feeling this guy's high opinion.

—'It's work. '

To this answer with a strong personal temperament, the younger senior was obviously speechless to the extreme.She broke free and went back to grab the hand.

"It's not finished, it's not finished." Yin Ze muttered in a low voice.

"Can you use that? Follow mine." Hidaka Mana said angrily.

"Who would guess the long writing? Of course, the shorter the better."

In the video of the live broadcast, the host and the assistant, who had their backs turned perfectly, began to gnash their teeth, and their bodies moved inexplicably.

"What are you two doing? Are you cheating?" Mori Hiroshi began to be suspicious again.

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it!" Yin Ze retaliated forcefully.

"Hmph, even cheating is too late, time is up! Communication is prohibited from now on, hand in the paper immediately! Otherwise, it will be dealt with as zero points!" Mori Hiroshi turned into a strict examiner.

The host and the assistant turned back reluctantly, each rubbing their red-stained palms.

"Then let's sew them together..." Yin Ze whispered.

The examiner cast an abyss-like gaze.

"Okay, it's time to go, 1, 2..."

The two spoke in unison again.

"A job with good memories!"

"A job with good memories!"

Ding! Staff snapped the wind chime of correct judgment in an instant.

The barrage was instantly ignited and became agitated.


"What an honorable victory! There is not a single trace of moisture!"

"Sync rate 1000%!"


"Chiba Prefecture is crying"

"The star is falling!"

"The real ultimate mystery is the heart!"

"Takizawa Hidaka Mancai Broadcasting Fellowship Group" also swiped the screen.

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Our army will surely win!"

"Brother Dang: Has it crossed the barrier of the soul? It's so powerful!"

"Although there is still a certain distance from the standard answer in my heart, it is not bad." Mori Hiroshi paused, let go of the demon king's arrogance, and smiled gently, "Before the end comes, you have finally reached the goal of not relying on external objects. , I can communicate even without eye contact. I am very pleased, congratulations, you have unlocked all the advanced rewards. At the same time, this is also the best ending of the series, and as one of the producers, I am also sincerely happy."

The staff present also gave enthusiastic applause.

The host and assistants also waved cheekily to this wave of enthusiasm.

"There is no more to the script. It seems that it is really time to end." Hidaka Mana suddenly sighed.

"Okay, very good." Yin Ze showed a sincere smile.

"But it seems that there are still two promises that have not been used?" Hidaka Mana suddenly came back to her senses, "I almost forgot, it's a pity not to use it."

"...Then use it quickly." Yin Ze changed his face on the spot, and his smile returned to business and formulaic.

"How about singing a song for everyone when we are parting?" Hidaka Mana smiled and suggested.

"Okay." Yin Ze felt that this was quite normal, and nodded without any hesitation.

"The last one." Hidaka Mana pondered for a few seconds, her moist eyes suddenly lit up, "I want to extend the first agreed time beyond the broadcast."

"Not good!" Yin Ze was shocked, trembling all over.

"Is it against your bottom line to only produce scissors?" Hidaka Mana teased.

"It's nothing to lose in guessing fist..." Yin Ze hesitated.What I'm afraid of is that some villains will catch them and make trouble.

"Let's talk about this later, the younger generation will sing a song first?" Hidaka Mana changed the subject, "Do you need to find an accompaniment for you?"

"No, in fact, after I joined the broadcasting work, there was always a song in my heart, echoing." Yin Ze sighed silently, and said frankly.

"Oh! Then I have to show it." Hidaka Mana was surprised, "A cappella?"

"A cappella."

Yin Ze slowly picked up the fixed microphone in front of him, and stood up quietly, with long-standing emotions on his face.After just a little brewing, he took a deep breath and sang in bass.

"My sky is gray and my heart is blue."

When the first sentence came out, it was unexpected, because it was actually an authentic Chinese sentence.

"When it touches your heart, it is actually transparent."

"You are carefree, but I am helpless.

The memory of the battle without gunpowder is still vivid.If I had known earlier, there would be no hot coffee.

"My heartache is your joy."

This passage is full of thoughts and heavy emotions, and it is the singer's great confession to the world.

"I didn't realize that as I was talking, it was dawn, and the corner of my lips tasted a kind of bitterness."

"At this moment, there is one more sad character in the world~~"

The host closed his eyes, with a 360-degree surround accompaniment in his mind, and the voice was distressed.

Haifeng DD was dumbfounded watching this passage in front of the computer.

Gan!Isn't this the song of Brother Xueyou? !

Listen to the articulation, the words are correct and round, start with the second level of Mandarin and go up, and then listen to the singer... sad and heartbreaking, it makes people cry.

Haifeng DD, who is also familiar with this song, is excited, and he is extremely looking forward to the finishing touch of the following lines.

Then the host shut up.


You keep singing!

Sing the key lines in the back!Why is the important place choked up!

As a live broadcast, the few, maybe even the only ones who could understand, slapped the table violently.

At the end of the song, the host sat down amid applause.

"The melody is very good. I didn't expect it to be a Chinese song. What's the name?" Hidaka Mana clapped her hands repeatedly.

""Heart Cuts Like a Knife"." Yin Ze said the title of the song with a solemn face.

"Then here, it's basically coming to an end. It has really received a lot of attention. Although the original work and the broadcast have come to an end, the story that belongs to the characters and us is still going on, and maybe it will continue in the future? After all, life It’s always full of hope and anticipation.”

"Accompanying you is—" the host opened his mouth and came.

"Wait, wait, there's still something I haven't said." The assistant interrupted with widened eyes, and then his tone returned to softness, "Here, I would like to thank Yinquan and Station N for their cooperation and support, and the production company of "Nightmare Girl" Dedication. Every staff, thank you for your hard work! Every viewer and fan, thank you for being able to accompany me until now!"

"Accompanying you is the host Takizawa Satoru." The host got his wish.

"With assistant Hidaka Aina!"

"Let's meet again in the future!"

"Let's meet again in the future!"

The live broadcast was not cut off with this sentence.

Only the sound was temporarily lost. In the picture, the staff stepped forward to open the blooming tube, and the confetti flew everywhere. The producer held a bouquet to celebrate the completion, and kindly handed it to the host and assistants.The three chatted a few words at close range, and urged them to pose for a photo as a souvenir as usual.

Everything is better than sound.

Chapter 150 [-] The Riddler of Time and Space

Hayate·DD·Alexander, 19 years old, is an overseas student.

FTG fans, the game level is good. With the bonus of winning streak, they can even play ladder games with the top 52 "peerless masters" on the server.It is one of the signs of the university game club.

I am also an ACG fan, and I have a good number of readings. Also relying on the video of the game with "Peerless Master", I have an extraordinary position in the "Takizawa Hidaka Mansai Broadcasting Fellow Group", second only to the group owner, and a veritable backbone member .

He is also a new video producer, dedicated to translating behind-the-scenes content. His series of "Things About the Workplace with Seniors in Middle School" has been well received by high-level users in the official extension area. It is words of encouragement and reminders.

Since pushing open the distorted door and searching into the group, Haifeng DD has met new friends every day, can't help laughing every day when discussing in the group, and can get affirmation for his video work every day, making his life full and happy.

In fact, Haifeng DD is also an ordinary person. He is a mediocre person, with ordinary grades and ordinary appearance. Even his name is not surprising.

His name is Zhang Wei.

But life, like a piece of farmland waiting to be reclaimed, must be enriched by oneself.It is time to embrace the world when it is in its prime.

Today is a rest day, Ah Wei once again declined the invitation of fellowship from the school girl, returned to the dormitory alone, slowly brewed a cup of tea, planned to do homework, improve his knowledge, strive for full marks, set new small goals, and also to urge himself Work harder next semester.First, finish reading Shakespeare's "Henry VIII".

The phone screen flickers slightly.

'Your special attention posted a message'


Anyway, the plastic book cover of the famous book hadn't been opened yet, so Ah Wei was not in a hurry and grabbed his phone.He made up his mind to turn off the phone after reading, so as not to be distracted, and extinguished his burning enthusiasm for progress.

Takizawa Satoru@9527yyds 3 seconds ago: "I'm live broadcasting at station N, come and take a look, from the user 'Elredo, what do you owe me, what do you owe me', click the link→"


Awei's fingers have their own thoughts, and they click on the link without the control of the brain, and the battle screen of "The Last Fist 4" is played on the screen. The two sides fight back and forth, and there is a magnetic deep voice pretending Explanation, but actually booing.

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