Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 355 Superb Acting Skills

Miao Xiaomei painted on Liu Man's face the ugly makeup she designed for Fu Feiqian before. Liu Man looked at this face in the mirror and laughed.

Looking through the mirror, Liu Man seemed to see her former self. Before she crossed over, didn’t she look like this desolate and vicissitudes of life, and this is not only like her, but also like Xiao Zhao, like Mrs. Xu, like countless people who have exhausted their youth. A woman in the cold palace.

Miao Xiaomei looked at Liu Man's smile in a daze. She was clearly pretending to be ugly, but she could still smile so happily, but there was a trace of sadness in her eyes.

She tied Liu Man's hair behind her.

But Liu Man said, Let me do it, you don't know how to do this hairstyle.

Miao Xiaomei was surprised to see that Liu Man had coiled her hair up in an extremely skillful way. Three bamboo sticks were inserted through it, and a few strands of hair fell from behind her ears. If you look at it, you will find that the hair in the bun is layered on top of each other, and it also requires technical content to wind it up.

Miao Xiaomei has never seen this hairstyle before, neither in reality nor in pictures on the Internet, she asked Liu Man, What hairstyle is this?

It has no name.

Not every ancient woman knew how to comb her hair. Some noble women had never touched a comb in their entire lives. After they came to the cold palace, they no longer had maids to serve them, and their hair was disheveled like a mad woman. Later, someone invented this bun. Grooming gradually spread, and over time, it became a special hairstyle for women in the cold palace, and it was also the brand of women in the cold palace.

Looking at this hairstyle from behind, Miao Xiaomei felt a sense of depression for some reason.

When Liu Man appeared on the set with a new look, everyone's mouths couldn't close their mouths in surprise.

God, she is Princess Huayang? ? ?

If Liu Man's Princess Huayang is a delicate flower facing the sun and blooming, then Liu Man at this moment is a withered flower, which is close to withering, and the contrast is too great.

On the other side, Fu Feiqian has also finished her remodeling. The make-up artist who is not as skilled as Miao Xiaomei put Fu Feiqian on the gorgeous makeup she is best at, which is very in line with Fu Feiqian's temperament. Fu Feiqian is not qualified to wear Zhong Jiangnan's Hanfu. Put on the princess uniform that the prop master had borrowed before.

Fu Feiqian came to the set imposingly, like a proud lioness, with a high-spirited and arrogant posture, and a glamorous beauty. She is a princess whose style is completely different from Liu Man's.

It is undeniable that after the two exchanged looks, Fu Feiqian was indeed more eye-catching than Liu Man.

Fu Feiqian squinted at Liu Man, who was a few steps away, as if saying, Seeing the current effect, what else can you say?

Without saying a word, Liu Man walked to the heroine's place silently.

The other actors also returned to their respective positions. Fu Feiqian stood behind Li Sitong and raised her chin proudly. Now it was her turn to look down on Liu Man, an ant!

Lin Zhi gave an order, and the test scene began.

Ms. Wang is here! The eunuch's sharp voice sounded.

Liu Man followed the eunuch and stepped into the hall. She lowered her eyebrows and looked down on the ground. The eunuch led her to the center of the hall, and she slowly knelt down.

Her back is very straight, but her head has never been raised. The people present can only see her dull hair bun and her silent figure. They are a little dazed, as if seeing this woman, who has been with the green light for a lifetime Ancient Buddha, lonely and poor.

Maybe it's because her kneeling posture is too pious and humble, which makes people feel distressed for her involuntarily. Some of the onlookers were still whispering to each other, but after seeing this scene, they all fell silent.

The other actors originally only treated this scene as a game, and they were a little careless, but they were also shocked by Liu Man's kneeling, and when they started to enter the scene, Wang Xiangqin said with complicated eyes, Mr. Wang, you should be flat.

Liu Man did not move, The status of slaves and servants is low, and they dare not be on toe level with His Majesty, Queen's Empress, Your Highnesses, and the ladies of various palaces. They can only kneel down to show their respect.

Wang Xiangqin and Li Sitong were taken aback at the same time, this place is different from the script!

In the script, Wang Zhaojun stood up according to the order, and the lines were also changed by Liu Man.

For a moment, Wang Xiangqin didn't know how to answer the question, Li Sitong reacted faster and asked, Your Majesty said that you are asking yourself to marry the Huns.

Yes, empress.

Do you know that this is a road of no return, and you will never return to your homeland in this life.

Your servant knows.

Do you know that you will go to the Huns alone, unaccompanied.

Your servant knows.

I will ask you again in front of everyone, did you marry and get married voluntarily?

Marriage is the wish of slaves, and no one will force it.

Liu Man's every answer has a very firm tone, just like her always straight spine, frank and fearless, but it makes the viewer feel sad.

She went to make a marriage instead of Princess Huayang, and Princess Huayang watched this poor woman stepping into desperation with such peace of mind, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of her mouth. This is Princess Huayang played by Fu Feiqian, which is very uncomfortable to watch.

Even Li Sitong, the bad queen, had a trace of pity in her eyes. She said to Wang Xiangqin, Your Majesty, you can make an order.

Wang Xiangqin looked at Liu Man, and said, I now canonize you as Princess Rongyi, with a reward of a thousand taels, a hundred acres of fertile land, a badge of luxuriance, and a permanent salary...

When Wang Xiangqin said the words of conferring the princess, Liu Man already prostrated himself on the ground gratefully and piously, maintaining this posture for a long time, until he finished speaking, she said loudly, Thank you, Your Majesty,

These actions were not required in the script, they were all improvised by Liu Man himself. Liu Man kept his head down all the time, didn't show his face, and didn't look at anyone. The ugly look that Fu Feiqian hated so much was useless.

All viewers are deeply impressed by such Wang Zhaojun. She can make people worry and sympathize with her fate just by her body movements and ups and downs of tone. Tian Yafu even changed the script in his notebook while watching it.

Someone whispered, Liu Man's acting skills are going to be amazing!

How did they know that Liu Man is not an actress, she just needs to recall her past life. She thinks of Mrs. Zhao's deeply bent waist when she begged the eunuchs and maids; Thinking of Yumeiren's despair in crying after her cat was poisoned to death.

What is the difference between Wang Zhaojun and them? In other words, what is the difference between Wang Zhaojun and himself?

Liu Man is playing himself.

Knowing that it was acting, Wang Xiangqin still felt uneasy and flustered when he saw Liu Man prostrating at his feet, this salute was so realistic! Aren't they just playing around with a little experiment in role-playing?

He quickly said, Now you can be flat, Princess Rongyi.

First update today~

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