"If that guy Wu Liu hadn't gone missing, I would be able to donate two seeds this time!"

Daoist Fulong thought of the disappearance of Daoist Wu Liu, and muttered regretfully,

"How could it be such a coincidence? Could it be that he was cut off by another demon envoy?"

Because of such concerns, Daoist Fulong had no choice but to take out the demon lord seed that was conceived in Mayor Liu's stomach three days in advance, otherwise, if something unexpected happened, he would have nothing to do in the past few months. White is busy.

That's right, Daoist Fu Long is not in the tobacco business at all. In fact, he just uses this tobacco business to attract some money-grubbing people and trick them into taking the black pill.

No way, the demon lord's seed requirement is so strange, it must be in the stomach of a human being, attached to the digestive tract, gain power from human food, and take a hundred days to mature.

If it wasn't for this, why would Daoist Fulong be so troublesome, relying on special smoke and soil to fool people.

Every time five seeds of the demon master are successfully cultivated, they will be rewarded by the demon master. This Fulong priest has already completed one round, and this second round is only two short. If, Wu Liu Taoist priest is not missing If so, there is only one left.

"Don't let me know, it's other colleagues, otherwise, Master Dao is not a vegetarian."

Daoist Fu Long snorted coldly, flung his sleeves, pushed the door and walked out. Now Mayor Liu's son, David, still has an immature one in his stomach. As long as he thinks of a way to get one, he can make it Enough for five.

"Daoist Fulong, why are you here? Why didn't you notify me in advance!"

It was such a coincidence that when Daoist Fu Long just opened the door and came out, he ran into David who was looking for food in the kitchen.

I don't know why, since David saw Daoist Fulong last time, he was very hungry, but David didn't care, man!It is normal to eat more, but it is a good thing.

"What's the matter with you? What are you doing standing at the door of the kitchen instead of returning to your place? It's weird."

David asked the group of security guards at the door. He recognized these people, but these people are very strange now, as if they are stupid, so David looked at Taoist Fu Long and asked,

"Daoist Fu Long, what's the matter with these people? And why did you come out of the kitchen?"

"Master Liu, let's go to the room to chat!"

Daoist Fu Long smiled at David, he hadn't had time to clean up the scene.

David asked strangely, "Daoist Fu Long, did something happen? Why are you all so strange, and this group of security guards, why do they seem to be bewitched and remain motionless."

"Mr. Liu, it's okay. These people may be too sunburned and have some heatstroke. Wait a minute, I'll show them and it will be fine."

Daoist Fu Long smiled at David, then took David's arm and said, "Mr. Liu, let's go into the room and talk! I just have something to ask you!"

"Daoist Fulong, wait a moment, I'll go into the kitchen and have a look."

David pushed away Taoist Fu Long's hand, and after finishing speaking, he walked towards the kitchen.

David is not a fool, on the contrary, he claims to be very smart, so he anxiously tried the kitchen to see if there was anything to do.

"Originally, you could still live for two months with good food and drink, but since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Daoist Fu Long saw that David had already found out, so he didn't think of a way to cover it up. He took out a dagger and stabbed David directly in the vest.

"Why are you!"

David felt the pain in his back, as if his heart had been pierced by something, and there was a bloody smell in his throat, and blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth. He turned around and looked at Taoist Fu Long in disbelief.

"Why do you like to ask why like your father? There are so many why!"

Daoist Fu Long shook his head and pushed David's forehead.


David fell backwards. The dagger on his back was hit by the ground and stabbed in a few inches. David died completely.

As for the other people, Daoist Fu Long didn't bother to deal with them. He wanted to deal with the scene before to hide David. Since David was dead, he didn't need to waste his time.

There is no need for him to stay in Jiuquan Town.

Ah Xing, who had been waiting outside the door, worked hard to pay off, and finally waited until Daoist Fulong came out.

"Strange, why did he come out by himself? It shouldn't be, Mayor Liu also came out, or is he plotting something?"

Ah Xing hid in the corner and was a little disappointed to see that only Daoist Fulong was alone. This was different from what he had imagined. He caught it right.

"No, come here!"

Ah Xing saw that Daoist Fulong was going in this direction, he quickly lowered his head, and got into the bushes with his body.

"Why haven't you wiped it off yet?"

Daoist Fu Long passed the place where Ah Xing was hiding, and casually threw the blood-wiping handkerchief aside.

This handkerchief happened to be in front of Ah Xing. After Fulong Daochang walked away, Ah Xing picked it up on tiptoe, and suddenly exclaimed,

"Is this blood?"

Ah Xing sniffed it and was sure it was the smell of blood, so when Daoist Fulong walked away, he hurriedly ran towards the house.

At the same time, when Ah Xing went out to follow up, a guest also came to the house.

"How did you come?"

Lin Jiu looked at Father Tao who was running in gray, and asked with a displeased expression.

"Uncle Nine, put it rashly, please forgive me!"

Seeing Lin Jiu's unfriendly attitude, Father Tao didn't mind. Instead, he cupped his hands at Lin Jiu.

As the saying goes, you don't slap people in the face when you hit someone, and this Father Tao has a good attitude, and Lin Jiu is not so good as to prevent people from entering.

"come in!"

Lin Jiu took Father Tao and Father Tao's son to the gazebo and sat down, then shouted at Xiaoyue,

"Xiaoyue, a guest is here, make a pot of Kung Fu tea!"


Not long after Lin Jiu finished speaking, Xiaoyue ran out with the brewed tea. On the way, she tripped over something and almost fell. Fortunately, she managed to stabilize herself in time.

When Xiaoyue brought a third of the tea to the stone table, Lin Jiu glanced at Xiaoyue and said seriously,

"You child, why are you so careless? You are frizzy, just making tea, what's the rush!"

Originally, Lin Jiu would not treat A Xing and Xiaoyue so harshly, after all, he was not his apprentice.

However, now that this annoying foreign monk, Father Tao, came to visit, Lin Jiu didn't want Father Tao to see these juniors looking like they were finished.

Father Tao said quickly, "Miss Xiaoyue, it's a good thing to be so energetic, a good thing!"

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