Under the different gazes of everyone, Liu Man finally stood up. Her knees were numb, and she lost consciousness a little. She staggered instinctively, and the eunuch who played the role of eunuch immediately supported her, Your Highness, be careful.

After the actor finished speaking, he was stunned, and then he realized that he could also perform well. He witnessed Liu Man's performance from beginning to end, and was moved by the sadness in her body, so he got into the play too deeply. The words His Royal Highness came out of my mouth, but they were sincere.

If he is really this eunuch, he must agree with the identity of Princess Wang Zhaojun from the bottom of his heart.

What made him even more unexpected was that Liu Man turned around and said to him, Thank you, even at this point, she has not forgotten the basic upbringing and etiquette.

The scene could have ended here, but Fu Feiqian said rudely, Princess Rongyi, you know that the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, but you still insist on getting married on behalf of me, is it because of Hu Hanxie Shanyu's wife's status, and for the endless enjoyment in the future? The glory and wealth?

Liu Man looked at Fu Feiqian peacefully,

I just want to leave the cold palace.

She has no lofty realm of defending the tranquility of the frontier and maintaining peace and friendship between the two countries by herself;

She didn't care what kind of ghost and monster that Hu Hanxie Shanyu was, and she didn't even think about whether the future marriage would be perfect;

She is not so kind, in order to protect Princess Huayang, she sacrificed her life for righteousness,

Her purpose is just to get out of the limbo, it's that simple and honest. What can't be said in one sentence is the bitterness and hardship of life in the cold palace in the past.

Liu Man is not like some actors who like to use exaggerated facial expressions to express so-called emotions. Her expression is indifferent, and there are no obvious emotional fluctuations. expectations or fears.

Her eyes were even a little empty, as if she would do anything as long as she could leave the cold palace.

Lin Zhi has been a director for nearly 30 years, and he has never seen such real emotions from an actor's face. It is so real that he feels that the cameras around him and other modern things are nothingness, and he is Zhaojun. Those who have experienced it and bystanders, he can empathize with Wang Zhaojun. Such a sense of substitution is too strong!

Not only Lin Zhi, Tang Tu, Jiang Lin, and other staff who were watching felt this way. Everyone seemed to have witnessed a real historical event. When people around them reminded them, they came back to their senses, oh, This doesn't even count as filming, it's playing a role-changing game!

Some people who wear glasses are too involved in the scene. When they take off their glasses and look at them, they find that the lenses are foggy. Yes, Liu Man's eyes just now, for some reason, make people feel heartbroken and want to cry.

The experiment is over, the results are clear at a glance, and everyone knows it.

No matter where Liu Man goes, others will not automatically look at her and make way for her. Her temperament is a magnet for attracting people's attention. Everyone is convinced by her acting skills.

And Fu Feiqian stood upright on the high platform as if she had been forgotten by others.

Li Sitong glanced back at Fu Feiqian, then walked off the stage with Wang Xiangqin, and said as they walked, Do you feel it? Liu Man's performance just now is called suppressing drama.

Wang Xiangqin nodded. Fu Feiqian was suppressed terribly, and he and Li Sitong were not much better. They were following Liu Man's rhythm completely, forgetting the original lines, and she controlled the whole scene by herself.

It's really shameful, they are all old actors, but they have no advantage in front of a newcomer.

What's even more unbelievable is that he wasn't angry with Liu Man at all, and Li Sitong seemed quite happy too! ?

Li Sitong said to him, Finally, there is an actress in the industry who does not follow crooked ways and really puts her heart into acting.

What actor, she is an Internet celebrity, oh yes, I heard that she is also a calligrapher! The more Wang Xiangqin thought about it, the more he felt that Liu Man was amazing...

On the other side, Liu Man was going to go to the dressing room with Miao Xiaomei to remove makeup.

Tian Yafu called her to stop, and Lin Zhi was also beside him. The two looked at her with eyes of discovering treasures, and they asked her why she revised the script and lines.

Liu Man smiled shyly, I didn't specifically memorize the heroine's lines, and I don't quite remember her actions, so I had to act on the spot according to my own understanding of history.

Tian Yafu asked again, Fu Feiqian has been arguing with you all morning about makeup, but you keep your head down and don't show your face. Don't you think this makeup is bad?

Liu Man shook his head, I really like the makeup designed by my younger sister, whether it's Princess Huayang's makeup or Wang Zhaojun's makeup, I like them all, but I just don't think it's necessary to show off your looks in this scene, I hope to use Wang Zhaojun's The case of Zhaojun reflects the women in Leng Gong who have the same experience as her, her face is blurred to represent other people.

Tian Yafu and Lin Zhi's words I just want to leave the cold palace rang in their minds again. They thought she was selfish, but they didn't expect that she had actually risen to a height that neither of them had considered.

When Liu Man walked away, Tian Yafu said to Lin Zhi, I came to the front hall to look for inspiration that day. I really didn't expect to encounter such an unexpected joy. God's arrangement is so wonderful! Liu Man's knowledge and self-cultivation are far away. Beyond ordinary actors, I think she is good enough to play the heroine Wang Zhaojun.

In fact, Lin Zhi also wanted to change the heroine. After watching Wang Zhaojun played by Liu Man, he couldn't watch the scenes shot by Fu Feiqian before. Even more unbearable to look directly at.

But Lin Zhi struggled with two points. One was how to play the role of Princess Huayang when Liu Man played Wang Zhaojun, should he find someone else? The other was how to successfully terminate the contract with Fu Feiqian without offending He Lushen.

Tian Yafu said, The first problem is easy to solve. Princess Huayang will let Liu Man continue to act. If we find another actor who is more suitable for this role, Wang Zhaojun's early makeup is ugly, which is in great contrast to the image of Princess Huayang. , It doesn’t matter, let the makeup artist redesign the makeup later, and Liu Man can be distinguished when he wears the Xiongnu’s service. Besides, it’s not uncommon for one person to play two roles in movies, so as not to have to reshoot the scene of Princess Huayang.”

As for the second question, Tian Yafu turned his head and said cunningly, how about leaving it to the audience to judge?

Lin Zhimiao understood what he meant, patted him on the shoulder and laughed, Good idea!

That night, the official Weibo of the Han Palace Autumn Moon released two videos, one was the canonization of Princess Wang Zhaojun played by Fu Feiqian, and the other was the canonization of Princess Wang Zhaojun played by Liu Man.

At the same time as the video was released, the Weibo account also launched a voting activity, Please choose the heroine you think is most like Wang Zhaojun.

Second update~

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