This is Bai Ying's first star chasing in her life, and Yu Zhan has become her spiritual food, supporting her to go on a diet to lose weight!

Of course she saw the recruitment information posted by Yu Zhan. It was such a rare opportunity to meet the male god face to face, but she didn't even have the guts to submit a resume, because the resume required a photo. Yu Zhan saw her fat head and big ears Look, will you never talk to her online again? Is it like her boss who ridiculed her like a fat pig on the other end of the network cable?

Bai Ying was very timid, or she had too low self-esteem. She originally planned to wait until she lost weight successfully, and then go to see the male god with a slim image.

But she has been on a diet for two months, and now she has only lost two kilograms, and her total weight is as high as 129 kilograms. This is the real reason why she doesn't want to see Yu Zhan and work in his pet hospital.

Yu Zhan was sick, and she was still anxious to death, wishing to go to the hospital to visit him immediately, but at this moment, there was only a wall between her and the male god, and she didn't even have the courage to enter the door.

Looking at Liu Man again, she felt even more ashamed. The male god's girlfriend is a goddess, young and beautiful, and very thin. Compared with the two, she was really afraid of seeing the male god's discriminating eyes.

The inferiority complex in Bai Ying's eyes was too obvious, Liu Man only now understood the real reason why she concealed her coordinates and didn't want to work here at Yu Zhan.

For a while, Liu Man didn't know how to persuade her, because no matter what she said, she was standing up and talking without back pain, and she was showing her sense of superiority.

At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly opened from the inside. Yu Zhan heard Liu Man's voice outside and came out to check the situation.

Bai Ying was so caught off guard that she faced the male god face to face, and she saw a face that was as handsome as she imagined, even more handsome.

And she backed up subconsciously, ready to turn around and run!

Unexpectedly, Yu Zhan asked with a hint of doubt, Are you Dabai?

Bai Ying was startled.

Liu Man was also a little surprised. She contacted Dabai on a whim and on her own initiative. She didn't discuss it with Yu Zhan first. How could Yu Zhan recognize her at a glance?

Yes, I am, Bai Ying lowered her head and muttered.

Yu Zhan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth,

Finally I saw you in person, you are pretty much the same as I imagined.

Liu Man asked curiously, How do you know what she looks like?

'Dabai' is a character in a cartoon. It is a chubby robot with a cute appearance and a kind heart. When I saw the name 'Dabai', I immediately thought of this image in my mind. And I also guessed from Dabai's way of speaking that she was a girl, and my intuition was not wrong.

Yu Zhan's tone was so warm that Bai Ying couldn't put up a high wall of defense against him at all. Then she slowly raised her head and met a pair of clear eyes without any self-righteous contempt or disdain. Just as gentle and friendly.

Bai Ying asked in a low voice, Have you watched Big Hero 6?

Yu Zhan nodded, Big Hero 6 is my favorite cartoon, and Dabai is my favorite cartoon character.

Even though she knew that Yu Zhan was not talking about her, Bai Ying's heart was like fireworks exploding, and she was overjoyed, I like Dabai too!

Bai Ying looked at Yu Zhan with fan-like worship and admiration, but it was not the kind of liking of the opposite sex in reality. She had self-knowledge and never wished to snatch Yu Zhan away from Liu Man. She was older than Yu Zhan. Not to mention that she is fat and out of shape now, even if she only weighs 80 jins, she can't compete with Liu Man. What an outstanding and confident woman, dare to compete with Liu Man for a man?

She just likes to immerse herself in YY Yu Zhan's first love-like feeling, and it's the same reason with YY's own goddess, which really makes them chase after the goddess, they are more cowardly than anyone else.

Liu Man finally saw Bai Ying smiling. She also had two small canine teeth, which was super cute.

Come on, don't stand at the door, come in and talk, Yu Zhan enthusiastically invited Bai Ying into his ward, and at the same time took the breakfast she bought for him from Liu Man.

He asked her in a low voice, Why did you bring Dabai here without saying a word? How do you know she's in the capital?

He didn't avoid Bai Ying's question, Bai Ying heard it, and said with a smile, Your girlfriend is a detective, I found clues from my Weibo, sorry, I lied to you before that I was a foreigner, but my family is in the capital.

It's okay, you should be wary of strangers online, especially girls, Yu Zhan didn't mind at all.

Yu Zhan asked Bai Ying to sit on the small sofa, and Liu Man poured her a cup of hot water, I'll make you tea now.

No, no, water is enough for me. You and Dr. Yu haven't had breakfast yet, so eat your breakfast first, lest the food get cold after being left for a long time.

Liu Man was not in a hurry to eat. She was afraid that Yu Zhan, a patient, would be hungry, so she didn't talk to Bai Ying. She opened the millet porridge in front of her, and the porridge was still slightly steaming.

What are these two things? Yu Zhan asked.

Wonton and beef noodles, I bought one for Dabai, but she has already had breakfast.

Then let's eat some more, Yu Zhan invited Bai Ying to have a meal together, Eating a few wontons will not be a problem.

Bai Ying shook her head again and again, No, no, I'm full.

In fact, she smelled the aroma of wontons and beef noodles, and the feeling of hunger was overwhelming in her heart. She was suppressing her appetite and said no to eating.

Seeing her firm attitude, Yu Zhan didn't want to force people to eat. He just felt that it was a bit impolite for the guests to sit here and watch him and Liu Man eat.

There were too many wontons for breakfast, and Liu Man only divided Yu Zhan into three. He couldn't eat too greasy. As for the bowl of beef noodles, I'm afraid it would just be wasted.

Halfway through the meal, Liu Man noticed that Bai Ying was staring straight at the bowl of beef noodles with a salivating expression.

She asked tentatively, Dabai, why don't you have another bowl of beef noodles?

Bai Ying immediately recovered from her appetite, I can't eat.

Liu Man noticed the change in her words, You must have missed breakfast, right?

The lie was exposed again, Bai Ying's face was flushed red, her skin was fair and slightly red, and her whole head was like a red peach.

Don't be polite to us, skipping breakfast is bad for your stomach, Yu Zhan persuaded her.

What to do, what to do, even the male god is like her parents, asking her to eat well, is she still losing weight?

She persisted for two months, did she just lose in front of the beef noodles this night? But it smells really good, it smells so good. She comforted herself that she only ate this once, and it was breakfast again, so it shouldn't affect her weight loss plan. Only after eating would she have the strength to continue losing weight.

There are only two updates today, I have something to go out.

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