After Qiu Jing and Tao Zhiwei managed to pry Qin Zhan's mouth open, they realized that his hatred for Yu Zhan was not so deep. There are more than one reasons involved. First, Qin Zhan has always been worried about Huaguang Media's tricking him into working. He doesn't know where the problem lies in the fact that the other party promised well but failed to hire him in the end. After getting yellow, he immediately called the Huaguang staff who was in charge of contacting him before. The other party thought he was annoying, so he blocked him without answering the phone. From this, he began to hate the entire Huaguang Media, including He Lushen who must know nothing about this kind of thing. He Lushen didn't care about the employment of grassroots artists, and he didn't recognize Qin Zhan at all.

Qin Zhan wrote a lot of comments abusing He Lushen under the Weibo account of Green Hairy Turtle. He Lushen noticed these scolding words at the time, and he was at a loss. He was really wronged this time. With so many employees under him, and occasionally one or two people's small actions, he himself has nothing to do with this matter. money relationship.

Qin Zhan already knew that Yu Zhan and He Lushen were good friends before joining Xinghe Film and Television. For those who followed Liu Man and Dr. Yu on the Internet, this was common sense. At first, Qin Zhan didn’t care about this, because Yu Zhan’s good name was out there, and netizens praised Dr. Yu as a person of noble character. Qin Zhan thought that a person with noble character would definitely not engage in those black-box operations when opening a film and television company. Go back. Door and potential. Rules. Moreover, Yu Zhan's speech on fairness and fairness at the Capital Film Academy's recruitment presentation also moved Qin Zhan.

Qin Zhan believed at the time that Yu Zhan was a good person, at least he was different from He Lushen.

But what happened next made him very disappointed.

Qiu Jing said that the company gave him a lot of good resources and praised him, is that true?

The script of Little Walnut is very good, and Qin Zhan also likes it very much, but the company let Tang Tu play the male lead. Tang Tu is a senior and has a high status in the entertainment industry. I am worse than Tang Tu. Tang Tu can be so popular, not because of his family connections, and he is also a music student, which is a favorite of many women. As for Tang Tu's appearance and acting skills, Qin Zhan said hehe.

Qin Zhan was not discouraged, and then another good opportunity came, Youth Project started casting, and Yu Zhan publicly stated that this drama will use all newcomers. Qin Zhan felt that this time the male lead must be in his pocket.

Yu Zhan gave the male lead to Bai Yuhan!

And Qin Zhan only got the role of male number two. His manager also told him about it in the tone of announcing the good news, and his classmate Lu Lu called him specially to congratulate him happily.

Lu Lu's good intentions were out of the love of her classmates, but Qin Zhan secretly took Lu Lu's blessings as a show off. She is the heroine of Youth Project, and even Yang Huayue could only help her , when the female number two. He performed better than Lu Lu in all aspects of school, and he felt that he had been treated unfairly.

He was squeezed out of the role by Tang Tu, and he recognized it.

Why can Bai Yuhan compete with him for the role?

As far as he knew, Bai Yuhan's grades were so mediocre during his studies at the Shanghai Film Academy that he couldn't even find a job a year after graduation. If he didn't have a pleasing face, he would be nothing! Qin Zhan concluded that Bai Yuhan must have used some shady method to curry favor with Yu Zhan, perhaps flattering, or giving gifts, which made Yu Zhan treat him differently.

It was also from this time that Qin Zhan’s view of Yu Zhan changed. Yu Zhan was classified by him as a hypocritical type of person who said that he was beautiful, but in fact he changed the soup without changing the medicine, and he still did those unfair things secretly. What's more hateful about him than He Lushen is that he's a good disguise, and he sings with his girlfriend online, like two saints, to trick their fans!

But at this time, Qin Zhan was only angry, and had no idea of ​​revenge on Yu Zhan.

What really made him hate Yu Zhan was Tan Lin.

If in Qin Zhan’s heart, Tang, Bai, and Tan are ranked in terms of status, it must be that Tang Tu is greater than Bai Yuhan than Tan Lin. Qin Zhan really doesn’t like Tan Lin at all, and the school is poor—the ordinary two dramas in other places College; poor image - ugly, average figure; little experience - because of ugliness, Tan Lin has graduated for several years, and he can't even get a job as a group performer. A person like him can't find face in the crowd, can he be an actor? Does he deserve it?

However, Yu Zhan regards Tan Lin as a treasure and gives him the best resources. According to Qin Zhan's observation, Yu Zhan looks at Tan Lin completely differently from other artists. Steady rise in status in the company.

The feeling of not being valued by the boss made Qin Zhan feel aggrieved every day, and he had to pretend to be sunny and cheerful so that no one would notice it. There is no comparison and no harm. Qin Zhan's character is too strong, thoughtful, and utilitarian. The more he thinks about it, the more angry he becomes, and the more unbalanced he feels. He regrets signing Galaxy Film and Television very much. He feels that he has been marginalized.

Moreover, Tan Lin was entrusted by Yu Zhan to host the premiere of Late Ming Dynasty Dream.

This incident became the last straw that crushed Qin Zhan.

After hearing the news at that time, Qin Zhan was disheartened and prepared to breach the contract and resign after performing Youth Project. At this moment, he suddenly received a call. Having said that, Qin Zhan paused, as if hesitating and afraid.

Who called you? Tao Zhiwei pressed him, You have to understand that you can only confess now, you can't hide it, otherwise it will be double compensation of 20 million US dollars, 300 million!

Qin Zhan smiled wryly, My life is not worth 300 million yuan. I never thought that there would be such a terrible consequence when I did this...

Don't waste time talking nonsense, just tell me who ordered you, Tao Zhiwei interrupted him coldly, his patience was almost worn out.

Qin Zhan was not afraid of Yu Zhan or Qiu Jing, but he was very afraid of Tao Zhiwei. Tao Zhiwei glared at him, so he shrank his neck and confessed honestly, It's Yu Feng.

Who is Yu Feng?

Tao Zhiwei looked at Qiu Jing suspiciously.

Qiu Jing immediately answered questions for the second boss, Yu Feng is the boss of Xingfeng Entertainment Brokerage Company. After speaking, Qiu Jing said to Qin Zhan with a little sarcasm, Didn't you keep saying that you hate Huaguang Media? Don't you know that Yu Feng Feng is one of the shareholders of Huaguang Media? You deal with us for him, it seems that you not only have no conscience, but also no brains.

Qin Zhan was completely stunned.

He really doesn't know!

Huaguang Media has been listed for many years, and has many shareholders, large and small. Outsiders would be bored to understand the company's shareholder composition.

Qin Zhan suddenly realized that in the whole incident, he was being played around like a fool by the other party.

first update~

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