While feeding the cat, Grandma Zhan also introduced the origin of some cats to the audience. She picked up a relatively small orange cat and said, It's Xiao Huang, I picked it up on the road, and it was only me at the time. It is only the size of a palm, and its whole body was tied up with ropes viciously. The road is unstable. It looks so pitiful. When I took it home, I found that it was full of maggots. I cleaned it for a long time before I cleaned it. It has been a year Yes, it's healthy and there's nothing wrong with it.

Putting down Xiao Huang, the old man scooped up a spoonful of food, walked to a row of iron cages, opened one of the cages, poured the food into the bowl in the cage, and the raccoon cat in the cage dragged its legs and crawled over to eat, The leg of this raccoon was broken, I took it to the hospital, the doctor said it could not be cured, it was completely paralyzed, and could only crawl. I usually put cats with physical disabilities like this If they are kept in cages, they can't compete with healthy cats and are likely to be bullied.

She opened a cage next to it, and a cat with black and white patterns poked its head out and licked the palm of the old man. Half of its body was exposed in the camera, and the audience realized that its hind legs were only half. It's four months old. When I was young, I was crushed by a car and broke my leg, now I am nine years old, and I have been with me all the time, very cute and cute.

Grandma Zhan was talking, when a few kittens sneaked over and grabbed her legs, meowing. The old man squatted down and touched their heads one by one, Two months ago, someone secretly placed a cardboard box at the gate of the yard. I have four kittens, and people around me know about my adoption of small animals. There are always people who put their pets’ unwanted cubs outside my house every now and then, because they know that I can’t bear to let them go, but How can these people have the heart to throw away such a small cub, at least raise them for a month or two, so that they have the ability to protect themselves.


After feeding the cat, Grandma Zhan went to feed the dog non-stop. The kennel was even more spectacular. Hundreds of dogs with different faces all looked at the old man and the camera in unison.

In the video, Grandma Zhan’s voice came again, “The first animal I adopted was a little soil dog. It was thirty years ago. It was looking for food in the trash can with its tail between its legs. I couldn’t find it, I was so hungry and trembling all over, hey, it’s so pitiful, I was going to leave, but I’ve already taken a few steps away, and when I looked back, I saw the little dog’s eyes full of spirituality, staring at me eagerly, but I still didn’t Bearing the heart to turn around and leave, I took it home, cleaned it up, and then slept and ate together.

Perhaps my 'bad habit' of adopting small animals was brought about by that puppy. From now on, whenever I see stray animals outside, I will definitely choose to take them home to raise them.

After the old man finished speaking, he concentrated on feeding the dogs in the kennel, keeping his feet on the ground.

At this time, the narration sounded again, Thirty years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the little earth dog back then has already returned to the planet Wang, but there are more and more small animals around Grandma Zhan, from dozens to hundreds , and now there are thousands of animals. If you add those animals that died normally, the number will be even greater. Grandma Zhan’s original house could not accommodate so many animals. She left the bustling urban area of ​​the capital two years ago and moved to To this remote place, to live alone.

She used to be a high school teacher, and now her work is busier than before retirement. She has to get up at five o'clock in the morning to prepare food for all the animals for the day. If she picks up an animal cub, the old man doesn't even have to sleep. We have to get up every four hours to feed, and cleaning up the excrement of animals is also a big project, and the yard can be kept so clean because Grandma Zhan insists on cleaning once in the morning and in the afternoon every day.

Ask the old man next to him, Are you tired?

Grandma Zhan replied without thinking for a second, I'm not tired.

Then do you regret it?

Why should I regret? Being with small animals, I feel very comfortable and at ease, as if there is a hope in life, I think maybe the meaning of my life is to do my best to help these little lives. I don't ask others how Understand me, I just want my own peace of mind. I know that many people love cleanliness and dislike dirty animals, and I also know that I smell like animals, so I take the initiative to stay away from the crowd and not disturb anyone.

As she spoke, she showed an old and simple smile, which made the audience feel moved and sad.

Seeing this, there are already tens of thousands of messages in the comment area of ​​the video,

After hearing about Xiao Huang's experience, I got goosebumps all over my body. I love cats, and I also have trypophobia. If I encounter a stray animal full of worms, I will feel very pitiful, but let me adopt it. It, I definitely can't do it, I don't even want to touch it, so I admire the old lady from the bottom of my heart, she is really great.

Those who throw away kittens and dogs are really scum. They don't want their pets to have children, so they have to be sterilized.

How should I put it, the person who lost the cubs has a little conscience, knowing that the old lady will take care of them, at least they didn't throw them directly into the trash can.

Look, I'm crying. Without the care of the grandma, some cats and dogs would not be able to live now.

If the old man has kind thoughts in his heart, God will bless him!

I think this old lady is an angel. She used her life's kindness to save so many homeless animals. God will see it. Good people will live a long life.

Some scammers who pretend to be sympathetic online to win the sympathy of netizens for the sake of popularity or cheating money should watch this documentary. Old people are real pet lovers!

I can understand Grandma Zhan's psychology, because I am also such a person. I can't see stray cats and dogs, and I feel distressed unconsciously when I see them. I just want to help them. I can't control myself at all. I have adopted 27 It’s just a stray cat, but my strength is too small, and my financial ability can’t afford it.”

Then again, the grandma must be under a lot of financial pressure to save so many animals.

Obviously, the grandmother's living conditions are not good. The cat house and kennel are very simple. The place where she lived was photographed just now. Except for the bed, she didn't even have a decent piece of furniture. This kind of non-selective adoption is a bottomless pit. Ten thousand assets are not enough.


In the 30-minute video, except for the opening five minutes, the rest of the content is fast-forwarded, recording Grandma Zhan's busy life in a day.

In the scenes of groups of cute furry children, the documentary soon came to an end. The narrator asked Grandma Zhan, Grandma, our video is almost finished. Do you have anything to say to the netizens?

The third one is done~

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