"If you resign, you need to report to your superiors—well, we don't have any superiors now."

Rarely, seeing Luo Wei's dignified appearance, Ke Qing, who had always been serious in the past, couldn't help but joked: "So, Your Excellency Luo Wei, I'm afraid I can't resign!"


"Well, I'm joking." Miss Ke Qing fixed her face, and coughed softly: "Anyway, if the time is too long, things can't be finished."

"Although it is difficult, it is our choice after all."

The girl took a deep breath, and the fatigue just now seemed to be swept away in this instant.

"Your Excellency Luo Wei, if you really don't know how to do it, you can take your time. You can leave these tasks to us—"

"Dijun, well, we must do what Dijun can do."

But Luo Wei suddenly stayed where he was, and didn't leave as Keqing said, nor did he have the slightest intention to step forward to deal with it.

He just suddenly thought of a question:

"If I remember correctly, in the past, the Emperor Yanwang only appeared once a year as the immortal ancestor, and the number of dreams should not exceed ten times. So how does he handle these matters?"

Such a large and complicated business.

Just looking at the documents that belong to the work of 'Yuhengxing' in front of me, I can find that they include the fertility of the land, the direction of the terrain, the thickness of the water flow, etc. in a certain area...and these were also used in the past. It can be accurately applied to the lives of Liyue people and serve all aspects of agricultural land construction.

It can be said that everything is meticulous and everything is Paul.

Luo Wei doesn't doubt that Emperor Yanwang has such a processing ability, but what he doubts is how to use it...

"In the past, there was no need for the Department of General Affairs to operate."

Ke Qing responded softly: "In the past, most of these matters would manifest themselves in the hearts of everyone."

Is it directly bestowed with land knowledge?

No wonder is the world of 'Walk with the Gods'.

In the past, Luo Wei, who only served as a soldier and seldom learned about land and farming, finally realized the weight of the words "walking with the gods" in the old era in this new era after the gods left.

It's no wonder that Emperor Yanwang also has the psychology of wanting to retire.

"No matter how big or small, that is the way of the gods, and it is also the mighty power of the gods."

Luo Wei stared at the information in front of him and exhaled.

He probably knew the reason why Yue Haiting was so busy these past few days, and he also understood why Qixing was so overwhelmed.

These few high-ranking Liyue leaders are indeed outstanding in ability and wisdom.

But a person's knowledge is often difficult to replace quickly.

In other words.

Their thinking, their way of dealing with things, is still in that; 'walking with God' era.

Stay in the period when everything is ruled by the gods.

The only difference is the existence of dominance and judgment, from the rock king to the seven stars, and even the general affairs department.

And these.

For Luo Wei, who came from another world, he has a deep understanding.

"In the era of the rule of man, it is not judged by one person or a few people. In that case, it is just a new god named 'man'."

Luo Wei looked at Yuheng Xing Keqing who was beside him, and smiled lightly: "All of you have been blinded overnight."

"A blinding leaf?" Ke Qing was stunned for a while, Liyue's meaninglessness is also an allusion to a blinding leaf.

But at this time...

"The General Affairs Department rules everything, but there is not only one Liyue Port General Affairs Department in Liyue. There is Yuehai Pavilion on the side of the seven stars, and there are eight gates under it."

"So my suggestion is—"

"Send these documents back to various places, and at the same time send enough talents, such as recruiting enough scholars who specialize in land research from Sumeru, to establish 'Kandi Management Division' in various places, and assign responsibilities so that they are responsible for managing their own land field."

"You just need to accept the assessment from the General Affairs Department at a fixed time."

"And so on, one by one - the work of the other seven stars can also be carried out according to this inference."

In fact, it is a simple prototype of 'local autonomy'.

At that time.

Whether it's Seven Stars or the General Affairs Department, they can get away from complicated things.

They're not in charge.

Just manage the 'people' who are in charge of various things.

This method seems simple, but for Liyue, who has always been in the era of theocratic rule, it is an undoubted pioneering work.

It's not actually new.

Because the General Affairs Department already has branches in various places.

But very new.

Because the General Affairs Department is only a seven-star assistant after all, without the "name" and "real" to directly manage various things.

"So... it seems that it is really feasible!?"

The more Ke Qing thought about it, the brighter her eyes became.

Yes, this is very feasible.

There is no need to waste time.

No need to run around and survey.

Just need to be rewarded clearly.

It can improve efficiency and promote work...

can only say.

In order not to work overtime, Luo Wei had a flash of inspiration.

"Your Excellency Luo Wei, I feel like I can do anything!"

At the end.

Ke Qing finally let out a sigh of relief.

Empathize with the person in front of you.

"If I remember correctly, Luo Wei is still a famous writer, right? Did you learn all this knowledge from books?"

"I used to work all the time. If such measures can be implemented, I should also have free time to read books and so on."

"At that time, I hope you can give me some advice."

"Well, choosing a day is worse than bumping into it."

"Wait for me to deal with the follow-up work, and discuss with the other Seven Stars to determine the specific regulations... Let's go directly to your side tonight!"

Luo Wei: "?"

Chapter 140 Six Miss Yuhengxing's Mind

Of course, Luo Wei subconsciously wanted to refuse at this moment.

Night is his time with Yunjin.

Bring another Miss Yuhengxing, no matter how I think about it, I feel something is wrong,


"Well, speaking of it, our family seems to have some contacts with the Yun family. Although the Yunhan Society has separated from the Yun family and formed its own branch, and no longer engages in forging work, it involves blood ties after all."

As if seeing Luo Wei's inner thoughts, Ke Qing raised her eyebrows slightly: "I'm not very familiar with Mr. Yun, but I still know her parents."


After all, she was born as a young lady from a famous family in Liyue Port.

It is still the Yuheng star who manages land and construction, and can be said to firmly hold the lifeblood of those famous families.

But hearing what he said, Luo Wei fell silent instead.

Are Yunjin's parents...

"If I remember correctly, you should have just confirmed your relationship with her not long ago." Ke Qing chuckled: "Mr. Yun's family background is very traditional. have to get through."

"Even if your current status is enough for them to refuse you, first impressions are still very important."

"At this point, I can help you—in exchange."

At this moment, Qingming is just 'chatting', but the momentum revealed between the lines is more like leading some land construction project.

The self-confidence shown in the words made Luo Wei raise his eyebrows slightly.

The "weight" brought by Luo Wei is even more irresistible,

seven stars...

Sure enough, they are all 'businessmen'.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm still at this age anyway." Seeing that Luo Wei didn't try to refuse any more, Ke Qing let out a breath, and at the same time responded like this:

"Besides, I'm just going to get some information... Borrow the books you usually read and ask some questions. It won't be long, and I won't bother you."

The girl spoke impeccably,

Luo Wei thought for a moment, but he still didn't refuse.

This is a very reasonable exchange.

Of course, he still had other options, such as looking for Uncle Tian, ​​and that old man would never reject him, but Luo Wei always felt that the other party was not reliable enough.

"But next, let's confirm the regulations first!" Luo Wei glanced at the documents in the room: "First, confirm whether you want to establish a new 'system' as I just said!"


Ke Qing also straightened her face again, her pretty face was full of seriousness: "Indeed—the time has been delayed for a while, we must hurry up!"


Under the leadership of the two 'Seven Stars', a 'meeting' belonging to the Seven Stars took place at the top of Haiting this month.

Of course, it was said that it was a meeting of the seven stars, but in fact not all the seven stars were present.

They just passed their respective messages thousands of miles apart through special immortal props. After unifying their opinions, they signed and stamped them and handed them over to the high-level headquarters of the Yuehai Pavilion General Affairs Office for specific implementation.

Hand it over to 'Miss Gan Yu' for specific implementation.

And wait until the end of the meeting.

Night has fallen.

In the courtyard of the Liyue residential area where Luo Wei lived, the swaying lack of sand wood swayed gently in the evening wind, splitting the falling moon shadow into mottled fragments.

"Is this Miss Yuhengxing?"

Yun Jin, who had been waiting in the yard for a long time, saw Ke Qing who came back with Luo Wei. A trace of surprise flashed across the girl's brows, but she maintained her ladylike demeanor, and she just bowed slightly: "It's the first time we meet."

But this is not the first time they have met.

Many times in the past, Yunjin could see this Miss Yuhengxing hurried past Heyu Teahouse, but never came in to listen to the play.

And Ke Qing often looked at the lights of the stage from a distance, and never stopped.

"It's our first time meeting, Mr. Yun." Compared with the gentle Mr. Yun, Ke Qing's manner of turning around is also in place, but it is more or less vigorous.

But seeing such a scene.

Luo Wei knew it, so there was no need to explain it.

Yun Jin glanced at him, her red lips curled up.

It's for work, right?

She understood Luo Wei very well.

"I'm going to make tea, and I'll bring over the things that Miss Keqing asked for, and you sit back first." No need to think too much, Luo Wei naturally felt relieved to enter.

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