Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 889 Huge Compensation

Qiu Jing and Tao Zhiwei left in two cars respectively, and Qin Zhan was in Qiu Jing's car.

At first, Qin Zhan was very hard-spoken, with the aloofness and stubbornness of a young man. No matter what Qiu Jing asked him, he always had the attitude of doing things alone. He firmly refused to admit that someone behind him instructed him. Pigs are not afraid of boiling water. Qiu Jing was furious, but there was nothing she could do about Qin Zhan. It was impossible for them to call the police for this kind of thing, so they asked the police to investigate.

After returning to Xinghe Building, Qin Zhan was immediately taken to Qiu Jing's office. After Tao Zhiwei answered Yu Zhan's call, he immediately asked Qiu Jing to sign an artist contract with Qin Zhan. Although Tao Zhiwei invested in Xinghe Film and Television, he didn't care about the company's specific affairs at all, and rarely appeared in Xinghe Building. All his responsibilities were fully represented by his sister. He didn't even know how many contracted artists the company had.

He read the artist contract from beginning to end. There is a breach of contract in the contract. If any signed artist, including Qin Zhan, acts against the interests of the company, he must compensate Xinghe Company double the amount of the actual losses caused to Xinghe Film and Television. .

Tao Zhiwei is a person who cherishes words like gold, and doesn't talk nonsense with rubbish. He asked his secretary to copy this page of the contract, and then threw it directly in front of Qin Zhan, and said indifferently, Jason is not included in the company's premiere process rules The part where Harmer came on stage, you added it on your own initiative, in this case, you should bear the cost of Jason Harmer's appearance, which is estimated at 20 million to 30 million US dollars.

Qin Zhan's pupils enlarged invisibly, and he looked at Tao Zhiwei with a dull face.

Not to mention Qin Zhan, Qiu Jing was also surprised, 20 million US dollars! The total investment of Late Ming Dynasty is only 70 million RMB, which also includes more than 10 million compensation for the fire reconstruction cost of the film and television base. There is no reason why the cost of publicity is twice the cost of film production!

Tao Zhiwei sneered in his heart, doesn't this kid use money to do things, does he have professional ethics, he wants to see if professional ethics is worth 20 million US dollars! When Yu Zhan told Tao Zhiwei on the phone just now that they were likely to spend such a large sum of money, Tao Zhiwei was also taken aback.

The Tao family's current economic situation is not very affluent. Since the price of Jintao Group in the secondary market has been falling continuously after the year, the financial report of Jintao Group for the first quarter of this year is not good. It fell like this not only because of the black material that Ji Qiansong spread on the Internet under the guise of his daughter's name—the rumors and rumors will only affect a short period of time. The real reason for the substantial impact on the stock price is that two major shareholders suddenly began to sell a large number of their shares in Jintao Group to cash out.

It's not that shareholders are not allowed to cash out, but collective selling in a short period of time will inevitably cause a sharp drop in stock prices, and cause panic among other small and medium-sized investors. Selling stocks together will directly cause Jintao Group's name to be listed on the price limit list for three times. God, this is unprecedented. Tao Zhiwei immediately contacted the two major shareholders and asked them why they were eager to sell. One said that he was in urgent need of funds for the operation of his company; the other said that he did not want to invest in domestic companies any more and would immigrate to live overseas after cashing out. But this is only a superficial reason. Tao Zhiwei also has his own eyeliner, who told him that these two major shareholders have met Ji Qiansong recently and have frequent contacts.

Moreover, Ji Qiansong is buying a large number of Jintao shares that have fallen to the lowest point.

After Tao Hejin learned of this, he was very angry. Ji Qiansong must have sensed his and He Huaguang's intentions and planned to treat them in the same way. Tao Hejin said firmly to Tao Zhiwei at that time, Ji Qiansong must not let Ji Qiansong succeed! We have to hold our shares in our own hands.

Tao Zhiwei also thinks so. Once Ji Qiansong holds more than 10% of the shares, he can join the board of directors; if it exceeds 20%, he can influence his decision, and the consequences will be disastrous. So, the Tao family took out all their working capital and made a deal with the two major shareholders—buying all the remaining shares in their hands, cutting off Ji Qiansong's delusion of trying to control the Jintao Group, and unscathed. crisis.

But correspondingly, they are also extremely poor.

Not to mention 20 million US dollars, 200,000 US dollars, Tao Zhiwei is a bit difficult to get out now, the days of Grandfather Wei spending millions of dollars overnight are gone. If he hadn't confirmed with He Lushen just now that Jason Harmer came to China temporarily because of the absurd things he did, Tao Zhiwei really suspected that the accident at today's premiere was a hole dug for them by Jason Harmer and Qin Zhan in order to make money.

I've read your resume. It's mediocre. You don't have any famous works. Your family background is also very ordinary. I don't think you have the ability to pay 20 million dollars. Tao Zhiwei looked at Qin Zhan coldly, Now you There are two choices in front of us. First, repay this huge sum of money from now on. If you can’t pay it off in one lump sum, you can pay it in installments. It will be calculated according to the bank’s interest rate. Maybe you will work all your life and still not be able to pay it off. Second, tell us who we are Instruct you to do this, let him pay the compensation, as for you, you can pay hundreds of thousands or millions, the key depends on your attitude. Which one do you choose?

Tao Zhiwei's so-called choice is tantamount to no choice, every word he utters is persecuting Qin Zhan, forcing him to nowhere to retreat.

Qin Zhan bowed his head in silence, not knowing whether he was thinking about his words, or was scared to death by the huge compensation.

Qiu Jing saw Tao Zhiwei was looking at his watch with an irritable look on his face. He didn't want to waste time with Qin Zhan, nor did he want to see Qin Zhan's face. It was simply affecting his mood and wasting his time. life.

Qiu Jing said, I don't think we treat you well. During the interview, you said that you were deceived by Huaguang Media. They blocked your future and made you unable to find a job. You are almost desperate. Then The pathetic appearance is all due to my soft heart. I am willing to give you a new future and give you new opportunities for development. After you join the company, we will treat you as a key artist and give you a lot of good resources. We value your talent. We think that you are a talent with potential, and we try hard to make you popular. If you become popular, fame and fortune will come? Why are you so impatient to help others deal with us? How many benefits have they promised you? If you have a conscience, you should ask yourself whether what you did today is repaying kindness with revenge.

Qiu Jing could see that Qin Zhan was a relatively strong psychological person, so Tao Zhiwei sang bad face and she sang red face, she wanted to make Qin Zhan's psychological defense completely collapse.

Sure enough, her move was very effective.

Qin Zhan raised his head, but there was clear hatred in his eyes. He looked at Qiu Jing, You are really good to me, but Xinghe Film and Television is not yours. I don't think the boss is the same as you. He just wants to praise me. He and He Lushen are friends, and they are both extremely hypocritical people.

The long overdue third update is done~ Thank you for your rewards and votes!

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