Dabai not only looks white, her surname is also Bai, called Bai Ying.

She told Liu Man that she had eaten breakfast and stopped eating. In fact, she only drank a bowl of soy milk. And she has been eating liquid food three meals a day for two consecutive months in order to lose weight.

Liu Man walked with her to Yu Zhan's ward, got on the elevator, and the two chatted a few words. She didn't say much, so she briefly introduced her basic situation.

Bai Ying is indeed a veterinarian with a bachelor's degree and her major is veterinary medicine. She has six years of working experience. From the outside, Bai Ying doesn't look like a 28-year-old woman. Her face is full of collagen. The benefits of being fat can only be reflected in this aspect.

When did you start following Yu Zhan? Liu Man asked.

Bai Ying said, After watching Cute Pet Hospital, I watched 1, 2, and 3. I am not only a veterinarian, but I also have pets myself, three cats and one dog. I saw episode 3 In fact, I also want to sign up, but there is not enough space at home, and I am usually busy with work, so I can’t take care of it.”

Bai Ying's face looked like that kind of kind-hearted woman, and Liu Man asked her which pet hospital she was working in now.

She hesitated for a moment, I'm a veterinarian at Fuxin Pet Hospital.

Liu Man thought about it carefully, and then he remembered that Fuxin Pet Hospital was the mastermind behind the trouble in Yu Zhan's store. It is said that their boss is the president of the Veterinary Association.

She thought to herself, no wonder Bai Ying was reluctant to apply when Yu Zhan posted a job advertisement. It turned out to be related to the blacklist, and the other party was her boss. If she switched jobs, that person would never let her go easily. It's a question of blocking. She is a woman, and she can't be tough with others without Uncle Cui's stubbornness. Liu Man felt a little regretful and should not persuade Bai Ying to change jobs.

Seeing that he was about to reach the door of Yu Zhan's ward, Bai Ying suddenly said, I won't go in.

? ? ?

Liu Man was stunned for a while, Bai Ying was carrying a gift box in her hand, she wanted to give the gift box to Liu Man, and said solemnly, Please help me tell Dr. Yu, this is my little intention, I hope he can soon recovery.

Are you suddenly in a hurry? Liu Man thought that the other party had backtracked, and it was normal to regret it, she said, I may have been a little impulsive with what I said yesterday, and I was too anxious, I really didn't mean to force you to change jobs, It doesn't matter if you come or not.

But since you've already come to the hospital and you've arrived at the door, why don't you go in and say hello to Yu Zhan, it won't take you a minute or so, anyway, you two have known each other for so long on the Internet, and you often chat and discuss medical skills. , is a netizen.

Dabai twisted the bag of the gift box with his not fat hands, his expression extremely tangled.

She has been struggling all night. Ever since she saw Liu Man's message, she began to struggle, how to reply to her, and whether to see Yu Zhan.

How could she not be worried about the male god's condition, how could she not want to jump to the male god's pet hospital to work?

In fact, she has a big conflict with the current boss. She has worked in Fuxin Pet Hospital for six years, and she has become a deputy chief physician from a rookie, but she can't be promoted again.

There are two reasons. She has always disliked the huge profit pricing inside the hospital and the boss's ignorant conscience, who is focused on money. She treats her clients to help them save as much as they can. Over time, she is among the clients. With a good reputation, everyone came to the hospital to appoint her to serve, which not only robbed other veterinarians of their business and affected their commissions, but also made the boss have a great prejudice against her, because the same case, other The veterinarian can create greater benefits for him.

Another reason is that her image is not good. Her boss likes beautiful women, and there are three secretaries in the office, one of whom is taller than the other.

She once overheard the boss tell other veterinarians that she did not pay attention to controlling her diet at all, and she looked like a pig, which seriously affected the image of their pet hospital. She always disobeyed his orders and liked to talk to him. If it weren't for her good medical skills, he would have dismissed her long ago, and he wanted to be promoted to chief physician, so beautiful!

Bai Ying was so angry that she asked for leave that day and didn't go to work. She stayed at home and didn't eat for one day. She likes to eat since she was a child and has never lost weight. When she was a child, many classmates laughed at her and called her a fat pig. She never imagined that after working for so many years, she could hear such insulting words from adults. Indeed, the boss did not She spoke to her face, and she didn't know she was eavesdropping, but who let her hear it?

Because of her fatness, she has always had a low self-esteem and does not like to go out. She is a typical fat house, and also because of her fatness. Her good friends have given her a kind nickname: Dabai. Over the years, her various online nicknames They are called Dabai. She loves to surf the Internet and watch various videos, but she doesn't use Weibo. The veterinary industry is still relatively unpopular. Even though the number of pet owners has gradually increased in recent years, there is still not much information about veterinarians on the Internet.

So when she saw the documentary series of Cute Pet Hospital and saw her peers become the protagonists of the documentary, she was very excited, especially because Dr. Yu was so handsome that she looked like the lover of her dreams.

Or because she is fat, she has never been in a relationship so far. From kindergarten to university, she is always the heaviest one in the class. Boys are scared away by her size. Once in college, the whole class went to the zoo to make animals for animals. During the free clinic, a boy whispered that she looked like a hippo in a pond.

Seeing that she is almost 30 years old, her parents are worried that she will not be able to marry, so they arranged countless blind dates for her. Some men hear her weight and they laugh. Met her for a meal, and then nothing.

This world is full of malice towards fat people. Even if you see a fat man you don't know on the road, you can point at them behind your back and laugh at them for a long time, without the slightest tolerance.

Bai Ying simply broke the jar and planned to die alone. Anyway, she has a car, a house, medical skills, and pets to accompany her.

But after seeing Yu Zhan, she changed her mind. Like some girlfriend fans, she watched over and over the scenes of Yu Zhan in the documentary, and then laughed like a fool. She even registered a Weibo account to follow him and try to communicate with him online. She didn't expect Yu Zhan to reply to herself at the time. , that night, she looked at Yu Zhan's message word by word, over and over again.

first update~

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