Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 454 Calling for Adoption

Hearing this, the old man raised her head to face the camera, her old eyes were still clear and bright, she said, I'm 71 years old, no matter how careful I am, I still can't stand the laws of nature, my body has developed various aging problems, I know this It's a sign of a person's death.

The number of times I go to the hospital is increasing. A whole drawer is filled with the medicines I need to take. My life is getting more and more difficult. I am worried that one day I will leave suddenly. What will happen to these stray animals at that time? 1000 Having multiple little lives is my biggest concern and my concern, my ability can only go so far, I really don't know what to do in the future...

Speaking of this, there was a trace of tears in the old man's eyes, or maybe it was the setting sun that illuminated her eyes too brightly, and a kind smile appeared on her face again.

At the end of the story, the frame is fixed on the back of the old man staggering into the yard, facing the afterglow of the setting sun, the back against the light, in the loneliness there is still a bit of pride standing against the wind. In the face of loneliness, no one understands, and many difficulties, she never gave up sticking to her heart.

At the end of the picture, a sentence appeared on the screen: After the filming, our team member Liu Man donated 200 bags of Cat'Garden cat food to Grandma Zhan, Dr. Yu donated a box of pet medicines, and provided free medical treatment for sick people. Due to the large number of animals, the physical examination will last for one week.

After the audience finished reading this passage, before they had time to react, Ye Ziliang, who hadn't shown his face for a long time, appeared in front of the camera, with a handsome face and a solemn and sincere expression:

Grandma Zhan's family has a thousand small animals, some of which have had owners and enjoyed a warm family life, but were suddenly abandoned or lost by themselves or stolen by bad guys on a certain day, and they have been on the road of wandering since then. .And some are destined to live a wandering life from birth, they yearn for a home just like people, and long for an end to the days of homelessness.”

These small animals are unfortunate, but how lucky they are to meet Grandma Zhan! They were rescued and regained their lives, but Grandma Zhan is old and limited in ability, and the love she gives is also limited. We hope that every bereaved Any furry child who falls into the world can meet kind-hearted people and walk through this life safely.

Now, we propose to all viewers that pets should be adopted instead of purchased. If anyone wants to raise a pet, they can consider adopting one from Grandma Zhan.

When Ye Ziliang said this, the screen showed close-up photos of some small animals in the form of a slideshow, most of which were dogs, cats and Chuan Chuan, but they also had beautiful fur, big crystal eyes, and a naive look.

Adoption is free, not only that, Dr. Yu will give every adopted animal a free vaccination and sterilization operation. If there is any disease after that, you can also go to his pet hospital for free treatment. If you are a cat owner Friends, you can go to Liu Man's online store—Princess Qieman's Cat Garden, and buy cat food with a 20% discount!

As soon as this remark came out, the comment area was boiling, and countless people left messages, saying that they wanted to adopt!

Breed cats are expensive, and they are all speculated by merchants. Our local cats are also very good-looking. I just saw a cat with different pupils. I am so kind.

The native dog is smart and easy to raise, and the owner doesn't need to worry too much. I raise the native dog myself.

It's great. I've always wanted to adopt a stray cat, but I don't know where to pick it up. I feel that it's so easy for an old lady to pick up a small animal. Why can't I meet one? What are the conditions for adoption?

If Dr. Yu can get free vaccines and free treatment if he is sick, this is definitely a big guarantee, but I don't know if what they said is true? Or is it exaggerated?

Yeah, the cost of sterilization is not cheap, can it really be done for free?

Can we go straight to the old granny to pick?

In Princess Da's store, can I get a 20% discount on every kind of cat food?

I also have this question. Cat'Garden cat food is very expensive. It's really a bargain if you get a 20% discount! And can we always buy cat food with this discount?


Everyone actively raised various questions.

Of course, everything has two sides. Among the commenters, there are also people who disagree with Grandma Zhan, and some even sneer:

The old man has behavioral problems. He feels that his brain is not clear, and he regards animals more than people. They are nothing but animals. It is not worth spending money, time and energy on them.

It's a good and rich life, but it's hard to find guilt. A normal old man can enjoy his old age at this age, and his children and grandchildren are in groups. She is alone and miserable. Isn't she asking for it?

There are so many animals all over the street, and there are more and more cats and dogs, which interfere with normal life. This is called 'animal collecting syndrome', and it is a disease that must be cured!

I think the old man is a bit self-righteous. Any animal yearns for freedom. If you rescue a stray animal, it's no problem. If you raise it a little longer, you will release it. Feed it once a day from time to time, so that you can have a buffer for yourself and not be so tired.


All of you, let's build up some morals. Compassion is the most important thing in a person. This is the life she chooses. She didn't cost you a penny, and she didn't hinder you. You have no right to criticize her.

I'm curious, why are you so disgusted, but you watch this documentary, or are you blind, you can't see the name of the documentary is 'Cute Pet Hospital'? Do you know how to write the word 'pet'? Don't like it The pets have finished watching, wasting 30 minutes of your life, you are looking for guilt.

Moral kidnapping is the most terrifying. You use unrealistic ideas to ask an old man to do things according to your ideas, but you try to save a stray cat or two first, you can you up, no can no BB.


No matter how everyone retorts, there will always be some people who look down on everyone with an attitude of being drunk while everyone is awake.

Didn't you see that this documentary is just a soft advertisement? It was forcibly implanted in Liu Man's online store and her boyfriend's pet hospital.

It's bothering and soft. It's clear that 1 and 2 were pretty good before, clean and refreshing. This episode is too commercial.

Liu Man and Yu Zhan are already popular enough, but they even advertised themselves, and they are also drunk.

That's right, they are very good at calling on others, why don't you adopt a few first?


Compared with the comments criticizing Grandma Zhan, these few comments received much more likes. After all, the more popular a person is, the easier it is to recruit gangsters. The gangsters focus on advertising and fake charity.

As a result, more than ten minutes later, Yu Zhan posted a pet photo on Weibo. In the photo, Paul and Bai Xue were sitting next to each other on the carpet in his living room.

First update~Paul has a wife.

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