Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 602: Choosing a Gift

It's no wonder that everyone is now going to real estate. Zhang Pei and Liu Man have worked hard for a year, and the money they earn is not as good as the fraction of the land after the appreciation.

Needless to say Zhang Pei's gratitude to Yu Zhan, it was Yu Zhan who used Song Junzhe's insider information to strongly advise Zhang Pei to buy the warehouse and lent her a lot of money. Of course, this also depends on Zhang Pei's trust in Yu Zhan. The land has been abandoned for a long time, and there is no news of starting construction before. Yu Zhan said out of thin air that the land will increase in value. Who would believe it?

Zhang Pei didn't know how to express her gratitude to Yu Zhan. She thought it would be more convenient for her daughter to say thank you, so she transferred 100,000 yuan to Liu Man, asking her to buy some gifts for Yu Zhan first, 100,000 yuan Compared with the benefits that Yu Zhan helped them get, Zhang Pei was worried that the money was too little and the gifts were not good enough, and Yu Zhan hated it.

Liu Man also wanted to thank Yu Zhan. He had given her so many things before, and she should have returned gifts, but what gifts to buy became a big problem.

What did she think about Yu Zhan's lack first? After thinking about it for a long time, I felt that he seemed to lack everything. She didn't have Yu Zhan's Taobao account password, so she couldn't help him clear his favorites.

After much deliberation, Liu Man decided to give him the most everyday things, such as clothes and shoes, which at least can be used.

She took some time after school to go shopping in a luxury shopping mall in the city center. She was inexperienced and specially asked Tao Zhiyao to help her choose.

Tao Zhiyao was very interested in talking about shopping, and he was extremely happy! She said that she has the supreme VIP card of this mall, and she can get a 10% discount on everything she buys.

The two made an appointment to meet at the shopping mall. When Liu Man got off the taxi, he saw Tao Zhiyao standing in a sheltered place, looking down at his phone. It had just snowed heavily the day before yesterday, and the snow hadn't melted yet. It was only twelve degrees below zero, and Tao Zhiyao's face was exposed to the cold air, and it was frozen red.

Sister Taozi, Liu Man called her, feeling distressed, Why don't you wait for me in the mall, it's too cold to stand here.

Tao Zhiyao raised his head, and immediately smiled, I've only arrived a few minutes ago, it's not cold, and besides, you can see me at a glance here.

Tao Zhiyao has a very good habit. She has never been late for the appointments with others, either on time or a few minutes earlier. She said she didn't like having people wait for her, it made her feel uneasy.

She doesn't have the arrogance of a wealthy young lady, she thinks that others have a reason to wait for her, and she will consider from the perspective of the other party.

Liu Man thought, I don't know which man will be lucky in the future to make a girl as good as Tao Zhiyao his girlfriend, at least when dating, he doesn't have to spend time waiting for others.

Why are you in a daze? Tao Zhiyao waved his hand in front of Liu Man's eyes, What are you thinking?

Liu Man said honestly, I'm thinking about what your future boyfriend will be like.

Tao Zhiyao: ...

She patted Liu Man on the back of the head lightly, and said angrily, You are immersed in a passionate love, seeing a single person like me is not pleasing to your eyes, is it?

No, no, I just think you are too good, it seems that no man is worthy of you.

Hmm, even if you can talk, my sister thinks so too! Tao Zhiyao said proudly, Looking around, they are all crooked, and I don't like any of them!

Tao Zhiyao has never been short of people chasing after her. When she was in college, she received hundreds of confessions. Most of those people had the same idea as He Qisi - chasing her would save ten lifetimes of struggle. There are very few people in the village, either their appearance is too low, or their family conditions are too disparate, and she really has no way to convince herself to get along with them. As Ji Qingqing said, it is very difficult for people like them to find someone who is right for them and who they like.

The two walked into the shopping mall together. This is one of the most high-end shopping malls in the capital. Every counter is full of luxury brands. As soon as you enter the door, apart from the heating, there is also the smell of expensive perfume.

In my memory, even Liu Man, who likes to shop, came to this mall very few times. It is too expensive here! Here, she can only buy some big-name cosmetics.

Probably because of the working day, the shopping mall is empty, and there seem to be more purchasing agents than customers.

By the way, why do you suddenly want to buy something for Yu Zhan? Tao Zhiyao asked Liu Man, It's his birthday?

Liu Man shook her head. When she received the birthday gift, she asked Yu Zhan when his birthday was, and his birthday was in April. Liu Man told Tao Zhiyao about the appreciation of the warehouse.

Song Junzhe, Tao Zhiyao said this strange name, suddenly realized, Oh, I remembered, I never thought he would come back!

Tao Zhiyao has also heard about Song Junzhe's parents, but these are not the point, Yu Zhan is really stingy, such a good insider information, if you don't tell us, I'll go stock up on a piece of land too. Of course Tao Zhiyao was joking She knew that without Song Junzhe's permission, Yu Zhan would never have told Liu Man's mother the information.

It seems that Yu Zhan's friends are very satisfied with Liu Man.

The two chatted while shopping, and Tao Zhiyao was a regular customer here, no matter which counter he entered, the shopping guide would call her cordially, Miss Tao, welcome.

Tao Zhiyao boasted, but she had never bought men's clothing before, and she didn't care what her brother and father wore, Even so, I still have a certain appreciation ability.

She picked a few good men's trench coats and asked Liu Man to choose by herself. Liu Man instinctively looked at the price tag first, and they all cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and there were even nearly 100,000 yuan...

Men's coats are all dark in color, and the styles are similar. She didn't see anything special about it. She touched the fabric of the clothes. Could it be that these clothes are all made of gold thread?

The shopping guide dutifully introduced the two of them, saying that it was a new style for this spring, a catwalk style, worn by a certain celebrity, and so on. Of course they recognized Liu Man, and they thought that an internet celebrity like her must not be short of money, so they vigorously promoted her.

Liu Man is not short of money now, but she has survived the hard times. The money she and her mother earn is hard-won. Before spending money, you have to weigh whether it is worth it, shop around, and consider whether Yu Zhan likes it. , it's impossible to wrap up everything with a wave of your hand like the daughter of a rich family!

Tao Zhiyao patiently accompanied Liu Man to go around all the men's clothing counters on the first floor. Liu Man was picky and hadn't made a good choice yet. She was a little embarrassed. Tao Zhiyao said, It doesn't matter. You should walk more when shopping. , especially you, you are so busy that you don’t come out often, it’s good to see more.”

When the two of them were about to go up to the second floor to take another look, a woman's voice suddenly sounded behind them, Tao Zhiyao! It's really you!

The first update~ Well, I just found out that the comment function has been closed again. Ask for a wave of monthly tickets. It seems that the monthly tickets during the November period are doubled. I know that my update in September is a bit scumbag. I will continue to be on time in October. The third shift, but I can’t guarantee it three days before the eleventh, it should be the second shift, but after the eleventh holiday, there must be a third shift, ask for a monthly pass!

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