"What do you mean? What are you going to do?" After hearing this, Mayor Liu subconsciously touched his waist. Now only a gun can give him a sense of security.

However, because he was at home, Mayor Liu was wearing casual clothes at this time and did not have a pistol on his waist.

"Daoist Fu Long, is there any misunderstanding? What happened, can you tell me? Is there any difficulty? No problem, do you need money? I have, I can give you as much ocean as you want you!"

Mayor Liu stepped back again and again, stretched out two palms to indicate that he did not have a weapon, and at the same time begged bitterly.

Mayor Liu is not a fool, nor is he deaf. He could hear the murderous intent in Daoist Fu Long's words, but he really couldn't figure out why this long-time partner came to kill him, and what about the security guards in the house?Why didn't you stop it?

Daoist Fulong walked slowly towards Mayor Liu, and said, "Do you really think I need money?"

Mayor Liu looked at Daoist Fulong who was approaching step by step, he was so scared that his legs were a little weak, and he shouted, "Daoist Fulong, stop, you don't want money, what do you want? A woman? Or a whole woman?" Rights? I can even give you the position of mayor."

Daoist Fulong shook his head, stared at the terrified Mayor Liu, and said affirmatively, "I only want your life!"

Mayor Liu saw that Daoist Fulong had made up his mind, and he could not persuade him at all, so he picked up a jar next to him, tried his best, and threw it at Daoist Fulong,

"You ungrateful man, go to hell!"

Daoist Fu Long moved his body slightly and dodged it easily. The jar hit the ground and was smashed into pieces with a crisp sound.

The cook, who had been concentrating on cooking, also heard something strange, took a firewood stick, came to Mayor Liu, and shouted at Daoist Fulong,

"Who are you? How dare you disrespect our town? Believe it or not, I'll kill you."

Daoist Fu Long ignored it, and glared at a cook with red pupils.

Immediately, the cook, like the security guards outside, became foolish, and fell to the ground with a firewood stick in his hand.

"What did you do to him?"

Mayor Liu watched the change of the cook around him in horror, and at this moment he was looking at the red-eyed Daoist Fu Long, as if he had seen a ghost.

Daoist Fulong continued to think that Mayor Liu was approaching, and said with a smile, "Mayor Liu, don't retreat, there is a place for cooking and cooking. For the sake of our acquaintance for many years, I can make you less painful .”

Regardless of the danger, Mayor Liu picked up the red-hot iron pot with both hands, and threw out the soup with all his strength, and shouted in a broken voice,

"Why? Every time, I try my best to meet your requirements, and the money is never short of you. Why do you want to kill me?"

Chapter 426 Demon Master Seed

The hot pot that Mayor Liu threw desperately did not pour on Daoist Fu Long's body because it was too hot, and fell to the ground in mid-air.

Daoist Fu Long looked at the steaming pot one meter in front of him, smiled and said,

"Why? Because, only if you die, can I be better!"


Mayor Liu had no choice but to pray in a low voice.

However, Mayor Liu's prayer obviously had no effect, that Daoist Fulong still came in front of Mayor Liu, and under Mayor Liu's struggle, Daoist Fulong grabbed Mayor Liu's neck, The fat man who weighed over two hundred was directly lifted up.

"Ziziwu, Ziziwu!"

Fu Longdao was staring at the red pupil, staring at Mayor Liu firmly, still muttering an incomprehensible voice.

Mayor Liu, who was covering his neck, was motionless the moment his eyes met Daoist Fulong's, his eyes turned red, his hands dropped naturally, and he stopped struggling, and at the same time followed Fulong's mouth. The Taoist priests muttered together,

"Zi Zi Wu, Zi Zi Wu..."

Daoist Fu Long seemed to be holding a rag doll, holding Mayor Liu up high like this, muttering non-stop, this strange voice gathered into a noisy whisper, resounding in the kitchen, It was as if there were countless little ghosts, chirping, and it seemed that the boundless grass was being poured by the strong wind, and countless leaves beat together, screaming like a dead cat.

And under this sound, the mayor Liu seemed to be a puppet. Except for his mouth moving, he didn't move.

Normally, if he choked his neck to such an extent, he would definitely suffocate, but now the mayor Liu didn't seem to die, and he still had the strength to make a strange sound.

As the sound became faster and louder, a black magic circle appeared under the feet of Daoist Fulong. This magic circle was like a vortex, covering its body upwards, grabbing Mayor Liu's ankle, and quickly It covered Mayor Liu's whole body.

And Mayor Liu seemed to be stimulated, his whole body wriggled non-stop, and green juice kept spitting out from his mouth, like bile, and it seemed to be food residue, which was extremely disgusting.

However, Daoist Fu Long didn't care, and let the disgusting juice flow down his arm. His eyes became more blood red, and his mouth chanted faster, as if he could manipulate the black vortex. In the blink of an eye, it covered Mayor Liu's whole body.

At this time, Daoist Fu Long also let go of his hand, but Mayor Liu still stayed in the air, covered with something black like a pupa.

At this moment, Mayor Liu is hanging in mid-air like a huge insect egg.

"Ziziwu, Ziziwu!"

Daoist Fu Long kept chanting, took out a small dagger, cut his two palms, and then rubbed Mayor Liu's body with bloody hands.

In a short while, the black cocoon on Mayor Liu's body was already covered with the blood of Daoist Fu Long. For a while, it seemed to be resurrected, and it was throbbing up and down.

Seeing this, Mayor Fulong took a small dagger and slashed lightly at the black cocoon wrapped on Mayor Liu's body, and a small mouth appeared.

Tear it!

As if the plastic had been torn, a leaf came out along the small opening made by Taoist Fu Long.

There are strange symbols on the leaf, and Daoist Fu Long was very pleasantly surprised when he saw it.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be really mature. It seems that I made the right bet this time. Although it was three days earlier, the devil's seed has really matured."

Daoist Fu Long was so happy when he saw the outstretched leaf that he almost danced.

The protruding leaves continued to extend, binding the black cocoon again, and then Mayor Liu, who was wrapped in the black cocoon, shrank rapidly.

It seems that this leaf not only wants to absorb the flesh and blood of Mayor Liu, but also absorbs the black cocoon that wraps Mayor Liu in the same way.

When Daoist Fu Long saw that the leaf had grown bigger and wrapped around Mayor Liu, he stopped the strange muttering, but stood aside and waited quietly.

Soon, in less than half an hour, the leaf quickly retracted, and everything seemed to be like an illusion, quickly shattered, revealing the skinny Mayor Liu.

And there was a hole in Mayor Liu's abdomen, but no blood flowed out, and even the internal organs inside were all dried up.

After bandaging his hands, Daoist Fu Long walked to Mayor Liu, squatted down, put his hand into Mayor Liu's shriveled abdomen, turned it over, and took out a seed half the size of a fist from inside. Black with a small leaf on it.

Daoist Fu Long carefully took out the seed, wiped it carefully, then knelt on the ground, raised the seed high with both hands, and then spat out a mouthful of blood, and read Played a strange spell.

The blood spit out by Daoist Fulong disappeared quickly, and then, a cloud of gray mist appeared above Daoist Fulong, and there were two red eyes in the mist, looking down at Daoist Fulong.

"Devil Lord, I have already cultivated a seed, and I specially dedicate it to you!"

Daoist Fu Long looked at the gray fog and said respectfully.

After finishing speaking, the gray seed floated up directly in the hands of Daoist Fu Long and merged into the gray mist.

Immediately afterwards, the gray mist disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared, and Mayor Fulong also heaved a sigh of relief, stood up, and patted the dust on his knees as if relieved of a heavy burden.

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