"Thank you." Ke Qing nodded.

While Luo Wei walked into the back room, the two people in the courtyard fell into a brief silence.

There is an inexplicable atmosphere lingering...

"Miss Yuhengxing, you are as serious as the legend says."

The short silence was suddenly broken. Mr. Yun, who had his hands down on his stomach, suddenly raised his hand to cover his mouth and chuckled.

Seeing this girl who appeared very gentle and polite except when she was very relaxed in front of Luo Wei, Ke Qing also shook her head: "Not... not all."

At least in front of Luo Wei.

In front of this 'comrade-in-arms', Keqing can still relax...

"Also, just call me Keqing."

The breeze in the courtyard lifted the two bundles of long hair hanging from the corner of the girl's head. The girl turned her crimson eyes, and said in a crisp voice, "After all, tonight, I'm just visiting as a friend of His Excellency Luo Wei—"

"Miss Keqing." Yun Jin tilted her head.

"En." Ke Qing nodded again.

But the girl suddenly squinted her ruby-like eyes: "Do you like Luo Wei?"


Ke Qing never expected that the seemingly gentle and polite Mr. Yun would speak so bluntly.

"Bright eyes are the key to acting. Similarly, I can see emotions in other people's eyes."

Mr. Yun responded with a chuckle.

Ke Qing's pretty face didn't appear ashamed because of this: "I really...well, I don't hate Your Excellency Luo Wei."

If you don't hate it, you like it.

But only at the level of a friend.

It's just because the impression that Luo Wei once gave her, the impression of beating fierce beasts with swords, solidified in her mind for eternity.

Can't fade.

Also more unwilling to fade away.

So no matter when and where, as long as there is Luo Wei, Miss Yuhengxing will feel at ease.

You can also relax more than usual.

"Actually, I was also like this at the beginning." Yun Jin raised her head, with the pompom and phoenix crown on her head, facing the vast night. She spoke softly, and the soft voice with her red lips echoed in the air: "Because staying by Luo Wei's side always I felt very relaxed and at ease, and then gradually got used to him being around, gradually became unable to leave him for too long, gradually became..."

fell in love with him.

"So, even if the opponent is Miss Keqing, I won't give up, okay?"

The girl's raised red lips became brighter and brighter, like a little girl who got something she cherished and was unwilling to give it up no matter what.

Ke Qing couldn't help being dumbfounded: "Don't worry, it won't happen."

At least not now.

More than not.

She will also help and facilitate them.

Yes, the reason why Keqing came here this time is because of this kind of thought - thinking that her own existence should also make this Mr. Yun feel a "sense of crisis" in his heart, right?

So, speed up the process, right?

Don't thank me--

Lord Rowe.

At this moment, Miss Keqing couldn't help applauding her wit.

According to Ningguang, as long as Luo Wei is allowed to settle down completely, he will be able to settle down in Liyue Port forever.

I can always be by my side and fight side by side with myself!


at the same time.

The northern suburb of Liyue.

After losing the Qunyu Pavilion, Tianquan Ningguang changed his office location to this place close to the Golden House.

Here is her property - a magnificent palace.

The bright lights illuminate the interior of the spacious palace, and the luxurious woman with the skirt hanging down and holding a pipe is staring at the wall in front of her while smoking.

On this wall hanging countless papers recording Tianquanxing's inner thoughts and plans, at this moment there are still countless paper words embedded.

But his gaze was fixed on one of them.

one of them...

"Separate regions and manage them in a unified way?"

"A good move."

If Luo Wei proposed this measure, it was just to shift the burden of work.

Then Tianquan Ningguang saw it...

Sufficient talent cultivation and savings 'base'.

If such a plan is successfully implemented.

Then those staff members scattered in various places in Liyue, such as management, technology, etc., are buried in the loess on weekdays, and it may be difficult for few people in high positions to notice.

But if necessary, they will gather together and become a flame that can ignite everything.

This is a...

“Definitely worth the investment!”

In Tianquanxing's eyes, there was light and shadow burning and flickering.

That is the fire called 'Ambition'.

"But before that... have the preparations for the Moon Festival been roughly complete?"

Chapter 140 VII Moon Festival

As the month-by-month festival approaches, the entire Liyue seems to be changing every moment.

People in this country are celebrating and preparing for the New Year.

Many people from foreign countries are also preparing to sell more goods and earn more profits during this festival.

The Department of General Affairs has a plan for "restructuring", which is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Liyue is the center of commercial gatherings in the Tivat continent. There are countless talents from various countries, scientists from the Winter Kingdom, and scholars from Sumeru, etc. gathered here.

For them, money is secondary, as long as they provide enough materials and a suitable research place, they are enough to win over.

Of course, such a matter does not require Qixing to come forward, as long as the General Affairs Department issues a document and announcement.

In the past few days, Luo Wei has been free instead.

The huge national institution named 'Liyue' is carrying out reforms in an orderly manner under the strong promotion. Under the awe of the absolute force of the Seven Stars, especially Luo Wei, even if there are some stubborn resisters, they basically can't afford to have any problems. resistance.

So apart from participating in a public trial, he basically didn't have to do anything.

As for the public trial...

Seeing the scene where the war criminal Dadalia came out with a sad face and the half-immortal beast girl named Yanfei showing off her might, one can also predict the result.

Because the Zhidong Kingdom paid a lot of economic and technical compensation, Dadalia was exempted from the death penalty-on the surface, but in fact it was because of the emperor's face, and because the disaster did not erode the death penalty. The native is blocked by the elements, so don't kill him.

But the death penalty was exempted, and Dadalia still had to 'serve' in Liyue for 20 years.

Be monitored at all times during this time.

Everything is restricted.

But if there is a second offense, he will be sentenced to death immediately.

How could Dadalia, who advocates freedom, be happy about this?

And this kind of thing is just a small episode of the excessive daily life for Luo Wei.

He still has to practice opera every day under Yun Jin's 'supervision'.

Every night, Yuheng Xing Keqing would also come to pick up books, ask some simple questions and then leave immediately.


time flow.

Two days passed by in a flash.

The monthly festival is coming as scheduled.

This night, the Liyue Harbor was decorated with lights and festoons, and there was a lot of people coming and going. From the place where thousands of merchants and ships gathered to Feiyunpo and Chihuyan, it was full of prosperity.

"Wow, what a big lantern!"

"Look over there, fireworks are going to be set off!?"

"Announcement from the Department of General Affairs—Citizens are requested to pay attention to safety when playing, do not involve deep-water river areas, pay attention to fireworks and firecrackers, and stay away from flammable and explosive materials!"


The sound of children laughing, the voice of the staff of the General Affairs Department talking loudly, accompanied by the whispered communication of the elderly, and the words of the young people talking about the future of the coming year... All kinds of voices are mixed together and permeate the entire bustling port city.

On the top of Tianheng Mountain, where the surrounding fields are empty and quiet, there are also people who lower their eyes to stare at the bright and prosperous place under their feet, and the corners of their blue clothes are raised silently.

"I never thought you would come to this kind of place, Great Sage Conquering Demons."

A voice rang in the ears of the young immortal.

Mandrill raised his eyes slightly, but there was still no expression on his face: "Come and have a look."


"Benxian is also here to take a look."

The crane with its huge wings raised its tall and slender head in the evening wind, and Liu Yun borrowed the wind to look at Liyuegang, which was operating in an orderly manner at its feet: "I thought that after the emperor left, they would fall into a short period of time." In the midst of the chaos, hmph, unexpectedly, I still resisted."

So, you are worried.

Did you come to see it?

Mandrill nodded slightly, somewhat understanding the fairy's thoughts.

...after all.

So is he.

Dijun...probably the same?

"Mr. Zhongli, what's wrong?"

On the street with people coming and going, Zhongli came back to his senses a little, turned his eyes away from the majestic Tianheng mountain top in the distance, and looked at the 'Dadalia' in front of him.

The Young Master from the Winter Kingdom is restricted in his activities, but as long as he can carry out normal activities in Liyue Port, he will be fine.

"Nothing." Zhong Li replied.

"Then let's go, there will be no place in the Manmin Hall later." Dadalia grinned: "It's a rare festival, how can I not have a few drinks?"

I have stayed in Liyue Port for a long time.

He also seems to have acquired a bit of Liyue people's atmosphere.

Zhong Li was dumbfounded: "Based on universal rationality, at this time, the Wanmin Hall probably has no place."

"Oh, that's okay, because I've already booked it in advance."

Dadalia waved his hand.

After his words fell, he heard a shock coming from high above.

First, a sound like the cry of a crane echoed high in the sky.

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